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Everything posted by metaldog32

  1. metaldog32

    Asp Viper (2006)

    Okay…so I received this decant from a generous forumite who was selling from her own stash…thank you soooo much!!! The snake pit has been good to me so far…I am wondering how this particular little guy will do with me. I do like myrhh and almond..so I am hoping for success. Let’s see how it plays out. Initial sniff from decant: Yep..I get a heavy almond note..and it’s not too too bitter..along with something a bit fruity…I guess that is the mandarin. I think the myrhh blends beautifully with the Snake Oil base..and the waft of all of this is a bit on the heady side. This smells right out of the decant like it would be perfect in fall and winter. Applied wet on skin: Almond and myrhh..the tiniest wisp of mandarin..but it’s basically the almond/myrrh over that base of Snake Oil. Very nice. Couple of minutes on skin:Still that winsome almond note…and interestingly enough I still get the mandarin way in the back. The myrrh is not overpowering but it does balance with the Snake Oil and gives it a nice sweet-ish/powedry slant. Twenty minutes later: I agree with other reviewers…this seems to be a bit “lighter” in its throw and presence. A Snake Oil “light” if you will. The mandarin is now MIA…and the myrrh is still kept in check with the almond over the Snake Oil base. I have tried Black Phoenix and I find both scents a bit similar..but in this fragrance the “cherry” vibe some people get from scents with the almond note is absent…more nutty. Still really pleasant and non-offensive to me. YBNB likened this to Bastet..among others..I agree..it definitely runs along the same lines and I happen to have a bottle of that little kitty myself. Thirty minutes later:A light and dry version of Snake Oil….it has softened considerably..staying really close to my skin. Drydown: Dry and a touch dust-like..but it’s still Snake Oil. Lasting power is formidable; from first application to the last dregs of scent this particular little snake went 12+ hours..I kid you not..but throw was indeed a bit soft. Bottom Line: Asp Viper is a lighter and drier version of Snake Oil..and yes..the almond note is strong..but if you like almond this little guy could very well be right up your alley. Since I do find this a bit similar to some other blends in my collection I may hold back from buying a 5ml..but I am definitely keeping my imp.
  2. metaldog32


    So…I had been wearing Silence on and off for almost 3 weeks. I wore it this long because..I just couldn’t get a handle on it. I pretty much used half of the bottle..and still…words can’t really spring to mind. Since I won’t allow myself to try anything new until that review is done, I am going to attempt to describe my experience with this very elusive fragrance..because quite frankly..it’s annoying me. Anyway..for what it’s worth..here it goes: Initial sniff from bottle: It is so hard to describe…it is understated but not invisible??? I can’t say I smell anything overtly floral..or fruity…it’s almost a tad alcohol-like?? Argh..Not like in “mixed drink”..but somehow..the vibe I get is cool…almost a touch like nail polish remover..I know..it sounds horrible..but it isn’t. If I close my eyes and sniff it obsessively I get a very quiet waft…a bit plant-like…maybe a bit a touch herbal and very smooth…nothing else jumps in my mind..unfortunately. I can’t remember if this has iris in it..but for some reason I think I smell that. Argh. Applied wet on skin: A bit dusty..maybe it’s the sandalwood..and I swear..then it goes invisible. This has happened to me many times with this blend..I can’t get a good reading on it. I am not sure I register musk or peach or anything like that. It’s all very wispy and well..just very hard to read on me. Couple of minutes on skin:Very faintly…I get some fruit..it’s the white peach..and it’s not really juicy at all..with that touch of sandalwood and maybe a breath of some iris maybe??? It’s almost invisible..I mean..I get a sense of it..but it is so very hard for me to describe. It’s on me..but barely..and there is absolutely no throw whatsoever. It seems cool and still..but it doesn’t emanate aquatics or anything like that..it just sits on me..barely blooming. If there is musk in here I don’t really recognize it. Ten minutes laterI get a bit more of some floral..but it’s of the dry variety..I guess tempered with the sandalwood and the peach..while though not super juicy and sticky in Tamora..does add a touch of sweetness in this blend. This still translates on me as a cool and quiet blend on me. 20 minutes later It’s still hovers on me..and I am a bit surprised that it still manages to stick around..despite how subtle it is. I can get a bit more throw when I put this in a scent locket…but even in there..it’s waft is very understated. Drydown: A trace of dry sweetness..almost a touch powdery. Lasting power on me is less than 2 hours and throw is non-exisistent..unless I put this in a scent locket..I get a soft throw at best. Bottom Line: Silence definitely baffled me. I can’t say I loved it and I certainly don’t hate it. It just puzzles me…I don’t have a very definitive feeling torwards it. It is a very still and quiet scent…one that I really had a hard time putting into words. Still can’t make up my mind about what it evokes for me…I guess because in actuality..it really didn’t evoke anything. Maybe that’s it….it just…was. Just like silence..you can’t really quantify or measure it..or even really describe it honestly..the absence of sound…this was kind of a maddening exercise for me to try and put into words what the absence of sound would smell like..and I found myself awkwardly trying to describe what I thought was like the “silence” of scent. Not my best review by a long shot but it is the best I could do.
  3. metaldog32


    So I received this frimp compliments of the Labbies..thank you again for your overwhelming generosity!!! I like the idea of the deep cocoa with patchouli, leather and incense..so I am hoping it works well on my skin. Centzon worked well on me..maybe I will be 2 for 2???? Initial sniff from frimp:Yep..definitely some deep cocoa wafting out to my nose…and I get a bit of patchouli. Don’t get the leather or incense yet. Applied wet on skin: Still the cocoa is the prominent note…and surprisingly the patchouli is really more of a subdued note…kind of supporting the cocoa..if the leather and incense are here..it’s very well blended. Surprisingly..this blend is actually quite contained on my skin…doesn’t give out a lot throw…kind of just hovers. Couple of minutes on skin:Hmmm..interesting. The cocoa note is now pretty much MIA..and it’s the incense with a touch of the leather and the patchouli grounding this whole thing that is in the forefront. Again…this doesn’t waft out aggressively on me…it does stay close..but I find it very fascinating..this somewhat incensey/patchouli combo weaving in the leather note that I sometimes have a real problem with..but in this blend works on me all over the base of the cocoa which started out in the lead but now becomes the foundation. There is a touch of sweetness which I can’t figure out where it some from..perhaps it’s the incense but it adds a nice touch. Ten minutes later:It’s just now the holy trinity: patchouli/incense/leather with a touch of sweetness. I don’t get any breath of flowers..and that’s fine. You would think that this would be an overwhelmingly strong scent but again..it just sits on my skin…not screaming..just sitting there..and when I bring my wrists to my nose and take deep whiffs..I get the heady mélange. I am not bowled over by it..but I am enjoying it. Twenty minutes later:This has kind of become very much a skin-like scent with traces of the former three star players..huh??? I guess I expected this to go on forever; instead it’s winded down fairly quickly. Very much an intimate scent on me. Drydown:Skin scent with a barest flush of the patchouli and the incense. Lasting power is pretty darn good…I got 4+hours with the throw being soft. Bottom Line:Tezcatlipoca is deep and a tad heady/heavy..with the patchouli, cocoa and incense..but on me it actually translated into more of an intimate fragrance. I think this would be nice in the winter. I liked it but it doesn’t hit the “personal fragrance” chord within me…so I will hang onto the imp for now but cross it off my list for a 5ml.
  4. metaldog32


