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Everything posted by metaldog32

  1. metaldog32


    All flash and glam: white wine, heliotrope, d’Anjou pear, and lotus. So...I have never had an affinity towards sweet and/or fruity scents. I usually leave that for my sis...and honestly..lotus and I..well..we tend to have a bit of a strained relationship..to the point that if lotus is in the blend my first reaction is basically I had an imp of Glitter..figured I would give it a try and do my review. So..I try it on..start to formulate my opinions and wouldn't you know..I lose my freaking imp... . How on earth am I ever supposed to figure out whether I like it or not??? Worse..I had the silly imp and now I have LOST it..darn. But wouldn't you know...it has resurfaced again...YYYAAAYYY!!! SO..that means I can now review and move on. This was a frimp compliments of the Lab from early 2005..thank you for your neverending generosity Labbies.. Initial sniff from imp: ..argh...it's super SWEET...wow can I smell that lotus..and it's a loud bubblegum at that. Wet pear is in the back..and I don't know if I am smelling/registering the alcohol note..but it's sweet, sweet, sweet. Applied wet on skin:The lotus gorilla is basically clubbing me to death..but I am getting the pear note too..so although this clearly NOT what I am used to wearing for myself....it isn't bad. If you love sweet and fruity you would go GA-GA over this. It kind of reminds me of Stardust without the Aquanet, tobacco flower, or champagne fizz. Now I happen to likeStardust ..so right now this Glitter isn't too bad. Not my cup of tea..but not terrible either. Couple of minutes on skin:Lotus has softened a bit..so my lotus gorilla seems a bit more relaxed..this is basically the strongest note I get..along with the sweetness of a fruit..which I get is wet pear. It's kind of juicy and definitely sweet..I almost get a whiff of Smarties wwwwayy in the back of my throat if I whiff deeply. Drying on skin:Same notes..softened considerably is the lotus..so now what I am registering is basically the Smarties with the lotus in the back...hmmm...it's not bad at all actually. Drydown:Sweetness...like those powdered candy straws...that's what is left on my skin..with a touch of the pear...lotus is in the back..and very muted...maybe that is what is the candy sweetness???No bubblegum..just candy powdered straws..with flavors like cherry and grape..kind of sour but sweet too??? Anybody know what I am talking about here???? Throw on me is actually medium. Lasting power..a good 4+hours. Bottom Line:Glitter is actually a great fragrance for those who love sweet and fruity. It's not my cup of tea but I actually could see layering it over a glitter body gel I have from B/BW...it's sparkling raspberry and Glitter over it would give it some depth. To me Glitter is definitely a spring to summer fragrance. I don't love it..but I respect what it is evoking. I have Stardust so I just might give this one away if my sis decided to pass.
  2. metaldog32

    Hymn to Proserpine

    Hymn to Prosperine...I believe I bought a 5ml outright just because it has the seductive amber with dark fruit combo. Beth's amber blends have been consistent winners with me and although I am not a huge fruit fan the idea of the amber swirling with dark fruit made my pulse quicken a bit. Why you ask??? Well..last year or so I was lucky to procure a bottle of Queen of Spades...I didn't realize how fabulous that scent truly was and as of recently I have been trying to figure out what GC fragrance could take it's place. I wasn't going to try Hymn to Prosperine...but since I was having trouble getting another GC scent to stay on me..specifically Florence..I figured why not layer Hymn to Prosperineover it and see how it flies??? So...here is my review..sorry for the rambling... Intitial sniff from the bottle:Fruity...like stone fruit..maybe cherry, maybe plum, maybe currant??? Definitely dark fruits..maybe a bit of pomegranate..all this in the forefront..don't get amber..just a dark fruit swirl. It isn't in my face but it isn't invisible either. I like it. Applied wet on skin:Dark fruit..more of a plum/black cherry melange..and I get the tinge of the amber in the back. It's round and smooth..the fruit isn't overly sharp and not sickenly sweet either..full and fruity and warm...really nice. Couple of minutes on skin:Amber is warming up on my skin and really adding depth to this..it's now more amber with the fruit now in the background. This isn't an aggressive fragrance on me..although I smell the fruit and amber duo..the throw is actually soft..it kind of wafts easily and lazily on me. If I keep my wrists away from my nose I get a bit more of the fruit note..but if I sniff up close it's all delicious soft amber. Again..throw on me is soft to moderate. Lasting power is actually about 4+hours on me. If I apply on my hair..it lasts even longer. Drying on skin: Still the amber in the forefront..with the fruit note(s) peeking in and out. I enjoy this very much. Drydown:Warm amber with hints of the fruit...almost like a warm skin scent on me. Bottom Line:I actually like this very much. It kind of reminds me of Queen of Spades..except it doesn't have the wood and touch of smoke and is a bit softer in it's translation on my skin. I will have to hoard my Qof S but I likeHymn to Prosperine very much as a late summer to early winter fragrance. She helped Florence stick on me a bit longer and to that I am eternally grateful. I might actually buy another 5ml because surprisingly enough, I am almost halfway down my bottle...
  3. metaldog32

    Strawberry Moon 2005

    Stawberry Moon...quite an unlikely choice for me for a fragrance because any time I come upon a scent that is supposed to be super fruity and sweet I do the following: That being said...my exception is with the lunar oils...simply because I am a Crab and we being lunar babies I am compelled to try anything associated with the moon. Departing from my normal reviewing structure, I will be commenting on the drydown first because this is what I know RIGHT NOW..and I will work backwards. Here we go: Drydown:Smells creamy and sweet..very much like Chaste Moon actually...and I do find it very nice. Strawberry has exited the building. Drying on skin:More of the creamy sweetness...with faint whiffs of strawberry..very subtle..but not invisible. Couple of minutes on skin: Notes are settling down now...with the lunar oils warming up a bit..along with the super fruity strawberry...the cream's there..weaving a bit..and at the very tail end...some sort of green/herbal note..really faint..but there...kind of giving this roundness..so I don't feel like I am inhaling a Strawberry Shortcake doll. Applied wet on skin: Holy cow this is sweet! Super sweet strawberry...and umm...strawberry...and ummm...I think cream....with a minty note which I identify as the "tradional lunar oils" that peeks through...anybody who loves sweet will go ga-ga over this. Usually..this has me running for the hills. Sniffed from bottle:Eyes watering..this is a blazing drunk strawberry...running around the party planting big sloppy wet kisses. This is SWEET and underneath it all I sort of get a touch of cream but from the bottle the loud strawberry has got everybody's attention. Bottom line:Strawberry Moon..although something I would usually never wear...actually wasn't bad at all. A fruity fragrance that warmed up to be very creamy and soft. It's a bit girlie and young for my tastes..but I think it is a perfect choice for when you feel innocent..it's actually has amazing staying power and decent throw. I am glad I have a bottle..at first I thought I would never wear this even with me usually being besotted with Beth's lunar blends but now I think there is room for rotation of this one. A great choice for spring-hands down.
  4. metaldog32

