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Everything posted by metaldog32

  1. metaldog32


    I bought a bottle of Tisiphone unsniffed on the description alone. I couldn't resist the concept of "avenging murder"..it SO appeals to my sense of justice..of righting the wrong in the world. Oleander has always fascinated me.so it was just a no-brainer...had to have it. Now mind you...I have had this little 5ml in my possession for hmmm...6 months. Six months you say??? Yep... ..been waiting patiently to try her out...and well..this week it was her turn on the dance floor. What I neglected to notice with all of this "avenging" going on was that this contains....voice dropped to whisper....patchouli....(wincing) . This is not something I usually gravitate towards..but let's address this later...start reviewing here!!!! Sheesh Initial Sniff from bottle: Dark floral...definitely "atypical"..whomever described it as such hit it on the nose. I don't get any patchouli from the outset..at least I don't think I do.but what I am registering is some deep,dark, sobering floral..must be the oleander and the neroli. Applied wet on skin: Creamy dark...with a bit of a "bite" I don't know if this is due to the neroli or ylang ylang or what..but it definitely has a serious tone. The patchouli gives this a bit of an "earthy" slant..but not so much "dirt" like as a touch "loam" like??? I don't know if I am using the right phrasing..but inhaling this..I definitely get the oleander...and then at the tail end..I am registering some earth like note with a touch of nuttiness..this has got to be the patchouli. It's actually very well blended..as I have said before patchouli is not my favorite...at all. Couple of minutes drying on skin: Not sure what I am registering..but it now smells a bit "plant-like"...must be the oleander...with the patchouli and every now and then I get a trace of whisper sweetness...floral sweetness I think...the whole effect on my skin is best summed up as " dark sobering floral with bite.Best way I can put it. I am not familiar with any of these notes..so this is again the best that I can do... Drydown: Creamy dark....not so much the "plant-like" note I was registering in the initial drying stage...it's the floral but now more of the neroli and ylang ylang is poking out over the base of what has to be that patchouli and oleander?? Goodness..I never thought patchouli would work on me...in any amount. The throw is pretty good with the scent kind of staying close to the skin. Lasting power is pretty good...re-applied at the 5 hour mark. Bottom Line: This is again..definitely an "atypical" floral. It has company...I put Magdalene along with Tisiphone as very moody florals. Not girly or overly light hearted at all. Tisiphone is a brooding floral..definitely work appropriate and evocative. I am not much of a floral gal..and although this isn't a " holy grail" fragrance for me..I don't regret buying a 5ml of this outright. I never, NEVER thought patchouli would ever work on me..and Tisiphone has proved me wrong. Not something I will reach for frequently..but definitely a scent for me to wear when I want a serious floral.
  2. metaldog32

    All Saints'

    All Saints-2004 version I got this late last year..or maybe it was early THIS year..from a wonderful forumite...this was one of the very first fragrance oils I ever got from BPAL..and I waited for the right time of year to wear it. November 1st has come and gone..and I have been wearing All Saintsoff and on since then..trying to figure out if what I "thought" I was smelling..well..was accurate..at least to my nose. Well..enough stalling..I have SO many more wonderful smellies to try!!! ________________________________________________________________ Initial sniff:Notice..I said sniff..not sniff from bottle opened..no..I just mean sniffing the bottle. Yeahbutnobut put it aptly..All Saints sort of reminds me of Rose Cross...something about the frankincense and myrhh obviously..and this is what had me stumped for so long..I THOUGHT they smelled similar..but I wasn't sure if it was actually true..or just me and my wonky imagination. Glad to know..some other people made the same association. Sniffed from open bottle:Okay..so it smells very resinous..yep..the frankincense and myrhh...interestingly enough I also get a floral..but not so much rose..more lily..and the buttery/foody note some people register clearly with the 2004 version..I don't really get that much at all...just barely. But I do remember when I smelled this the first time I got it..I registered the buttery/foody note immediately..hmm..maybe my nose is broken??? Applied wet on skin:Incense/resins are forceful..yet beautiful..and interwoven in that is the rose/lily..and here at this stage..at the tail end I do register indeed that buttery/foody note!! Most dominant here are the resins and that buttery note..not so much floral. Couple of minutes drying on skin:Incense still here..but now the floral is warming up into the mix a bit more prominently..again..I get more lily than rose..if I inhale deeply the buttery note is gone and it is replaced by a bit of smoky sweetness..I don't know if this can be attributed to the lily or rose...it is beautiful though... Drydown:Incense with a touch of smoky sweetness..and the lily/rose wafting in and out softly... I did a comparison of All Saints and Rose Cross. On me All Saints had more of the lily making it's presence known..so although they did share a similar feel..they are two definitely distinctive fragrances. Funny..on me Rose Cross is the more diminutive of fragrances..while on my sister..she just radiates that fragrance beautifully. Lasting power is very good...7+hours..and throw on me is impressive. Bottom Line:All Saints 2004 is a beautiful incensy blend perfect for fall and winter. Think I might have found my scent that encapsulates autumn to a "T" for me..a definitel keeper.
  3. metaldog32

    Devil's Night

    Devil's Night Have been looking forward soooo much to reiview this oil..I could barely contain myself today. Now mind you..I should have done this yesterday..but I had been procrastinating..and having too much of a good time enjoying Gypsy Queen. Okay enough digressing... ____________________________________________________________________ Initial sniff from bottle: Definitely a sweetness is wafting up to me..slightly boozy..almost kind of like maple/brown sugar..but not so strong. This almost seems TOOsweet for me..but I am staying with this..as I am sure that if I get through this stage, the "meat" of it's fragrance will show itself to me. Come ooonnn autumn smoke, leaves, bonfires... Applied wet on skin: There is the sweetness again...and it's not bad. I am not a foody scent person per se..but this isn't bad. However..all reviwers who said 'sugar cookie' hit the nail on the head. This is ALL I am smelling...so I am trying to be patient so that the other notes come out and play too... Couple of minutes drying on skin:(Tapping foot impatiently)...Where oh where ARE you autumn chill, leaves, smoke and bonfire??? Don't you want to come to my party??? It's all sugar cookie..and although this is nice..this isn't exactly what I was hoping for... I so wanted to have those other notes..to have a bit of a smoky yet touch of sweet with the fires nearby...and well..all I am getting is a very yummy sugar cookie...if I whiff deep enough I can almost tell myself I can get a trace of smoke..but I don't know if it's really there or I am just wishing it to be there... Drydown:All players are a faint memory..wispy but still the sweet and a mere breath of spice..along a base of what I think is musk...nice indeed. I wish I had been lucky enough to smell the other notes...oh well. By the way..staying power and throw were a bit disappointing. I had to re-apply FOUR times...and the longest I could get the fragrance to stay on me was at best 2 hours..talk about elusive... Bottom line:As much as I hate to admit...Devil's Night has the dubious honor of being the first BPAL fragrance to truly break my heart. I don't hate this scent at all..I just had such high hopes..and well..it just boiled down to cookies. Everyone who was lucky enough to experience the full range of the scent..I am happy for you. As for me..I will keep my bottle...it is good as a fall scent..but I am still on the lookout for the scent to truly embody autumn for me.
  4. metaldog32

