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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by metaldog32

  1. metaldog32


    I ended up getting a bottle of Thaleia because she was becoming discontinued and because of her blood orange. Absolutely LOVE blood orange and I figured it would be a good bet that she would work for me considering I love her citrus, her floral (gardenia) and her sweetness honey and tonka. This will be the first time I test her out. Initial sniff from bottle: Interestingly enough the prominent notes that I register are the honey, a tinge of apricot and some floral..I think it’s the ylang ylang actually..which is surprising because gardenia is usually something I can pick up from the get-go. Hmm…very interesting… I wonder what ciste is??? Applied wet on skin: Quick flash of that yummy blood orange but really it’s more apricot driven with the honey and tonka actually…gardenia where are you???? Ten minutes later-This really is a bit earthy on me and I think it has to do with the honey and tonka and blood orange..on me it’s not really a high super fruity floral..more like a deeper sweet floral because of the honey..the ylang ylang couples with it and the tonka to give it depth and the blood orange and apricot just flit with subtlety on the perimeter. Suprisingly..my gardenia is kind of MIA..which disappoints me a bit but I’m still liking what I’m smelling. This is similar in feel for me as my oldie but goodie Hetairae,,the honey gives it depth. Sometimes after this point the gardenia peeks out through the layer of honey and ylang ylang..other times she’s just a wisp. Lasting power on this is about 4+hours with the drydown basically a steady but soft waft of the honey-ed fruit and the floral ground in the background. Bottom Line: I actually really do like this blend; it’s has decent throw on me and I quite like it for the summer when I want to wear a floral that isn’t cool but one that exudes a bit of a sultry sweetness. Sure Thaleia is all smiles but she has a flirty side too and that’s what makes her so likeable. I think she will work well in Indian summer as well.
  2. metaldog32

    Holiday Moon

    I almost have to get lunacy because I’m a Moon child so this is why this has been waiting,..patiently I should say…to be tried out. It’s been an awfully long time I’ve done a review again..this happens from time to time..I take sabbaticals on writing anything…and then I wait until I can’t take it anymore..I need to express the thought..hehehehehehehe… Anyway..onto the review. I’ve been wearing this for a couple of days already..and as Cranberry stated in a previous review I kind of liken Holiday Moon to Dragon Moon-2006 version but I wanted to be sure so I did the old comparison on wrist test. Initial sniff from bottle: Pulpy tartness…freshness…a bit bracing..absolutely getting the green and white tea. Really crisp. Very much like DM except the latter has the floral note blended in that comes from the dragons blood. Applied wet on skin: The smell almost exactly alike; HM and DM again except the latter has that floral overtone which probably comes from the cherry blossom or dragons blood resin. The former just smells crisp and refreshing. Couple of minutes on skin: Both give off the bright tea blast with bamboo…really very refreshing but light in feel…it seems like it would be great in the warmer months..like right now actually in the humid Garden State. Although Holiday Moon was released in December of 2005 I really think it does shine in the warmer months. 10 minutes later: Well…it’s a fading fast on me…still the bright crispness of the bamboo and tea…again..it’s almost a dead ringer for Dragon Moon except the latter has that layer of floral that seems to make it last a bit longer and stronger on my skin. Hour later-Faintly there..just the slightest wisp of the green pulpy bamboo with a whisper of the tea.. Drydown: Practically non exisistent..unfortunately..it’s just me. DM by comparison does have the faintest waft of floral. Lasting power on both of them is a bit short lived; 3+ hours with soft throw; strongest was in the wet phase. Bottom Line: Holiday Moon is a great choice for summer but it really does ring like Dragon Moon 2006 sans the floral. Nice enough..but it doesn’t wow me. I might consider trying to layer in order to make it a bit more prominent.
  3. metaldog32

    Bitter Moon

    Initial sniff from bottle: Interesting; a bit sharp..the sage and the blackberry..a tinge of the vetiver. Yes…it’s juicy..but not at all sweet. A bit bracing actually and I like that. Applied wet on skin: Juicy blackberry…tart almost and the sage with the lavender swirling a bit. I swear….I almost get a dirt/gritty like note at the tail end which I have to assume is the vetiver..but it works. I quite like the mélange of fruit/herbal/grit ; it’s kind of stark; reminds me a bit in feel like Hunger Moon. Couple of minutes on skin: Blackberry has softned up a bit..and thankfully..I am lucky enough that in this blend the blackberry smells like a clear tart fruity blackberry instead of something akin to cat urine..and I get more of the sage..a tinge again of the lavender and the vetiver rounding up the back. Not so much the tonka yet but it’s early. Ten minutes later: Tonka has showed up and kind of given this blend a slightly creamy vibe; it’s still a bit fruity in a bracing manner with the herbs retaining it’s stark feel somewhat; I have to say I’m not sure I get a read on the poppy..but I still enjoy this blend immensely. Hour later : Very nice…tonka amped up a bit with the poppy and the herbs and vetiver have left the building…blackberry is really very sheer with that hibiscus..almost invisible at this point. Drydown Same as above Lasting power on me is decent; 4+hours with throw actually average to strong. I loved wearing this for about a week; it worked wonderfully well layered over Winter Maiden bath oil. I received compliments from my mom and sis..but truthfully I just was thrilled that I was finally able to find a scent with blackberry that worked on me. Bottom Line: Bitter Moon just worked on me. Sure it can be a bit strident in the opening…but I loved its’ medicinal stark opening..the development of the fragrance with it’s fruit and herbal notes interspersed with the floral and grit…and then after all of that..the tonka lending its creaminess..and the poppy lending its lazy waft…sigh..I just loved the whole experience. Again..kind of reminds me of in feel to Hunger Moon but it’s different enough to keep in the collection due to the blackberry success. Keeper indeed.
  4. metaldog32

    Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy

    I haven’t had much luck with the MonsterBait series: MB:Closet-Boozy blackberry that wouldn’t let up. MB:Tokyo Stomp-minty goodness that turned a bit stale and plastic MB:Bloody Mary: Medicinal cherry cough syrup MB:Underbed: Finally…something that works!!! A bit heavy on the cassia..but overall..a decent foody scent. So now…I have MB VD; this one sounded so promising..because of the apricot, woods, patchouli and brown sugar??? I love fragrances that are a bit dry and the woods with the sweetness seemed genius. Initial sniff from bottle: Eyes watering…it’s like woodshop…it’s in your face dry woods…overwhelmingly. No sweetness whatsoever..and it’s exceedingly dry. Applied wet on skin: Dry woods. That’s it. Couple of minutes on skin: It’s still the wood..beating me over the head..with patchouli in the corner…snickering. Apricot, butterscotch, brown sugar…you guys there??? Nope..they are MIA. 80 minutes later: Still woody…there is a trace of sweetness…but basically this is all the wood..all the time. Drydown:Wood-it’s polished..and has a trace of patchouli..but basically it’s just a dry wood. Good quality though. Lasting power is impressive; 9+hours with throw moderate Bottom Line: MB VD is way too masculine and linear for me to wear with success. It may go to my SO; right now it’s slated to the sale pile. Bummer.
  5. metaldog32

    Priala, the Human Phoenix (2006)

    Priala appealed to me because of the myrrhs and smoke. Cinnamon has been more miss than hit but I had a small bud of hope that cinnamon bark might behave more grown-up instead of candy-like. I pretty much wore this all last week; solo..and then layered over my L’Artisan fragrance. Initial sniff from bottle: Heavy on the myrrh..smells a little smoky..and I swear…I almost get a sniff of…like some other reviewers have described…slightly roasted meat??? Interesting. Applied wet on skin: Thick rich myrrh; the cinnamon bark lends a nice dark bite..no Red Hots here..and yes..there is a subtle current of smoke..but it works well with the other notes. Strong throw…I am caught off guard with how good this is. Six minutes on skin: Swooning…this is really wonderful. I love the way the myrrh and cinnamon bark interplay off of eachother…giving me this wonderful waft of spicy resin..again with the undercurrent of a smoke element..nothing too overt..but it’s there. Fifteen minutes later: Dry spicy and resin sweetness…it’s dead sexy like many have commented upon. Love it. 45 minutes later: Softened up a bit…but it’s still very much present. Drydown: Slightly smoky spicy resin. Lasting power is truly formidable 8+hours with throw average to strong. Bottom Line: Priala The Human Phoenix is indeed a smoldering lady; she is exalted through the cleansing fire. This fragrance embodies the concept beautifully; an amazing myrrh scent that works well in the winter. It’s one of the best of the CD series that I have tried…bottle worthy indeed.
  6. metaldog32

    Mr. Jacquel

    I remember getting a 5ml outright due to the character and because of the alluring golden amber. It’s one of those notes that I am weak for so I knew it would only be a matter of time when I would try this. So..it’s been quite a while..probably close to a year or so..and I am ready to try him out. Initial sniff from bottle: It’s the amber with something a tad herbal..perhaps the hyssop and spices. Yep..this smells awesome already. Applied wet on skin: Definitely more of the hyssop and spices..the amber and the patchouli are more of the supporting notes at this stage.this reminds me of something else in the BPAL catalog..can’t put my finger on it. Oh yes..now I remember..something in here reminds me of what I smelled in Blood Moon..kind of like a grain or something..I agree with Khaman on this..and I am a bit worried..because that particular lunacy was very hit or miss. Keeping my fingers crossed that this behaves. Couple of minutes on skin: Okay..the hyssop and spices have softened and melded to the golden amber with the patchouli lending a light but present hand within the mix. It’s not a dark blend on me..but it indeed is warm and a bit dry…I do like it very much. Different to Bastet which I love so I feel good at this point that I have both of them. I like how the patchouli plays with the amber in this blend…it really is beautiful. Don’t get me wrong..I have learned to love Beth’s patchouli blends; she’s masterful at creating these different facets with it. 2 hours later: I have to admit this..but..I’m not in love. I thought I would be…there was much promise..but…it’s just not happening. Something in here reminds me too much of Blood Moon ; that grain-like note coupled with perhaps cinnamon/cassia..although it is softened and in total..smells nice..it just doesn’t wow me. I wanted so much to be in love..to jump on the bandwagon of love..but all I can do is keep it at an arms distance and say it’s nice. I like it. I keep furtively sniffing my wrist every couple of minutes..hoping that I will change my mind and then completely love it…so far..no good. Darn. Lasting power clocks in on me at around 4 hours with throw moderate. Bottom Line: Mr. Jacquel indeed is evocative; dry a tad dusty and spicy warmth it held such promise for me. Alas..whatever is in there that shares ties with Blood Moon prevents me from loving it. I already have more than enough fragrances that I like; this will be going to the sale/swap pile.
  7. metaldog32


    I had been wearing Angeronalia for about 4 days or so…trying to get my head around what I was smelling. Bought the 5ml outright due to her patronage…of silence of secrets. One underestimates the power of keeping ones’ mouth shut; clearly..it has its advantages. I also liked the idea of a festival celebrating the winter solstice. Didn’t hurt that this has white nectarine, blood orange, and gardenia. Patchouli intrigued me in this blend..how on earth would it’s rather assertive earthiness work in this I wondered??? Initial sniff from bottle: I do smell some sort of fruit which is a toss up between the blood orange and nectarine..but behind it a sweetness..muddled with the gardenia..I think it could be the honey absolute. So far..so good. A winter fruity floral; to me the gardenia can come off as quiet and a bit chilly but not in a “stand your distance” manner; more like an icy floral..one that reminds you of the beauty of a winter landscape…the whiteness and purity and beauty. ( Applied wet on skin: (/b}Definitely gardenia with the tart fruit right behind it. It sort of reminds me for a quick flash of Lady of Shallott but without the ginger and slight aquatic slant. Not sure I am picking up the patchouli..which is surprising but then again it’s early. Couple of minutes on skin: Gardenia has softened a bit..with the fruit still flitting around on the edges..I think the honey is warming up a tad bit more..still no patchouli from what I can tell..I like this scent very much. Very much work appropriate..and I think it does well in cooler weather. Cold..slightly fruity floral with a touch of sweetness that isn’t cloying..so far. Ten minutes later: Still wafting nicely..surprisingly. The fruit and gardenia are in tandem..I wonder if the lemongrass is helping with this fruity mélange??? I clearly can smell that honey absolute with the gardenia and it gives this a grounding sweetness; I can’t be sure if it’s the patchouli that is assisting with that assumption. For some reason..I am having trouble identifying the patchouli straightaway..and actually I am thrilled about that. Just goes to show you how much of a master Beth is in intertwining notes. I wouldn’t know olive blossom or elemi if it punched me square in the face so I am at a complete loss as to whether or not they are rearing their heads in this blend. 2+hours later: I think now I finally got the patchouli..but it’s so very softened and gentle..it’s melded with the gardenia and fruit..all of this is now just a very soft waft on me. Lasting power on me from start to finish is basically 4 hours before re-application. Throw is soft to moderate. Bottom Line: Angeronalia is a perfect cool floral. Sure..it flirts with fruit but it always retains it’s slightly icy beauty that made it surprisingly easy for me to come back to repeatedly. No easy feat when I have TONS of BPAL and non-BPAL fragrance just waiting to be used. Totally office appropriate and fits the niche in winter.
  8. metaldog32