    Sea of Glass

    Sea of Glasswas part of my very first order of BPAL back in 2005. I ordered a 5ml bottle outright..just because I loved the description. I am now FINALLY trying this... Initial sniff from the bottle: Very clean smelling...faint citrus...a bit of floral and yes..the aquatic is there. It smells like a placid sea..shining, clean, light. If I could assign a color to this it would be translucent...white...maybe a light sea green??? Applied wet on skin:I get more of the citrus...but it's not overpowering..the aquatic with it's soft salt note, some sort of white floral...I think lily too and yes an ozone type note..everything is gentle..a beautiful gentle and clear aquatic. Couple of minutes on skin:Citrus fades to the background I get more of the ozone,aquatic, white floral party...again all of this is soft and gentle and just radiates a clearness that is calming and not shrill..if that makes any sense. Unfortunately for me..staying power is nill...2-3 hours tops.. ..I wish it stayed longer but then again..that's what re-application is for. Throw is is soft. Drydown: Skin scent..with maybe a trace of the ozone/aquatic Bottom Line: Sea of Glass is a beautiful meditative scent for me..quite possibly one of the best aquatics I have smelled thus far from Beth. Commercially speaking, it reminds me of Creative Scentualization's Mare. Although it disappears too quickly on me, I enjoy it nonetheless.
  5. metaldog32

    The Hermit

    I have had The Hermit for quite some time..it being my tarot/life card. It is the first of only two tarot oil(s) I have purchased. Figured today was as good a day as any to try it on for some introspection. Intial sniff from bottle: I get a lightness from first whiff...floral..a touch soft herbal way in the background..and I get some sort of fruit..at first I think it might be grape..but it could be some sort of melon like other reviewers stated...I am confused...but the overall effect is light and pretty. Applied wet on skin: Fruit forward...with the floral behind..the fruit is at it's strongest here..but still..overall..it's a very subtle fragrance. I have no idea what the floral is in here..but I do get a hint of spiciness..so if that's carnation then so be it. Couple minutes on skin: Markedly subdued...with now the herbal note making more of a presence with the floral right behind it...the fruit note is nowhere in sight. All about herbal/floral weaving going on. Half an hour: This has almost become a skin scent on me..but I can still get traces of the herbal/floral coming in and out of focus on my skin. Surprisingly when I applied The Hermit in my hair, I kept getting whiffs of it..even though it was pulled back..and the fruit note stayed in the mix much longer. Throw is minimal Drydown:Just the spicy floral echoes...at least to my nose. Bottom Line: The Hermit is definitively a contemplative fragrance..surprisingly pretty and extremely wearable. I felt good wearing this..because I knew it was for ME. I didn't care that nobody was commenting on whether or not what I wore smelled nice..I liked it and I liked thinking that it was a fragrance for ME..to center myself and my thoughts. That it actually smelled really good was bonus..and I plan on wearing this to work tomorrow.
  6. metaldog32


    Eclipse came to me as a frimp compliments of the Lab..thank you!!! I actually bought a 5ml several months ago...but this went to sis so I never did get a chance to try it. HOWEVER...as fortune would have it..the imp comes to me so I get a second chance. Here we go: One more thing..I wore this all day yesterday so this is my 2nd round with this. Initial sniff from imp:Almond...and I get on the back the spice of the cinnamon...and that's it. So far nice. Applied wet on skin:Okay..I get the almond..and now the sweetness of the vanilla comes through..and yep..the cinnamon is in the back. Am not sure if I get the heliotrope or frankincense..but it's early. Couple of minutes on skin: I think along with the almond, vanilla, and touch of cinnamon I am now getting the faint pulse of the frankincense giving this a bit more depth. Really very nice. When I had this on yesterday, all throughout the day of me shoe shopping I kept getting the wonderful waft of the spice/almond/incense melange lazily surrounding me. What a wonderful cloud of fragrance to find myself in.. Throw is light to medium...and staying power suprisingly was 6+ hours. Drydown:Soft echoes of the notes...more like a spiced skin scent. Bottom Line: Eclipse is very enjoyable..I see it as a fall to early winter fragrance. I enjoyed it very much and although I won't be buying a bottle outright because my sister claimed this fragrance as her own, I still just might hang on to my imp. Edited for shoddy spell check the first time...darn it.
  7. metaldog32

    The Red Queen

    Received this as a frimp from the Lab..many thanks!!! Now..I happen to love cherry...and the idea of that swirled with wood and currants has my pulse quickening..so I am eager to see how this translates on my skin..keeping my fingers crossed. BTW..this was not on my original list to purchase..so I am really intrigued. Initial sniff from imp:Yup..it's cherries all right..like the big fat juicy ones in Blood Kiss..and then they showed up again in Blood Lotus....very sweet but very good. Almost TOO sweet..but then again..I do love cherries. There also seems to be a bit of an almond type note way in the back..but it's good..I like almonds too..hahahahahahahahaaha. Applied wet on skin:It's all about the cherries..and the touch of almond..no woods to speak of yet..so right now..this seems to give me a touch of a flashback of Bastet...but without the saffron. Not a bad thing..but I am hoping for the woods to peek out..as I think that would be an amazing combo. Couple of minutes on skin:Still the same players..but if I whiff deeply enough I get the trace of the rich woods...darn..I was hoping for a bit more equal play with the fruit and woods..hmm...I will keep hoping.. Don't get me wrong..I love the cherry/almond vibe..I just kind of have that already with some other BPAL fragrances..so I will keep my fingers crossed here...(whistling...watching the clock...sniffing obsessively wrist, tapping foot...) Drying on skin:Okay...nowI am getting a bit more of the woods intermingled with the fruit..and it's good...but it's also a bit more faint than what I had hoped for...darn. Maybe I will slather on next time.. Drydown:It's all muted cherry/currant with the woods softly moving in and out...I do like it very much..I was just hoping to be OMF*CKING goodness...still could happen though...I could just slather on a bit more next time and just wallow in it I can't really comment on the staying power...so I will have to edit this post when I have a bit more time to see how this evolves. Bottom Line: The Red Queen...I like but it's not bottle worthy..just yet. It sort of reminds me a bit of Queen of Spades...and I think I was hoping that once my bottle runs out, I could find something comparable. The Red Queen could work..but I need a couple more test runs before I know for sure. Still..I enjoyed the first round. Edited for spelling...mea culpa!! Okay...it's the next morning and I have two more observations: Staying power of The Red Queen was weak...2.5 hours at most. I put some more on when I went to bed last night and this morning while furtively sniffing my wrist for signs that she was still there all I got was skin. I did do a sniff test with The Red Queen and Queen of Spades...just to see if there could be similarities..alas...not enough to warrant a comprarable substitute. While both have fruit and wood, Spades translates more richly on me then Red Queen...so although the imp was nice..it's not sticking around.
  8. metaldog32

