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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. I have somehow not tweeted in two days?! Paper revisions, man. /Paper revisions/.

  2. Spotted on the 91 westbound: pickup truck with a huge window sticker that said “91 FWY SUCKS.”

  3. Drew a few more personified state/city/county characters for the same RP as these guys: Upper left: Californi… http://t.co/mfrdtjbA

  4. Somehow our journal club discussion has gone from inner core anisotropy to talking narwhals.

  5. Don't mind me doing the Really Interesting Unexpected Results dance here in the lab.

  6. Aw yiss, this is the department seminar topic this week: http://t.co/6TWrDm1F

  7. How did I not realize that one could buy orange juice from the groves on campus until today? This is basically the best orange juice.

  8. Drawing! http://t.co/8pSBOxJj RT @SFBayBridge: LOOK LOOK @orangegirlnz GOT ME A REAL NON-DIGITAL CUPCAKE! :DDDD <3 !!! http://t.co/rbcV6Oq6

  9. AARGH most of the figure file from my MS thesis are damaged! I have to remake a bunch of them for the journal article! RAAARRRR.

  10. It’s a whole loading dock full of tacky! http://t.co/5cnvh84s

  11. Every impending long weekend makes me think of heading up to San Francisco. But I cannot justify going twice in three weeks! Bleh.


  13. I sure do hate it when people walk up behind me and lean forward to look at my computer screen over my shoulder.

  14. M7.4 just offshore Guatemala: http://t.co/BriCCS1C Lots of mid-7s off Central America this year.

  15. VIRGINIA yaaaay! All three states I’ve lived in are for Obama!

  16. Yeah, I don't think any more paper revisions are happening today, not with election results about to start being reported.

  17. Is there a diplomatic way to say, "Reviewer, the explanation for your question/concern is that you read the figure completely wrong?"

  18. It's November! Seven more months until I can hopefully move back to San Francisco.

  19. My neighbor in the next building over is blasting Christmas music loud enough that I can hear it. /So/ many kinds of unacceptable!

  20. So, @KarlTheFog, is this really you in the Sunset tonight, or is it people dressed as you for Halloween?

  21. If everyone in San Francisco posts to social media at once, I bet the entire internet breaks. #SFChamps #hypothesis
