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Everything posted by cormeretrix

  1. cormeretrix


    i was scared that this was going to smell like whip or de sade; overwhelming leather. happily, it did not. it's a surprisingly clean scent to me; citrus and sunshine and clean sheets in the sun. very nice.
  2. cormeretrix


    the violet is evil. it's not the vetiver, it's the VIOLET. the overwhelming violet. it's so purple and twilighty. and headache-y. i swear, i will SO start reading descriptions before i buy. honest.
  3. cormeretrix


    this was absolutely beautiful in the bottle; like a lazy summer afternoon spent in bed exploring your lover in a room filled with flowers. right until the jasmine showed up, anyways. then it's "honey, i've got a headache. not right now, okay?"
  4. cormeretrix


    i was very excited about this one, hoping that it wouldn't be as overwhelmingly masculine as de sade, and i'd get more of the rose than the leather. sadly, it was not to be. this one smells, on and to me, like black leather compared to de sade's brown. swap pile for this one..
  5. cormeretrix

    Forbidden Fruit

    and the amber sings: "oops, i did it again! played with your nose, got lost in the pain!" cause it did, you know. however, a friend of mine who has a much better relationship with amber than i do declares it to be a wonderful warm floral with just a tiny tad bit of citrus-y goodness. do you see what i could have had if it weren't for the amber?!
  6. cormeretrix


    o sounded so neat; too bad the amber had to go and mess it all up. the vanilla was nice, it was the first note that i got. but the amber... *sigh* let's just say that amber hates me in many many ways, and leave it at that.
  7. cormeretrix

    Snake Oil

    wow. i was very surprised by snake oil; i was hoping to like it, but i didn't expect to love it! it is utterly fantastic. warm and sweet, and all the guys at work couldn't stop sniffing me! yay! i've got a yummy sexy scent now! whoohoo! you know... i am almost disproportionately overjoyed by that...
  8. cormeretrix


    i wanted to like this one; sloth is one of my favorite sins. next to gluttony and lust, that is. and sometimes pride. however, as usual, the myrrh did me in. mean myrrh... always giving a girl headaches!
  9. cormeretrix


    i'm absolutely in love with envy; it's the first scent where i really understood the term "green" as applied to a smell. and then, i get lovely lovely mint and a wee bit of lavender with the herby bits. i am so in heaven. must have more!
  10. cormeretrix


    well, i wanted to like it. it has such a cool name! but... no. no penitence for me. i think it's the incense-y smell to it that got me; incense makes me sick every time. *le sigh* oh well! guess i'll just have to keep on sinning and forego repenting!
  11. cormeretrix

    De Sade

    wow. LEATHER. seriously. leather. that's it. leather. not me at all (i don't wanna smell all girly and floral, but i don't wanna smell like this, either), but damn! i wish i had a guy to put it on. and then sniff at it on. and then well... i'm sure you get the idea, right? also... it would have to be a guy with presence, who could pull the leather off.
  12. cormeretrix


    when will i accept that florals hate me? WHEN? i tried it. i wanted to like it, i really did. it has such a lovely description. but... it's too sweet/floral for me, and i found it to be overpowering. maybe because it was an older imp (it was tarted, and i don't know when that went out of style), but it didn't agree with me at all. however, i gave it to a friend, who fell in love with it. and she now torments me with it daily.
  13. cormeretrix


    i had to try this one because it said "mint". and i am a sucker for anything minty. however, i did not count upon the combined efforts of lotus and juniper. it's sharp, but it's struggling to be floral at the same time. it's almost painful to my nose, and it makes me feel kinda sick. i'm afraid that this one went into the swap pile.
  14. cormeretrix


    i admit it; i only wanted this imp because of the name. zombies are cool. terrifying, but cool. i'm also doing a paper on zombie movies, and i wanna put this oil on it. i should prolly use blockbuster or something like that, but the purist inside me insists on zombi. it's a very dry scent; it does have a slightly floral note to it, but it's dry. it's not overwhelmingly floral. i wouldn't mind smelling this on a guy, just to get the effect. fortunately, it does NOT smell like rotting zombie flesh.
  15. cormeretrix

    Embalming Fluid

    i liked this; the lemon was very prevalent at first, followed by the musk. and a tiny hint of the green tea. never did get the aloe scent going. it makes me think that it would be perfect for hot summer afternoons when all you wanna do is lie in front of a fan and play with the ice cubes in your sweet tea.
  16. cormeretrix


    yet another scent that will teach me to read the description before i put it on; for some god-unknown reason, i thought i was putting on something that was supposed to be more ethereal and light. imagine my surprise when it turned out to be a dark floral scent! it's a very nice floral scent, deepened by the amber in it. on me, it dries kind of powdery, which i didn't like, but it was still a neat smell.
  17. cormeretrix

    The Coiled Serpent

    this one actually reminds me of serpent's kiss. to me, they're very similar. i found it to be sweet, yet sharp. i didn't know it was a yoga inspired blend; if i had, i would have tried it in my routine before swapping it! (darnit!)
  18. cormeretrix


    i wanted very badly to like this, and i did at first (very lovely in the imp....), but once it got on my skin... this was the one that let me know that violets DO NOT like me. nor does incense. i'm afraid that it made me quite lightheaded and dizzy, with a lovely headache to follow. i'm very sad that it didn't agree with me; it smells divine in the bottle; floral but dark, like flowers at twilight, with sweet smoke in the background.
  19. cormeretrix


    i liked delirium in the imp, and at first on my skin (sweet and floral, but very bright, too), but not only did it quickly fade, it also turned into a higher class of cleaning fluid before it did so! (evil lemons!) so i reapplied it. and this time, there were no pretty roses involved, just lemon.
  20. cormeretrix


    i must admit, that i was really hoping for more of the mint and eucalyptus, and less of the flowers. as usual, it came about completely backwards. i did get a tiny bit of mint, but no eucalyptus. *le sigh* it's still a lovely scent, if one that fades quickly.
  21. cormeretrix

    Empyreal Mist

    in the imp, it's sweet, almost shampoo-ey. and i think i smell fruit. wait! i know this scent! it's loreal kids apple blossom shampoo! sadly, on me, it's not as sweet and apple-y (which is sad, cause i love that stuff), but it's still very faint and feminine.
  22. cormeretrix


    in the imp, it's green green GREEN. and sharp. on, it's still green and sharp, but after a while, it's sweet, too. like green sugar. (yep, i'm a weirdo.) i like it, it's a very clean scent, but it's just not me.
  23. cormeretrix


    grog was weird on me. i wanted to love it because, hello! pirate fixation. (all REAL pirates drink grog, after all.) it, alas, did not love me, the scurvy scoundrel. i could smell the creamy butterscotch goodness in the imp, with a slightly acrid alcohol-ish undertone. on me, sadly, the butterscotchness all but disappeared. if i just wafted my wrist in front of my face, i got these tantalizing teasing butterscotch whiffs, but upclose, it was all alcohol.
  24. cormeretrix

    Moon Rose

    wow. i was very surprised by this one; i didn't think i'd like it, due to a small phobia of rose scents (you can chalk that one up to victoria's secret's "her majesty's rose garden"), but wow. total love. it's not overwhelmingly rose, but it's still there. and it's sweet and floral and smells expensive as hell, but without the powdery-ness that i associate with most floral perfumes. this is definitely a special occasion perfume for me.
  25. cormeretrix

    Black Lotus

    i keep forgetting that lotus does NOT like me. i wanted to like it, but lotus makes me dizzy and lightheaded. meanie head lotus.