    Black Hellebore

    Black Hellebore...I had to buy a bottle outright just because of the little girl whose tears spilled onto the snow because she had no gift for the Christ child..that sold me.... ..sucker that I am. Can't help it. I wasn't too sure though...about the whole "darkly rooty" component...since I am not really a fan of anything that screams "earthy"...dirt-like notes usually don't sing on my skin..but I figured I had nothing to lose. Actually..my sister figured I had nothing to lose..as she was the one who decided that this fragrance would be one that I might like..thanks sis!!! Anyway..onto the review: Initial sniff from the bottle:Closing my eyes and taking a big whiff..I get florals...perfume-like florals but not super heavy..there seems to be a freshness to it..definitely rose and peony...very pretty. Not exactly what I was expecting..and it's a nice surprise. I was expecting green, stem-like, rooty with maybe a touch of floral. Applied wet on skin:It's all still about the florals..but when I sniff deeply I get on the back end the "root" type note..and it isn't aggresive..it actually works quite nicely. The rose isn't screaming in this blend either...I guess the peony tempers it a bit..and the whole vibe I am getting is a pretty and fresh floral. Couple of minutes on skin:It's all the same players folks...this is a bit linear on me..but you know what??? It works. Drying on skin:Fresh floral...delicate but not invisible...the "root" note nowhere to be found. Drydown: Rose and peony..the rose again isn't a haughty in-your-face type..it's a fresh delicate rose..and with the peony it really is just a pretty spring-like representation. Very soft throw. Staying power was about 3-4 hours. Bottome Line: Black Hellebore is a perfect fragrance for the office. The delicate rose/peony notes along with the freshness of the blend..although a bit demure is actually quite pretty. I like it. Nicely done.
  9. metaldog32

    Snow White

    2004 version-Snow White Can I tell you..I have had this little blue bottle for about 18 months...I remember when I first sniffed it..it was everything I thought I could ever hope for..but I wouldn't allow myself to wear it. I am very rigid when it comes to when I allow myself to wear fragrance..if I don't review it, I can't wear it. SO...I have had this for quite some time..even bought the 2005 version..and now..FINALLY...I allow myself some time to really let this fragrance show her stuff. Okey doke..not MUCH more I can add..but here it goes anyway: Intital sniff from the bottle: When I first sniffed this..I thought to myself..wow..this really does kind of smell like snow. It smells cold...like snow coming down in big, fat flakes..soundlessly while amassing in beautiful silent drifts...twinkling a bit..here and there. Cold but not distant..a happy twinkling of frosty purity..if that makes any sense. A bit sweet...sort of vanilla/tonka-like..yes..I sort of get a "play-doh" vibe..but it's not really offensive to me. Play-doh is more plastic...more like clay or something..this is a bit sweet..but not cloying..almost like a wet slushy vanilla..with MAYBE a hint of coconut??? Again it's not a barrage of sweetness to the point of toothache..but the the sum of it's whole just represents to me snowy, twinkling, cold sweetness... Applied wet on skin: Again..it's all the same notes on my skin...and it has a surprising amount of throw. As soon as I put this on..I smile..because it just smells so good!!! It's amazing..how Beth can convey the "cold" in a scent that doesn't scream MINT or eucalyptus or anything...wow... Couple minutes on skin: At this point, the fragrance is warming up and certain notes are blooming a bit more...it's all the vanilla/coconut/play-do melange really asserting themselves..the "cold" is gone now..but who cares??? It's all about the addicting melange I am getting big whiffs of..can I tell you again how much throw I get from this??? I am not sure I register any floral..if so it is very diminutive in its presence...but perhaps it's the component that prevents this from being classified to me as a "foody" scent??? One might assume that from what I am describing this could be akin to some sort of bakery/candy fragrance..and I don't get that at all from Snow White. Drying on skin: The "cold" /"snowy" notes come back and say hi with the previous party...I am in love with this fragrance. Drydown:Same players..with basically that sweet/snowy/touch play-do trio still hanging around on the dance floor. Staying power on this is impressive..9+hours..I kid you not..I had it on all day yesterday, re-applied before going to dinner...went out, came back, went to bed in my t-shirt and the wonderful waft of Snow White greeted me this morning. Bottom Line:As I knew in 2005 Snow White is a home run. Probably one of the best loved fragrances in the BPAL catalog and one that I deem worthy enough to buy multiple bottles. I love her..and can't wait to get the 2006 version this year..
  10. metaldog32

    Chaste Moon 2005

    So...I have had Chaste Moon since last year...trying to find the time to wear her..allowing life to get in the way... Finally..after a long sojourn I come back to my beloved BPAL..and I allow my olefactory senses to indulge... I have been wearing Chaste Moon for about 5 days or so..and this is basically all that I could come up with: Intital sniff from the bottle: Sort of creamy..with the lunar oils making their presence intertwined with the creamy...sweet, creamy, a touch of mint in the background. Kind of reminds me a bit of after dinner mints..just in a vague manner..almost a touch milky?? Applied wet on skin: Crystalline lunar oils JUMP into the forefront..this is what I am used to smelling whenever I try any of the "moons"...and this is a welcome scent..it's a bit minty, sort of "chilly"..but not in a haughty way..the milky/creamy notes keep it from feeling haughty..it's actually a very comforting and intimate scent. Couple of minutes on skin: Lunar oils warmed up on the skin which give way to more of the floral and now the creamy/milky notes are blooming a bit more as well. Just a wonderfully comforting fragrance...reminds me of soft sweaters, clean flannel sheets, steamed milk with a bit of sugar and a drop of vanilla..just all very snuggly thoughts...heavy on the maternal vibe. Drying on skin: It's all about the lunar oils..the somewhat aquatic/fruit/floral/mint melange that I associate as lunar...it's just softly permeating in a cloud around me..with the creamy/milky notes more like a sheer veil... Staying power isn't bad at all. On my skin I can get about 3+hours..if I apply to my hair, it lasts even longer..which is nice..since my significant other snuggled closer to me when I wore it and commented how good I smelled...yipppee..ANOTHER winner!!! First Stardust and now Chaste Moon Bottom Line: Chaste Moon, for me, is definitely a late winter to early spring fragrance. It just oozes maternal comfort to me..the kind that makes you feel as loved and safe as a newborn with its mama. The lunar blends never cease to amaze me.
  11. metaldog32