    Received this frimp compliments of the Labbies…as always thank you for the generosity!!! Initial sniff from frimp:Smells an awful like jasmine in there…with a touch of sharp lavender. Applied wet on skin: Hmmm…jasmine and rose are in the forefront..with lavender peeking in here and there. Don’t get much of the musks or the spice. I don’t know what delphinium smells like…so I can’t tell if it’s in or not…mea culpa. Couple of minutes on skin:Lavender softened..and so did the rose with the jasmine..and on the tail end I do get a bit soft spice. Nice enough..however this blend also just hovers very much close to my skin. Ten minutes later:Wow..my skin practically ate this up. If I sniff obsessively enough, I can get something of a soft rose.and a wisp of jasmine...but basically it’s gone. Darn. Throw is soft with lasting power..well..if I keep sniffing furtively..I think I get traces on and off for about an hour. Bottom Line: Sophia is definitely a soft floral with hint of lavender that makes it interesting. Lavender is something I enjoy in small doses; I don’t prefer it in my fragrances that I wear; in this blend it lends itself nicely…a very unassuming and soft blend. Too soft for me though..so off it goes to someone who can get more out of it.
  5. metaldog32


    I have a 5ml that my sister bought for me sometime I believe either last year or so..but I haven’t gotten around to trying it…blushing. So..the frimp from the Labbies will have to suffice; if I love it at least I know I have more to slather..hee hee. Roses and gardenias are notes that my sister wears..they are her signature notes..roses specifically…but if I can find a blend that I can wear with these elements well..there is no foul done right?? Initial sniff from frimp: This smells SO lovely..the gardenia is first..with a bit of a dewy tea rose and the jasmine flirting in the back. I am delighted. Applied wet on skin: Two swipes of the wand on my wrist..and I inhale deeply..what I get is still the gardenia..but the jasmine is trying to come up fast and is bobbing with the rose. Still really pretty… Couple of minutes on skin :It’s more now softened jasmine with the rose…and surprisingly..just on the edges..I do get a trace of vanilla…fascinating. Gardenia is MIA..but it’s okay…I really do find this so very pretty. Ten minutes later:Sometimes it’s jasmine..sometimes it’s gardenia..sometimes it’s the rose..all of them weave in and out seamlessly over a feather bed of wispy vanilla. Just amazing. I am not really much of a floral girl..but in the spring and summer I do find myself enjoying them a bit more..and this really fits the bill for wearing now and in the warmer months. Let’s just see how much mileage I can get out of it scent-wise..so far it really is wonderful. Forty minutes later: It’s now just the sheer vanilla…with a faint breath of the floral. This fragrance stays close to the skin…not much throw at all. Lasting power is clocked at about 4+ hours…not bad!!! Bottom Line: Euphrosyne is a beautiful floral that combines the cool lushness of the gardenia, tea rose and jasmine with a sweet vanilla. I am so happy I have a bottle and look forward to wearing it again in the upcoming months.
  6. metaldog32

    Hungry Ghost Moon 2006

    Hungry Ghost Moon ... Offerings of ginger candy, sugar cane, smoky vanilla and rice wine mingle with a ghost’s perfume of white sandalwood, ho wood, ti, white grapefruit, crystalline musk and aloe. This scent is tapered by the presence of seven herbs, woods and resins used in the purification of the spirit and the purging of earthly concerns from the soul. I bought a 5ml outright because it’s what I do..purchasing lunacies is a non-issue. However…this one I was particularly enamored because of the ginger candy. Ginger…I do love ginger…love to smell it, love to eat it. I love ginger candy. The idea that the scent was being coupled with sugar cane..SMOKY vanilla..my favorite kind and wood grapefruit and aloe??? This seemed like the perfect lunacy for me. I bought it. I waited till last week to try it. I wore it for three days. I wasn’t wrong. It’s genius. Seriously. It is in the top 5 of my favorite all-time lunacies. In fact..I will say it’s in the top 3..the other two being Blue Moon and Red Moon. That’s how good it is to me. Let’s get down to the review: Initial sniff from bottle: Sweetness…over a type of fruit. It’s citrus=like but not bitter..the grapefruit is sweet..as if covered in yummy white sugar. I was expecting sharpness from the grapefruit which I actually like..but the sugary version is a nice surprise too. Applied wet on skin: This is where I knew I was lost forever to HGM. It’s the grapefruit..but it’s playing second fiddle to the sweetness. There is something in here that makes this blend very pretty and relaxed..I wonder if it’s the aloe??? I remember putting this on at this stage and just swooning…I couldn’t get over how good this smelled on me. Couple of minutes on skin:Grapefruit settles down and it’s more…more green-like??? Almost like green tea..very serene feeling..and yet I can still smell sweetness..a faint tinge of kick to it..could be the ginger candy interestingly…I think there is a subtle waft of that smoky vanilla…I think it adds to the sweetness so it’s not cloying or overly sweet..no..this blend is well crafted..as usual…but in this case..it’s just..perfection. Ten minutes later:Other reviewers have stated how seamless this fragrance transitions and I have to agree..it’s because of that seamlessness I find this particular lunacy genius. The grapefruit is still here..softened and sweetened..but it floats over the aloe/vanilla/rice wine base. The sandalwood..which sometimes amps on me is restrained here..lending a much more supportive role instead of leading..and all of this just radiates to me peace and serenity. The fragrance does have an asian feel to it. I am in love. Two and a half hours later: It’s winded down to just wispy wafts of sweetness…the vanilla kind..with the ginger sparkling softly..over the base of sandalwood and aloe. I really love that candied/smoky sweetness that is STILL present.. Lasting power on me is about 3-4 hours..on my hair it lasts longer and the throw is soft to moderate. Bottom Line: Hungry Ghost Moon is IMHO, an example of lunacy perfection. The juxtaposition of all those wonderful notes..sweet, spicy, smoky and wood…but re-interpreted so that the end result is a seamless fragrance that basically on me translated to a peaceful and serene blend blows my mind. I literally would smile when re-applying...because of how it made me feel. I wish I had tried this earlier..I would have definitely purchased a back-up bottle. I find this fragrance suitable year round..it’s that good. Beth you are really a genius. UPDATE: I underestimated wholly the lasting power of HGM…I wore it yesterday on one wrist while doing a review on another oil and as of this morning..I can STILL smell HGM’s vanilla waft..so actually..this baby lasted 12+ hours on me as well…outstanding!!!
  7. metaldog32


