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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Shug

  1. The radiance and desolation of winter.

    i think the biggest BPAL disappointment i have had is Snow White. i so wanted to love it. then i swapped it and it got confiscated in Canada before it got to the other swapper. i didn't have a good experience with Snow White at all. so imagine my horror when i sniffed Snow Flakes in the decant and all i got was the scent memory of snow white.

    on my skin it wasn't snow white. it smelled like snow white but better. i didn't get the weird plastic smell that i got in Snow White. It is totally similar but different. they are very close cousins.

    it's a very soft mint layered over a cool watery note and florals. there has to be florals in there but i can't pick them out. it does get a little powdery but in a good way. it is GORGEOUS.

  2. I love tea scents and have so many imps. last night i sat down and tried them all to see which i loved best.


    The truest tea scent that i have found is definitely Gennivre L'artiste du Diable

    It smells just like a hot cup of black tea with honey. It's really very lovely and unassuming. at first i was "eh" about it but the second time i tried it i adored it. this actually might be edging out my beloved, Dorian.


    DORIAN...oh Dorian. :P

    need i say more about this one?


    I found White Rabbit and The Dormouse to be too light for my tastes but nonetheless gorgeous.


    Spirits of the Dead is my favorite LE tea scent. I try not to wear it often before bed because i've found that everytime i do i dream of dead loved ones. Sometimes I just don't want those visits, y'know?

    I wasn't a huge fan of HOliday Moon and I rarely reach for it. Not bad just not as good as some other tea scents.


    Shanghai is my favorite green tea scent. it's awesome in the summer.

  3. Creepy:

    in the decant it is all caramel. rich gooey brown caramel.

    when i swiped it on my wrists it stayed caramel for all of 10 seconds then i got a strong wiff of the apples and what smelled like mulled apple cider. as it dries it blends together and smells like candied apples. not until it was totally dry did i catch the coconut rum. i am not a fan of coconut but in Creepy it's so well blended with the other scents. it's a very sweet tooth-ache inducing scent but i think it's wonderful. not an everyday scent but definitely for the days you need sweetness in your life. i think i might wear this one on halloween night!

  4. CHERRY!!! i love cherries but why is this NOT just screaming plain cherry goodness to me? it's screaming CHERRY ROBITUSSIN. to make things worse it dries to a plain mix of spices and scent where no note is distinguishable. even the cherry cough syrup is gone. stupid body chemistry!


    i'm still waiting for the perfect cherry scent. :P

    out of the five CD scents i've tried this is the only one that didn't work out so it's not too terrible a loss!

  5. i love fruity scents so Xanthe was a must-try.


    it's very sweet at first contact with my skin and i'm getting the bubble gum scent that a lot of people have smelled. thankfully, it dries to GUAVA!!! i'm addicted to those mexican guava nectar drinks. i can smell the pepper with the guava and i love how it makes this super sweet blend interesting. when fully dried a couple hours later i get more of a sweet slightly peppery floral with just enough guava lingering to keep it different from other floral blends.


    for the first time in a long time i'm glad that i live in arizona. i can pretty much wear this summery scent year round.

  6. very sweet. it smelled like strawberries wet. i loved it at first but when it dried it began to smell exactly like a cheap black cherry candle...much too waxy. i love candles, but i don't want to smell like candles. i know people have suggested using it as a linen or home fragrance. i'll keep the imp and use it for that instead.
