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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Seismogenic

  1. Really, my bowling name should be Garlock, because every ball I roll deflects to the left.

    1. artemisia


      I walked the Big Orange Bridge, too. But I wasn't as well-coordinated, fashionwise, as you are. Is it not marvelous?

  2. A couple of small children are staring at me and talking about how I played a bunch of Renaissance instruments at their school. Cute!

  3. Grant proposals finished. Tomorrow, back to final revisions on the dissertation. Fun times, fun times...

  4. I'm writing a Cajon Pass proposal. Labmate at next desk is writing San Gorgonio Pass proposal. Between our desks, we can have a M7.5 quake.

  5. Maybe eating a chocolate cupcake while trying to write this grant proposal was a bad idea. #foodcoma

  6. Andreas is currently implying that petting him is far more important than writing about the San Andreas Fault. http://t.co/hntwClYNsJ

  7. Revising grant proposals while in the middle of making final dissertation revisions, oh boy. At least the dissertation revisions are small.

  8. Hello from the highest point in Riverside County! http://t.co/bpVNmTjDVq

  9. Hiking Mt. San Jacinto today!

  10. Downtown Riverside appears to be in the clutches of the Empire. (And I don’t mean the Inland one…) #ILoveRiverside http://t.co/87KqbmvjrL

  11. Well crap, my NSF grant proposal didn’t get funded.

  12. Sudden grapefruit craving foiled by there only being fruit left on the high branches. #Riversideproblems http://t.co/XVHA4Onxnf

  13. This wine bottle has @SutroTVTower and the new span of @SFBayBridge on it!!! http://t.co/O7Y2aQCGhn

  14. Must not start looking for housing in SF until I know what my actual salary is. But oh so tempting!

  15. So much love on my Twitter feed right now. You guys all rock so hard! Thanks for putting up with all of my graduate school madness on here!

  16. Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes for my defense - too many of you to count, which is awesome! Hour and ten minutes until showtime...

  17. Aahhh aaahhh defending dissertation tomorrow aaaahhhh!

  18. Gratuitous old pics of my cats, with geology equipment. http://t.co/uMB3MbyPau

  19. Reason deep EQs like one off Kamchatka don't cause tsunami is that there's not much seafloor movement & therefore not much movement of water

  20. Iiiiit's time for re-making figures due to stupid Photoshop opacity errors!

  21. Oh hey, my dissertation defense is on the anniversary of when the Golden Gate Bridge opened to vehicle traffic.

  22. The /entire/ bag of Ferry Building almonds made it back to Riverside this time! Mostly because it was buried very deep in my bag.

  23. I am sincerely hoping that my next trip to San Francisco will involve apartment hunting. Come on, postdoc funding!
