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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Yeah, I'm definitely going to be doing some work on these Hayward Fault models while I'm in Chicago and DC.

  2. If you'd ever wondered what Jingle Bells sounded like when played on a Javanese gamelan, wonder no more... http://t.co/AVXXxyQN

  3. BSSA paper revisions /finally/ submitted!

  4. That was one of the more surreal and bizarre musical experiences in which I have ever participated.

  5. Overheard in Riverside, without any context whatsoever: “Liberace’s underwear.”

  6. My labmates are talking about rigging my wrist brace to spray silly string, a la Spiderman.

  7. Sky at 15th and Sanchez, 8 December 2012 http://t.co/X7Q5GPBc

  8. Maybe I will paint a little Sutro Tower on the new brace. Yes.

  9. Well crap, the tendon in my thumb/wrist is really hurting again today. I don't want to wear the brace again!

  10. Happy fun electronic supplement formatting time...

  11. I haven't had time to go to the grocery store since getting back to Riverside, and there is a huge pile of cookies in our lab. Oh dear.

  12. Well, some of the Ferry Building almonds technically made it back to Riverside, if not all the way to my apartment…

  13. I’ll be watching you, beautiful pristine new curb in Hayward… http://t.co/vmEfjRdz

  14. See you in 2013, San Francisco.

  15. Was just listening to @rintintiger’s new album last night, and here they are live at Inner Sunset Sundays. Go go coincidence win!

  16. So, @terrapin_sf and @michfit just upgraded their phones and I’m having serious tech gadget envy.

  17. This is my last night in San Francisco until 2013! Nooo!

  18. Maybe I enjoy walking unsuspecting people up and down these hills a little too much…

  19. Someone described Friday afternoon at AGU as a low velocity zone? COMPLETELY ACCURATE. #AGU12

  20. That horribly awkward moment when I’m walking around San Francisco carrying a sign that says Riverside.

  21. Holy crap, people, stop letting the door slam repeatedly during someone’s talk! #AGU12

  22. Currently having a conversation with @cripsahoy about what earthquake size/recurrence would be like if Muni ran the faults.

  23. Awesome typo: someone said "Manic Fault" instead of "Manix Fault." #AGU12

  24. NSF grant proposal SUBMITTED! Phew! Now to go actually be a part of #AGU12 again instead of being that stressed-out guy in the corner.

  25. Guess who forgot to take down his poster… #AGU12