    Gypsy Queen

    Gypsy Queen....the first and only Carnaval Noir fragrance I ordered...I have always been drawn to gypsies..and well...I just could not pass this up. I have been wearing her for several days..and I don't understand why it has taken me this long to review..but suffice to say...I am now ready to do so..simply because All Hallow's Eve is tomorow...and I am so excited to try Devil's Night. Anyway..onto the review: Initial sniff from bottle:The incense is there in the forefront..and when I breathe deeply, I get some floral swirled in..but to my nose it's all incense. Applied wet on skin:Incense is there all right..but now I do get the candle smoke...gorgeous..along with a spiciness which I am assuming is the carnation..this is all very dark...alluring...heavy... Couple of minutes drying on skin: I am still getting the same notes..but now I think I smell more the rose and amber rounding out...this is really very mysterious..in a sexy way. I don't think I am registering any neroli..but no matter..I am still loving it. Drydown: Traces of spicy/smoky floral with the base of amber softly radiating...oh my goodness.. Throw was impressive..not too aggressive but definitely had a presence on me. Lasting power was good too...when I moisturize Gypsy Queenlasts a good 6+ hours on me. Bottom Line:A definite keeper for me. I actually wore this to work..just because it's how I am..but for people a bit apprehensive with wearing such a heavy pefume, Gypsy Queen is perfect for evening..especially when you have mystery and seduction in mind. This is a perfect late fall winter fragrance..and I am actually looking forward to wearing it again in the upcoming months. All black clothing, jangly gold earrings, dark eyemakeup and my Spanish shawl...this fragrance makes one want to ooze secrets and shadows...
  5. metaldog32


    Loviatar-freebie compliments of Lab... This is something I would have never picked as a scent for me..but of course..I had to try anyway...expand my boundaries... Don't know anything about the Finnish goddess of agony..but my curiosity is/was piqued..and I was a bit intrigued about what hot leather would smell like...so why the heck not??? So..this is my 3rd round with Loviatar...I wanted to make sure that my feelings and impressions were solid. ____________________________________________________________________ Initial sniff from imp: I get the slap of the leather..and right behind it the black amber/red musk...and boy does it slap me. The impression I get from smelling this right out of the imp isn't warm or inviting at all..but startling...almost stinging..as if I actually did get hit..don't know how else to put it. Applied wet on skin: There is that slap of leather..and yes...the warmth of it reminds me of the warmth that you feel when being hit multiple times...yes..it stings..but there is a type of warmth that starts spreading..from all the blood coming up to the surface..making your skin rosy. Trust me people..I am NOT into any type of S/M..but there WAS a time..waaayyyy back when I had a relationship with someone whose bedroom antics flirted with the exotic. Not that there is anything wrong with S/M..mind you!!!! LOL I also am getting again that black amber/red musk..not so much myrrh...I think the amber warms up the scent even more...but as I said..not in a friendly way..no,no, no...this is definitely a "push the envelope" kind of scent. Couple of minutes drying on skin:Same players..the leather has receded a bit..with the amber/musk and now myrrh doing their thing on my skin. Drydown: No leather to speak of...just faint whiffs of it..with the amber and myrrh closing up the party... Lasting power is impressive...both times I have worn this, it lasted 6+ hours. Throw was good..not too much, not too little. Bottom Line:Truth be told..the first time I wore this..I felt extremely uncomfortable..something about Loviatarmakes me uneasy. The second time I wore it..I still felt the same way. This third time..not so bad..but maye it's because I have worn it and am getting used to it..but all in all it is a very evocative fragrance. Definitely the type of scent if you want to go on the prowl. I kind of liken my experience with it similar to Debauchery-I know lots of people run screaming from that scent..but in my humble opinion, both of these fragrances definitely play along the exotic fringes..if you know what I mean. I think this is a "nighttime" fragrance...very sexual..very dark..and is seasonless.. It's not me..but I am glad I got the chance to try it. Good for everyone who can pull it off!!
  6. metaldog32

    Centzon Totochtin

    Centzon Totochtin..compliment freebie from the Lab..thank you!!! Not something I was originally thinking of purchasing..but heck..it's here so I might as well just give it a whirl... Initial sniff from imp: Absolutely...it is dark unsweetened cocoa...bittersweet..and..wow....right behind it while I sniff is some sort of alcohol-like notes..red wine/rum..can't really tell. This isn't sweet chocoate..like other reviewers stated..this is grown-up chocolate..dark...swirling... Applied wet on skin: Still the dark chocolate but now the rum/red wine notes are fast on the bittersweet chocolate's tail. I don't get any blood tang...maybe that will be in the drydown??? Still smells fabulous...the dark bitterness of the chocolate..the touch of swetness I think I am getting from the rum...all of this a dark swirl... Couple of minutes on skin: Same players at the party..but the chocolate is now being a bit more courteous...giving the red wine/rum notes a BIT more room on the dance floor..still no sign of the "sacrificial blood "note..hmmm...not that I mind... Drydown: As stardreamer stated in her review...somehow the drydown reminds me very much of Kali. In fact...this is exactly like Kali..except without the florals, tobacco or honey. I don't mind this one bit..actually..I am loving Centzon Totochtin. What I am left on my wrist is wisps of the chocolate...somehow this is now sort of nutty sweetness..it's the best way I can describe it.. Lasting power..very good...already 5+ hour mark..and still going fairly strong. Bottom Line: Definitely a fall scent..and one that I think I am now slating for a 5ml purchase. My sister has Kali..and I loved that scent..it's nice to know that I can claim Centzon Totochtin as my own...a dark swirling scent...rich and definitely addictive. Well done!! Edit: I wore this on 10/25/06..lasting power 13+ hours and the most amazing drydown...so glad I have a bottle of this!!!
  7. metaldog32

