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Everything posted by slugbait

  1. slugbait

    Ordering Imps

    I ordered two sets of imps like a week or two ago. When ordering there was a field to type in which scents you were buying... I was going to place another order for imps, but the field I mentioned previously isn't there anymore. Are the imps temporarily unavailable, or is there another way to select which scents to buy?
  2. slugbait


    The frist time I tried this out, it reminded me of scented candles and I tossed it back into the box. I decided to try it out again. Bordello starts out as deep sugary plums on my skin. As it dries it smells like a sugar plum candle my fiance bought. It is really fruity, with an underlying note I'm not sure of- smells like musk and vanilla. Completely dry this smells sugary and sweet on me, and the plums are in the background now. I think I smell a little amber in this as well, mingling with the other sweet notes. I didn't think I was going to like this after the first time I tried it, but I'm glad I gave it a second chance.
  3. slugbait

    Blood Lotus

    This has a full-bodied sweetness from the start. It has the bubblegum scent that Black Lotus had, but thankfully that stage passes. Drying down this developes a nice incense feel with a hint of cherries. I can smell a little musk as well. Completely dry I wouldn't say that this is a warm scent, it smells a bit cold and metallic, yet a bit sweet. It hangs around all day and is very pleasant. This is a winner in my book.
  4. slugbait


    An imp I recieved ina swap with the marvelous fallow dear. Thank you! Straight out of the imp, this has a bit of sharp greeness, but not harsh or strong. Immediatly on my skin it is the remainder of crushed green plants, fallen leaves, distrurbed earth, all tainted by a cool night time breeze carrying the lightest touch of lillies across a secluded forest pool. I am utterly amazed that a perfume can capture this so perfectly. I just wish it would last longer. After 10 minutes of applying, it fades I can barely notice it. I wonder if slathering can save this? I will try and post my findings. If I could find a way to make it last, I will be wearing this a lot this fall.
  5. slugbait


    In the imp this starts out tart and sour smelling, a bit like Akuma and Kuang Shi. But on my skin the tartness fades and I get strawberries and hibiscus. It smells a tad bit like strawberry incense. The more it dries the more I like this. Very girly and fun!
  6. slugbait

    Black Lotus

    This is really sweet smelling in the imp. On my skin, just like everyone else, this turns into bubblegum. As it dries, it gets a bit smoky/incensy. Dry, this is still sweet, but has a bit of a wood element to me on. I think I like the dry down alot more than the initial wet sage. Completly dry the sandalwood balances it out and it isn't as sweet. I'm not sure if this is something I would wear all the time, but I think I will hang onto it for awhile.
  7. slugbait

    Harvest Moon 2005

    I do have to agree that the label is cute - the tiny little pumpkin running on four legs; hee hee. OK, I'll have to be honest. I bought this mainly because I love the Harvest Moon games. You know, the ones where you are a farmer and raise cows and chickens and such. It's highly addictive. I am such a geek. I also love the smells of fall, but that was my main motive. Right out of the bottle this is straight up brown sugar, then the apples begin to come out. While wet on skin I get spices and I smell wine, which smells like it is going to turn sour. Fortunatley that dissapears and the dry down is just gorgeous. It smells like apple pie baking and the autumn air. Oh my goodness! This is amazing. Definately wishing I would have gotten more than one bottle and I will be hoarding every last drop of this.
  8. slugbait


    Chocolate! Smells like Hershey’s chocolate. Mmm. Very sweet. In the vial it smells a tad bit dry, but the sweetness comes out on my skin. It seriously smells like I left a bar of chocolate in my pocket and it melted from body heat. It smells that good. This is a chocolate lover’s dream come true. For all the people who like to taste your scents out there, you will want to lick someone when they wear this. Yum yum yum… I'm going to try Milk moon with it to see if I get a caramel milk chocolate scent.
  9. slugbait


