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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Andrea912

  1. home made chicken salad sandwich and some research...

  2. pretzels and Thai tea while reading the article "Violent Death in 14th and Early 15th Century England."

  3. made Roaster's coffee and blueberry muffins at home...now to organize my groups of illegal bar activities according to felonious and non...

  4. awake from 2 hour nap...still sleepy, which is terrible...I went to sleep at 9 pm last night! Maybe I'm getting too much sleep...

  5. Anyone looking for a nice, cush, comfy part time job? We have an opening in the AC English department...contact me and I'll pass you the notice...

  6. wanting some wine...mmmmm...

  7. first day back in the office, prepping for the new semester...feels good!

  8. "You should never let someone become a priority in your life,when you are just an option in theirs..."

  9. I fell asleep last night and accidentaly left two of my dogs outside...both are very upset! they think they were in trouble bc I never leave them out :(

  10. Home from my first day back at work; fabulously productive, and now on to check in with friends...

  11. Editing 60 pages of thesis and listening to Pretty Lights, which at least makes it less harrowing...thanks Nate ;)

  12. am I the only Texan who cares not about the Cowboys?

  13. Off to WTAMU to put in a full day before classes next week...keeping my fingers crossed for a Tues/Thurs schedule so I can teach MW at AC and keep my writing and research relegated to weekends...a proficient schedule is the key to success :)

  14. Sometimes, I want to just copy someone else's status word for word just to see if they would notice...

  15. in a coffee shop reading and annotating from John Bellamy's work on public order in medieval England...

  16. hit the ground running this week...250 college students under my tutelage = chaos!

  17. new word of the day: whippie (wanna be hippie)

  18. thank you to everyone who helped me car shop! I waited five weeks but found the perfect car for me, and I'm so happy :)

  19. so the doc said on the 31st of aug I had allergies, nothing more...but come to find out it was a sinus infection...and when that goes untreated for three weeks one gets a staph infection in the nasal cavity. damn docs.

  20. writing about juvenile crime and drunk children in medieval London...wow it's early...

  21. I'm wide awake and its morning...(name the band of that album)...

  22. in the office already...its not even 8 am!!

  23. so I'm off to vacay for a bit...going to pack tonight!

  24. driving into cocoa beach as we speak!
