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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by caffinatedangel

  1. caffinatedangel


    Today I got my first set of imps in the mail. So I figured I'd add my reviews for what I've tried. My first reviews, but while picking out my imps I found reading so many reviews gave a perfect feel for the scents. What I had hoped for : I wanted spice that would turn heads. Tangy vibrant. Clove, ginger, cinnamon, I thought "Well hell yes." and added it to my list. Naturally, I ignored the "Musk" and "Honey" aspects. ^^' In the imp: It was so very very soft to me. I could smell all the spices, but mostly I smelled just the sweetness of the honey. Which scared me, I wanted bam. Wet on skin: Cinnamon. Undercurrents of clove seemed to carry it along. But the honey, musk, peppers, all lost in the cinnamony smells at first. Dry, stage one: Glee! My spicey wants were met. The cinnamon and clove danced around, completely forgetting it was suppose to have honey anywhere in it. The ginger wasn't blatantly obvious, but when sitting back and not hyperventilating while sniffing my wrist, I could smell that unique tang of ginger, though she didn't want to dance together with cinnamon and clove. Just a back seat voyeur. Dry, stage two: The cinnamon and clove wore themselves out, running amok. Now ginger has taken the stage, with honey. Playing a nice soothing melody and coaxing the musk out. While putting cinnamon and clove to sleep. They're still certainly there, just passive and soft. I smell sensuous and dark. Lovely, not what I had expected though. This is definitely a chai tea, and even has that soothing effect now. I can also really picture a market place. Again, I hoped for more vibrant spices, but this is certainly something I can imagine. A lot of people, mixed scents blending into one perfect smell (I find it hard to pick everything apart, it blends together beautifully), that sweat-inducing sun maybe starting to head back down. Causing a sort of relaxed, end of the day feel. But everyone musky and spices just saturating everyone and everything, in a soft way... I'm going to eat my wrist. Dry, stage three: Wow, I ate, watched a movie, went out... so a good few hours later I realize that... I'm still smelling this scent. It's lasting QUITE a long time, and still has decent throw. I think the first blast of cinnamon numbed me to the smell. I was upstairs waiting for food when my sister leaned over, stared at me, and then told me I smelled spicy. The spices certainly mellow, but the honey has really bloomed on my skin. It's sweet, liquid, delicious. The musk is also there, holding tight. And together have made a whole new musky late-night scent, with remnants of the spices that lost their flair a while back. Still delicious. I'm quite impressed. (Now I go find where I said throw and duration was bad and scratch that) Overall opinion, so far: I'm still going to search for a more vibrant blend of spices, but Bengal was warm and delicious. A sexy scent, to me. I was worried because people mentioned honey going sour, and wasn't sure what that would even smell like. If this is sour honey, I love it I smell like what I imagine a Bengal tiger in heat would smell like. How disturbing. If I wear this too long, I may just fall into a trance of lazy seductiveness. Not the active spices I had wished for, but gorgeous anyways. ps: Thanks for the later poster suggesting a newer scent. I'm so overwhelmed in all of the oils right now that it's hard to find whats new and old. lol