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Posts posted by Andrea912

  1. So...I didn't check this review board. I decided to try some protypes blindly, and this is one of them. After reading the above reviews, I'm scared to open the bottle. But here I go...


    Bottle: Hmmm...bright green, maybe citrus, and floral...no sourness...


    Wet: bright and floral; I'm no good with flowers, but i want to say more tropical than garden variety white florals...


    Dry: um, still just bright and floral. Not sour. Zingy, like Miracle Whip florals...it's not as gross as I thought it would be (I really hate florals) but it's not a love for me either...

  2. The coffee is beautiful, but it quickly goes down to straight floral. Kind of soapy. If you love coffee but don't love floral coffee, you may want to skip this :cry2:


    However, be patient...after about 20 mins, the floral soap fades and it's straight up ground coffee with a touch of creamer... :joy:

  3. Yummmm....the Boy is cringing on the couch, but I'm euphoric: I smell like a giant, drunk, tropical candied apple! I'm Halloween in the Caribbean, drunk on rum punch!


    This scent is everything the description promises....i want to committ autocannibalism and eat myself!

  4. Eerie billows of spun sugar, fluttering white cotton, and sheets of cream.

    Yum! Sweet cream with sugar; no cotton for me, but that's fine; maybe a cotton candy feel, the spun sugar and all, but not linen syle cotton; sweet, candyish, and perfect for sugar goodie lovers!

  5. I was lucky enough to receive a decant of Sunbird from my summer Switch Witch alterosen; here goes my review...


    Wet: dark, resinous, slightly hippie headshop; reminds me of walking around Santa Fe...dry, desert, hot scent...maybe smoke?


    Drydown: For me, this is a scent that works on nostalgia and not really an identification of a specific note. I feel like I'm thirteen again, visiting New Mexico for the first time, in the middle of July.


    If you like Snake Charmer Resurrected, I think you'll like Sunbird :)

  6. Wet: whoa. Very strong and boozey apple...kind of sour and rotten. I normally love apple and booze; what's going on here? A slight nutty tone, but again, like a sour nut, a nut gone bad.


    Drydown: ah, much nicer; has developed a creamy base with yummy mulberry and pomegranate tones...lovely.
