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BPAL Madness!


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About fabgab

  • Rank
    evil enabler


  • Location
    Not where I want to be, but slowly trying to move in that direction!
  • Country
    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
    Eat Me
  • Favorite Scents
    Bordello Lilith Victoria Kitsune-Tsuki Anubis Golden Priapus Love's Philosophy Wezwanie/Hold Dragon's Milk Morocco *~ Still trying to identify my personal notes, but it seems like a lot of vanilla, myrrh, amber, and sandalwood is involved, at least thus far! ~*

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    A brief rundown here for the sake of quick perusal, and more explanation below for those of you needing to pick my brain for swap ideas! <3

    Reading (both fiction and nonfiction): Fiction ~ supernatural, such as faeries, vampires {sorry, no Twilight, or similar!}, ghosts, whathaveyou, but also mysteries (more like Sherlock Holmes, less like Nancy Drew), and general fiction with an interesting theme or point. --- Nonfiction ~ psychology, feminism, health, body acceptance, crafting, creating/ivity, non-lame self-help (in the eye of the beholder, I know!), and even geography and travel depending on the crazy interest I've been struck with at the moment!
    Music: Really diverse. I mean, REALLY DIVERSE.
    Movies: Also pretty diverse. I'm not even sure what order to put examples in, because it really depends on my mood.


    My outstanding interests seem to fluctuate. It's like my interests don't really -change- much, but they ebb and flow in priority!

    For example, about 2 months ago I was completely obsessed with knitting. I was googling for patterns and tutorials like mad, putting every book I could discover the existence of on hold at my library, etc. The moment that warm weather hit, it was like a switch had been thrown. All the obsession transferred into sewing and fabric!

    So my primary interest right now is fabric. Made even worse by having discovered an adorable little quilt shop in my town. And then discovering the online world of fabric too! I actually have a Moda charm pack wishlist, granted not that long yet, but it's only a matter of time! *sigh*

    Alright, because I am multi-faceted, my other interests include:

    * Reading (what I read breaks down into relaxation and research, but both end up pretty varied because I work at a library and get to explore the catalog for our state-wide database!)

    Relaxation ~ I gravitate mostly towards the supernatural or fantastical (without being fantasy, honestly I haven't read many in that genre- I think it's because I get fond of one universe and have trouble learning all the different ones they come up with in fantasy novels). Especially books about faeries. I will at least pick it up and consider reading it if I hear it is about faeries! --- I also like a good mystery if done in an interesting way. I love the Enola Holmes books by Nancy Springer (even though yes, I know, they are technically children's fiction! They are written above the heads of most children around here though!) --- And then general fiction with an interesting point to it. I just finished reading The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl.

    Research ~ well, that would include sewing, and knitting, which I've already explained, but other strong pursuits are psychology (I've always been interested but now it's my major as well), feminism (no assumptions here please, I think my perception of feminism is very different from what a lot of people think!), health (may sound boring but things have changed a lot from when I took the class in middle school, and no one really tells us what we need to know anymore!), and more fun things like other types of crafting and creating. Which leads to...

    * Crafting and Creating! ~ while I might get one main avenue of this stuck in my head at any given time, I have attempted or participated in a lot of different ones and plan to keep on going til I have tried just about everything! --- For a long time, my primary craft was jewelry making, and I am still very much interested in it, which is good because I still have SLEWS of supplies! I have done and like to do paper crafts, scrapbooking, polymer clay, glass painting, embellishing, and want to try embroidery, cross-stitch, crewel, doll-making, and decoupage. I probably forgot something! I just like to craft. >_>

    * Writing ~ I don't sit down and actively do this often now, but it used to be what I thought I was going to do "when I grow up". I know I should do it more, and I haven't exactly lost interest, but various things have influenced me to avoid it for now.

    * Dancing ~ this is very much a passion of mine, though like writing I haven't done it in ages. I used to go out with friends to do it, but I moved four states away and haven't seemed to find any friends here who have that particular interest.

    * Music ~ Everyone loves music, so I guess it's the type that's important, but unfortunately it's difficult for me to give any hints in that regard! There are so many things I like, from all over the musical genre-verse! And then there's music I love that I can't even tell you what genre it IS.

    Here's a smattering!

    ~ Tori Amos
    ~ Azam Ali
    ~ The Cruxshadows
    ~ Nightwish
    ~ Beats Antique
    ~ IIO
    ~ Putumayo collections - Gypsy Caravan, Arabic Lounge, etc.
    ~ Depeche Mode

    * Movies ~ Unpredictable and also all over the place.

    Another sampling:

    ~ Moulin Rouge
    ~ Elizabeth
    ~ 10 Things I Hate About You
    ~ Dangerous Beauty
    ~ Finding Nemo
    ~ Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
  • Western Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected

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  1. Well I don't know, but I fixed that :P

    Thanks for the welcome! <3
