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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Whoa, holy crap, #AGU12 is trending in all of San Francisco!

  2. Definitely going to be internally freaking the heck out until I get an answer from NSF.

  3. Apparently some people have already heard about their NSF postdoc fellowship applications. Not sure what it means that I’ve heard nothing…

  4. Want to go to rate-state friction talks. Need to work on NSF proposal instead. Bluhhh. #AGU12

  5. Early morning fault zone properties session! #AGU12

  6. I get the impression that, weather-wise, this is not going to be the world's most awesome day to drive from Riverside to San Francisco...

  7. I have found the den of the elusive Riverside Municipal Zamboni, but it is not easily photographed there. Next time…

  8. It's December! Six more months until I can hopefully move back to San Francisco! (And I'm heading up there tomorrow, too!)

  9. Guys, Riverside has an official branded-with-municipal-insignia city zamboni machine.

  10. I am completely outnumbered in this rehearsal. http://t.co/wDoMl6X9

  11. This paper title says "Inversion of the Body Waves," but I just read it as "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." #tiredseismologistproblems

  12. Inner core wave phase nomenclature is making my head spin.

  13. Hey, uh, I’m pretty sure that’s not a parking lane, dude… http://t.co/ydDrCYtT

  14. Our lab has decided, given that Gangnam and Riverside are sister cities, that it is our civic duty as Riversiders to do the dance. Hooboy...

  15. Sentences you don’t want to hear: “You got that water from the cooler? You may want to check it for insects.”

  16. Oh MAN everything about “Lincoln” is /awesome/. I absolutely /loved/ it.

  17. Aw yeah, time to watch “Lincoln”! 13-year-old Civil War buff me is squeeing in excitement.

  18. OH MY GOD Oppa Riverside’s-Sister-City Style! http://t.co/cpItYe15

  19. The holidays have arrived in Riverside... http://t.co/P5WfFBiF

  20. Seems like Riverside citywide events are also capable of breaking the internet. I’m actually impressed.

  21. I realize that the sound of a brass band tuning is enough to make me think about several Mahler symphonies.

  22. Awww yeahhh watching “2012” with a bunch of geoscientists.

  23. Inland Wildfire, the UC Riverside bluegrass band, performing "Love Please Come Home" http://t.co/doLIWflc
