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Everything posted by quikslvr

  1. quikslvr


    Definitely dark. I like the opium, but there's another note that turns me off. Softens into just dark opium as it dries. High mystic-esque.
  2. quikslvr

    Dana O'Shee

    Very milk-honey, foody, to start. Almond, too--marzipan-ish. Goes vaguely alcohol-y as it dries. Dry: too sickly-sweet for a bit, then settles down to being pleasant. Someone told me I smelled like just-washed puppy after using it, though, which turned me off until they tried to explain that that's a good smell to them.
  3. quikslvr


    Cinnamon frosting. Goes fake cinnamon after a bit: may be sneeze-worthy for me. Sweet, sweet, though: like an ice cream or cinnamon milkshake. Warm, milky. Cinnabuns! Precisely that scent to me for awhile. Lovely drydown. I think it's neat. The roommate, unfortunately, thinks it smells like potpourri, and it gives him a headache.
  4. quikslvr

    Centzon Totochtin

    Dark honey at first. Boozy notes emerge, then soft boozy spice thereafter. Dark and mysterious, as well as exotic, end. Neat, neat, neat. Will have to wear it more to see if it'll become a regular for me, though.
  5. quikslvr


    Dark orange. Almost smoky, evoking a hazy room. A bit evil, the smell of trepidation. This is perfect for the figure it's named after. The orange mellows, bringing out the rosemary. May have induced a headache for me. I'm hoping not, because this is neat, although probably not something I'd wear on a regular basis.
  6. quikslvr


    Fresh berries in carbonated rum. Kind of smells like a concentrated wine cooler. Cloying over warm, sweet strength. Goes to grape-cherry bubble gum, then adds in the amaretto. Summery. Good all-out innocent partying scent. An innocent, sweeter Blood Amber, to me.
  7. quikslvr

    Blood Amber

    Strength underlay of blood, sweet overlay of amber. Starts fruity/cherry-y, with a dab of honey, sugared, with a strength that's maddening. Settles into the deep, spiced blood with a wash of warm sweet over it. I looove this. Powerful, strong, yet sweet.
  8. quikslvr

    Black Phoenix

    Lovely almond start. Darkens to musk/spice. Spices take over, feeling Middle Eastern. Sweet topnote after awhile. I got no cherry, but the almond/musk/spice combo totally sells this for me. I love those notes, and this combo is wonderful.
  9. quikslvr

    Black Pearl

    I sooo got the coconut here. My reaction at the time: Fresh, light start. Coconut pops after a few seconds. Tropical, creamy and full. Warm, and reminiscent of some tanning lotions. Iris comes through a bit after 15 or so. Long-lasting, with some musk later in.
  10. quikslvr

    Black Dahlia

    Voluptuous magnolias strewn over orchid, star jasmine, black amber and smoky rose. Powerfully floral at first. A better-rounded tone than Forbidden Fruit, which is what it reminds me of a bit, but Black Dahlia isn't quite as heavy and thick. Gets slightly smoky as it dries. Then a sweet topnote appears, which hits higher in the nose. Goes powdery by the end. Could be appropriate for me for a work scent.
  11. quikslvr


    First whiff is all almond. Second warms with musk and myrrh, the almond falling to a backnote. Very Egyptian. Spice remains. The end has one weird note, but it's not enough to nix it completely. I went for a bottle of this immediately, and it's one I reach for often now. I suspect that's the almond/musk combo, both of which are notes I love and work well on me.
  12. quikslvr


    The deepest, darkest point in a shadow; the area contained within the shadow of an eclipse. East African black patchouli, cedarwood, vetiver and a dribble of cinnamon. Dark woods (with a hint of vetiver), smoke, damp soil, with cedarwood on top. No cinnamon for me. Patchouli and cedar rises as it dries. Soft cedar/patchouli kicks in last. Pretty, but not my absolute favorite.
  13. quikslvr


    Piney! at first. Then very pleasant: soft and sweet pine-orange. I know this is going to sound weird, but on me it had a hint of suntan lotion or some other product I recognize--perhaps that's the eucalyptus? But it's more of a coconut/vanilla I smell there. I love that scent, but it's driving me nuts that I don't know what it is. Overall, a high wakeup note with a soothing undertone.
  14. quikslvr

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    Hmm. I suspect it'll do the same to me. My skin amps up the incense/dark rather than the sweet and light, it seems. Wish me luck.
  15. quikslvr

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    Hmm. That's not promising, but I'll end up trying them anyway. Dorian I've tried, and got way, way too much citrus/tea from it, unfortunately. Regan, though, might work out if the florals aren't too much. Ohh. I really wish that so many of the scents that it sounds like I'd love weren't LEs. Oh, heck. I thought Jack was an LE. Another one I have to order now. I've got Hecate, but I haven't tried it yet. Thanks for the suggestions!
  16. quikslvr

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    That's on my list to try. I wasn't sure, though, since it's supposed to be kind of masculine. Does it turn sweet vanilla on you?
  17. quikslvr

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    I'm desperately trying to stay away from LEs, as they're so hard to get. Tamora looks like a not-bad bet, though. And Shangai too--perhaps (here's hoping) that it's the blackness of the tea that his nose can't deal with. As for Snake Oil, I really doubt he could deal with the incense. On me, the lab-fresh imp I've got of Snake Oil turned weird. I'm going to try it again, if you guys think that freshest is the most vanilla stage of Snake Oil, but it was just oddly old-man on me. I wonder if that's a common problem. I really do wish it was as vanilla-wonderful as it seems to turn on others. Thanks for the input!
  18. quikslvr

    Gourmand - Foody Scents - General Recommendations

    I've got an SO who has severe allergies: most scents grant him a whopping headache. The only ones that don't are the ones that he associates with food, and the only note he likes is certain vanilla tones--I use Warm Vanilla Sugar products from Bath and Body Works, and he likes that. So far, Dana O'Shee has been his favorite BPAL. Sudha Segara he can tolerate, and White Rabbit smells about the same as Sudha Segara to him. He didn't much like Chimera or Dragon's Milk. Gluttony and Black Pearl were dismal failures for him. Alice, Bastet, Black Phoenix, Blood Lotus, Catherine, Delphi, Dorian, Intrigue, Jolly Roger, March Hare, Severin, Snake Oil, and Succubus I didn't even try to run past him because I pretty well knew they'd give him a headache because of their other notes. Which is too bad, because he loves real tea, but tea notes I just don't think would jive well with him. Citrus and berries seem right out: for him, I'd tend toward milk, sugar, and vanilla--possibly almond, as well. As for me, I love Dragon's Milk, Bastet, Black Phoenix, O, Kali, Morocco, Skuld, and Blood Amber. I think I'd love Snake Oil if it were sweeter/more vanilla-y. I'm trying to age my imp presently. I've got Tombstone and Vice, but haven't tried them yet (as well as lots of others I've tried/bought/swapped for, but don't at all fall into the foody/gourmand category). I have yet to find one we both love: I like Dana O'Shee, but not enough to wear it all the time I'm around him. In fact, until I found out he liked it, I was going to swap it, since it's a bit too sweet for my tastes. But that may just be his tastes, and I may well just have to deal. Ideally, I'd love recommendations we'd both like, but I'll certainly take any just for his nose, or just for mine. What am I missing here?