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Everything posted by Hypnophilia

  1. Hypnophilia


    Okay, after reading so many bad reviews for this I'm a little shocked and just have to throw in my 2 cents: Saturnalia was instant fascination for me, and I'm really picky with scents. I love violets and luckily also seem to amp them, so on me this is a very balanced mixture of violets over a smoky, earthy-green, deep base - soft and pleasant, and no traces of the unspeakable things mentioned!
  2. Hypnophilia

    Discussion of all things Amber

    Thank you for your recommendations, sounds like these could indeed work - I'll be sure to try them!
  3. Hypnophilia

    Discussion of all things Amber

    Incidentally, I tried Jacob's Ladder and The Maltese Cross of Sanctus Germanus in the last days, and when dried completely, MC is a very sweet, feminine amber with only a faint touch of floral, incense and wood (no more orange as soon as it's dry, and it was very subtle to begin with). The wet stage was not perfect, with a hint of soapiness, but now it's pretty good, only too sweet for my personal taste. I'm wondering if amber will always develop this unwanted sweetness on me - in Jacob's Ladder, I had the Tonka and Benzoin to blame, but Maltese Cross should contain nothing that can go *that* sugary? Are there any amber blends that are *not* sweet and not oriental/spicy, but also not smelling like men's cologne?
  4. Hypnophilia

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Is there a blend that captures the smell of smoky autumn air? I'm NOT looking for the pine-y or minty "cold" air quality, but the distinct smell you get when you step out and just know that the first chimneys are in use again Preferably without pumpkins or other foody components please, but I don't mind Vetiver f.i... If that's not possible, I think a wood- and/or incense smoky smell that's not spicy/oriental would be great too (f.i. I tried Scherezade, but it feels too oriental to be "me"; but I really liked Penitence and would love something like this with a bit of wood or just a hint of vanilla or other things added).