    Stardust.... This is the oil that I have been wearing on/off for about 6 months or so...it's the one that is the harbinger for me back to BPAL...and the one that will break my hiatus of writing reviews.... Been too long my friends...TOO LONG...and I am happy to ease myself back into the artistic maelstorm that is BPAL... Anyway...I digress...this is supposed to be about the heady perfume oil..not about me.. It's been a long time so I am rusty. BTW..the post before me was fabulous..I loved the imagery the reviewer associated with evocative Stardust...hope I do it justice. Initial Sniff from the bottle: Aqua Net....and white grape??? Something a bit fizzy kind of tickling my nose..but not in an overt manner. It's all just extremely reminiscent to me of the 80's..specifically of high school. The girls with the big hair..carrying around the full cans of Aqua Net in their bags..along with cigarettes, candy and some cheap perfume. Wow..to just get all of that from a sniff from the bottle. Applied wet on skin:Hairspray is still there...but I also get a nice floral too..along with that fizziness...and yes..there is a hint of tobacco. I love this oil because of its very specific "feel" it has...kind of reminds me of late nights going to a dance club decked out in glitter and sparkles...coupled with drinks and cigarettes and everything else that comes with that revelry. Couple of minutes on skin:Aqua Net has dried offand it's all the fizzy, floral and fruity melange.....not super assertive on the skin..but not so ethereal either. Really very special and kind of "sparkling"...it's as if it gives me whiffs of fragrance that twinkle a bit...the fragrance hangs delicately around me ane every so often it asserts itself a bit...kind of like a sparkle..not aggresive..just a little "blip" and yes....you ARE still here... Dry on skin:Tobacco is more in the forefront on the drydown..with the floral/fruit following...fizziness is gone..but I still get a trace of the Aqua Net. Staying power on me is about 3-4 hours. Bottom Line: Stardust is such an evocative fragrance. I love it because I wore it the first time my now "significant other" and I had out first date and he was besotted. . It's girlie without being juvenile..and has enough sex appeal cloaked in glitter, sparkles, sequins, champagne and cigarettes that will have any 80"s fan swoon and get their glitter lipgloss back out. Love it.
  12. metaldog32

    Midnight Mass

    Midnight Mass.... I wore this on Christmas Eve..despite NOT having done my review for Queen of Spades, rigid person that I sometimes can be, and I loved it. So...the official recount is as follows... Oops...before I begin, let me preface by saying that I love incense fragrances...but up until Midnight Mass, the only incense fragrances I have tried, purchased and enjoyed wearing are L'Artisans' Passage D'Enfer and Commes Des Garcons' Incense Series- Zagorsk. Initial sniff from bottle: Resins...and something a tad bit sweet. I agree..this is incense that isn't burning..and it's absolutely stunning. It smells like church..in a good way...and I also agree..it doesn't smell severe or cold to me...maybe it's my mind playing games or what..but yes..the feeling that the church is full of people and good will..it just makes my heart full too...I guess of lots of good memory association(s). I forewarn you..this might not be a completely objective review. Applied wet on skin: (Swooning)...it's all frankincense and myrhh..and that touch of sweet...it runs along the same line lightly of Gypsy Queen but I don't get as much smoke as I did with the Carnaval Noir fragrance. What I get here is those beautiful resins..and yes..either it's the frankincense giving me a bit of a "cedar" waft in the back every now and then but it is really just stunning. I remember when I wore this on Christmas Eve..how completely happy and beautiful I felt wearing this... Couple of minutes on skin: Warming up on my skin..the notes are a bit more rounder..a bit more in blossom??? As I said before, this scent is not cold or austere..which usually is what I register when wearing incense fragrances. Don't get me wrong..I like my other incense fragrances..but Midnight Mass seems to capture all the warmth one can get in church..especially during midnight mass and Easter. Whatever "sweetness" is in this blend lends it the "roundness" that makes it on me..a bit intimate...and so very special. Drydown: Still that beautiful melange...really...although it does subdue..the sillage and throw on me are still very apparent. It doesn't really fade at all on me..just soften. I wore this on my skin and hair and let me tell you..lasting power is/was 12+ hours. I remember waking up on Christmas Day and still being held in that beautiful cloud of fragrance..most comforting and beautiful..so, SO beautiful. Bottom Line: Midnight Mass is one of the most stunning incense fragrances I have tried. I know I haven't tried many..but this one was so evocative and compelling...at least on my skin..I am tempted to buy another bottle before it is gone. I am also now quite curious to try the other incesnse fragrances Beth has..this was amazing.
  13. metaldog32


    Pannychis.... freebie compliments of the Lab! Normally...I am not a huge fan of jasmine...just because it amps, amps, AMPS to the point of total domination on me..but for the sake of trying and perhaps liking...I am willing to roll the dice. Salome was a nice surprise..who knows..I might be pleasantly rewarded again??? Initial sniff from imp: Jasmine...maybe with some other floral...but I can't discern at this point..it's all jasmine..which in itself is pretty..but as I have said...once on my skin..it tends to get REALLY bossy...hmmm... Applied wet on skin: Jasmine again...and some floral is tucked behind it..reining it in HARD...so that it-the jasmine-doesn't throw a floral fury all over me. LiberAmoris hit it on the nail..it's gotta be the moonflower..it works beautifully with the jasmine...really very pretty. I am not getting any black currant, or lily, or frankinsense, or any other note(s)..except for the jasmine and that pretty moonflower in tandem. Couple of minutes on skin:It's still jasmine and moonflower on the dance floor...I don't register the cardamom/ylang ylang/frankincense/lily. I do think I can get a touch of the sandalwood..waayyy in the back..but it's still all floral..and a very pretty one at that. I don't normally go hog wild for florals...but it's really very nice. Let me also say...I am no expert when it comes to indentifying specific florals..but I am learning! Drydown:When everything has warmed up on my skin and hung around for about an hour or so..I am left again with the jasmine/moonflower waft...albeit markedly subdued..but still there..with the sandalwood in the back..a touch of it is anchored. Throw is pretty good with lasting power clocking in at about 3 hours or so. Bottom Line: Pannychis is another fragrance that proves to me that jasmine doesn't have to throttle me into submission. Here in this blend..along with Salome, jasmine works beautifully. In this blend the moonflower tempers it and makes it very wearable for me. Alas..I am not super crazy for florals..so for me, this isn't a 5ml purchase. I think however, I will hold onto my imp...when I want some jasmine in my day.
  14. metaldog32