    This 5ml is from the original 2006 release and it belonged to my sister. She had tried it a couple of times and hated it so she gave it to me. She told me it smelled of cat pee. I wasn’t so convinced that this would be awful because of the black fruit..I do have a soft spot for anything black cherry or blackberry but my track record with these notes in BPAL has been awful. STILL.…I kept the bottle tucked away in the dark recesses of my cold closet. I have sniffed it a couple of times but never dabbed it on and did a full review. Yesterday I decided to go for it. Initial sniff from bottle: Umm…it’s kind of like MB: Closet and MB: Bloody Mary but witout the clotted cream. Smells like blackberry brandy or cherry cough syrup. This isn’t boding well for me at all I am afraid..my heart sinks. Applied wet on skin: This is where it gets ugly; yes..it’s most definitely like blackberry schnaaps, cherry cough syrup, and a not so faint note that kind of reminds me of..you guessed it urine tinged wood. I’m sorry to sound so disparaging..but my evil skin chemistry turns this into something foul. This is the second time I am wearing this; the first time was awful enough but for the sake of making sure I was right about what I registered I braved this again..just as an FYI. Couple of minutes on skin: It’s lost a bit of the medicinal/boozy slant..but not entirely. Urine note has left the building thankfully but the oaken note is still there. It’s still very muck akin to the MB’s Closet /Bloody Mary on me which is disappointing. Anybody who loves the those two would probably like this. Ten minutes later: This fluctuates between medicinal cough syrup and boozy blackberries with a touch of damp and sour wood to just boozy berries with a flashes of a vanilla type of sweetness. I’m sure on other people this will be divine; on me it’s just awful. Too medicinal..too boozy..yes…a bit sour and just plain FUNKY on me. Half an hour later: Same party going on… Drydown: Settles to becoming similar to the drydown of MB: Bloody Mary ; there is a base of sweetness and wisps of that boozy medicinal fruit. Lasting power on me is 7+hours with throw soft to average. I think it must be the cherries or blackberries or maybe the wine note that does me in. Bottom Line: Montresor did unspeakable things to me..and not in a good way. If you like boozy fruity scents, this one is a winner. This definitey goes to the sale/swap pile. Alas.
  9. metaldog32

    The Witch Queen

    I bought this 5ml outright because of the wild plum, red musk and tuberose. The first two usually bode well on me and although tuberose is a bloom that my sis usually goes for in tandem with the other notes I figured I would gamble and see how it worked on me. Initial sniff from bottle: Incense smoke with lily and tuberose and ylang ylang; don’t really get the red musk or heliotrope or wild plum yet. Applied wet on skin: Still very much the incense tinged lily and tuberose and ylang ylang. Couple of minutes on skin: Basically the lily and tuberose with the veil of incense over it. Heliotrope and ylang ylang are kind of MIA..along with the wild plum which I was hoping would have been a bit more assertive. Ten minutes later: Definitely a haughty floral going on here..with the haze of the incense over it. Again..mostly lily and tuberose driven..but now I get a bit more ylang ylang in the mix. Not much morphing since the beginning. Thirty minutes later: Softened considerably..this is almost drydown phase actually…just a sheer wash of softened floral..still a bit haughty…the wash of incense kept it a tad chilly and distant. Lasting power on this clocks in at about 3 hours or so..with throw soft to average. Bottom Line: The Witch Queen is a slightly shadowy haughty floral. Think it can do well in the winter or possibly early spring..and although nice enough doesn’t wow me. However..I wore her on and off for about two and a half weeks so she did get some decent use out of me..I like her enough to keep her around…for now.
  10. metaldog32

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    I remember when this first came out earlier this year..this was the one that I simply HAD to have. Red fruits,,the black clotted cherry…the powdered sugar…it just seemed so awesome. I love me some black cherry and I was sure that this would be my signature “foody” fragrance. I was so besotted over it that I ordered 2 bottles outright…just to make sure I had enough of the precious… I’ve tried it twice..and tonight will be the third time. Initial sniff from bottle: Ugghh…every freaking time I have sniffed this it always give me a slightly gag reaction..the glistening red fruits and clotted black cherry register to my nose as almost medicinal cherry cough syrup. This isn’t good..for as a child I literally could not keep cough syrup down..I would throw it up due to it’s foul stench. This comes awfully close to that..and the reality of this makes me weep..I so wanted this to work. Applied wet on skin: Still slightly medicinal..slightly fake cherry fruit with an overlay of cream. Gosh..I so wish this translated better on me. Couple of minutes on skin: Slightly better..becoming a bit more cherry vanilla with the powdered sugar coming in but the cherries still retain a tad of the medicinal fakeness on me. Ten minutes later: Same as above but softened up considerably..this fades fast on me..cherries have lost their medicinal punch..thankfully. It’s tolerable..but alas not what I was hoping for… Lasting power on me is difficult; I’m lucky if I get 3+hours. Throw on me is soft. Bottom Line: MB Bloody Mary I had such high hopes for you. The opening is really difficult for me..if I can make it past the first 5 min or so it becomes tolerable. Tolerable but not something I can ever find myself reaching for often. I will keep one bottle for sentimental value but the other needs to go.
  11. metaldog32

