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Everything posted by Andrea912

  1. Andrea912

    Marshmallow Poof

    Thank God for Wear Your Rare Day...I hate this!!! I can't believe I've been swooning over the smell in the imp. I can't believe I paid a bit for it. I can't believe I've had this for almost a year and didn't even know I hate it! This smells like red playdoh...ugh!
  2. Andrea912


    Minty and smoky and herby, all at once...not attractive on me.
  3. Andrea912

    Queen Alice

    imp: cider and wooly wine... Wet: i dont smell the amber or floral notes...it's a spicy cider or mulled wine...
  4. Andrea912

    The Mock Turtle's Lessons

    Imp: light and fresh; apple, vodka, and white mint... Wet: more apple, maybe that squish of lime...not much aquatic or iris
  5. Andrea912

    Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener

    Imp: yum; I suppose that's the vanilla and sassafras... Wet: still pretty yummy, but I detect a faint medicinal tone; kind of metallic...
  6. Andrea912

    The Music of Erich Zahn

    Imp: oh! bitter, sour...tamarind vetiver and black musk is dominant... Wet: oh lord, it's worse...tamarind and chili powder...
  7. Andrea912

    Old Scratch

    Imp: lavendar, tonka, amber, and patchouli; headshop, but not as spacey...delicate and genteel Wet: becoming darker, more woody; maybe the tonka and rosewood?
  8. Andrea912

    #20 Love Oil

    No...I don't know what this is, but I am not in love at all. It smells like some kind of cheap floor cleanser. ADDED April 6: Very sad...and gagging right now, as well... Was reading the thread on recommendations for smells, and found a wafflecone buttery cake thread; this oil was mentioned as turning extremely cakey upon drydown, but I'm only picking up roses... and I hate roses...
  9. Andrea912


    Imp: hmmm...soft, subtle; incense in the back with sharp yet quiet acrid softened by the incense Wet: ew; this did something weird; it smells like dust or wet dog Dry: wow, its like attic dust with incense in the background
  10. Andrea912

    Herbert West

    Very clean and manly; nice!
  11. Andrea912

    The Isles of Demons

    imp: yup: sharp, green, kind of eucalyptus; herbage for sure Wet: a bit more floral, but definitely still green... Dry: too floral and green, but all in all, an OK scent...
  12. Andrea912


    Imp: at first sniff, soft floral; then it fades to a rotten, putrid, floral smell Wet: agh; it's worse; the above intensified; the white rose is most dominant... Dry: yegh; still rotten flowers
  13. Andrea912

    Black Dahlia

    Imp: amber, rose, and orchid; floral but dark and smoky... Wet: ew; white floral; maybe that's the rose? old lady panties... Dry: still floral, but softer
  14. Andrea912

    Monster Bait: Underbed

    Yum! If you love food scents, this is definitely for you!
  15. Andrea912

    Monster Bait: Underpants

    Wow; I was lucky enough to be frimped half an imp...and I'm stoked! The saffron is the selling point here...divine!
  16. Andrea912


    Wow; I love it! Chocolate usually smells like plastic, but cocoa is always wonderful. I was hesitant about the amber, but it warms the cocoa out nicely without overpowering the scent...this is a keeper for sure!
  17. Andrea912

    Snow White

    Snow White 2008...wow! This is like nothing I would normally wear...I'm a foodie person through and through. Flowers usually make me gag, and this description was so vague I didn't know what to expect. But I am in love! This is phenomonal; sexy and sultry and dark and sweet and innocent, all at the same time! Definitely keeping this bottle!
  18. Andrea912

    Butter Rum Cookie

    Very disappointed...this is all cinnamon on me. No butter rum or cookie. I preferred Sugar Cookie 08...
  19. Andrea912

    Sugar Cookie

    Sugar Cookie 08 is divine! Smells exactly like promised with an extra touch of butterscotch, which I personally love! This smells like I wanted Butter Rum Cookie to smell...
  20. Andrea912

    Candy Phoenix

    Oh my word...I am so disappointed!! This smells like a rotten fruit basket on me. Sour, pungent, acrid, burning...imagine a pile of orange zest. So sad...am selling it, so I hope it works out well for someone.
  21. Andrea912

    Ichabod Crane

    Lovely! Dark tea and sweet cream...
  22. Andrea912

    Miskatonic University

    Imp: mmm...nice rich coffee with irish cream; sweet Wet: wow, this is really caramel and toffee on me; I love it!
  23. Andrea912


    Imp: yum; I don't normally like musk, but the dark sugared vanilla tea is prevalent and it's great... Wet: mmm...its get sweeter...
  24. Andrea912

    The Queen of Hearts

    Imp: wow; bold agressive white flower...medicinal cherry Wet: what is that smell? It's a flower that is so gaggingly sour and strong...is that stephanotis?
  25. Andrea912

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    Imp: vanilla sweet pea and amber; no sandalwood; I don't like amber but this is nice... Wet: mostly vanilla and amber; nice and golden and creamy