    Queen of Spades

    Queen of Spades.... how long I have worn thee... It's been a couple of weeks..at least. But..I have had this bottle since LAST YEAR folks..and this particular fragrance deserved some extra time on the dance floor. Anyway...it's time now to write my thoughts and move on to my back-logged pile of bottles..so..without further ado... Initial sniff from bottle: Deep plum and blackberry and richness oh yes!!! Rich dark fruit...that's all I register..but then again I received this with a reducer cap on it..could that be the reason why I only smell the fruit??? No matter..it is definitely a rich fruit..definitely dark hued... Applied wet on skin: It's the rich fruit again..in the first few seconds on my skin..and then following up close are the wood notes. Ahhhh yes..it's definitely fruity..with the wood note(s) giving it some complexity..this isn't pencil shaving/cedar/pine notes..no,no,no....whatver this wood note is...it anchors the fruit notes so that it's a tad bit smoky... Funny..I don't think I register the black amber or the florals in this...at least not yet. Couple of minutes on skin: Okay.the fruit notes are moving to the background..with the wood/softly spice/softly smoky and a touch of floral kind of creeping up a bit to the front...NOW I get the floral...it's not in your face..but instead weaving in and out of the fruit/wood/melange...WOW this is good. If I whiff deeply enough..on the tail end I do register the black amber..as Haunted as black amber and the note is similar in that blend as well. It's very nice..kind of rounding up that fruit/wood/floral mix... Drydown: It's basically on my skin the amber that is the most visible..with soft traces of plum/blackberry...and even softer traces of the floral... Staying power is pretty good...about 4 to 5 hours on me before re-application. Throw??? Hmmm...not exactly sure...I think it was pretty average...enough for me to smell throughout the day without it being too aggressive. Bottom Line: Queen of Spades...how I have enjoyed thee. Usually I am not so much into fruity blends..but this one is quite the original...fruit,florals,woods, and a touch of smoke never smelled so good..and a touch hypnotic. It isn't a "holy grail" for me...but yet I found myself enjoying this particular fragrance more than I expected. Definitely a fall to winter fragrance....it's darkly rich fruity scent is nuanced beautifully by those woods and touch of smoke. I never really registered the pear blossom either..but it didn't matter....I find myself really pleased nonetheless. A keeper...but one I won't mind sharing...
  15. metaldog32

    Black Opal

    I am at work...and I should be working..but I am going to write my review of Black Opal because I don't give a sh*t I bought a 5ml of this outright because I loved the idea of "soft and luminescent" along with "black fire"...it was just mysterious enough to snag me..so I allowed myself to be caught. Got it, didn't sniff it..just put it away...and finally...I have the chance to wear it..and I have been...continuously...for about 3 days. Here is what I came up with: I.LOVE.IT Need a bit more??? Okay: __________________________________________________________________ Initial sniff from bottle: It smells soft and wet..but not aquatic...it's definitely got that mineral/wet rock smell..and although I am not a big fan of earthy/dirt scents..this mineral note is knocking me off my feet...(swooning)...I don't get anything else. Applied wet on skin: Lovely softness and mineral/wet rock notes...so beautiful...it's now blooming softly with some sort of sweetness..not quite in your face vanilla..maybe more like tonka/benzoin...maybe some white musk??? I can't take it..it is SO freaking good....(obsessively sniffing wrists and swooning...AGAIN). It's definitely opalescent...soft and yet it has a slight edge..it's that mineral/wet rock note that sends this over the top...I want to say it's like a "cold" vanilla or tonka or benzoin...I don't get any obvious warmth from it like I would if amber or almond was in this...it's just so freaking great..it's like to me..a winter vanilla...there is coolness here and it's amazing. Couple of minutes on skin: Notes are still here..and although it is soft and settles close to my skin...I catch wafts of it...just surrounding me in a hazy cloud...this is so perfect for work and so perfect for just ME. Drydown: Same notes...the mineral/rock note has softened even more so it is now a faint wisp behind the translucent sweet/musk notes. Lasting power??? Twelve plus hours on me..and I am not kidding. Just when I thought it wasn't there, I would get the best waft of scent...the throw is just enough...I never, NEVER thought this would stay so long on me..considering that the thrust of the scent, for me, was soft..with a bit wispy edge Bottom Line:Black Opal has to be for me, the one scent I am seriously considering of buying more than one bottle. It's the best vanilla/benzoin/tonka scent I have tried...because of the way Beth was able to juxtapose the darkness and light..she has embodied, in my mind, the idea of winter sunlight. It's pale..and a bit transparent....only when you have been outside for an extended period of time do you start to feel it's warmth. For me Black Opal is kind of like that. First on it is a bit soft and hazy and wonderfully minerally...the opalescent is there...only after a while when my body starts warming it up does the sweetness/musk start showing itself..to me it's the pale warmth that reveals itself..while all the while...that mineral/rock note weaves in and out...truly this is genius.
  16. metaldog32


    Numb..... ... a singularly chilly, delectably ice-rimmed perfume. Revel in the gelid polar frostiness that is Numb, and forget about the heat for a moment. I remember when I saw it...during the summer..it was a total impulse buy..and how could I resist??? Something to take our minds off of the heat...and since I happen to love the winter...my mind fantasized about what it would smell like... Then I started reading the reviews..and well..got a bit worried. Violets??? Hmm.... ...violets and me have a very shaky record. Most of the time they end up really sweet and really powdery. But no matter..I was willing to delve in. Today is the day when Numb gets to strut her stuff. Initial sniff from bottle: Man..this smells like old fashioned perfume!! Talk about "throwback"..I am immediately reminded of when I was a little girl and I used to smell adult fragrance...this sort of smells like those 70's perfumes...strong and very well...strong. I...I don't know how else to put it. Funny...but when I smell this..I kind of think this is what air conditioning would smell like...I know..this makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever..yes..I agree..but it's what comes to mind. The kind of cold that is artificial and well....not enjoyable. At all. See...I don't like air conditioning..I don't like artificial cold..it gives me a headache and it sometimes makes me nauseous...the first whiff of Numb kind of immediately puts me at arms length and makes me wary...no better way for me to put it. Applied wet on skin: VIOLET...and it's coming on STRONG. .It's like heavy violet perfume..all powdery and austere..and just...unapproachable. All I get is powder and violets and that's it..no citrus, no nothing..and this is very apparent on me. It sort of has that baby powder smell with the violets... Couple of minutes on skin: Same notes...still roaring on... Drydown: Violets and baby powder... Bottom Line:Numb is nothing that I would have ever gravitated to had I known the notes. It is however a very evocative fragrance..and this in itself makes me happy that I own the 5ml. Is this something I would ever reach for??? Ummm...not really..unless as merebrillante stated, I wanted to wear something that would repress my desire to have sex...LOL... THAT was classic!!! Seriously though... Numb is the type of scent that I could certainly think of wearing to work if I just wanted to be left alone...it is as seamonkey stated haughty, distant, and cold..not in a minty way...just very unapproachable and well...severe... ...it's a severe floral...perfect for the days when you want people to just f*ck off and keep their distance. It's actually giving me a slight headache...so I think I will try to wash it off now...
  17. metaldog32

