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Everything posted by cranberry

  1. cranberry

    Red Rose

    This is my favorite of the Unity Set, and is becoming one of my favorite BPTP blends. The tobacco and clove set off the rose so well and make this such as slinky and sexy scent. Rose has about a 50-50 chance of working for me. Oftentimes it can go sour and too bright. This rose behaves so well here. And there’s just a touch of evergreen to provide lift to the spiciness of the clove. Initially, this is all rose, tobacco and clove. The tonka provides softness and a slight sweetness. As it dries the fir becomes more noticeable and blends so well with the clove setting off its spiciness. The scents smells like it would feel velvety and lush. There’s a resiny richness here and it all combines to create an amazing scent. I don’t get an amber blast, but I love amber and it must be contributing to the richness and warmth of this scent. When the Warrior Queens came out, I was exited to read that Ysabel was similar to Red Rose. Sadly, that blend didn’t play nice with my skin chemistry, and turned sour as it dried. So, they are similar, but different enough so that one went horribly wrong. So if one doesn’t work for you, the other may. Going back to Red Rose, this is simply a stunning blend. Every component adds to the beauty and lushness of this scent. Red Rose and White Rose are gorgeous layered, but I like Red Rose on its own best. Not tempered by the softness and sweetness that White Rose provides. Gorgeous!!!!
  2. smoky moon to me is in the same family as antique lace and black lace. not as sweet or vanilla but it has that vibe. mmmm - I love it!
  3. cranberry

    Oak King v4

    Thanks to GypsyRoseRed for the chance to try this great oil! Now to the review: This smells of sweet birch (it has that hint of wintergreen) and oak. Caramels too. This reminds me of MVAB…. Mmmm, as it wears the wintergreen vibe backs off and this turns a bit sweeter. Caramel, oak, maybe a touch of bonfire in the distance …. it’s yummier as it dries. This reminds me of Bonfire Night in recollection – I’d have to find my bottle to verify though. Yep, I think this is the prototype for Bonfire Night.
  4. cranberry

    Orange Phoenix v6

    Sweet, sweet oranges. Super sweet! Maybe a mix of blood orange and a sweet candy. As it dries I think I can smell an edge of orange blossom. Lovely!
  5. cranberry

    Jingo-Kogo v6

    Oh this is gorgeous! Sweet, slightly fruity, touch of resins, oooh wait, it’s amber. This smells like Glowing Vulva! As it dries, the GV similarity is growing strong and stronger. This is simply gorgeous! Amber, vanilla, cream. I think this is GV’s prototype. It smells just about the same. I think that GV may be a touch richer and a touch more cloying, but other than that, they smell exactly the same. Thank you GypsyRoseRed for the opportunity to try this. Wow – I am in love!
  6. cranberry

    Champagne, Chocolate, and Cheap Sex

    Wet: Champagne and a whiff of chocolate. Ah the chocolate is getting stronger but still not enough to overpower the champagne. Dry: Bright champagne dominates. There’s a candy-like vibe that I totally wouldn’t associate with chocolate. This is such a bright scent, I could totally see this in shampoo or fabric softener. I know a lot of work and expense goes into making those, so nothing against those scents. But that is what this would be best suited for. (many thanks to GypsyRoseRed and SueDonym for the circle!)
  7. cranberry

    Champagne and Roses

    First off, thanks to GypsyRoseRed for the circle! Now on to the review... There’s that champagne scent again. When first applied that is strongest, underlain with a very pretty rose. Tea rose would not surprise me here. As it driest, the rose “blooms” and become stronger, overpowering the champagne. That trend continues as it wears and now the rose is dominant and STRONG, but with a brightness there from the champagne. There’s a slight dusting of powder on the rose and the tea rose vibe I got earlier is stronger, this is definitely tea rose and all that entails. Interesting but not my favorite flower.
  8. cranberry

    Champagne and Cigars

    I thought for sure when this came out I would absolutely love it. You say tobacco and I am there. Normally. Anyway, this starts off heavy with the champagne, and it’s a pretty realistic champagne scent there too. Not getting much tobacco, but this is nice. Lighter than I expected by far. After it’s been on a few minutes, it actually reminds me of some of the winter scents. There’s a water note that reminds me of the slush in Talvikuu, Snow Moon or maybe even Snow Bunny. At this stage I would not think champagne at all and certainly not tobacco. I’m not sure how exactly to describe this, except fruity, watery, a touch of spice…the spice reminds of how the spice note comes out in Skadi. I totally did not expect this scent to go in this direction. Crazy. Now the scent is deepening and this may be the tobacco finally making itself known. This is actually quite gorgeous. This is getting much sexier. There’s still the brightness of the champagne scent there, but there’s a dark musky scent that makes me go YUM! Now, after about 45 minutes, the tobacco is the leader in this scent. Gorgeous & rich with a brightness the champagne brings. Lovely!
  9. cranberry

    Are bpal blends all-natural?