    The Dormouse

    Again...Dormouse came to me compliments of Lab..thank you very much as always!!! Initial sniff from imp: Clean smelling...so wonderfully clean smelling!!! It's like the bright breeze on an early summer day...clean and airy and just..clear. Yes..I do register some sort of tea note..to me more green tea than earl grey..and while taking deep whiffs of this from the imp I get something else too..but I can't discern it it's watery fruit or just the peony..sorry!!! Not that sophisticated yet!!! Applied wet on skin: Still the clean clear notes of the green tea with something sweet..maybe sweet grass??? Peony??? I don't know..but I am blown away by it...when I say clean smelling I don't necessarily mean laundry detergent..just that it reminds me of crystalline summer days.. Dry on skin/Drydown:Soft echoes left on my skin..not too much throw..and staying power on me is weak...less than 1+hour... Bottom line: This is a fragrance that is good for spring..in my opinion..would work GREAT for summer. I love the clean lines in it..the green tea and grasses and soft floral..it is wonderful...I have a bottle of Sea of Glass and I think Dormouse could give it a run for it's money for being my favorite summer scent. Alas..the staying power is it's only drawback on me..but I am not ready to give up on it just yet. I think moisturizing could help..so although I am not ready for big bottle purpose..this little imp is first on my list next summer...or when I want to feel clean, light and just...airy clear.
  8. metaldog32

    March Hare

    Received an imp of this compliments of the Lab..thank you very much!!! Apricot and sweet clove..this sounds right up my alley..since I do love cloves..so here I go!!! Initial sniff from imp: It's all syrupy fruit..the apricot is loud and clear..with the clove in the background. Interesting..since usually the clove note is much stronger..at least to my nose..but this is a nice enough change up..I do like apricot. Funny..even though I closed the imp..I can still smell that apricot...a minscule drop mus have touched the tip of my forefinger..amazing that such a little goes a very long way in the form of throw... Applied wet on skin:Still all apricot...even when breathe deeply it's all fruity apricot on me. Not a bad thing... Couple of minutes on skin: Still the same...apricot loud and clear on my skin...but now the clove makes itself a bit more assertive..but it's more like the notes are blending on my skin...where the apricot starts to fade..the clove seamlessly comes in and just finishes the fruity tones with it's own spicy/sweetness..just a touch..but it's there. March Hare is similar to the other fruity/warm scents such as Tamoraand Carnal. Instead of the fruit being either mandarin or peach it's apricot..instead of the sweetness coming from either vanilla or fig..it comes from the clove..I am enjoying this very much. Two notes..simple enough..but it is amazing how Beth can blend these two in just the right amounts to produce this wonderful blend. Throw is pretty good on me...no complaints here. Drydown:Apricot..softened significantly with the clove. All fruity sweetness softened with just the right mix of the clove. Staying power is good on me...6+ hours. Bottom Line: All in all..a very nice blend. March Hare is the deeper cousin of Carnal and Tamora. Both I have a 5 ml of..so I am not too sure if I need to add March Hare, but I will indeed keep my imp. I think this fragrance does well in Indian summer through fall and possibly early winter. As much as I am not so much a fruity scent gal..the apricot and clove really pack a deeply fruity/warm punch. Me likey!!
  9. metaldog32


    O.M.G...I did it..AGAIN...accidentally pushed the back button..and lost my review....UGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Try this again. I have had Carnal for several months now...bought a 5ml bottle straight out because I happen to love fig and orange. Now..I know mandarin is not orange..but it's close enough and I thought the combo would be fantastic. So..now I have the chance to try how good it really is..at least on me. Intital sniff from bottle: Definitely citrus-like is the most prevalent note I get...of course this is the mandarin..and a touch of sweetness..which could be the mandarin again..or maybe the fig. Don't know yet. Applied wet on skin: First off I get the mandarin...but it doesn't LEAP at me per se..fast behind is a touch of sweetness..gotta be the fig. I don't know..but right now Carnal reminds me of Siren's softer cousin. Instead of apricot and vanilla..I have mandarin and fig...without the ginger..and it smells really good. Couple of minutes on skin: The mandarin note is fading to the background and now the fig is doing it's thing. Sweet..with a touch of the citrus..but not cloying sweet..no,no, no..this is really very nicely done..at least on my skin. Funny..this doesn't have enormous throw on me..the fragrance settles close on my skin. Dry: Mandarin note a very faint memory..with the fig leaving me enveloped in wispy cloud of sweetness..almost smells like vanilla..but not so sweet. I know that fig is sweet..but the fig-sweetness is different than vanilla-sweet. Lasting power..pretty darned good. I had it on for about 6+hours yesterday before re-application. Bottom Line: I like this fragrance. I am happy I have a 5ml. Carnal for me can go from late/Indian summer to fall. It is a nicely blended fragrance combining warm fruity sweetness. I don't know if I will reach for this often..simply because I do have Tamora.. and for me she is my epitome so far for warm, fruity scents..but I am happy to have Carnal when I want a touch more fig and less vanilla and amber.
  10. metaldog32