    Frost Moon

    Frost Moon.... I was not acquainted with BPAL when this actually came out...so early this year...when I found BPAL and become hopelessly addicted to it...my main goal was to somehow pick up all the lunar oils I had missed out..being a Cancer..this was basically my life's mission...get the Lunar oils... LOL..I was lucky enough to nab this particular bottle from Ebay...so it's been sitting in my cold wooden drawer...patiently...waiting for a chance to be worn. This week was the week that it's been waiting for. Cold...actually chilly and yes..we had some snow this week...so Frost Moon has had all week on my skin to show me what she is made of. Here we go: Initial sniff from bottle: Smells minty...and cold..and yes..I get that eucalyptus peeking through too. Funny..when I had first sniffed it...several months ago..the eucalyptus seemed a bit overwhelming...I didnt think I would like it..but since wearing it..it actually is a very nice component. It also smells a bit sweet..but not cloyingly so...I think there is lotus in here and although lotus usually becomes a bubblegum gorilla on me, I am hoping with this blend lotus can play nice. Applied wet on skin: It's defintely a bit minty, a bit floral, a bit aquatic...with that eucalyptus peeking..all of this in the first 3 seconds..and then...somehow...some way...it smells an AWFUL like...like...(whispers incredulously)....Blue Moon???? How is that possible??? Now..I happen to love Blue Moon so this came as a shock to me. I mean..in the beginning it was all chilly,minty, sweet, euclalyptus goodness...but in the span of about 30 seconds to a minute...this morphed into an icy version of my beloved Blue Moon.. I kid you not. It's got that same "feel" to it...and I am just stunned. Couple of minutes on skin: Same players...it's beautiful really..and funny..when actually on the skin..it does feel frosty and chilly and cold. I mean...my skin gets tingly when wearing this...like I had just been outside in the cold snowy world. It's beautiful. Drydown: Lunar oils breathing softly over the mint...and the aquatic touches..although frozen..are wafting in and out as well...sigh... This has decent staying power..re-application for me hits at the 4-5 hour mark...throw is minimal..which doesn't bother me at all... Bottom Line: Frost Moon was unlikely home run for me. I mean...I love all the lunar oils I have tried..but I honestly thought when I had first sniffed this from the bottle that the eucalyptus and mint were going to be just too strong for me to really enjoy..boy was I wrong!!! Frost Moon is a beautiful interpretation of the upcoming winter...chilly but sparkling...a bit icy but approachable..and just gorgeous. For any who missed out on Blue Moon, this is a great lunar blend that plays along the lines of that other masterpiece...wow...
  18. metaldog32


    Salome..frimp compliments of Lab..thank you!!! Not one on my original list of oils to try..but heck, who am I to argue with the Lab's generosity??? ____________________________________________________________________ Initial Sniff from imp:It has that same blast of almonds that I got from Bastet....and then a few seconds later as that scent is wafting in and around my nose..I get a faint whiff of floral..on the tail end..which I recognize as jasmine. Interesting combo..seems to work. Now..I have never been a huge fan of jasmine. I just got reacquainted with said jasmine this September while in Spain..specifically Seville. My family and I stayed in a bed and breakfast..and right above the doorway outside was a huge planter of jasmine. I never really noticed it during the day of course..but in the late evening after drinking wine, eating tapas, and enjoying beautiful flamenco, my sister, mother and myself would walk down the narrow streets to our bed and breakfast in the still evening...and when we were almost upon our inn, we would be met with the most amazing fragrance..that of that wonderful night blooming jasmine. For those who run for the hills with jasmine...you gotta give it a chance when it is fresh..wow.. Sorry for the digression!!! Applied wet on skin: It's still the almond blast that I have adored...and it stays like that for about hmmm...5 seconds or so....then the transition occurs. For now..the almond has moved out of the way and it's jasmine, jasmine, jasmine taking center stage. It's not a screaming harsh jasmine....but she is making her presence known..with the almond kind of peeking here and there. Not a combination I would have thought of..but I am not the genius here..Beth is and this does smell really nice. Couple of minutes drying on skin: Jasmine and almond are still here..but again..we get some new faces/notes that show up at the party...namely..some sort of spice..maybe the sandalwood??? At this point, everyone is sort of making rooom for eachother on the dance floor..and it seems that this whole melange is actually pretty melodious as opposed to jarring. It's back to the amber and spice/sandalwood notes at the forefront with now the jasmine peeking through adding touches of it's dreamy floral interspersed with the spicy/sweet notes.. Drying on skin: Same players...but now the almond is kind of fading out a bit..and it's a bit more spice/sandalwood...with the jasmine....not overly sweet, not overly dry, not overly spicy..all of the notes on my skin work well as a group to evoke a very attractive melange...kind of like a relaxed invitation.. Drydown: It's spice and sandalwood...soft and close to the skin with the jasmine still weaving in and out. Staying power is impressive...a good 6 hours..but throw is limited...it wasn't invisible..but then again Salome chose to stay close to me...as if the show decided to put on was for me..and me only. No matte..I enjoyed it nonetheless.. Bottom Line:Salome albeit is a good surprise. Never thought I would enjoy a scent with such an unlikely combo of jasmine, almond, spices and sandalwood...but I did. It's an intriguing scent...one that at first I thought I could live without..but yet..I can't quite shake it off. I am not convinced that I want a 5ml..but then again, I am not convinced I want to let go of my imp either.Salome word work well I think in early winter and perhaps go through straight to spring..it's the jasmine that keeps the scent a tad fresh..with the almond, sandalwood, and spices swirling with exotic intent....on the whole a very hard to fathom blend..at least for me...
  19. metaldog32

    Thirteen (13)