    Trick #2

    Lurid, licentious, and lucrative: pomegranate, tobacco leaf, patchouli, wild berries, pine pitch, oak-aged vanilla, and pink pepper. I didn’t participate in the actual Trick/Treat inquisition shy individual that I am..but I was so very curious about them; lucky for me I was able to procure one of each. The pomegranate, wild berries and patchouli is what sold me on this. I would have liked to have tried Trick #1 but I didn’t want to press my luck. Initial sniff from bottle: Smells a bit tarry..kind of..must be the pine pitch with the tobacco and a dark fruity slant kind of weaves out from the bottle. I think I also smell the pepper..which for me most often doesn’t bode well..as I sometimes get queasy when it’s full blown. Applied wet on skin: Berries…and yes the patchouli..but it’s tempered nicely with that tobacco and the vanilla..although oak-aged does impart almost a cask-like sweetness. That pine is there at the base too.. Couple of minutes on skin: Patchouli is smoldering a bit..but it’s kept in check by the tobacco and pine pitch. It is a bit of a dark and heavy scent..but it isn’t foreboding..but definitely not lighthearted either. This doesn’t have huge throw..but it’s content to steadily and softly waft close on my skin. The berries/fruit do lend a degree of fruity sweetness but it’s used in a supporting role so that’s not the dominant waft on me. Fifteen minutes later: Still smoldering away..just softer..patchouli is in the forefront..but it isn’t a “dirty” patchouli..the pine pitch tempers that a bit..and the berries are still lending their sweetness..it’s sheer though not super concentrated. Hour laterHow the heck did this happen??? Softened..considerably…this shouldn’t happen I mean come ON..there is patchouli in here. Since when does patchouli decide to take a nap??? Hmph. I might not actually realize it..but maybe I am already at drydown phase??? Drydown: Sweet and soft patchouli…just a tinge of it. This lasted actually pretty darn long; 9+ hours with throw soft to average. Bottom Line: Trick #2 definitely fits the bill for a bit hot and heavy fragrance. I like it..very much..and will slate it for wear in the upcoming months. Good choice for fall/winter.
  12. metaldog32

    Scent for Halloween?

    During the holiday season I tend to gravitate towards wearing Jacob's Ladder; for Christmas Eve I wore L'Artisan's Vanila..which I usually would not do..but I decided to do something a bit different. Mostly for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I love to wear Midnight Mass. Had I been home or near my BPAL for NYE it would have been Stardust but ultimately it became The Witch Queen; I didn't mind...it does smell really nice.
  13. metaldog32

    Libra 2007

    I bought this outright because my mom is a Libra. One of my oldest girlfriends is a Libra. I like to have fragrances that represent people in my life. Initial sniff from bottle: Ooooohhh..I like this; rose..but not whomping in my face with the honey and fig. Not sure I get the plum and black currant yet but it’s early. Applied wet on skin:Wow this is phenomenal; it’s the rose with the spicy carnation, honey and fig. In the back I do get a swirl of the fruit. Couple of minutes on skin: Hmmm..something in here reminds me a bit of Phantom Calliope I wonder if it’s the black cherry??? The rose is still present..softly wafting and at times veering awfully close to soap-like but it’s behaving. The fig and honey are less assertive right now. Ten minutes later:Honeyed roses with a spicyness that might be coming from either the carnation and/or fig??? Soapy slant has left and I very much agree with other reviewers that this is a bit akin to Rose Moon. It’s definitely a spicy rose..except in Libra you get the added bonus of fruit in the opening. I very much like it. 20 minutes later: Softened considerably but not invisible. Slightly juicy and very much a spicy/fruity rose. 45 minutes later : Faded a bit..but still kind of juicy/spicy sweet. No powdery or soapy rose here….I do get a tinge of creaminess though. Drydown: Soft and a tad spicy rose. Lasting power on this one is respectable-a good 5+hours with throw average. Bottom Line: Libra indeed is a beautifully balanced fragrance on me. The rose is tempered beautifully by the fruit and honey with the carnation giving it a bit of a spicy depth. I enjoyed wearing it and find it a perfect choice for fall/winter when I want to feel feminine.
  14. metaldog32

    Al Azif

    YBNB had frimped me this a while ago; I remember smelling it and falling head over heels in love with it. I promptly bought a 5ml; today was the first day I tried it on for the official review. Initial sniff from bottle: Since I really don’t have any idea what comprises this fragrance, what I think I smell is sweet…something akin to treacle??? Am not sure I register any incense just yet..but I do get a sweetness..kind of like a dark resiny type of sweetness..if that makes any sense. For whatever reason..I keep thinking maybe there is coconut in here??? Am I nuts??? If I had to describe what I think I am registering..the closest I can come up with is treacle/incense/coconut..argh..I am terrible at this. Applied wet on skin: Hmm…sweet wood maybe???? Sandalwood??? Sandalwood and treacle??? I keep thinking there is a dry coconut in there too. Kind of foody..but not super cloying or sweet. It almost smells like fresh wood??? Then..the freshness of the wood has the treacle or caramel or maple infused with it along with the coconut. It baffles me. Couple of minutes later:A touch smoky with the wood/sweetness /coconut notes. Ten minutes later: Same as above but I think I get some sort of high thin floral..kind of sheer just floating on top of all. I wouldn’t say jasmine or rose..or even lily..but when I sniff my wrist..something makes me think of floral..even if it is just a sheer wash of it. Twenty minutes later: Faded fast on me…so I am guessing at this stage it’s actually drydown time. Some of that treacle sweetness left and a smidgen of floral maybe. Very much a skin scent. Lasting power on me comes in at about 4+hours with throw soft to average. Bottom Line: Al Azif is indeed interesting; the incense and sweetness coupled with that tinge of floral make this interesting enough for me to keep around. I have to say though that the sweetness sometimes almost borders on me to be a bit cloying. Nevertheless, it’s original enough to warrant a place in my collection. I like it for fall/winter.
  15. metaldog32

    Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp

    I remember when I bought this…I so wanted to find a vanilla mint that would work for me; Spooky was okay but it teetered too far into that chalky/plastic territory and since I could never find some Snowblind save for a decant I was lucky enough to win on Ebay I put my hopes on Godzilla to save the day. Initial sniff from bottle-I do get the “thin mint” vibe..along with almost a graham cracker type of crust waft on the tail end. It smells really foody and yummy. I know..not my type of scent but I do have a soft soft for mint and vanilla. Applied wet on skin: Thin mint wit a touch more vanilla…graham cracker is still there but it’s more vanilla and mint driven..which right now I am loving. Couple of minutes on skin:-Hmm…this kind of starts veering into that plastic/chalky vanilla but I am holding my breath that it will come back to sweet minty goodness. Argh…I have to figure out what exactly is it that does this??? GTV works for me along with Snow White; yet Spooky and to some extent this little bugger kind of don’t. Still not giving up. Ten minutes later:Softened up considerably and the plastic/chalky note has reared it’s head yet again on me..stupid skin chemistry. Just like with Spooky , this becomes a bit flat and thin. It’s not awful..not by a long shot..but it’s just not what it was in the beginning. Darn. Drydown: Slightly chalky vanilla with a tinge of sweetness from the cookie/graham cracker. Minty goodness is MIA Lasting power is about 4+ hours with throw soft to average. Bottom Line : MB Tokyo Stomp had potential to be great but ended up just being okay. I fall into the camp where instead of this being the perfect vanilla mint this turns into a slightly flat, thin, and a bit chalky vanilla mint. I still think there is hope in layering but my second bottle will be moving to the sale/swap pile. Can’t win them all; my hunt continues.
  16. metaldog32


    This was the one scent I had to have when it first came out. I loved War’s description; how she made every guy uncomfortable…dangerous beauty that she is. Couple my stupid romanticism with the fact that this has ginger, spices, patchouli..which I happily have reconciled with. I wasn’t too worried about the honeysuckle..I happen to like that flower and I figured it would add a nice depth to it. Musk??? I like musk…but I should have paid a BIT more attention…”blood soaked”. If this has anything to do with dragons blood I am screwed. Intitial sniff from bottle: Whew…there is some seriously strong in here..and I think it’s the like the driest ginger and pepper imaginable..coupled with a floral fruity sweetness…honeysuckle maybe??? Argh..whatever that is..it makes my stomach uneasy. NNNNNNOOOOO!!!! I want to love you…don’t behave like this… Push on…don’t let this get you down metaldog.. Applied wet on skin: Dry blast of pepper/ginger and fruity…honesuckle??? Something in here really makes me think of dragon’s blood…and this isn’t a good thing..because it’s similar to how Wrath and Blood Moon worked on me. I don’t really get the patchouli…and this actually smells hot and a tad bit metallic. I like metallic..I just like my metallic cold; whereas this runs hot. Couple of minutes on skin:Boy does this have some serious waft. Still honeysuckle and the pepper..which thankfully has toned down a bit and worked a bit better with the floral..I have to assume that the red vibe I am getting is from the blood soaked musk..which I am convinced has to have dragon’s blood. That has to be why my initial reaction was a bit queasy-like. So far this isnt’ bad…it’s tolerable but I wanted it to be so much more. I kind of put this in the same category scent wise on me like The Bloody Sword and Aries 2007 YBNB definitely got it right with the scent comparisons! Hmmm..pepper tends to get me all queasy too…argh. Holy cow does this have some serious throw and waft. Am re-thinking my feelings about this. Although in the beginning it really made me recoil a bit..I am beginning to suspect that it is pepper that punched me in the face..with ginger not too far behind. I love pepper as a spice when cooking but I am beginning to realize that pepper in a fragrance..unless used sparingly really doesn’t bode well on me. I think Xanthe was the only one so far that I could deal with without getting that queasy feeling. So..note to self: Be wary…very WARY of fragrances that contain the following: dragon’s blood, cinnamon, pepper. Crap..it sucks to be me sometimes..I want to love them..but I cannot. Ten minutes later:Fruity honeysuckle with the pepper/spice/musk is still roaring on. I don’t know if I have become accustomed to it or what..but it’s tolerable. I can’t ignore the fragrance it’s basically taking me by the shoulders and shaking me violently..HAHAHAHAHA.. Still..the patchouli is MIA or just being drowned out by the other notes. Twenty minutes later: War is still kicking everyone’s ass…fruity/spicy chick that she is. I am in shock that I am able to tolerate this as long as I have…despite the rough beginning..it is kind of growing on me. I just don’t know if I would reach for it on a regular or any basis. That sounds awful; what I am trying to say is that it is so very evocative..and because I felt so darned uncomfortable with it in the beginning stages…I just don’t know if I can wait it out till I get to this point..which although different…it just doesn’t bowl me over. Sigh..I think Glasya is the sexy, take no prisoners fragrance that works best on me..which is pretty ironic because supposedly that has dragons blood and I don’t get queasy from that at all..HAHAHAHAHA… I digress..back to my review: Thirty minutes later:It’s still fruity/floral..with the soft spicy waft on the tail end…no signs of stopping. Drydown: Same as above..just really softened. Lasting power..8+hours with throw average to strong Bottom Line: War is definitely a strong fragrance; the opening blast had me worried but it settles into a strong spicy fruity fragrance that has tons of presence; it grew on me. Still…I’m at a loss as to when exactly I would want to wear this blend; my Glasya kind of fills the need for a fiery sexy scent. I’m not exactly ready to give up on this redhead..so perhaps a couple more tries to warrant a final verdict. For now she sticks around.
  17. metaldog32