    Nemesis. This little baby...she packs a PUNCH. Little bit of background...on how this came into my possession. Quite harmlessly..and very by the book. You see...this was either part of my first or second order of BPAL...so I have had it for months...MONTHS mind you...why the wait you ask??? (whispers)...I will tell you... See..back in March, April whatever...I was perusing the BPAL website and Nemesis caught my eye...and of course my heart. The description was everything I had ever hoped to be in my best and worst moments..yes Nemesis spoke to me on levels I dare not delve in..plus of coure..the fig note..well..it just lured me in..that and the ginger. All I had to see was "fig" and "ginger" and..well..it was a no-brainer. Impatiently waiting for my order to arrive...finally it shows..and I tear into it...cradling my very own bottle of the emobodiment of fear, awe, and dread...I unscrewed the cap, took a deep breath, and prepared myself for what I knew to be utter amazement... It was amazing...just not in the way I was hoping... What my nose was met with was NOT ginger, fig or anything I had ever been assaulted with. I...I was shocked, taken aback and instead of trying to figure out what happened..I immediately compartamentalized Nemeis as a fall/winter scent, put back in it's cold drawer and started kicking myself AGAIN for buying things on name only... But you see...you gotta give Beth and the Lab credit...these oils..they are tricky, tricky, tricky...just when you THINK you know it's nature..it pulls the rug from beneath you. This is case in point with Nemesis. So...here it goes: _____________________________________________________________________________ Initial sniff from bottle: Holy cow this is strong(eyes watering a bit). I had no idea then what was assaulting my nose then..but I now can identify this is big time cypress. Heck...even with the bottle uncapped at least a foot away...that cypress is LEAPING out of the bottle and basically clubbing me over the head. Talk about adversarial....this scent is NOT to be taken lightly...one of the reasons why I screwed it back on tightly the first time I smelled it..I couldn't even get enough nerve to try it on my skin. Anybody who loves this earthy/dirt-like astringent note...you are in for a treat with Nemesis. Applied wet on skin: On me..wet..it's all about the cypress and nothing else. Unfortunately for me..this is one note I am not fond of...AT ALL. But...I gotta see this through..and so this wet phase of the most overwhelming cypress stays with me for a little while...I don't get patchouli, or ginger or my beloved fig..heck I don't even get the dry rose or tonka..it's all earthy CYPRESS... Couple minutes on skin: Funny thing happens here...cypress is still roaring...but I start registering other notes...and it's pretty darned seamless here. I get the dry rose...with the cypress and I think maybe the patchouli sort of calming down a bit... Now...I wore Nemesis this morning and it's truly amazing. First the frontal assault with the cypress...but as the day wore on..the cypress started to relax..and I started getting an amazing melange...first with the dry rose..then interspersed with the cypress/rose..some sort of sweetness..which I had to assume is the fig. Not a super juicy fig...but a touch of sweetness that was extremely appealing..and quite surprising..considering that all of this was jutxapositioned with that cyrpress/patchouli combo that although a bit less aggressive..was still in the mix... Drydown:Amazing...softened cypress/patchouli..with the rose echoing..and the fig giving it a fruit sweetness..but it's the spicy touch of tonka which sort of reminds me of vanilla..just not as sweet..that's what is lingering close to my skin at this point. Perhaps there is/was ginger in all of this melange..but on me it's more of touch than anything else. The way this oil transitioned...it truly is mind blowing. I...I am in love..and I never thought it could happen...with me. Staying power is truly staggering...8+hours for me. THAT, my friends, is truly impressive. I definitely find Nemesisto be a fall scent..maybe winter too..but definitely fall. I am in love with her...the strength, the bit of fear that she sent through me...to face her is to truly know her..and I am in awe and smitten...DAMN this is a kick a$$ fragrance!!! WOW.
  11. metaldog32

    The Lady of Shalott

    I feel a bit rusty here...it's been a while since I actually wrote a review...sheesh!!! Will do my best...since I get on and wear more BPAl until I do this long overdue opinion regarding Lady of Shallot. I have been wearing her on and off since late summer..so it is time to do her justice. So..let's get down to it shall we??? Initial sniff from bottle:Gardenia, gardenia and more gardenia...a chilly gardenia if you will. I don't know why..but when I breathe deeply..I get a chilly sensation..have no idea how Beth does it. Applied wet on skin: Still gardenia..but not so chilly now...still cool..but not chilly. Following up fast is some sort of other floral..must be the muget...definitely has an aquatic feel...but not along the lines of Shattered..this is aquatic floral sans mint...sans salt...a freshwater aquatic if you will... A couple minutes on skin:Still the gardenia and muget...still get the aquatic floral feel...I am not registering any tart aquatic notes...but if I breathe deeply at this point, I can get a touch of the ginger..but it's waaayyyy in the back. I definitely find this an enormously wearable floral for me...not too heavy..more like a clear watery floral...crystalline and cool...this was great in the summer. Dry on skin: Same party on my skin..this stayed fairly linear on me..which is not a bad thing at all..I very much enjoy it. Staying power on me is about 3-4 hours...not so much throw on me..but this little gem is not about assaulting you with its fragrance...for me this oil draws you in quietly. Bottom line:I am glad I got the 5ml on just the description-it is to me a bit of a cool watery floral that hints at a bit of chill...perfect for summer.
  12. metaldog32

    Red Moon 2004

    Red Moon. This was one of the most difficult bottles for me to track down..let me tell you!! I got it earlier this year...but it was touch and go. I lost out on not one but TWO ebay auctions and then a very special forumite had a bottle on sale here. Needless to say..I was too late for it... Or so I thought... Wouldn't you know..the original buyer backed out and I was greeted with an email asking me if I was still interested. I will never forget it..it had been a crappy day for me...and well..to get that email..it made my heart melt and my eyes well up.. To that special BPAL forumite..I will never forget that day.. Ahem...back to the present. Sooo..I got it, fondled it, and then carefully put it in storage..knowing that in the summer there would be a perfect day to wear it.. Today is the day. My dad's birthday. Initial sniff from the bottle: Cherry like...definitely fruity..it is Dragon's Blood...and something else that even from the whiff of it makes me think of glowing red...this baby is hot. Applied wet on skin:Dragons Blood and amber and herbs...this is fruity and warm...and NO..right now I am not getting any of the *traditional lunar oils* peeking underneath...I think I smell the marigold peeking..this is really very special. This so typifies August summer..the steady heat/warmth boring into you...the fabulous sunsets that make the late summer landscapes so breathtaking...this is definitely the type of fragrance you wear when you want to *embrace* the summertime aspects..not escape from them. Couple of minutes on skin:Dragons Blood..but now I get more of the orange peel with it..and of course the amber and heliotrope..I am usually NOT a super fruity gal but this blend nails it with the amber and herbs and orange...I have always loved orange peel. I don't really think Kool Aid..maybe because the amber gives it a more sophisticated twist..at least on my skin... Dry on skin:Same players...just a bit softer..but still present. The throw on this is not too aggressive..in fact after an hour or so it settles close to my skin...I wore it to work today and found it acceptable. Funny..I had on a cool toned blouse on..and as soon as I dabbed this on my skin..I just felt warm and pulsating..as if I swallowed a red star or something...it immediately made my body temperature jump. Drydown: Same notes..but if I inhale deeply I finally get that soft mintiness of what smells like to me the traditional lunar oils..but in this blend they are markedly subdued. Bottom Line: This is so a summertime fragrance..for all you sun worshippers Red Moon simply represents all the glorious aspects of late summer the only way a feminine Lunar force could.... Beautifully Amazing.
  13. metaldog32

    Baobhan Sith

    Baobhan Sith- *frimp* compliments of the Lab... Wasn't expecting too much from this..so my expectations were pretty low. Only thing that was exciting me was the ginger..and that's about it. Initial whiff from imp: Grapefruit, grapefruit and more grapefruit...most refreshing!!! Applied wet on skin: Grapefruit..with a soft ginger kick.Not so much on the tea and/or apple blossom notes..just all citrus and ginger. Couple of minutes on skin: Okay..heeeere we are with the floral..ie apple blossom...grapefruit/ginger has exited the building...and it's ALL apple blossom on me..which by the way..is freaking STUNNING. Dry on skin:Yes..this is a stunning white floral. What the HECKam I supposed to do now??? I only have one imp of this stuff... Throw is good on me...so is the staying power...about 5 hours or so... Yes...I wore this once before...so this is my 2nd time around wearing it. Bottom Line:I am SO kicking myself for not giving this a chance when it was available. I am not a floral person per se, but the apple blossom is dynamite in this fragrance. I see this definitely as a late spring early summer scent..really beautiful..and definitely a work acceptable fragrance. Darn for not snagging some sooner!!!
  14. metaldog32