    I think it's important to keep in mind that aromachemicals and even Fragrance Oils are different from synthetics. An aromachemical or FO could be completely naturally derived or it could contain synthetic or petroleum derived ingredients. So therefore as long its origins were natural of some sort, even aromachemicals or FO would therefore fit with the statements that have been made. I love the magic that Beth does, don't get me wrong.
  10. cranberry

    How to remove scents from your skin

    you know, I've never tried this with BPAL but for kitchen or food smells, coffee soap works wonders. It has to be made with real coffee grinds or instant, not just a coffee scent. I make one that has real coffee grinds brewed in the lye plus instant coffee into the oils, and no food/kitchen smell with stick when I use that.
  11. cranberry

    Berry Scents - Blackberry, Red Berries

    Florence is another wonderful berry scent - berry and amber. yumm!
  12. cranberry


    Snow, berry with a touch of spice, Of all the blends I’ve tried this reminds me most strongly of Skadi. At least when wet. The pine is crisp and cold. The plum sweet and juicy. I loff this. As it wears it doesn’t remind me so much of Skadi, but that’s ok. The winter ice seems to recede and the plum becomes stronger. There’s lily here too, and I love lily. It’s wonderful here and adds a crisp edge to the sweet plum. Still so beautiful and so evocative of winter days. As it wears, the plum, orchid and benzoin become dominant. The snow recedes even further. I like this too but I love the opening of this oil.
  13. cranberry


    At first the cardamom is most noticeable about this blend. Dry and spicy. This is so gorgeous. It smells of amber, spice and hay. Intoxicating. It’s a quiet blend, close to the skin. It smells so familiar though I can’t place it. It almost smells like there is sandalwood in here. Perhaps mysore sandalwood with cardamom and hay. I could smell this forever and never be tired of it. The only thing is that it is sooooo close to this skin. In order to smell it I have to be plastered right up to it. Perhaps I need to get crazy and slather it all over. Oh yeah, I could do that, it’s that good.
  14. cranberry

    Enraged Orangutan Musk

    I’m glad I tried this again. I was ready to send this bottle off. Now I’ve changed my mind. This is musky of course. A subtle, deep musk. But what’s so interesting is the top notes. I swear it’s something like orchid. Just a touch to sweeten and brighten the musk. This is all together unique and quite lovely. It’s close to the skin but that’s all the better to slather with. The oil itself has a body to it – it’s thicker than many of the oils I’ve tried. Of course it does have some age on it at this point. As it dries the amber emerges. Very sensual and lovely.
  15. cranberry

    Hand of Glory

    Mmm. this is fabulous. Warm, resinous, so sexy. First applied, I smell honey and beeswax. Sandalwood and smoky resins. Spices. Leather. I wouldn’t be surprised if frankincense is in here. This is a warm and glowing type of scent. Close to the skin and something that would smell delicious on a lover. I thought that Bezoar was my favorite from this part of the Carnaval, but I think it is this scent. The combination of sandalwood, beeswax and smoke is simply gorgeous.
  16. cranberry

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    Jewelbug - I don't know about colors but to my nose the bath oil and the perfume oil smell very different. There's no mistaking them for another. The perfume oil smells strongly of apples and maybe some mulling spices. It's sweet, but a fruity sweet. But not super sweet. The bath oil smells so sweet. At first I thought it was caramel, but looking at the notes and I would say it is the molasses that I smell first and foremost, then warm autumn type smells. The bath oil is quite sweet. I don't know what tramp smells like so I'm no help there, but it sounds like, if they smell similar and only mildly different, then you've got some batch variation there. HTH.
  17. cranberry

    La Primavera

    Mmm, this smells amazing. This is a wonderful sweet, floral blend. The florals blend extremely well, and it’s difficult to pick out individual notes. I would say rose, gardenia, amber, neroli, a touch of jasmine.….I’m having a hard time here. The notes all blends together so well. It’s intoxicating. Smelling deeply, this scent transports me. It’s just beautiful. This smells like sugared flowers: sweet and floral, without ever getting cloying or piercing. I’m so glad that I have a bottle and can enjoy this.
  18. cranberry

    Snow, Glass, Apples

    This reminds me of the very best of Snow White, Snowflakes, and Poisoned Apple or the Hesperides. (It's closer to Poisoned Apple if memory serves) This is a sublime blend of snow, a slight sweetness, an icy wind with a bite of apple. I love it and I’m glad that I have a bottle. I will thoroughly enjoy it.
  19. cranberry


    Clear, spicy cinnamon. Touch of sweetness. Gorgeous! This definitely reminds me of Three Witches.
  20. cranberry


    This is not what I expected. At first, this was sweet, syrupy pineapple fruit. There’s something else there though, it’s darker and deeper than I expected. There’s a note in there that’s almost indolic. I wonder if this blend shares something with the civet bouquet. In addition there’s a creaminess there too. this blend doesn’t last long, it’s been on barely 10 minutes and now I can barely smell it. What is there is sweet, slightly fruity.
  21. I thought Cancer 07 was very much like Selkie. I don't think it was melon, but more just the feel and overall smell of the scent. For melon, Earth Rat is an AMAZING melon scent. Incredibly similar to Fee, which is probably the penultimate melon scent.
  22. faeriedust, try Yvainne. It's not exact to White Phoenix but it's close.
  23. cranberry

    Different smells/colors, same perfume

    surlygurl, patchouli gets better with age and that's a prime component of schwarzer mond. resins age well too. perhaps the reason why people are saying schwarzer resurrected is "thinner" is becuase they're comparing it to the original, which has a bit of age on it - it's been at least a year and I'm thinking two yrs, so the patch and resins have been aging away all this time. I can't say for sure but I would guess to just give it some time.
  24. i just got to try SGA, and the first thing I thought of was snowflakes .... and poisoned apple. I didn't expect it to be so strong on the snow-mint-slush-ozone. it is beautiful! I bet layering poisoned apple, snowflakes and a dab of snow storm and you'd get something close to SGA.