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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Molls

  1. Ugh, 5 am and it's 73 degrees. I don't even want to go running..

  2. Nothing makes me feel as pretty as buying a new lipstick :-)

  3. So tired.. but I can't get my brain to turn off.

  4. Seriously, people.. The bathroom is not a phone booth.

  5. Enjoying some sunshine on my lunch break..

  6. Woo! Got to drive my car today :-)

  7. I am so super spoiled, lol

  8. So cold in my batcave I had to come out to sit in the sun for a bit...

  9. Spending the evening with my boyfriend, Jim Carrey (Mr Popper's Penguins)

  10. All caught up on Once Upon a Time, now I'm making a pot of tea and going through magazines looking for healthy recipes..

  11. Work. Petsmart. Target. Pool store. Home, mow the lawn, start dinner. Dishes, laundry, put the garbage out. Anything else?? Tell me now..

  12. Now for some quiet time, while Meg chats with Dr Ehrensaft.. Gonna start my new book :-)

  13. Reason #246 that I <3 my Kindle: I don't have to prop it open to read while I'm doing something (in this case, shredding chicken)

  14. *sigh* there's my man... Brad, you're so AMAZING! #ACM

  15. OMG, who is this hottie on Once Upon a Time???

  16. OMG, I forgot my iPod! How am I going to make it through the day? LOL

  17. A quiet evening, a long bath, my Kindle, the Vivaldi station on Pandora.. Now Morocco v2 #BPAL , a cup of tea, and my Meap to cuddle with..

  18. Stalking the mailman... Where's my pakkitch???

  19. Ahh.. Beautiful day! Glad to be outside, reading my Kindle

  20. Woo! I get to drive my car again today :-) I <3 my car!

  21. Gonna play Raving Rabbids with Meg!

  22. And for bedtime: Morocco v2 - this is magnificent! Why don't I wear this every night? (answer: too many lovelies) #BPAL

  23. Not very good at this beading stuff. The cord I bought is too big for the beads, lol

  24. Been really lazy this last week.. Guess I should get on the elliptical tonight...