    I am not sure if I bought the 5ml bottle outright for me or for my sis..but I have a sneaking suspicion it’s the former and not the latter..since I love coconut. The BPAL blends I have tried so far with coconut have pretty much worked for me..except for Spooky..and that one I still feel worked to a degree. This promises to be a different coconut..the unsweetened kind….and I am looking forward to see how it wears on me. I like the whole concept of Obatala…taking the sting out of life’s harshest blows through laughter. I find myself lately studying my life…though this contemplation I am dealing with the reality of the state of my personal relationships with my family, my boyfriend and my own personal growth . It’s a bit painful..and I find it hard to communicate this pain..but I am trying also to find the laughter and keep moving. Initial sniff from bottle: It smells almost a bit buttery…with the rich coconut meat..perhaps that’s the shea butter??? There seems to be some sort of cool note..so this does seem rather soothing...soft but not invisible. Applied wet on skin: Unsweetened creamy coconut with the shea butter..and at the tail end again I register the coolness..it seems like water..but not like the aquatics I am used to in some of Beth’s blends..which is to say..no ozone/dryer sheet notes popping up. It smells very tranquil..as if I were walking through a tropical forest and came upon a quiet little waterfall..behind it is an ofrenda made up of coconut. That’s the mental image I get. It’s quiet..and all you hear is the running of the water over the stones. Couple of minutes on skin:Still smells the same…and that smells awfully good to me. Quite linear and I don’t mind it one.darn.bit. For a coconut fanatic this blend is a like a soft white blanket…one that protects and comforts me. I kind of need that right now. It’s not overly sweet..in fact..it’s not really very sweet at all..just creamy and soothing. Ten minutes later:Cool creamy shea butter with the coconut meat. It doesn’t waft very much..but hovers close to my skin. Enjoying it very much. Half an hour later: Same as above..softened a bit. Drydown: Interesting…it seems to get creamier…and a tad sweeter actually.. Lasting power: 10+ hours with little to soft throw. Bottom Line: Obatala is soothing and creamy and just what I needed. I think its great on it’s own and I suspect would work well as a layering partner. I think it’s a good option to wear for spring could work in summer as well. Heck..I find this very much a comfort scne to me so I would probably wear it any time I feel the need to seek a bit of refuge. If you normally are not a fan of coconut give this a try anyway..it so isn’t about suntan oil or macaroons…more natural and creamy and just..well..beautiful.
  8. metaldog32

    Count Dracula

    I have to say…thank you first and foremost Crescentwitch for giving me the opportunity to snag a decant to try..your generosity is appreciated! I love clove. I love ginger. I am beginning a love affair with patchouli. Tonka has always been good to me. The only notes that could cause trouble are the cinnamon, leather and black musk. Here it goes: Initial sniff from decant: Ooooooohhhh…my, my, my, my MY. Sex-ay. It’s the ginger with the wood and umm..the clove. Ginger is fiery but I am loving it. It does smell a bit masculine..but goodness..it is so…so…so darkly sexy. Applied wet on skin: Holy cow this is good. It’s ginger and then the patchouli and then the wood and clove…swooning..why did I take so long to try this??? I love it…which kind of sucks because now I can’t get it. I think this would be f*cking amazing on a guy..but I doubt I could get my boyfriend to wear it...assuming I could even get my hands on any. Serves me right. Am not sure I register the leather or musk…which as of right now..doesn’t really bother me since leather hasn’t always worked on me. It’s early though.. Couple of minutes on skin:Hmmm…the ginger calmed down a bit and it’s more clove with a subtle spice from the cinnamon which thankfully is behaving on me and the woods. The questionable leather note indeed makes an appearance on the tail end..but it’s a bit restrained in this blend on me..and that is a good thing. If I keep sniffing obsessively I sometimes get something on the tail end that is a tad bit sour..I wonder if it’s the black musk…but it’s not something I register fully and so overall it’s sill working out extremely well on me. This is indeed sexy…as some other reviewers have noted..it’s an arrogant sexy…which I find irresistible. While this is warming up so is the leather…but the tonka tempers it so that it sweetens the usual hot slap of leather I get. Wow. Twenty minutes later: Well..this has softened considerably..really very close to my skin..and when I take furtive whiffs I think I register a touch of the patchouli..with the leather and tonka sweetening it up and keeping it in check. Drydown: It’s just wisps of the leather, tonka, woods and ginger. Lasting power: From first on to drydown the Count does not fool around…9+hours…he knows he can last ALL NIGHT LONG cocky arrogant SOB that he is..but I love him for it. Throw on me was soft. Bottom Line: Count Dracula is hot sexy arrogance with a tinge of danger thrown in. I wish I had someone who would wear this. I love Jolly Roger but that blend is more approachable…the Count is downright dangerously sexy. I’m hoarding my little decant and will begin my journey in trying to procure a bottle..or even more decants..beggars can’t be choosy.
  9. metaldog32