    Jolly Roger

    Sea spray with an undercurrent of leather, Bay Rum, and salty, dry woods. This I received as a *frimp* from the always generous Lab...thank you!!! Not something I had on my list of scents to try..but intrigued with it anyway. I myself am actually attracted to more *masculine* scents..being one of the few chicks who actually like and bought L'Artisan's Navegar..which basically is supposed to be a masculine scent..but I had to have it anyway..so THERE. Okay..onto the reveiw: Inital sniff from imp: Okay..I am swooning...(knees buckle)...I get the dry woods..and sea salt tinged air...no dryer sheet here..just pure sea type scents wafting out of this imp. I know this is going to be good for me. Applied wet on skin: OHHHH..yes..the leather is here..and the dry wood and the sea air..and HECK YEAH...the bay rum...dear Lord..this is *meow* to me..on a guy or gal. Couple of minutes on skin: Definitely an aquatic...this to me is just so wonderful...the salt air has taken the backseat and its still a party with the bayrum and a bit of the leather still peeking...all in all for me very, very *MEOW*. Drying on skin: Same partygoers...more the bayrum and leather..with the salt air fading...but boy does this smell fabulous... Drydown: Salt air..with a bit of bayrum....aquatic feeling...sigh... Bottom Line: This is basically a scent that would make ME pounce on anyone...guy/girl. I don't care what season wears this..it definitely makes me mad!!! MEEEOOOWW!!! I am SO tempted to buy this outright.
  15. metaldog32


    Ahhh yes Shattered. This was part of my very first order from BPAL..sniffle..and the one I had to have based on the description alone. So...why did I wait so long??? I will tell you. Being an impatient person by nature, I knew I had to score some BPAL before my order came. Luckily for me, I was able to get my hands on a bottle of Cold Moon and when I opened the bottle and took a deep whiff..I discovered sweet, sweet, and more SWEET. Not exactly what I was expecting. Reading up a bit I discovered that the sweetness was the lotus..and promptly made the connection that lotus and I were going to have to go many rounds before we found a happy medium. Fast forward to when I finally got my precious first order. I eagerly tear into the box, fondle my bottle of Shattered, unscrew the cap and eagerly inhale..what am I met with??? Sweetness and mint...OH NO!!!! Promptly screw the top back on, tell myself it doesn't matter..it's a summer fragrance and put it in the cold wooden drawer..kicking myself for being such a sucker without trying stuff first and promptly forget about it. Until now. It is summertime..and I swore to myself I would do a review on every oil I have..and now is as good a time as any for this one. Here it goes: Intital sniff from bottle: Goodness..as I remember..sweet, sweet, sweet. Lotus lovers..take heart..this baby has got your name on it. Lotus and soft mint...if I breathe deeply enough I get a trace of something citrus like..but from the bottle it is all sweetness and mint. For a moment I had a *flashback* of Cold Moonas this was exactly what I thought I smelled from that oil as well. Maybe the *lunar oils* have these components??? I would think so. Applied wet on skin: This is where the oil does an *about face* on me. Almost immediately as I apply..the grapefruit leaps out at me..with a bit of dry fizziness...sort of like really good champagne..which I am assuming is that champagne notes..right behind is the soft mint and lotus..which amazingly has not gone *ape* on me...WOW. I like this stage. Drying on skin: Grapefuit/champagne is still there..with the mint/lotus..but peeking through is the floral..definitely some sort of watery floral..the melange is actually very appealing. I never..NEVER thought that mint,sweetness,and citrus would go together...I am proved wrong. Couple of minutes dry on skin:Grapefuit/champagne notes fading fast on my skin..with the soft mint/lotus soft echoes following now the floral...grapefruit/champagne wafts in and out intermittently..albeit very, very soft. Drydown: All floral..with soft mint in the background. Throw is strongest on me in its wet phase..then it settles down close to my skin. Re-application happens at around the 4 hour mark if I so choose to. Which..I do. Bottom line: A startling scent..at least to me. Definitely summertime fragrance..but even more so a fragrance that kind of captures to me the heart-wrenching pain of ending a relationship...when the body is spent from spewing hot tears..and one is left in the cold reality that it.truly.is.over. Fascinating.
  16. metaldog32

    The Hanging Gardens

    The Hanging Gardens...this is *some* BPAL scent. I have been wearing it for at least 3-4 days..and it really has been challenging trying to formulate in my head exactly what I experience...I will try now to put some sort of coherence together Initial sniff from bottle: What I get is fruit..but not overly sweet fruit such as the date/fig..what I think I am smelling is possibly the plum/quince and perhaps the pear...I agree that the initial *fruit* blast I get is a touch like Queen of Spades..which is also heavy on the plum. Fruity, fruity, fruity..but a rich fruit.. Funny thing is...a couple of days ago..when trying to formulate my opinion I could have sworn the initial sniff was all date/fig driven..REALLY sweet fruit..so I am baffled...this is going to be pretty challenging... Applied wet on skin: Okay.now I am getting the date/fig rush coupled with the other fruits..and coupled with that I am getting some sort of *wood* note..not really aggressive..just if I inhale deeply..it's like on the tail end..must be the ebony/fir..and all of this smells incredible..if not baffling and kind of chaotic..the notes seem to running all into eachother..so I am left most of the time wondering..*what the heck am I smelling???* Couple of minutes on skin: This is warming up on my skin...now the gardenia/plumeria seem to be a bit more in the forefront..with the ripe fruit not far behind..and that wood-like note again on the tail end. It's a bit more floral than fruit..but it still smells fabulous...chaotic but fabulous. I don't know if I actually got any pomegranate in the beginning.but no matter..this is just so freakin *roller coaster*..at least to me. Inhaling this fragrance reminds me of Indian Summer..other reviewers have made mention of it..and I have to agree..this to me reminds me of just before fall harvest..the fruit so ripe and harkens to me a bit of an exotic locale...sun-drenched fruit at the peakness...rich and sweet...not tropical..but more Middle-Eastern feel to it.. Drying on skin: Original players are still here..but now I am getting more of the dry rose..I like it. Again..more floral, the sweet fruit (meaning date/fig) are behind with a trace of the fruity fruit and now more of the dry rose heading up the back. Drydown: Basically all dry rose..with hints of the other notes weaving softly in and out...sometimes more so than other...this scent has many facets.. Staying power is pretty good..I usually have to re-apply at the 5 hour mark. Bottom Line:Indian summer fragrance..and definitely one that rivals Kali as one heck of face changer..I was truly stumped for the first couple of days. I like it very much..and will enjoy wearing it again in another month. I just might bring it with me when I travel to Spain in September..seems like a *fitting* fragrance to complement the rich,sun-drenched, locale that is Espana!!! Well done!!
  17. metaldog32