    Enraged Groundhog Musk

    I had missed out on getting this little guy when it had been offered in February; however I was able to procure a bottle from a lovely forumite.Again..this sounded a bit foody but the idea of chocolate covered cherries was just too good to pass up along with the cardamom.I wore this for three days straight; so here are my thoughts: Initial sniff from bottle: Sweet and foody…vanilla and caramel..backed with a subtle kick from the cardamom. Definitely a snuggly type of fragrance. Applied wet on skin: Still the yummy trio from above…and I do get a bit of the chocolate cherries..at the end. Strangely…if keep sniffing my wrist I keep thinking of banana bread…huh??? Did anybody else get this I wonder??? Applying on my wrists I had no problems..but when I do apply at the crook of my arm Mr. Groundhog does get a bit cranky on me; slight stinging and redness..I have to assume maybe it’s the cardamom??? Couple of minutes on skin: Banana bread has left and I am surrounded by the spicy sweet waft of cardamom/vanilla/ caramel. The tinge of cherry is still at the tail end..and the chocolate??? Am not sure I ever got it..unless it was so well blended with the other notes. To me..this is very much like MB:Underbed except without the toasted coconut and cocoa. This groundhog is very yummy indeed. Ten minutes later: -Softened cardamom with the vanilla/caramel. The musk underneath it isn’t overly aggressive on me..but it does lend a fullness so that the other notes are supported and end up on me as foody but with a sort of creamy depth??? Lasting power is serious; on me 9+hours with throw strong. Drydown-Soft musk under the gentle waft of vanilla and cardmom. Bottom Line: Enraged Groundhog Musk reminds me of MB Underbed; very much cousins but not alike. I am lucky enough to not have ended up with itchy stinging skin except in the crook of my arm, so for me this cuddly if not a tad cranky little guy stays put in my collection. I find it a snuggly/foody fragrance that will work well in the winter. My SO didn’t seem to notice it either way but who cares??? I love you little groundhog!!! PS-The cardamom in here does remind me of Phantom Calliope but in that blend the cherries were much more apparent on me.
  18. metaldog32

    The Death of Autumn

    So..this particular fragrance has me all a twitter. The amber, dead leaves, cloves…these seem so perfect together. Initial sniff from bottle: Kind of reminds me of what I smelled in October; chilly…cold…leaves and clove…maybe the chrysanthemum. Applied wet on skin: Wow..it’s the dark amber all right..with the clove ramping up a bit. Interesting….I think I smell something akin to vetiver…which lends to the dark/gritty/slightly bitter vibe. Couple of minutes on skin:Hmmm…it’s basically all khus/vetiver on me..and although this doesn’t make me jump for joy it doesn’t have me weeping either. It seems to have softened a bit..so that the khus/vetiver although very much in the forefront seems to be a bit lighter on the throw. Am kind of hoping that amber and clove and saffron show up soon. Ten minutes later:Finally…amber and clove have peeked through the khus..this smells a bit more warmer. The khus/vetiver note..although strong does play nicely on me..and I am beginning to really respect it. I never ever thought I could wear or want to wear vetiver but with Beth at the helm I have learned I can wear it in certain fragrances…Blood Kiss, Death Adder..and now…possibly Death Of Autumn. The throw on this is actually pretty soft on me at this point. Overall though..this scent really does give me another side of autumn..and yes..it’s of the latter stages..when it’s winding down…getting ready for the winter hibernation. Twenty minutes later:This has settled close to my skin..and softened..and you know what??? I like it..I really do. Khus and clove and amber..in this blend the amber is a bit muted on me…and that’s fine..it lends a dark softness which rounds out the fragrance..eventually. Drydown: Barely there dry leaves, traces of clove and khus… Lasting power clocked in at about 4+hours Bottom Line: Death of Autumn proves to be yet again another successful snapshot of autumn..I agree..this does encapsulate for me late fall. Bravo Beth…indeed a keeper.
  19. metaldog32

    Pumpkin IV (2007)

    So normally I wouldn’t go for the pumpkin based scents…but ever since I hit olefactory gold with Pumpkin Queen I decided it was worth the investment on getting the whole plunder; beth was a genius with Pumpkin Queen so I figured I had nothing to lose. This fourth one I picked randomly..and it was probably the one I was the least inclined to try; somehow I couldn’t wrap my mind confidently around the matching of pumpkin with flowers, herbs and grass. However..nothing ventured nothing gained..so I put it on last Sunday and went to see Cirque de Soleil’s Wintuk in NYC with my mom and sis. Here are my thoughts on how it translated. Initial sniff from bottle: -smells like candy corn to me. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing..just smells awfully foody. I don’t get any flower or herbs or grass yet..just that overwhelming candy corn vibe which I have to assume is the pumpkin. Applied wet on skin:buttery candy corn with some sort of floral in the back..and it’s really muted…the floral that is. Couple of minutes on skin- Okay..the candy corn/pumpkin vibe has burned off a bit….I get a tad bit more of the sage and I think cactus blossom..something wispy sweet at the tail end..but for me this is still a bit of a foody blend. Ten minutes later:-Wow..the pumpkin has taken a backseat..and now it’s just basically a soft waft of the grass and sage. Not overly herbal by a long shot..but it blends with the pumpkin to temper it so that it is a lot less foody and just kind of warm..a bit dry and possibly a touch creamy??? Really very comforting if you ask me. My sister said I smelled really snuggly… Twenty minutes later: -Now it’s all grass and cactus blossom…softened..wth the pumpkin really just barely there…and not super buttery/foody at all. Finally this morphed..and in a surprisingly good way. Drydown-Sweetness…a wisp of herbal dryness..that’s all she wrote on my skin. Lasting power on me is 5+hours with throw average. Bottom line: this was a surprise hit on me; it started out overwhelmingly foody but transitioned to a beautiful variation on the pumpkin fragrance; that southwestern feel really made it sing. I like it.
  20. metaldog32