    This smells like a chocolate truffle or a bittersweet chocolate. I was worried that the sandalwood would turn into pencil shavings on my skin. But this is a nice, not-overly-sweet-or-foody cocoa scent. As this dries, more vanilla come out and mingles with the cocoa and sandalwood. I think the myrrh adds a layer of depth and warmth that is just exquisite. Velvet isn’t very strong, but it lasts all day and I catch whiffs of it through out the day. It’s a very comforting scent. The more I wear it the more I like it. I’m considering purchasing a bottle of this for the winter.
  10. slugbait


    I think this was a freebie from the lab. Thanks to whomever this came from! In the imp this smelled like a sharp floral. My aunt was visiting from Texas and tried this one out. It smelled beautiful on her, like sandalwood, rose and orange with a bit of spice. On me, it started out a bit spicy, but then turned into pencil shavings. I ended up swapping it to a good home.
  11. slugbait


    Smells sweet in imp, like French toast covered in maple syrup. It actually reminds me a bit of Hellcat. On my skin gets a weird metallic nutty smell. I don't get any cocoa, caramel or buttery smells out of this. Then it smells like someone peed on me. Oh no! I really wanted to like this, but it isn’t working out as I had expected it to. Its actually making me feel like I have heartburn. Off to swaps!
  12. slugbait

    Milk Moon 2005

    Where did this great little imp come from? Oh yeah, lushlovely. Thanks! In the imp this smells like sweetened condensed milk. On my skin it smells exactly the same while wet. As this dries, this gets a little powdery, but has a bit of a caramel smell. My grandma would take a can of condensed milk and let it heat up in a pan of water until it turned into caramel. This smells just like it. This is delicious! Dry this is a bit creamy and sweet. I took lysithea’s suggestion of layering this with Miskatonic U. They smell wonderful together. I just might need to find a bottle.
  13. slugbait

    Black Annis

    ... Black Annis' perfume is a mixture of damp cave lichen and oak leaf with a hint of vetiver, civet and anise. This smelled really interesting to me at first, I like anise and I thought I would like this. On my skin the anise is the first thing I noticed. It reminded me a bit of the anise cookies (pezalles?) my grandmother makes every Christmas. It smells warm and comforting. Hmm. But after awhile the civet warped this into something funky like leather with licorice, and then a strange B.O. scent, which didn’t jive well with me at all. I had to scrub this off it was making feel a bit nauseous, but it clung to me like a fly on poo. This would work alright on someone with the right chemistry, but unfortunately not me. This ranks up there with Czernobog. Swaps!
  14. slugbait

    Machu Picchu

    An imp from modesty_blaise. Thank you dear! In the imp this smells fruity , or like the peels of fruit with a fleshy green plant in this as well. This is very light cool, and tropical. It makes me think of a rainforest on a mountain top, very airy. I’m detecting a bit of floral, but it blends nicely with the ozone, fruit and the greenness. I think I smell a bit of amber, its barely there, but still smells nice. As this dries it gets lighter and is harder to detect. I either have to slather or apply frequently. It lasts about 1-2 hours on my skin. This would be a great springtime/summertime fragrance. I just wish Machu Picchu lasted longer. I don’t think I will buy a bottle, but I will enjoy the rest of my imp.
  15. slugbait


    In the imp this smells like pears and gardenia. There's a bit of a sour note that I'm assuming is champagne. On my skin this turns fruity, and is a bit mouth-watering. It reminds m a little of Glitter. As this dries, it begins to turn buttery on me. Thinking that maybe it was just me, I made my mom and fiance smell it. My mom said it smelled very floral, and my fiance said it smelled like butter. After wearing this for awhile, it smells like fruity butter with sweet florals on me. Not really my thing.
  16. slugbait

    Dragon's Bone

    Out of the imp this smells sweet like violets and a bit spicey. On my skin it gets a bit peppery smelling, with a bit of resin which I'm guessing is the dragon's blood? As this dries more, the initial sweetness fades and there is a slight dry wood note lurking beneath it. This then becomes very light, dry and peppery. Kind of like dried up dragon bones Cool.
  17. slugbait