    Received this golden colored imp complements of the Lab..thank you Not on my original list of oils to try, so I had to look it up to figure out exactly what makes this up. I always like to look at the Lab description first just so that I have an idea..my nose isn't the most sophisticated as of yet to be able to pick the notes out dead on.. WOW..these chicks have got it all. I happen to love fig and clove..with the honey this seems like a slam-dunk of a fragrance. Am not TOO excited about patchouli but perhaps with the ylang ylang this will all work out. Initial sniff from imp: Honey sweetness..yum!! I don't know if my nose can discern the sweet fig from the golden honey..or if it is all just golden honey..but this is what I am registering. It smells wonderful. Applied wet on skin: Honey is still there..but coming up fast is what I think is the patchouli..trailing is the clove...am not too sure if I am smelling the ylang ylang. The patchouli gives this a bit of an *earthy* quality which actually works..at least to me. Dry on skin: Honey and fig are blended well...a very warm fragrance with the patchouli playing nice on me and the clove still peeking through every now and then. Sweet golden goodness tempered with a bit of fiery warmth of the patchouli/clove team. I am enjoying this very much. Throw and staying power are good. Hetairae doesn't need re-application on me till at least the 6hour mark. Drydown: A bit of honey and clove and patchouli...very nice. I am sure the ylang ylang is here..but since I am unfamiliar with it's fragrance, I can't say I smell it..but I am sure it has to be here...am just a neophyte with notes still..mea culpa!!! Bottom Line: I like Hetairae. VERY MUCH. The only other fragrance I have tried with clove in it is Blood Kiss..and right now if I had to put them in a pecking order Hetaire would be first. It is a warm sensual scent that sort of reminds me of Bastet..sans amber..and since I love Bastet, Hetairae is on my list for possible big bottle(s). To me Hetairae is a late summer/early fall to winter scent.
  18. metaldog32

    Blue Moon 2004

    I actually have the day off from work...and I am so very happy that I now can carve out a bit of *me time* to do a review of Blue Moon. I actually acquired Blue Moon earlier this year...through my hunting and scouring on Ebay I was lucky enough to win a 5ml bottle. I came to BPAL this year and was terribly obsessed regarding the lunar oils..specifically Blue Moon..because well..I am a lunar child and June is my birth month..so I HAD to find a way to try Blue Moon. Luckily for me..I emerged victorious. I waited till July to try Blue Moon..as I have so many fragrances..and I have been wearing her for over a week. I really am grateful to have the opportunity to experience Blue Moon...thank you in advance Beth and Lab for giving all of us your wonderful perfume oils. I have always liked cucumber as a component in my fragrance along with wood aloe..so I figured I have nothing to lose. Initial sniff from bottle: I smell the *traditional lunar oil* scent that is signature with all the lunar blends..it is very much softened..I am pretty sure the soft mint-like waft I am getting in there is part of the *lunar oil* melange..so all in all it is at first and few more whiffs the lunar oils softly permeating from the bottle. If there is any of th mugwort, bay, or juniper, I can't identify it..yet. Applied wet on skin: I still smell the lunar oils..but they are beautifully combined with what I think I am smelling is the bay and I think the orchid. There is a floral here that smells wonderful so I have to assume it is the orchid. Funny..right now I am NOT getting the berry/cucumber/melon notes that I usually can pick up easily...hmm maybe my nose isn't up yet??? A couple minutes on skin: Okay..here we are!!! Orchid and cucumber and some sort of melon/berry..YAY!!! All of this is blooming on my skin softly but purposefully..with the lunar oil in the background. It is as many have said..a quietly powerful scent. Definitely a *color of moonlight* fragrance...it is to me a truly *magikal* scent. I really love this. It is perfection. Yes..it's feminine..and has a *watery* feel..but it doesn't translate to me as aquatic..Blue Moon..she is feminine and mysterious...powerful but not loud..she beckons you with secrets...and allure..but still manages to be aloof and a bit chilly at the same time... I don't do Blue Moon justice..difficult for me to find the right words/phrases...I think other reviewers do a better job than me.. Drying on skin: I get more of the mugwort/bay/juniper on my skin..with the lunar oils still doing the background dance. Orchid and berries/melon have all but exited...but in it's place I am detecting a bit more of the aloe which I think attributed to the *coolness* of the scent along with the lunar oils. If I breathe deeply enough, the berry/melon note comes to me at the back of my throat. Still amazing. As far as staying power goes, Blue Moon is very elusive on my skin. She stays around for about 2-3 hours and then I am left with only traces of her. I don't mind this ONE BIT..for however long she decides to grace me with her presence, I am honored and grateful..Blue Moon is THAT good. Drydown Basically the same party that was there when Blue Moon was drying on my skin..but every now and then I get a whiff of berry/melon..talk about fickle!!! Bottom Line: I am definitely besotted with Blue Moon. Defintiely a summer fragrance..but I would go so far as it being a truly *magikal* fragrance..which to me would mean it can be worn anytime of the year..be it icy cold or dog-day hot. I actually would love to wear this in the winter. I love all the lunar oils but this one is truly spectacular. I am so very honored to have the opportunity to try and experience the very special Blue Moon. Thank you AGAIN Beth and Lab.
  19. metaldog32


    Am running out of room to try my imps..so Siren will have to be the last of the mohicans for today. I actually purchased a bottle of Siren..but that went to my sis. Fortunately..a generous forumite/E-bay seller included an imp of Siren for me to try..so I get to do a review. The imp is actually pretty old..it has the hand written tag on it and the oil is caramel colored. Now..I happen to LOVE ginger...and I do enjoy apricot..so I am excited to just dive in. Initial sniff from imp: Interestingly enough..it is the ginger that is in the lead..with a faintness of apricot. I would have thought it would be the other way around..me like this!! Applied wet on skin: Trying to find space on my arms not tainted with either Aeval or Blood Kiss is proving to be challenging..but I am managing. Back to Siren: HELLO APRICOT!!! There you are...and with you I see you brought your friend vanilla...ginger is sort of there..but the melange right now is very similar to a sweet fruit laden confection..as other reviewers stated..there is something of a whiff of coconut I get as well if I inhale deeply...almost like toasted cocount. Couple of minutes on skin: It's all sweetness..with a faint whiff of bite-which I am assuming is the ginger. Apricot is somewhere in the background..but basically all I am registering right now is vanilla..I am not getting the jasmine per se.. Dry on skin: It's all come down to the vanilla with a touch of the jasmine. I like it well enough..but it is a bit sweet for me. Bottom Line: For me Siren can work in late summer/fall and maybe even winter..the vanilla adds a richness with the apricot and a ginger. I won't get a full bottle because sis and I don't share scents, but I will enjoy my imp...the ginger,vanilla apricot combo is too good to pass up!!
  20. metaldog32

