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Posts posted by PinkPig

  1. In The Bottle: In the bottle, this reminds me very strongly of Lolita - one of my favorite scents. I can smell orange blossom and something bubblegum-y. Maybe Lotus?


    Wet: This smells wonderfully playful! The orange blossom is still at the front, and under it the smell of musk and clean skin. I really like this!


    Dry: This faded so quickly on me, I couldn't quite believe it! It left a lingering hint of musk and bubblegum, which I could just about smell with my nose pressed up against my wrist. I'm gutted. :P


    Over all, this is a beautifully fun scent and if it lasted longer (or at all!) I'd be kicking myself for not buying a bottle when I could.

  2. I managed to get my Hubby to try this on earlier today... and he might have been a touch generous with it, if you catch my drift!


    It was actually a bit overpowering and had an edge to it... almost the way a burnt scent -feels- rather than smells. It didn't make me think of leather, just of getting away from my stinky husband! :D


    A few hours later he was getting ready to go run out to the corner store and grab some milk, and I remember noticing that he no longer had a stinky-aura and being quite glad! Then he leaned forward to give me a quick kiss goodbye...


    he smelled amazing. Sexy. Like himself but more masculine, if that's possible. I'm not sure that I remember what happened after that, but we were tired, content and snuggling in bed! :D


    It still didn't smell of leather, but it's certantly something that I'll have him wear again! Somehow, though, I think I might apply it myself! :P

  3. To me, this smelled of almonds and sweetness. It is a suger-covred glory. I think that this will be the perfect Winter scent.


    A lot of reviews have said that this is a light scent, but it's very heavy on me. It can be cloying if I put on more than a droplet. It makes me think of the richest chocolate... undescribely decadent, but far too rich to have more than one square of at a time.


    I adore it.