    I bought this bottle for my geek, hee hee. Right out of the bottle this smells like musks with cinnamon and pine. On his skin this is spicy warm leather. As it warms up and it gives off a bit of a cedar smell. The pine and cinnamon float around in the background, and something smells a bit earthy. Surprisingly, this isn’t as heavy as I though it would be. It is so f-ing sexy. This is what every geek should smell like. I should have bought two bottles.
  18. slugbait


    I got this from modesty_blaise. Thank you, dear! Well, This smells just like popcorn out of the imp. Smells like those extra butter microwave bags of popcorn. It even smells salty. Neat. On my skin it still smells like popcorn, but it doesn't last long. I really wouldn't wear this and I'm not sure how I would use this. A room scent? I don't know... But it is cool that it smells just like buttered popcorn. I'm glad I got to try this out, though.
  19. slugbait

    Fruit Moon

    In the bottle this smells like melons, grapefruit and papaya. There is a bunch of other fruits, but I can't really separate them. On my skin I can smell a bit of pineapple and pomegranate now. It is a little sweet and a little tart as well. The fruit all mixes together and I still can't isolate the different notes. It is very fruity to say the least. After drying this turns into fruit candy. It isn't super sugary, just a nice fruity sweetness with a slight edge. My finance said I smelled like a gummy bear, which he liked. My friend said I smelled like I had doused myself with Red Bull. Either way I really like this and will be keeping my bottle. Edited to add that I can also smell passionfruit! That was one of the notes I couldn't pinpoint. This seems to be the dominant note on me, it smells great.
  20. slugbait


    Got this lovely little imp from a lovely forumite, lushlovely! Thanks, hon! This smells like a potent version of The Dormouse to me: all fresh peony. I love it! It doesn't have the sharp edge of tea as in the Dormouse, but it is definately bright and clean smelling. This is going on my favorites list and I want 10 mls of it!
  21. slugbait

    Al Azif

    An imp I got in a swap with ShadowMaat. Thank you! Out of the imp this smells like soft incense without the smokiness. On my skin this smells of maple syrup and brown sugar backed by a light floral. This sounds weird but as this dries this smells similar to the musk in whitechapel! I really like this one.
  22. slugbait

    House of Mirrors

    An imp from blood onmy hands. Thank you, dear! Straight out of the imp this smells like sassafras with a tinge of citrus. On my skin this is a clear, glassy scent, I can barely detect this. As this dries, the amber warms this up. Dry, this picks up some ozone and is a bit strong. It is very masculine, something I didn't expect. It smells okay on me, but this would be dead sexy on a guy. I think I will be trying this one out on my fiance.
  23. slugbait


    In the imp this smells like fruit, a sunny yellow citrus. On my skin, this smells a little like Ahathoor and Lolita. It is bright, with a bit of resin in the background, some spices and citrus. This turned a bit powdery as it dried down. Nice, but not something I would wear. Edited because I meant Lolita, not Jailbait!
  24. slugbait


    I've never tried absinthe (the drink) so I have nothing to compare it against. In the imp this smells slightly minty with a bit of anise or licorice. On my skin, it still smells minty, but the anise/licorice smell begins to amp up a bit. There is an underlying creaminess. As this dries it begins to smell a bit soapy, but it still is pleasant. Completely dry the soapiness is gone, and it is very delicate. This would be a very nice summer fragrance. After another hour, it faded almost entirely. Only if I sniff the exact spot, I can smell it. Bummer. If I can find a way to make this last longer, I just might keep it.
  25. slugbait


    The first note that I noticed was the lavender, thenI can smell the honeysuckle. It smells nice enough. On my skin I can't smell the lavender, the honeysuckle amps up. As this dries, I get a hint of jasmine. Then it turned soapy. Floral soap. I give this a little longer to dry, and it remained soap. Oh well.