    Flower Moon 2005

    It’s taken an awful long time for me to be able to get any sense of smell back. I have been sick for over a week..and I can’t stress enough how much I am grateful to have the sense of smell. It really sucks when you can’t smell anything…fragrance is really a wonderful thing to experience and enjoy. SO…despite me not being able to smell I had to wear my BPAL. It ended up being Flower Moon. Although I had a pretty good idea with what I wanted to say about it, I suspected I needed a couple more days; little did I know that it would end up over a week. So..here it goes…and I am glad it does..for I am looking forward to trying a couple more new fragrances. One more thing..I have had Flower Moon for almost 2 years..and I hoarded my bottle till the time was right…so again..here it goes. I want to say though..I still have some residual coughing and congestion from the cold..so I will do the best I can. Initial sniff from bottle: Sweet flowers…they aren’t roses or anyting like that either…most definitely a huge wet bouquet of flowers…spring flowers..I get the sense of spring bouquet interspersed with the traditional lunar oils that sometimes appear in the composition of lunacies. If you don’t like florals you may scoff at it at this point..but I was willing to push through. Applied wet on skin:Ohh..it’s a cornucopia of those spring flowers..maybe wildflowers..definitely can smell the tulip and daffodil..I wonder if the dewdrop is the culprit that lends the “wet” quality to this floral. This isn’t an innocent floral nor a drop dead sexy floral like Black Dahlia..but it does have some presence ..at least at this stage and it flirts with an unapologetic waft. Couple of minutes on skin: I kind of have to agree…at some points..this seems such a sweet floral it almost borders on a touch of fruity….but what I also get is almost a citrus like note in the back..I can’t quite put my finger on the note..but it is there. The throw is soft. Ten minutes later: It’s softened considerably…but it still retains the dewy, floral, slightly fruity/citrus twang in the back. Thirty minutes later: Wait…where are you Flower Moon??? Why did u decide to leave the party??? Drydown: Faint floral..and only if I sniff furtively…darn. For whatever reason, my skin eats up Flower Moon. I have tried layering it over body creams or even over other fragrances to anchor it a bit more but I have had limited success. Lasting power is 1-3 hours if I am lucky and throw is indeed soft. Bottom Line: Flower Moon evokes springtime in a very lunar fashion…with the dewy and almost fruity tones floating over the huge spring bouqet. I have Aeval, Beltane, and Sundew…although these also scream spring to me Flower Moon is still different enough to warrant having it around. Unfortunately I can’t seem to hold the fragrance very long on me so I will have to decide to either live with it’s etherealness or hand it off to someone who can get more mileage out of it…scent-wise that is.
  10. metaldog32

    Dragon's Milk

    Ahhhh…to finally get a chance to try this very popular fragrance..I was given the opportunity to get a decant from marzstar..thank you soo much!!! Dragon’s blood and I..well….I think we have a very up and down relationship. The actual oil Dragon’s Blood was all just a floral blast..and quite surprisingly it worked…well. However..lately..with blends that either have dragon’s blood, cinnamon, or pepper..well..I just have not been able to love them. Something in that mix makes me queasy..and for a while..I was convinced it was the cinnamon..but now..now..I am beginning to suspect the drgon’s blood..which will make me very sad. I hope this works out. Initial sniff from decant: Kind of warm…slightly fruity..sweet. So far this smells nice and not something that would make my stomach flip flop..so I am hopeful. Applied wet on skin: Hmmm..warm fruity??? Some sweetness too??? This is doesn’t waft very much on me…it hovers close to the skin. This immediately reminds me of a fall/winter scent. Couple of minutes on skin: It’s kind of a honey-vanilla combo…over a wisp of something fruity..the fruity has something in it that makes me think of red…heat…and it’s that very note that if amped on me makes my stomach queasy. Crap..I was hoping that dragon’s blood wasn’t the culprit..maybe I could still be wrong??? This isn’t bad on me..but it’s not fabulous either. So far it’s a pleasant enough scent..one that I wouldn’t mind wearing on the weekend when I visit my boyfriend…I would think he might like it..but let’s see how it develops the longer it’s on my skin. I wonder how this would work as a layer under Blood Kiss???? Hmmmm… Ten minutes later:Hmmm..it’s more vanilla sweetness..with just a wisp of the fruit I detected earlier on. Again..it stays close to the skin..but I gotta say..it does smell pretty darn good. Maybe I can wear dragon’s blood after all??? Hour later Still the yummy vanilla sweetness.. Drydown: Faint vanilla Lasting power 9+ hours with throw soft. Bottom Line: Dragon’s Milk is a sweet cuddly scent with a glowing warm center…I think it would be great to wear in the fall and winter and it’s soft throw makes it perfect for snuggling. Who ever thought dragons could have a sweet and cuddly side…I am a bit besotted with the thought. Definitely keeping my decant.
  11. metaldog32


    I received this decant from a generous forumite…many, many months ago. I was overcome with her generosity…thank you sooo much for giving me the opportunity to try this. Initial sniff from decant: I get the chamomile…and then either the rosewood or cypress..which is quite soft. The rose and lavender are there as well..but again..they are very much softened and blended together…no one note is sharp. Applied wet on skin: Soothing chamomile…with the rose and lavender soft, soft, softly beating in tandem together. Couple of minutes on skin:Interesting…the chamomile kind of went to the back and now I get more of the soft rose in front..the lavender is indeed subtle on me but I think it’s there. The woods are really understated…almost invisible on me and I can’t say I could find ylang ylang yet. Ten minutes later:Soft rose..with the chamomile and lavender backing it up in a very understated fashion. Sandalwood/rosewood/cypress…they are at the tail end…just a wisp of them giving this blend a bit of structure..but overall the feeling of the notes together is soft. Twenty minutes later:Crap..it’s almost gone. Again..my stupid skin chemistry basically devoured the fragrance…if I sniff hard enough I get a wisp of rose..but that’s about it. Drydown: Nothing but the faint floral with the herbal. Lasting power 1+hours…with hardly any throw. Bottom Line: Despair…it is truly a very quiet fragrance..through frought with much to bear. The delivery on my skin was extremely light handed and unfortunately terribly brief..but what I did get to experience was very appropriate. It seemed to be laden with much sadness..but of a kind that is very self contained. I think it would work in spring but it’s much too evocative a fragrance for me to wear personally. That coupled with it’s poor staying power will have me frimping it; but I am so grateful to have had a chance to try it. It is beautiful..in a sad and mournful way.
  12. metaldog32


    So..I received this little frimp from either the generous Labbies or a generous forumite..I can’t remember…mea culpa..but thank you either way!!! I usually don’t mind ozone in fragrance..as it bodes well with my skin chemistry than does lemon..so I am hopeful that I will find Lightning a good fit..scent wise. Initiall sniff from frimp: Ohhh..I like it so far. Yep..it’s got ozone..but it also has those marine notes that I am almost always a sucker for when it comes to summer fragrances. Some people find ozone to smell like detergent/dryer sheets..sometimes I find that appropro..but most of the time I just find it a very appealing note. Applied wet on skin: Ozone leaps out with the marine notes..very clean smelling indeed..but not punching me in the face sharp. Yes..it’s got a bit of tang but in a very good way..I find this very pleasing. Reminds me of summer storms. Ten minutes later:The ozone has softened up and it plays nicely with the marine notes..it’s a really nice aquatic actually. Softer in translation on me then Storm Moon. If you like aquatics you might find this up your alley. It’s not a dark scent on me..I enjoy it. Twenty minutes later:Soft aquatic. Drydown:Softened marine notes with a wisp of the ozone-like tang in the back. Throw on me is soft to average with lasting power 3+hours. Bottom Line: Lightning actually worked well on me but I am not too sure I would wear it as a fragrance. I think it would work well in a burner and as a shower gel so I am definitely keeping my imp. Maybe I would also consider using it to scent my body cream. A perfect choice for me in the summer months.
  13. metaldog32