    Thirteen...sigh... It's been about 5 days of wearing Thirteen...I consider myself lucky/unlucky. Lucky because I get to try another BPAL scent..unlucky because the first review written for this was obliterated... So...I am here again...the second time..to write this review so that I can move on to all the other wondefuly BPAL's I have that have been waiting patiently for me to sniff and experience.... ___________________________________________________________________ Initial sniff from bottle: Rich chocolate..not so much milk though..kind of like rich brownie..without frosting..and some sort of citrus...must be the tangerine???Mandarin??? I sort of think I smell a nut like note too...this all smells foody. Applied wet on skin: It's chocolate and tangerine/mandarin and the nut note oh my. The chocolate is like the rich brownie..or it could be like the really high end white chocolate truffles you get for the holidays or whenever...as I said..it's not overly sweet at all...just rich..with that tiny splash of citrus... Couple of minutes on skin:No more tangerine/mandarin..it's all on me now a dry floral with some sort of maybe tea note on the end???I can smell the iris..that's the dry..but the other note..not sure..it could be tea...the chocolate note is now wayyy in the back..just a soft tinge of what it was a couple of minutes ago...this is definitely a morpher..at least on my skin..amazing when you think about it..how it changes face so quickly... Drying on skin: Sometimes it is a touch of sweet dry floral with nut and chocolate tones..a minute or so later it's now chocolate/nut with touch of dry floral...I am not sure which is right. I know that the chocolate is still there..just more subdued..with the iris/tea/nut like notes switching for top billing on my skin. I don't thinkI ever got the currant but no matter..this has been baffling enough. Drydown:Close to the skin...warm...foody with a touch of dry floral..that's what I am left with...funny...NOW I get the chocolate in the forefront again..with the other notes kind of weaving lazily in and out...one minute it's one note..a couple of minutes later..it's something else. Lasting power of Thirteen is actually very good on me. I can get 12+ hours from this...but the throw is not huge..which actually is something I don't mind at all..it's a cozy scent. Bottom Line: Thirteen although a bit of a foody scent...worked really well with me. It certainly kept me guessing...and I liked how it morphed. I like it as a fall scent..but I think it can work all year long. I especially like it layered over my Fleurs De Chocolat shea butter..that totally anchored the chocolate scent..and although I don't particulary usually like to smell like gourmand/sweet scents..this kind of worked as a cozy scent for me. My sis has Bliss..I am happy that I got a 5ml of Thirteen.It's not a "Holy Grail" scent for me..but I am happy it has a home with my collection.
  20. metaldog32

    Dragon's Blood

    Very first Ars Draconis fragrance..YAY!!! Frimp compliments of the Lab..many thanks..as always!!! You know...up until a 20 minutes ago..I was sure that doing this review of Dragon's Blood would be a slam dunk. I mean..I had smelled dragon's blood resin in other BPAL fragrances...so I was SURE that I knew what I would be smelling...(swaggering)...THIS is going to be a piece of cake. You can't imagine....how wrong I was... Inital sniff from imp: I am fully expecting the blast of warm fruity cherries to assault me...and instead I smell...florals??? Huh??? Kinda like lily..or maybe it's lilac or jasmine..but defintely florals... Applied wet on skin: Oh YEAH...it's floral in the house..and on my skin. I am so very confused...ans a bit taken aback. It is SO lilac and I gues a bit of jasmine..and maybe lily. But here is the kicker...out of all florals..most of which I am non-committal either way..the only one that has really tickled my fancy is....LILAC. So..as shocked as I am that I am not smelling luscious warm fruity cherries...I am also very shocked that I am smelling me some gorgeous white floral..namely lilacs... Couple of minutes drying on skin: No cherries, no fruit..it's all my wonderful lilac floral..and I couldn't be more stunned or happy. Drydown: You guessed it..all floral..almost like a white floral..white lilac..maybe some jasmine/lilly too??? Bottom Line: Dragon's Blood totally shocked me...I was expecting warm fruity blast..and instead..I got lilac/floral blast...I don't know if my frimp was mis-labelled or what..but right now I don't give a shit. I love it. I actually checked some other reviews..and maybe I am not the only one....which is a relief..because I thought my nose went wonky. For me, Dragon's Blood on my skin..is the quintessential spring/summer scent. I think this is going to be a strong contender for a 5ml purchase.
  21. metaldog32


    Tintagel...frimp compliments of Lab. Thank you!! Another place to visit from the Wanderlust collection...YAY!! Inital sniff from imp:Something a bit fruity..a bit spicy...and a wisp of metallic...very elusive that note is. Something else is there..something that is familar..way back but I can't quite put my finger on it. Smells a bit festive..yes it does. Applied wet on skin: Now I am getting the dragon's blood..and something a bit spicy..almost like fruity/cinnamon notes. Does smell like spiced wine..but there is that familiar but unidentifiable note at the back....oh YEAH..now I know what it is...it's that leather note. . That leather note that made me so uncomfortable when I wore Loviatar...it's here again..just not so aggresive..but yes..I smell it again.Hmmm..not sure how I feel about it. Couple of minutes drying on skin: It's all the dragon's blood, cinnamon/spice note(s) over that layer of leather. I don't dislike it..but I am not falling head over hills in love with it either. This is festive..and a bit "potpourri" like..but only in faint representation..and I mean in that in a positive sense. Whatever elusive note of metallic that I sniffed from the imp is lost on my skin..which is a bit disappointing...I was impressed that Beth and Lab were actually able to capture that along with the other notes...amazing!! Drydown: It's spicy soft notes with touches of fruit..along with that leather note..softened considerably..but still there. Lasting power good...about 5 hours. Bottom Line: Tintagel..although nice..is not for me. I am not sure..but I think that leather note kind of gets a bit amped on me..and usually I don't mind leather notes in other fragrances..but this is the 2nd time with Beth's leather note I kind of feel a bit uncomfortable. It's actually a very festive blend..and for people who do well with the leather note..this should be a welcome addition. I definitely see this as a late fall/winter fragrance.
  22. metaldog32


