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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. An ad on the side of this N-Judah is telling me to “unleash my inner scientist.” Laaaawl.

  2. Kinda want to go out and do stuff because it's early, but also kinda tired. Hrmmm...

  3. Half expecting something weird to fall from the sky and block the buses on Market as well.

  4. Judging from all the tweets about destructive idiots ruining everything, I'm rather glad I didn't try to drive to SF today.

  5. Seriously seriously rethinking my decision to wait two weeks to go to SF. Halloween and Giants parade on same day?! Yes. (But...hostel fee.)

  6. Because I suck at planning, I’m not going to make it to San Francisco this week. Planning for the weekend after next, though!

  7. A small child at this party just gave me an F- for Halloween because I’m not dressed as a character she recognizes.

  8. Wrightwood: Beyond red on the hazard map! Infrared! So red you can’t see it!

  9. Punchbowl Fault field trip time!

  10. Hopefully this whole "planning trips /to/ SF" thing will be moot soon. Hopefully the trips will all start and end there.

  11. Oh man, /so many/ of the sessions at this meeting look /so good/. http://t.co/pkIRWUl9

  12. Hey, uh, Riverside? You may wanna deal with this before the next earthquake… http://t.co/Cv5aOPwT

  13. I just earned the 'Untappd 2nd Anniversary' badge on @untappd! http://t.co/btUd1T8U #ut2nd

  14. San Francisco! What Halloween things might I want to go to if I'm in town from 28-31 October?

  15. I was able to run and post-process four of the kinds of models in my MS thesis in the time it took to run just one San Jacinto model. Whee.

  16. OH MAN I just realized I'm likely going to be /in/ San Francisco 28-31 October AW YISS. #SFGiants #WorldSeries

  17. Just found a conspicuous typo in my Master's thesis. Two years too late...

  18. Today is the anniversary of the ~M6.8 1868 Hayward earthquake.

  19. All the seismologists at this Halloween party are now talking about the earthquake.

  20. Rain, I normally like you, but you sure are thwarting my plans to go to San Diego and poke faults with sticks.

  21. A friend of mine drew fanart of my Bay Bridge character!!! http://t.co/RsyhOKZJ

  22. Photo: I write driving directions like this perhaps more often than I should. http://t.co/OFpxF6hK

  23. The Chipotle in Apple Valley wrote “SF” on my burrito. Huh. http://t.co/ufLrT7rZ

  24. Me: “I have to be back in Riverside at 1.” Person at the next booth: “Ohhh, you’re from down below!”

  25. Halloween costume is finished!