    Frimp from the Labbies..thank you very much!!! This sounds like something I should like..since saffron, amber, and sandalwood are usually notes that work well on me..so here goes nothing!!! Initial sniff from frimp: Kind of spicy..reminds me of Bengal in some way..maybe it’s the nutmeg??? I smell the amber too..but not much else…amber and nutmeg..so let’s see how this plays out on the skin. Applied wet on skin: Fainter…and dustier version of Bengal sort of..it’s the amber and the nutmeg..sandalwood in the back. I am not getting any mandarin or rose at this point..nothing on the musk either but it’s early. Couple of minutes on skin: The amber is a bit more present..with the spices it makes for a good combo..however everything in here isn’t loud or super aggressive..it’s all very low-key but not invisible. This doesn’t have Bengal’s honey or ginger..but it still wafts out softly sweetness and subtle spice. I am still not getting the mandarin..or the rose.. Twenty minutes later: Man..my skin just eats this up…I REALLY have to shove my nose close to my wrist to get anything and when I do it’s basically the amber, sandalwood, and nutmeg. Softly spiced amber..no mandarin, no rose. The musk is kind of MIA too..but I am assuming that it’s here with the amber. It’s definitely a dry scent..and it’s pleasant..but I wish it would have stuck around longer..maybe it will show up in a little bit??? Three hours later: It’s all just a faint memory…faint spice and sweetness that I assume was the amber..tickle of sandalwood. Lasting power 3+ hours with throw soft at best. Bottom Line: Baghdad had some promise..but unfortunately had no staying power. It’s a a bit of a dry sweet/spicy scent that hints along the lines of Bengal…but I think is a bit more subdued. I am glad I had the chance to try it though. It would be a nice option for fall or winter-if I need a fix of the exotic I can dab on Bengal for my fix. I hope my imp of Baghdad finds a home where it can be appreciated properly.
  14. metaldog32

    Antique Lace

    Ahhh..to finally be gifted a frimp of this from the Labbies..thank you!!! So much has been written about this..it gets much love from the BPAL board..and so many were thrilled to have it re-introduced. I myself came to BPAL after it had been discontinued..so I was intrigued reading all the reviews about this very sought after fragrance. I have to say however..reading the description of this didn’t actually “wow” me. The idea of dried flowers kind of turned me off..but I figured nothing ventured nothing gained. Plus..I love Black Opal and if this has any resemblance to that then I am signing up for a bottle in my next order. So..here we go: Initial sniff from frimp: It’s funny..I smell something sweet..it smells like a type of vanilla..but it’s not overbearingly cloying..here in this moment it does remind me a bit of Black Opal..so I am happy. I also get the faint breath of long-faded perfumes in the back..and I think it adds to it. The linen note is there too..and I happen to like Beth’s linen notes..especially in Berenice. This is looking promising… Applied wet on skin: Interesting..the first waft I get is of…the old fashioned perfume..and then the sweetness…with the linen note rounding out the back. It’s a touch warm…and settles very close to my skin. Unless the dried flowers are supposed to be the old fashioned perfume I am not getting that note at all..but it’s still early. Ten minutes later:I still get the warmth of the sweetness which I am assuming is either vanilla or tonka..but I also still get that steady waft of old fashioned perfume..which on me..smells awfully familiar with the note that ROARED on me in Numb. It’s kept in check in this blend however..which is a very good thing for me since I ended up with a massive headache wearing Numb . Twenty minutes later: Tonka/vanilla…with yes…it’s violet and the linen note. Still going on..hasn’t faded. I think a dry and sweet fragrance…definitely a bit cozy..but the old fashioned perfume note..which I assume to be violet keeps it from being TOO cozy on me..and that’s fine. I had my sis smell it and she agrees..it totally smells like the Vanilla Fields and/or Vanilla Lace she used to wear…other reviewers mentioned this as well..I got that vibe too. Thirty minutes later: Lingering tonka/vanilla..the violet has kind of gone MIA..with the linen note still in check..but softened as well. Drydown: It’s all now just the tonka/vanilla…which has taken on a bit more of a creamy note.. Lasting power is impressive…5+hours at least..with throw average to strong. It doesn’t know people out..but it does have a bit of presence..I could get wafts of it while it warmed up on my skin..and it stuck around. Bottom Line: Antique Lace is a good choice for fall and winter..and I think it can pretty much do well in spring too. I think it’s a very work appropriate fragrance. I see why many people went hog wild over it…I myself am considering a 5ml..but the violet in the early stages might be a deal breaker for me..since I already have my atypical “vanilla/tonka” fragrance in BPAL which is Black Opal. Still..the imp will NOT go to waste..I think it would be great scenting a body cream or even body wash.
  15. metaldog32


    Peace I received this from the Labbies…what a wonderful surprise!!! I have had this frimp for quite a while..and really didn’t know it was an unreleased fragrance till I tried to find in on the BPAL website…so this will be interesting. Let’s see how I do!!! Initial sniff from frimp-Something a bit herbal..maybe a touch of something with eucaplyptus..perhaps a touch of lemon??? I am not quite sure..could be lavender..it’s a bit sharp..but all in all it smells very clean…almost like soap. Applied wet on skin-It’s a bit faint on me..but yes..it’s kind of herbal..a touch green..something smells like lemon too..and a bit a touch of wood. No florals to speak of..nothing aquatic on me either. I wonder if there is juniper in here??? Couple of minutes on skin:I think it is lavender..but a softer lavender now…and yes..yes..I think there might be some violet too..but the violet is a bit reminiscent of the violet in Bluebeard..so this particular violet isn’t headache-inducing…and if I don’t have my wrist shoved up my nose I can’t smell it. Interestingly though..I get wafts of it when I am typing though. Yes..lavender and violet..with some sort of soft citrus-like tang in the back. Ten minutes later:Softened..but still has presence on my skin..it’s lavender softened with violet…a wisp of herbal and a bit of wood. Twenty minutes later:Hehehehehe..now it’s more of the powdery violet..softly wafting but there nonetheless and the lavender in the backseat. Interesting. I have to say..I was convinced this was an imp I didn’t need to keep around but I might change my mind. Both lavender and violet are notes that normally don’t work well on me but in this blend they kind do..together..which is amazing. It’s not something I would seek to wear..but I do find at this stage the fragrance to be quite soothing..sort of. Drydown: Soft candied violet Bottom Line: Peace actually is a very serene fragrance…and although I probably wouldn’t wear it as a fragrance I think it would work effectively to center oneself. I think it would work well as a room fragrance so I might try it in that capacity. I think my mom would really like it.
  16. metaldog32