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    So…I have had this bottle for about a year…and all the hype surrounding this particular lunacy..you would have thought I would have tried this already. Why did I wait??? In one word: chrysanthemum. We have plenty of them in our backyard…they bloom ranging from palest lavender to deep blue violet and deep magenta/pink. Beautiful really…but I never really went ga-ga over their fragrance. However..since Mum moon sends practically everyone into a tizzy I figured what the heck..might as well tryit. So..here it goes: Initial sniff from bottle: -Smells like a soft incense with musk and ginger all right. Definitely has the opium slant…feels very drowsy…but potent. Applied wet on skin: -Yup…it’s very heady; I can register that musk and eastern flowers…ginger is flitting around..but it’s not a nervous flitter..no…it just weaves taking its time. I get the mums..not overtly sweet..just very heady. Couple of minutes on skin:-Incensey floral…and the floral is indeed a bit spicy. Intoxicating. Somehow this sort of reminds me in it’s vibe a little like Gypsy Queen..heavy lidded and exotic and just…heady. Ten minutes later:-Opium heavy..with the musky spicy..slightly dry mum and incense. This isn’t losing any steam by the way… Fans of opium will love this. Someone else said they kind of likened the opium wave to Sleepy Moon..among other opium laced scents; I have to agree. I really didn’t enjoy Sleepy Moon because of the punch of lavender that assaulted me..but I have to say the wave of opium that blend seemed practically narcotic..this sort of reminds me of that as well..except it’s kind of like Gypsy Queen with opium. Twenty minutes later:-Still the incensey floral with the heavy opium waft. I never did get any of the red ginger goodness that other people have gushed about..this is basically a musky/slightly spicy and dry based floral with tons of incense and opium wafting in and out. Autumnal floral indeed…and I like it enough.it just runs similar to my beloved Gypsy Queen..so I can’t put it to holy grail status. Definitely has strong throw by the way… 30 minutes later: Still wafting out quite nicely. When I put this on in the morning, my sister came down and asked me what I was wearing; she hated it..said it smelled like cat pee…huh??? I don’t get that at all..all I get is incensey floral that wafts out a bit powdery; my mom said I smelled nice..hmmm… Lasting power on this is serious; 10+ hours at least and throw is average to strong. Bottom Line: Chrysanthemum Moon is definitely a head-turner; I like it but am not bowled over…probably because for whatever reason it runs similarly to me like Gypsy Queen . Still..it’s a great autumnal/winter floral because the opium/red musk ramps up like nobody’s business on me. Sure..it’s strong and some people might find it too much for work but I don’t care so yeah..people will be smelling me when I come into the office…HAHAHAHAHAHA. My 5ml stays put; my sister’s??? Looks like it’s off to the sale/swap pile.
  21. metaldog32


    Someone such as myself who absolutely loves autumn was compelled to buy this outright. Dry autumn wind? Red leaves? Touch of smoke and sap??? Count me in. This sounded as fabulous as Devils Night had; am hoping I get more autumn from the latter than the former. Initial sniff from bottle: Definitely leaf-like..a bit chilly. Almost smells like wet leaves to me..wet leaves raked after a chilly soaking in November; they are in mound to be put in leaf bags..when you take great big armfuls..this is what I smell. Applied wet on skin: Wet leaves and then in a brief second..cologne-like??? Maybe a touch aquatic??? Very interesting. ..am not sure I am registering the smoke or sap yet in the air but it’s early..I can be patient. Couple of minutes on skin:Nice…now I get the touch of smoke..still with that cologne-like quality..it’s softened and blended with the leaves..giving a bit of the chilly/cold quality. Really evocative. It’s subtle but certainly not invisible. Genius how Beth does it..capturing an essence or mood..especially autumn. I love Samhain. I love Harvest Moon. This is just another face of autumn..and she has done it again..wowed me. Ten minutes later:Wow..this has faded fast on me..although I still get the wisp of smoke..which I love actually..I just wanted the other notes to stick around a bit longer…darn skin chemistry..come back leaves and cold chilly air..come baaaackkkk…. Five minutes later...it’s still here..that leaf and cologne like chilly note peek lightly through..throughout it all the wonderful wisp of smoke hangs around..and I do enjoy it so. I have worn this a couple of times and although it settles down in throw as to seem as if it has faded in reality October hangs around fairly long-give or take 5-6 hours. Drydown: Dry leaves, a thin curl of smoke…and something akin to a sort of sweetness..I wonder if that was the sap??? Bottom Line: Evocative of autumn indeed; it’s atypical and I love it for that very reason. Great for the weekend while walking through the fall foliage. I like it enough to even wear to work..when I want to remind myself what it’s like in the brisk outdoors of late fall.
  22. metaldog32

    Bien Loin D'Ici

    The Scarlet Woman, aglow with sensual indolence: red musk, benzoin, caramel accord, golden honey, and spiced Moroccan unguents. I think what prompted to me to buy a bottle outright was the following: Red musk, benzoin, caramel, and honey. That’s umm…basically the fragrance; the spiced unguents is what made it intriguing. Red musk works really well on me and the benzoin/caramel/honey power team just made me think this was a no-brainer for me. Initial sniff from bottle: Hmmm..definitely sweetness…almost fruity…I can’t differentiate the notes yet but if I had to take a wild guess it would be the pulsating red musk under the caramel and honey. Benzoin tends to sometimes smell vanilla-like to me so I can’t say for certain I smell it..but it’s there and lending itself to the wonderful waft I keep sniffing. If I keep sniffing I kind of think it smells a tad incense-like but I can’t be sure. Push on!!! Applied wet on skin: Wow..not what I was expecting; it’s a bit herbal and well..it reminds me of nag champa. I can still detect the red musk..but I’m pretty surprised because I think I was expecting a throbbing foody-like scent tempered by the red musk and spices..and I just got walloped with incense-like notes..wow. It’s not bad..just not what I was expecting. Couple of minutes on skin:-Caramel is practically MIA which is startling to me because that note usually amps on my skin like nobody’s business..this is all slightly herbal dry and sweet incense..how amazing is that??? HAHAHAHA..this is such the morpher. I guess the unguents are what is dominant on my skin and I like it. I have to say though..this was NOTHING close to what I was expecting from this blend. I figured this would run akin to Red Lantern or maybe The Masque; clearly I was wrong. I’m still digging it though. Ten minutes later: 8:53am-Still the dry sweet incense going on. Not really registering the caramel or even the red musk which still fascinates and shocks me. This kind of reminds me of Temple Viper sans Snake Oil; that blend was very much nag champa on me. Two hours later: Same as above..softened considerably. Drydown:Dusty slightly sweetened incense. Lasting power: Although the throw on this was soft..it lasted 10+hours. Bottom Line: Nothing I was expecting..but the end result was pretty good nonetheless. I never did get the caramel or red musk; they were both blended in here pretty seamlessly and played backup to those unguents; all in all a nicely done incense fragrance. Perfect for winter and chilly gray autumn days..when the air is damp, the leaves are turning and I am wearing my favorite black turtleneck.
  23. metaldog32