    Blood Kiss

    Got this imp from I think the Lab..thank you very much!!! This wasn't on my list to officially *try* but who can resist trying new smellies??? Not me!!! Before I go further, just wanted to say that magdalene's review on this pretty much described Blood Kiss..but I figured I might as well try to write a review anyway..that way I can move onto another imp..hee hee Okay..let's get into it shall we??? Now..this does sound very attractive..the vanilla and honey with clove and cherries...MEOW!!! . The vetiver is not my favorite but the poppy, wine and feral musk definitely have me curious.. Initial sniff from imp: Cherries, cherries and cherries..with a trickle of sweetness which could be from the vanilla, could be from the honey..and yes..I do smell the cloves. To me..already this smells like a fall/winter scent. Applied wet on skin: Cherries..but coming up fast is the clove...and if I breathe deeply enough I do get the blood red wine...throughout this I get a sweetness with a trace of nuttiness..I don't know if this is the vanilla or honey..but they are all having the time of their lives on my skin. I gotta say..I really do like the combo..the cloves are the icing on the cake for me... Couple of minutes on skin: The notes I described have softened a bit...but definitely are not non-existent. I think I smell the vetiver..which isn't too bad..I don't think I mind it as a component with other notes..I don't know what poppy smells like so I can't say I do or don't smell it. To me this is a very sexy fragrance...if not a touch dangerous. The throw and staying power is excellent. I have worn this several times to either my running class and or dance class..and Blood Kiss lasted through an hour plus worth of aerobic effort with no signs of stopping even when I came home several hours later. Dry on skin: Cherries have exited the building and I am left with a melange of what I can tell is the husky clove toned with sweetness and what I think is the vetiver. No complaints so far. Bottom line: I like this very much..but I am still on the fence about buying a big bottle..maybe because I have so many already?? Hmm...this is definitely an imp I am going to enjoy using..and if I come across any other oils with clove in them then perhaps it will make me come to my decision faster about whether or not I want to indulge in a 5ml. Blood Kiss is warm,sexy, a touch sweet and a bit dark/dangerous...defnitely a fall/winter scent. Well done Lab!!
  21. metaldog32


    I now have some time to do a review of Aeval..which I have been wearing for the better part of 3 weeks...THREE WEEKS!!! I have soooo many other fragrances I am supposed to be wearing/reviewing..but because of work and other things..I just haven't had the time to give Aeval proper mention. FINALLY...I have, or should I say, I am MAKING the time to give my review. Okay...from the lab: A judicious yet powerfully sensual blend, a mingling of justice and sexuality: sage, sweet pea, bold pale musk and warm tonka. I feel so rusty..reviewing . Hopefully I can do a decent job..I have been wearing her for quite some time. By the way, I received this as part of my Pink Moon order. Initial sniff from bottle: Smells green and herbal in a soft way. Sort of reminds me of Oisin and/or Beltane..but sans heavy floral. At least in the bottle I don't get heavy floral..just clean smelling green herbal..if that makes any sense. Applied wet on skin: Soft herbal..but now I think I am smelling more of the sweet pea...which on me isn't loud..it is soft and works with the I believe is the sage. I really don't know what sage actually smells like..but I have to assume it is the sage that lends the herbal/green note in Aeval. Nice. Couple of minutes on skin: Sage has moved to the background and it's now from what I can tell is probably the pale musk/tonka taking the lead with the sweet pea following. This stays close to my skin..and it seems a bit warmer now. All the time I have been wearing Aeval I have enjoyed the herbal-like green freshness of her...Aeval on me smells clean..not dryer sheet clean or ozone clean or even marine clean..just spring-like clean..as I said Aeval sort of reminds me of Beltane..except not so floral forward. Also...staying power on this was decent. If I was re-applying, I usually did so at he 4-5 hour mark. As I stated before, the fragrance seems to stay close to my skin-it starts out a bit more forward but ends up being very intimate on me. Dry on skin: It's all tonka with the pale musk and a hint of sweet pea. What does that smell like??? A bit like vanilla..but not sweet...just warm and a bit round..with the wisp of sweet pea finishing it off..at least on me. Bottom Line: Definitely a keeper..I bought a bottle unsniffed and am pleased. To me this is spring scent...and one I will enjoy thoroughly with Beltane whenever I want to feel fresh but still a bit sensual. I believe Aeval gets her sensual side from the tonka and pale musk..which definitely rounds her out. I like her very much...
  22. metaldog32


    Okey doke...finally get to review my imp of Fae that I have been carrying around with me for a week and a half!!! Thank you Lab for always being so generous with the imps...I do so appreciate it!!! Anyway... Now..I have always been a fan of peach since I was younger..and do like white musk and bergamot..so I was really excited to try this little guy. Here we go!!! Sniffed from imp: Juicy, juicy, juicy peach..and I think a touch of the bergamot as well??? I think I also smell a touch of the heliotrope but basically this all fruit driven from the imp...smells like summer to me. Applied wet on skin: Still incredibly fruit driven...with the bergamot giving it a bit more *bite*. At least I think it is the bergamot..since it smells more citrus like with almost a touch of bitter??? I admit..I am not an expert on fragrance composition...overall the vibe I get is fruit driven but not syrupy...something in here is keeping it *grounded* if that makes any sense... Couple of minutes dry on skin: Maybe it's the oakmoss or the heliotrope that made me think *grounded*...but overall this is still fruit driven..am not sure if I am registering the white musk per se...but I do find Fae very interesting..she is different than Tamora...instead of amber she mixes it up with musk and oakmoss..and so far Fae is very nice indeed. The throw is good but the staying power on me is a little short. I get from Fae about 3-4 hours until I need to re-apply sparingly. I have to say though Fae does indeed *bloom* nicely in the warmer weather as well...come to think of it..doesn't most fragrances *bloom*..hee hee Drydown: Smell the fruit but it has softened and it plays side by side to what I think is now the oakmoss/musk... Bottom Line: I like Fae but I don't love her. Something in this doesn't quite fit me...but I still think it is definitely a wonderful fragrance. So far as peach scents go, Tamora still is my number one pick so far...but I will keep my imp of Fae when I feel like being somebody else...
  23. metaldog32