    Temple Viper

    I bought this decant from a generous forumite..thank you sooo much!!! So far Green Tree Viper was a hit..maybe Temple Viper will be too??? Here we go: Initial sniff from decant: Huh??? I smell…something grape-like?? That cant be right…right?? Hmfph…yep..that’s what I smell..something sweet too..no frankincense to speak of. Usually labdanum is a bit sharp on me..and hysspop..well that usually is kind of herbal I think too..so I am a bit confused but will push on…maybe the fruity note has to do with the champaca??? Applied wet on skin:Okay..the fruit is there but not overt..I get some frankincense and maybe the opoponax…not so much the hyssop and labdanum..it’s not in-your-face incense at all…just a nice mélange of notes..I can’t quite describe it accurately though Five minutes later: I am still having trouble getting an accurate and descriptive read on this. For whatever reason I am getting predominantly a wafty cloud of champaca and frankincense over a bed of SO. I like it…don’t get me wrong…but with GTV the SO notes came out a bit more clearly and in this blend the lines are very much blurred. I do have to say though..for whatever reason…this smells in feel to Snake Charmer. I just acquired a bottle of the famed stuff and although the only other time I actually tried it was dabbing from my gf’s bottle..I do remember what it smelled like..and somehow..Temple Viper kind of reminds me of it as well. Again..am not getting an herbal slant from the labdanum or the hyssop. Twenty minutes later:Same vibe from before..except now I can smell the Snake Oil peeking through…adding a bit of a different depth of sweetness if you will Drydown: It’s the champaca and Snake Oil..with the frankincense rounding out the back. Staying power is 4+hours with throw soft. Bottom Line: Temple Viper is good..no doubt about it..but I am on the fence since I do FINALLY have a bottle of Snake Charmer. Temple Viper would be great in the late summer to early fall and winter….it’s allure is so very tempting for me to just break down and order the bottle…hmm…decisions decisions….
  17. metaldog32


    Received this frimp compliments of the Lab..again I appreciate the generosity. I have read in other posts that this might be a suitable substitute for Queen of Spades…so I am hopeful. Initial sniff from imp: Hmmm..this sort of reminds me more of Phantom Calliope without the spicy kick than QofS but I will push on nonetheless. It’s fruity..kind of grape-like…maybe cherry??? Applied wet on skin: Yep…it’s more grape-like..a tad sharp for a second but then it mellows out and is now sweet fruit. Patchouli is here..but it seems a bit lighter in this blend..not so much giving the scent it’s earthy slant it usually does…tail end I get a bit of the nag champa..it’s nice. Couple of minutes on skin:The fruit has softened a bit..and now it’s more of the nag champa and patchouli in the drivers seat…more nag than patchouli..with the wisp of fruit now in the back. Sort of like sweet/dry incense..with a touch of fruit. I like it…but I don’t see it as a substitute for my beloved Q of S. Twenty minutes later: Incense…nag champa specifically..with a wisp of fruit straddling the patchouli which is restrained in this blend. Drydown: Incense with a dusky echo of the fruit.. Bottom Line: Urd seems like a suitable option for fall…the musky/musty grape with the nag champa is a nice combo…but ultimately..it’s not enough for me to go for a 5ml. Nice olefactory trip though.
  18. metaldog32


    Frimp compliments of the Lab. This is not something I would normall gravitates towards..simply because of the violet and vetiver. These two notes usually don’t bode well on me..especially the latter. Lavender can tend to go a bit sharp on me as well…but what the heck..might as well try. I actually wore this to bed last night..to try to get my head around the notes and feelings..I didn’t know what the notes were until today. I am trying it again. Initial sniff from frimp: Nothing specific jumps out at me..except the whole vibe I get is…dark…..and a bit foreboding. I get a whiff of something muky..aquatic..and a tad salty..along with something..akin to woody..but a bit gritty too??? I remember last night when I sniffed from the imp..what mental image jumped in my mind..and it was that of being on a deck of a wooden ship during a storm..the saltiness of the water with the wet wood..and that gritty note..which has got to be the vetiver. I don’t really get the violet or lavender..they are very well blended. Appliet wet on skin: It’s the sharp vetiver…and what I thought was a touch of a salty aquatic is perhaps actually the lavender??? I can’t stop sniffing my wrist..but I actually don’t really enjoy the scent..it makes me feel weird. Another reviewer says this scent evokes the concept of Bluebeard aptly.and I agree. Definitely has a bit of a masculine vibe to it. Somehow..it sort of still smells a bit salty to me..like sea spray, a touch of wet wood, and lavender..again the violet is kind of MIA..unless it is acting as supporting role with this whole dark vibe I get. Couple of minutes on skin:Vetiver and lavender are still here..mixing it up. The white musk has warmed up a bit in the mix..making this a bit more bearable on me..funny..it has a bit of a cologne like quality..which I don’t normally associate as violet..but maybe that’s how it’s translating on my skin?. Still consider it a bit of a sharp scent on me. Ten minutes later:It’s softened a bit..but it’s still the sharp/salty lavender and vetiver with musk in the background. I can’t say it’s awful on me….I just don’t feel comfortable with it on..something about it..kind of disturbs me. I get used to it after a while..but still..not really me. Twenty five minutes later: Softened considerably again..and now it’s more cologne-like..not so much gritty vetiver..still a bit masculine. Now I get a touch of faint sweetness maybe it’s the violet..finally..peeking through??? Drydown: A touch of soft and salty aquatic with a breath of lavender and violet. Lasting power is impressive…6+hours with throw soft to medium Bottom Line: Bluebard is indeed a bit of foreboding fragrance on me…it evokes a darkening of the soul and made me feel a bit uncomfortable. Sure it softened up..but it isn’t something I would ever reach to wear..unless I wanted to feel weird. I had very emotional and slightly disturbing dreams after wearing this to bed…I don’t feel the need for a repeat performance. Evocative indeed.
  19. metaldog32