    Florence comes as a frimp compliments of the Lab. Thank you always for your generosity Not on my original list of "must have" scents..but again.. I never say no to trying new scents. Initial sniff from imp: I get berries...with floral..not sharp though. I guess that is the iris?? I also get some sort of "green" or "plant-like" note..but it's in the tail end..and only if I breathe deeply enough from the imp. Otherwise..it's all berries and a touch of floral. Applied wet on skin: Sweet berries..with that dry floral..and again that "plant-like" note.I don't really get any amber yet..nor do I get any spices..just the sweet berries, the iris and that other note that I am having trouble describing. A couple minutes on skin: If I wave my wrist around my nose..I absolutely have trouble smelling this..at all . But if I bring my wrist to my nose and just anchor it there..I can sort of get the amber and spice..with the berries and iris in the background Drydown:Faint remnants of the fleetingly fabulous party....what's left is a bit of amber and a touch of spice....sometimes I can get a whiff of berries...but all of this is very, VERY, soft...darn I wanted this to last longer on me!!! I wore this on Thanksgiving and loved it...except that my skin just eats it up in about an hour..even with moisturizing and slathering almost half an imp on me. Throw was okay..but I didn't care..I liked the way I smelled. However..re-application was necessary throughout the day. Bottom Line: Florence is indeed a very beautiful fragrance...suitable for, IMHO, late summer and or fall...it just doesn't last long on me..which kind of sucks. I am loving my imp..and although this staying power is usually a deal-breaker for me..I am still considering buying a bottle anyway. The berries, amber, iris and touch of spice make for a beautiful fragrance. Berries never smelled so sophisticated!!!
  23. metaldog32

    Blood Pearl

    I ordered a 5ml of Blood Pearl unsniffed because of how much I had loved Black Pearl. As it was, my sis ended up getting the latter..so I was very excited to try another version of the "pearl" fragrance(s). Also..one of my birthstones is pearl.. Oh..and I happen to LOVE coconut..along with dry notes..seeing that orris sometimes run the reputation of being a bit "dry"...sounded like heaven. Initial sniff from bottel: I get the vague familiarity of a type of iris-like note. If I breathe deeply...underneath that iris is a creamy base...sort of reminds me a bit of a touch of coconut but not quite..the creaminess is there..but not the sweetness..it's like a dry creaminess...so at this point..it resembles a bit like Black Pearl...but defintely doesn't smell like suntan lotion or anything like that. Applied wet on skin: Interestingly enough..this is all very soft on me..no specific note is leaping at me per se...I get the musk..very much like a skin scent..with the orris keeping the coconut in check. Definitely muted...in fact the coconut really doesn't make a presence on me at all..it kind of just lends a creaminess in the background...I have the orris and blood musk basically in the mix..and that's all. To me this is the more subdued version of Black Pearl. Again..I think the orris keeps this scent a bit more...restrained??? It's a soft, skin-like scent..hovering close on me... A couple minutes drying on skin: Same players..I don't get any type of "blood" note..all I get is the musk and the orris..with that base of creaminess..which I am assuming is the vestige of the supposed coconut...which I don't really register. I still though..do get a floral..still reminds me of iris/violet. A touch of sweetness..nothing foody about it... Drydown: Soft musk..intimate and close... Throw on me is minimal..which I don't mind..and staying power...about 4 hours. Bottom Line: Blood Pearl is a surprise. I think I was expecting a more warmer/coconut version of Black Pearl..but instead I got a touch more softer/dryer version..which actually..I do like. I had hoped that the coconut would have been a bit more prevalent..but I now can say I actually enjoy Blood Pearlas she is...a bit more dry, a bit more restrained. The opening whiff is similar..but once it hits my skin..it diverges from Black Pearl. To me Blood Pearl can almost be seasonless..however I can see myself wearing her in the winter and spring. A very soft skin scent that touches with a wisp of dry and a drop of warmth. As far as coconut goes though...Black Pearlstill reigns supreme for me.
  24. metaldog32


    Cerberus....I have had this 5ml for quite some time. Bought it I believe early this year...and the reason why??? I AM a metaldog..so I just kind of felt akin to purchasing this little "puppy"...awkward pun intended... Yes..I know that this is really a ferocious three headed puppy..but he has his soft moments I am sure...kind of like me. Initial sniff from bottle: Something citrus-like when I sniff close to the bottle..but interestingly enough when uncapped and about a foot away from me..the chocolate/rum note is what wafts up and hangs lazily around...how does that happen??? By the way.the chocolate is deep and dark..not overly sweet at all. Applied wet on skin:This is where things get REALLY interesting. First on..and I mean literally the first second...I smell the deep chocolate...some sort of sweetness..could it be the rum??? Almost immediately...I get a huge wave of citrus..is this the juniper??? Right at that moment..I feel like I am getting a flashback of when I tried June Gloom..which isn't a good thing..because it was all Lemon Pledge...but this citrus wave doesn't quite make it over to Lemon Pledge territory..mighty close..but no cigar. Couple of minutes on skin: Interesting...basically the citrus...and under all of that..I can sort of make out the deep chocolate/rum...but this is very much in the back..it's kind of like rum soaked lemons..I know..this doesn't actually sound appealing..but it kind of works.. Ten+minutes on skin..up to half hour:Citus/juniper has calmed down..and now it's more wafting chocolate/rum/ walnut with sweetness...is this the fig??? It sort of smells berry like...and the whole melange is actually very addicting... Drydown: Hint of fig/berry...wafting in and out with the chocolate/rum/walnut base..very subdued..but still there. Funny..once I think I can't smell anything on my wrist..I get wafts of this here and there. Staying power is good...6+hours..and the throw is not bad either. Bottom Line: Cerberus is actually amazing...it is deep and warm..but has it's bright notes as well...I never thought with that huge "citrus wave" I would be able to like this on me..but amazingly...the fragrance evolves into this very quirky blend of notes that actually work and is quite addicting. I definitely see this as a winter scent..and I am very happy I actually have a 5ml to slather myself in. Usually when I do a review I tend to go to the next BPAL fragrance..but this time..I am going to enjoy wearing this little puppy a bit longer...a wonderful face changer of a fragrance.. PS-I didn't get any "wet dog" from this at all...
  25. metaldog32


    Shroud came to me as frimp compliments of the Lab..thank you very much!!! Not something on my want/wish list but no worries...like to delve in to fragrances that are "outside" of my box. Initial sniff from imp: Herbal jumps out..and fast on it's tail is dry and woody...no florals to speak of at all. A bit astringent..but nothing is clubbing me over the head. Applied wet on skin: I get the dry sandalwood...and now the white floral...lily?? White rose??? These are not screaming in my face..it's just the melange of the dry wood, floral..and grass/herbal duo heading up the back. Couple of minutes drying on skin: Floral is in the back now..with more of the woods/herbals doing their dance on my skin. As other reviewers have stated..I get a very "still" vibe from Shroud. The fragrance is indeed very quiet...not invisible..it just kind of hangs/floats if you will. This stays close to my skin..not much throw at all. Drydown: The white floral is here again..albeit a bit dusty..with the herbal/woody base giving it structure to peek in and out. Bottom Line: Shoud does well in I think in almost any season. I really don't know how I feel about it. It's a nice enough fragrance..it just doesn't "move" me. There..I guess I just figure out how I felt about it. Hmm.... Very glad to have had the opportunity to try it.