    Death Adder

    This was the first out of the Snake Pit I had to have and the one I ordered a bottle outright. The coconut is what sealed it for me and although vetiver and I have a very shaky relationship, I figured I wouldn’t let it stop me from potential bliss. I have never tried Snake Oil but the notes listed seem to be things I could get behind…it just seemed too good to pass up. Initial sniff from bottle: Vanilla maybe??? Some spices…coconut??? So far so good..and I don’t get any of the gritty vetiver just yet. Don’t get me wrong..I can tolerate vetiver in certain dosages..but when it’s overwhelming it becomes too aggressive and unpleasant in a sour dirt sort of way..best way I can put it. BUT..I digress..so far this smells good..a bit foody..but not in cloying sweet manner. Applied wet on skin: Sweetness..coconut..and I get the vetiver now..though playing nice on the tail end. I like it. Couple of minutes on skin:Smells like almonds and sweetness..a bit of spice maybe??? But I don’t know what type though..and the coconut that was a bit more pronounced in the bottle and at first swipe has settled in with the vanilla…creating a very nice duo…the vetiver lending it’s earthy/gritty hand in the back..but not punching out the other notes…it’s still playing nicely. I like this very much so far. Fifteen minutes later: This shaped up to be pretty flawless for me; it’s a dry slightly sweetened coconut with the vanilla and the vetiver grounding it the way vetiver can..without the sour note. Since I don’t know what’s in Snake Oil I can’t comment if I do or don’t smell specifically it’s notes..but what I can say is that whatever that heady mélange outside of the creamy mint that was in Green Tree Viper-I smell it here too. If that’s Snake Oil..which I am pretty sure it is..then it smells wonderful on me so far. No plastic/play-doh notes going on so far. I looked up Snake Oil and my description read “Indonesian oils sugared with vanilla”. Not very specific and I suppose that’s intentional; in any event I can see why so many people find it fabulous. Drydown: This settled into skin scent with echoes of the vanilla and coconut with a faint tinge of spice. I really like how the vetiver worked in this blend and with my skin chemistry; it gave this potentially SUPER foody fragrance grit and subtle shadow that worked so well on me. Lasting power came in at about 5+hours with throw average. Bottom Line: Another winner for me coming from the Snake Pit; I like this for fall and winter and will slate it for rotation. Love it.
  24. metaldog32

    The Brides of Dracula

    Initial sniff from bottle:Delicate floral with the honey and amber lightly backing it up; it’s all very soft. I think I can detect the spices but again..it’s very soft. Applied wet on skin: Floral…osmanthus and lily prominent…but the skin musk and honey do a good job with tempering it..I get the sandalwood at the end. Couple of minutes on skin:Musky floral..but it’s honeyed…and the white amber peeks with the sandalwood to give a touch of round sweetness with the dry and a touch dusty. Those spices I could smell in the bottle are flitting around..but that note isn’t aggressive..kind of lends it’s aura. I can’t decide if I like it or just tolerate it. Ten minutes later:Still as above; hasn’t really changed; I agree with some reviewers that this seems a bit translucent; a slightly creamy floral with a touch of dryness at the bottom. Very appropriate for what it is supposed to represent. Some reviewers have likened this a bit to Kali; I agree but with Kali I was inundated with 6 different notes rushing over me like a cacophony of sound, BoD is a bit more restrained. Don’t get me wrong; I love Kali..I just can’t wear her because my sister claimed it as her own. SO..BoD can work for me..hopefully..which at this point seems promising. Forty minutes later: Faded fast..but I still get the creamy floral with honey and amber..just all of it is softened..it could have been sweet to the point of cloying..but the sandalwood lends the dryness to keep it in check and that skin musk makes it sheer. FWIW, I did actually dab on some Penitent Magdalene alongside a fresh dab of BoD..and yes..there is similarity between them. Whomever made that observation; good job!!! Drydown: Slightly powdery sweetness…with a sheer wash of floral. Lasting power clocked in at about 4+ hours or so. Throw soft to average. Bottom Line: I like this for the office; I don’t necessarily find it a very overtly sexy fragrance; perhaps it hints of it in a demure or maybe subtle way..at least on me. It’s an interesting enough take on a floral for me to keep; but again I will say it does run similar to PM and to Kali; all of them are different enough to keep me rotating happily. Not holy grail but keeper indeed.
  25. metaldog32

    The Bloody Sword

    A distillation of force, conquest, power and fury: dragon’s blood, myrrh, black pepper, labdanum, benzoin, leather, fire, and steel. You know..I had to get this when the OoTD was live…because I loved the imagery of the bloody sword; it’s power and fury…overcoming one’s enemy through lusty battle. I figured I had a fighting chance with the myrrh, benzoin and steel. I love the smell of cold metal..so I was hopeful that maybe I could find my perfect metallic scent. Dragon’s blood is iffy on me at best and leather can be downright awful. I figured..what did I have to lose??? So..I took the plunge… Initial sniff from bottle: Dragon’s blood..a bit seething..with the pepper and a bit of myrrh..I do get a metallic twang in the back..I am hopeful. Applied wet on skin: This smells an awful like Wrath and Aries on me..but it’s surprisingly working somewhat..right now it’s the pepper that is the strongest note..with the pulsing right behind it. This leather seems to work on me. Couple of minutes on skin:Pepper has backed off a bit..and I am getting a bit of the benzoin with the leather..and a little sweetness..a wisp of something that could be construed as “cologne-like”..really wispy though and then..at the very very tail end..the light touch of the metallic/steel..come back come BACK!!! So far..so good. Again..this seems to share qualities with other DB and pepper blended scents like Aries, Mars, Wrath… Ten minutes later:Softened again the pepper…and I get that steel note a bit more pronounced..but it’s tempered with something a tad sweet..I really like this. YBNB said this runs along the same lines as Tintagel/Mars/Wrath..to name a few. Those three were awful on me..but maybe this one and Aries will be the two DB and pepper scents I can wear. This one I just might edge over to first choice because of the amazing and elusive metallic note that Beth has been able to forge into this fragrance..really intriguing. Thirty minutes later: Wow..this has almost become invisible..save for the occasional subtle waft of the pepper softened and sweetened by something..and as always..the tinge of the steel bringing up the back. This is a unisex fragrance for sure. Sometimes when I take a whiff of my wrist it’s almost sweetly aquatic; other times..it’s the pepper and steel sweetened…fascinating really. Drydown:Same as above Lasting power 5+hours with throw soft. Bottom Line: I love the concept of this fragrance and am pleased that it translates into a scent I can wear…FINALLY…dragons blood, pepper, and leather combine into a fragrance that I can pull off. It’s definitely unisex..and I think it would work well during the fall/winter. Keeper.