    Finally…I finally received a frimp or two from the Labbies. Patience pays off my friends!!! So..this seems to be one of the most popular GC fragrances. Amber. Honey. Vanilla. It seems destined NOT to fail..at least on me. I do love amber…honey I am beginning to respect and vanilla..vanilla is good. Here I go: Initial sniff from frimp: First whiff I get is of the honey with the amber in the back. Sweet…sticky sweet..almost syrup-like and golden with a touch of something fruity maybe??? Applied wet on skin: It’s honey and amber…with the vanilla rounding up the back. Sure..it’s a sweet blend but the best kind of sweet to me. Couple of minutes on skin: It’s funny…I sort of got that Play-doh note as well..but it was soft and it interspersed with the drizzly honey and amber and vanilla trio..still liking this very much. Ten minutes later: Honey has backed off a bit and it’s more amber with the sweet honey echoing faintly..and the vanilla peeping through here and there. Amber works pretty darn well with me and although it is a touch powdery right now it isn’t overwhelmingly so. Seems to linger close to my skin..the throw is very soft. Drying on skin:Subtle powder note kind of moved on and I am left with the trickle of honey with amber and vanilla. This is a very intimate scent on me…definitely a bit skin-like and although it “seems” sweet and comforting..it takes on a rather sensual vibe. I would agree..this kind of evokes to me the idea of rolling around the bed sheets with flushed skin…heady from ravishing in eachother..but as some other reviewers said not in a degrading way. I wear this and I remember the feeling of anticipation before sinking myself into some serious romping...the exhilaration of pleasure spent with another. Drydown: Traces of sweet powder, skin scent and vanilla. Lasting power-5+hours with throw soft. Bottom Line: O definitely hit its mark with me…I find it a drowsy, sweet, sensual and intimate scent. Because its’ throw is so soft I think I can wear it to work without distracting myself but I am looking forward to wearing it for my closer encounters with my SO. Wearing this reminded me of him…in a very good way. I am keeping my imp..and it’s a strong contender for a 5ml. I think it would be great to layer as well.
  20. metaldog32

    The Apothecary

    Another frimp compliments of the Lab…the generosity is so appreciated!!! Not on my original list of scents to try…but try I will. Normally I don’t usually go for the mosses and herbal notes..but I do love me some ginger and fig..so l will just jump right in: Initial sniff from imp: Some sort of tea…smells more like a green tea than a black one..and yep..there is the moss, grass and some sort of herbal…all together a rather “green” and fresh vibe from the frimp. I am pleasantly surprised..I guess I was expecting something heavier with the mosses and maybe a tad bit more medicinal with the herbal notes. Applied wet on skin: A soft bite of ginger with the tea and other green notes..so it’s ending up to be again a bit of a refreshing blend. The grass is actually nice…very crisp indeed but not bracing. I think this would be wonderful on a warm day. Couple of minutes on skin:Still very fresh and green smelling..the herbal notes are soft and the grass/tea/ginger all meld together to create a very relaxing and refreshing fragrance. I suspect however..that this isn’t going to last too long on me..as it has faded a bit. I hope it can last though..keeping my fingers crossed here. Ten minutes later:Ohhh…it’s fading faster now. Darn. I can still make out the faint breath of tea and grass…but it is soooo much softer. Twenty five minutes later: Faint tea notes…funny..I never actually got the fig. Drydown: A subtle and softly wafting tea/grassy scent. Lasting power: Am lucky if I can get 3 hours out of this..throw is nonexistent. Bottom Line: The Apothecary would be a great office scent..unobtrusive, subtle, and completely work appropriate. I think it’s a great option for spring or summer but the downside for me is that it basically evaporated within the hour on me. I will most definitely keep the imp and see if I have more around..perhaps if I dump a couple in some body cream I can get it to adhere a bit longer..I really did enjoy the fresh and crisp notes in this.
  21. metaldog32

    The Phantom Calliope

    This was the one..the one I had pined for first when CD came out..and then after reading the reviews struggled about as well. Although the black cherry, patchouli, cassis and cardamom had me hooked..it is the lemon verbena that kept me away. Lemon verbena amps on me like you wouldn’t believe..until it turns into Lemon Pledge nightmare. I couldn’t risk it. I waited..I tried not to think about it..but I kept stalking the reviews on Phantom…hoping I would read something that would tell me it would be okay to possess her.. I finally bit the bullet. I bought a decant off of a generous forumite. I have had said decant for several months..and now..finally..I am going to give it a whirl. Initial sniff from decant:Dark fruit..hmmm… and the patchouli giving it an earthy slant..no complaints..I do smell something a tad bit citrus-like..but it’s on the back end..so I am hoping that once this hits my skin..I won’t become a human can of furniture polish…. Applied wet on skin:Dark fruit is there..and right behind it is the patchouli/cardamom duo giving it depth and a touch of spice..and there is lemon verbena at the tail end..still being held in check I might happily add…so that it just adds a wisp of something fresh/tart…I am still keeping my fingers crossed. Couple of minutes on skin:The cherry and cassis kind of left the party..where did you guys go??? I am left with a cardamom/patchouli combo which is nice..but I was kind of hoping that the black cherry/cassis could have stayed around longer..maybe they will show up again?? Ten minutes laterIt’s all just the spicy cardamom/patchouli party…which isn’t bad at all..I just wanted the fruit to stay longer. What IS kind of bad is that I started to itch on my wrist where I applied Phantom Calliope. I am developing some sort of hive..darn. Drying on skin:Well..I put some salve on my hive and now what I am left with is again the spicy duo of the patchouli and cardamom. I like it well enough..but I was really hoping for that black cherry/cassia tag team to be more assertive in the fragrance. I only was able to hold onto it in the first couple of minutes and then they slid through my grasp…wispy little fragrance!!!! Lasting power on me is 3+hours with throw on the soft side. Bottom Line: Phantom Calliope is a wispy fragrance…but not an invisible one. I do enjoy the patchouli and cardamom in this blend..despite my little skin reaction..and the fruit..though fleeting on me..smelled amazing. This would work well in the fall and winter. I am still on my quest to find the most perfect black cherry or dark fruit scent though..one that can stand head to head with my beloved Queen of Spades. This one had promise..but didn’t quite seal the deal. I am definitely keeping the imp..and will try this once again before coming to decision regarding a 5ml purchase.
  22. metaldog32