    Pink Moon 2005

    Hooray, Hooray, HOORAY!!! I finally get the chance to review Pink Moon!!! I have been wearing her for almost 2 weeks now....because of my hectic schedule these days AND my rule that I can't wear any new fragrances until I write a review for them..well...it has kind of messed up my rotation schedule..HAH No worries though..will do my review(s) and then cheerfully decide which scent will be the one I showcase next week at work..hee hee!!! Weekends I tend to review impies...just in case anybody was wondering... OKAY...onto the review. First whiff from the bottle: Sweet...not bubblegum sweet no,no,no..honey sweet with a tangle of sugary sweetness...definitely a *pink* feel to it. As much as I am not a *pink* gal..I do like it... Applied wet on skin: I still get the sweetness..but now the florals are asserting themselves a bit more in the mix. All of this is really very pretty, soft and sweet. Couple of minutes on skin: The party consists of the floral with the honey and sugar sweetness...I still think there is a tiny touch of *aquatic* which lends the fragrance a lightness that keeps it from being too heavy on the sweetness factor. The fragrance seems to stay close on my skin. Funny...I am not sure if there is much throw on me with Pink Moon..then again when I opened the bottle I could smell it from 2 feet away...could be that I am just used to it.hmmmmm Drydown:For me..it is all soft floral with sweetness...not too much on the strawberry..more so honey and sugar...lasting power is pretty good..for me Pink Moon lasts 4-5 hours before I need to re-apply. With the warmer weather we have been having in the Garden State it really seems to *bloom* especially when I am walking briskly to work...at least I know I smell pretty even if I am sweating!!! Bottom Line: Ireally am very happy with Pink Moon. She is a great fragrance to wear for Spring and not bad in the pseudo-heat wave that we are having as well. Well done Beth!!!
  24. metaldog32

    Beltane 2005-06

    Hooray!!! Finally get the chance at LAST to do a review. I admire anyone who has the time and energy to do reviews during the week. I am so doggone TIRED from work..the last thing I feel like doing is lugging my laptop out. But you guys inspire me...all you guys reviewing..it makes me want to write too!! Anyway...here I am..at home..with my laptop..and finally getting to put my thoughts down about Beltane. Got a 5ml because I wanted to try to find a *spring* scent..and I have been wearing it for three days now...so here it goes: Sniffed from bottle: Blast of something a bit herbal..but not in a medicinal way..nor for me is it sharp..but it is STRONG..and I do smell florals..but I am unfamiliar with the TYPE of florals..I have to assume they are the tulips/daffodils/hyacinth/jasmine everyone has been talking about. I have my 5ml bottle uncapped and the fragrance is leaping out at me from my dresser..it does have a LOT of throw..in a good way!!! Herbal floral..best way I can put it. Applied wet to skin: Again the blast of herbal and floral...but now for me the floral is taking the lead..and gosh..it does smell wonderful..definitely fresh and new and spring-like. The florals aren't heavy or overly sweet...there is such a *freshness* or *green* feeling to this..without it being sharp..no it is a *new* green...all dewy and just...SPRING Dry a couple of minutes on skin: This is really wonderful. I can sort of see the touch *aquatic* some reviewers described as part of the floral..but all in all for me it is just an amazing blend of spring florals with the soft somewhat sweet herbal note weaving it's way through it...this to me smells like renewal..like spring. The throw on me is strong..case in point..my sis and I drove into work today..I wearing Beltane and she wearing Kali..Beltane drowned Kali out..how is that possible??? Plus..staying power on me is impressive..over 8+hours. Drydown: One of the best I have encountered yet..Beltane softens to a floral..now a bit more aquatic..but so beautiful...I actually prefer the drydown to it's *wet* phase..that's how good it is..but the whole ride has been amazing. Bottom line: Beltane for me is probably one of the best *spring* scents I have ever tried. It sort of reminds me in a sense of Oisin..I think the Irish herbal notes are what make me think they are similar..but only in that loose regard. Beltane embodies renewal and rebirth..I am so happy I purchased a 5ml. The first time I tried it I wasn't too sure about it given the strength of it in its wet phase..but BOY..does it deliver!!! A keeper for me for sure.
  25. metaldog32


    I was pleased as punch to get a freebie imp of Kali from the Lab..although I actually purchased a 5ml bottle of Kali unsniffed..this was for my sis. So I hadn't actually TRIED it..my sis and I don't wear each other's fragrances..but when she wore it, it smelled divine. Lucky for me, I have my own imp to review..YAY This does sound complex and layered...hope my nose is up for the challenge..okay here I go: Let me preface one more thing..I put Kali on last night before I went to bed to see how well the lasting power was and to get an idea of what the drydown would be after several hours...but I am appying again on my other wrist to get a better feel of this in its' *wet* phase.. Initial sniff from imp: I get a blast of boozy/honey sweetness..but the sweetness isn't overwhelming or cloying...I don't get any florals per se..let me re-phrase..I don't get any floral that I recognize..all I get is the booze/honey blast. Applied wet on skin: Okay..the boozy blast transitioned quicky...and I am still getting the honey sweetness..but with that I also have what I think I am registering is the lotus..happily I am reporting that the lotus is NOT morphing into my lotus gorilla.. Couple of minutes on skin: Oh.my. The melange of everything is amazing.. I wish I could identify the notes on my skin..but unfortunately for me, my nose isn't being very helpful right now From what I can discern, Kali is definitely complex..but in a good way..dark but not sinister, sweet, but not cloying...very womanly...I think the dark chocolate is adding an anchor to the florals with the honey/wine adding varying tones of sweetness... Dry: Completely dry, I actually get the sweet tabacco with a hint of wine sweetness..of the red variety. This has impressive staying power as I smelled the complete drydown on my wrist this morning after sleeping with it on for 7+ hours. Bottom Line: Kali is UNBELIEVABLE. What a complex scent..amazing job Beth. I find Kali perfect for fall/winter..and I have to say..it has so many *faces* to it, it makes me look forward to trying it again and again just to get the opportunity to ride this scent of Kali-so many notes that work well together..one minute the florals are in the forefront..seamlessly it changes and it's the chocolate/wine..then again, the honey/sweet tabacco emerges...this scent keeps me guessing...in a good way.WOW.