    The Mock Turtle's Lessons

    Well…this is another frimp compliments of the Lab..thank you. It’s also another “mint” fragrance for me to try. Green Tree Viper was a surprising hit for me..maybe TMTL could make it 2 for 2. I usually don’t mind aquatic notes at all..I like iris, ambrette, mint and lime..so I kind of have high hopes.. Initial sniff from frimp: HAHAHAHAHA..the first thing I thought about when I took a whiff was…an apple martini!!! Not that this is a bad thing..but that’s what I registered. Seriously sniffing though…it’s a bit aquatic without being salty or ozone like..with a tart green apple, a touch of sweetness, and a sliver of mint. These notes are kind of muddled through the aquatic..and this makes it kind of muted..but still having some presence. Applied wet on skin: Hello there green apple..I can sort of sense the sliver of mint..but it’s definitely playing a very subdued role..with me just registering it in in the back of my throat. I get a cool iris..and the sweetness..this must be maybe the ambrette??? No lime..interestingly enough. Couple of minutes on skin:Gentle aquatic suffused with a sheer iris and ambrette veil. Apple is MIA..and the mint is barely there..but it’s there..in the back. Never did get that lime..darn..but I still find this a bit of an interesting fragrance. Actually..I do kind of get a touch of lime..if I sniff obsessively..but it’s work people. Fifteen minutes later:No,no,nnnoooooo….it’s faded so fast. I can get a faint whiff of the floral and a gentle aquatic..but that’s it. Lasting power 1+ hour on me..throw is soft. Bottom Line: TMTL would be absolutely PERFECT for summer because of the cool and refreshing notes in this blend. Unfortunately for me..I can’t get it to stay on me for more than an hour. I can’t bring myself to get rid of the imp though..so maybe I can play around and figure out a way to anchor it somehow. I loved it so much in the beginning…
  23. metaldog32

    Green Tree Viper

    Ahhhh…Green Tree Viper. I received this decant from a generous forumite..and I have to say..the one thing that appealed to me were the mints…green tea I can take or leave..but the reviews really made me curious..could there be a creamy mint??? I wouldn’t mind having that as a fragrance so I snagged a decant. This is how it plays out: Initial sniff from decant:My,my,my…this is beautiful…the mint is there but it’s not sharp or biting..but there is also the bergamot which is also kind of soft too..and the green tea. Very refreshing…but in a refined way. Wow. Applied wet on skin: Swooning…goodness this is good. The mint is there..but it is indeed a creamy mint..that must be the Snake Oil interweaving in it..it’s got some sweetness but it still retains the wisp of bergamot/green tea. Holy cow..I love it and I only have had it on for one minute. Couple of minutes on skin:The mint is still there..but its tandem with the sweetness of the Snake Oil..it’s kind of like a creamy sugary mint…and yet..just when I think it might be just a bit TOO sweet..there is that green tea/bergamot note in the back…keeping it fresh. Fabulous. Fifteen minutes later: It’s all still a love-fest here..the soft creamy mint..sweetness tempered by the green tea. I am happy..so very happy. For the record..I have never tried Dorian or Snake Oil. 45 minutes later: Softer now..but not invisible..the mint is much more subdued…and I can still get the tea note with the sweet notes. Lasting power is 4+hours on me with the throw soft to medium. Bottom Line: Green Tree Viper is a home fun for me..I will most definitely be getting a 5ml..maybe even two before the Carnaval packs up. I think it will be great in summer but could very well see me wearing it in the spring as well. Even though it is minty and refreshing the notes of Snake Oil allow it to be creamy and soft..which I love. Home run for sure!!!
  24. metaldog32


    This comes to me via frimp from the ever generous Labbies..thank you again. As much as I am very intrigued about this fragrance….I am beginning to realize that perhaps pepper/cinnamon/and dragon’s blood don’t actually get along. You see..I want to love them..but the last couple of times I have had them in fragrances..they just don’t love me back. I am a bit confused with dragons blood…I thought that it usually smelled unbelievably floral..which I actually liked..but somehow..I have been getting the spicy dragon’s blood and unfortunately for me..that doesn’t work well on me. Let’s see how this angry little guy does with me today. Initial sniff from frimp:Uh-oh…this doesn’t seem too promising..it’s got that spicy cinnamon waft coming up..which I know usually spells disaster on me. As much as I love clove I haven’t been too lucky with it in BPAL except in Blood Kiss. This already makes me think of Blood Moon, Mars, my CT:Strange Attractors..it has that same vibe. Applied wet on skin: Grrr…it’s cinnamon..and it’s a dry cinnamon with the pepper and spicy dragon’s blood..the holy trinity that does it to me every time..makes me kind of queasy. To be fair..I think the pepper isn’t really the culprit..I think it’s the cinnamon and dragon’s blood…the spicy kind..unfortunately it just doesn’t like me. Couple of minutes on skin:It’s still roaring on..it’s like Big Red gum on me..and Big Red was never my favorite flavor…darn. 45 minutes later: Big Red has softened…and if I sniff hard enough I can get a bare breath of something floral..but honestly…it’s all just cinnamon gum. Fans of spicy/cinnamon scents should like this…. Drydown: Red Hots cinnamon…softly wafting..but it’s there. Lasting power is about 4+ hours on me with throw soft to medium. Bottom Line: Wrath is a fiery red scent that unfortunately I cannot love..oh well.
  25. metaldog32

    Black Phoenix

    Okay…so my sister has a bottle of this and she absolutely LOVES it. My gf who I enabled to BPAL also owns a bottle and LOVES it. I have a frimp compliments of the Labbies and I should be pretty shocked if I don’t love it too!!! Without further ado: Initial sniff from frimp: Hehehehehehe..it’s almonds…almost almonds and amaretto and a touch of something fruity in the back..is it cherry??? Smells good..maybe there is some spice in here too??? Nothing too overt..but something nonetheless??? Applied wet on skin: Ohhh..it’s almonds with some sort of wet cherry. This kind of reminds me a bit of Bastet in feel….and I like Bastet very much..so right now I am enjoying the Black Phonenix. Couple of minutes on skin:Cherries have died down and it’s more just almond/spice…a bit sticky sweet..with some sort of note that kind of reminds me like a skin musk..maybe it’s just me??? I don’t know..I usually don’t get this so early in a fragrance..but who knows??? Another reviewer had stated that this sort of reminded them of Blood Kiss..I have to agree with that..it’s kind of like Bastet and Blood Kiss on me. Ten minutes later:Hmph…almond cherry duo have left the building..and what I have left on me is something akin to a musky/touch smoky/tad herbal mélange. At some point I thought I smelled something a smidgen soap-like but that has disappeared…and what I am left is this waft that sort of reminds me of resins..maybe myrhh??? It’s a touch sweet, a touch powdery, a touch smoky…interesting. Drydown: faint waft of powdery/spicy sweetness. Lasting power 6+ hours. I went outside this afternoon and shoveled wet snow and ice for about 2 hours and it was still on..the throw started out a bit strong in the wet phase but settled down to close to the skin in about an hour. Bottom Line: Black Phoenix is a very pleasant fragrance..had my sister not claimed it for her own I might very well consider a bottle myself; it has a great combination of spice/sweetness/fruit/resin and a touch of powder that all together just works. I think it is a great fragrance to wear for fall and winter..and I am glad my sister…who normally doesn’t wear such a fragrance fell in love with Black Phoenix. I will keep my imp though..it could be useful for layering.