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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by slugbait

  1. slugbait


    A generous freebie from the lab. In the imp, this smells like tart fruit; citrusy. It makes my mouth water. On my skin I can smell berries or some kind of red juicy fruits coming into to play, but faintly. As this dries, the berries and citrus fade. It begins to get floral. Do I smell water lilies? This changes into a lighter version of a water lily body spray I loved, then it got discontinued. After an hour, it turns to powder then vanishes. I would love this if it would have lasted longer. But since I don’t want to reapply every hour, I’m sending this one off.
  2. slugbait

    Blown out candles

    Peversion turns into blown out vanilla candles on me. Maybe that might work?
  3. slugbait


    After trying Satyr for my finace and realizing civet smells okay on him, I thought maybe Mr. Czernobog would work out as well. This oil is very menacing looking in the imp. It's almost black. Opening it, this reminds me of a sweeter version of Satyr. My boy just wrinkles his nose when he smells it and refuses to let me put any on him. Oh well. I'll just test it. I put a small patch on my arm and wait. There is definately civet in it. Not bad. It begins to get stronger, more potent, and suddenly: it smells like BM. Ugggh!!! This is the first BPAL oil that has actually triggered my gag reflex. Dry heaving, I ran into the kitchen holding my breath while trying to scrub this off before I threw up. This might work for other people, but this is definitly not me and it makes my stomach hurt. Fiance won't even touch it... Into the swap pile!
  4. slugbait

    Black Pearl

    Very floral when first wet. Not liking the wet stage. Definitely smells like a sweet violet-like floral, but I think that may be the iris. Makes my stomach feel a little whoozy. After an hour or so pick up on hazelnut, but still has the floral bit going. Fell asleep with this one on. After waking up, it smells deeper, not floral, and coco-nutty. I like the dried stage, but I really don’t like it while it is wet. I'm not keeping this one - off you go!
  5. slugbait


    I was rummaging through my fiancés imps and this one I’ve been longing to try. He let me try some on and DAMN! I smell good. Dorian makes me want to lick myself. No joke. It is incredible. This reminds me of Republic of Tea’s Vanilla Almond tea with brown sugar. In the imp it smells like dark vanilla, a tad smoky, and sweet. I don't smell any lemon. On my skin this is so rich, provocative and seductive. I still don't get any lemon, but the deepness almost reminds me of tobacco. Absolutely mind blowing. I couldn’t stand certain vanilla perfumes before, like Vanilla Fields and Raw Vanilla. I liked Bath & Body Works Warm Vanilla Sugar, but Dorian has them all owned. It is so much more complex and sensual, I can see why everyone swoons over this blend. My fiancé seeing that I was in lust over Dorian, grew jealous and slathered himself in it. OMFG x 100,000,000. I smell vanilla on him, and the black tea emerges and smells divine. I could eat him and more. Dorian’s throw is incredible, and it lasted well over 8 hours on him. I’m going to buy two 10 ml. bottles of this – one for me and one for the boy.
  6. slugbait


    Initially mint and a bit pine. Maybe that’s juniper? Mint usually does some wacky stuff with my skin, so we’ll see.. After the dry down, reminds me of the yellow “vanilla” cough medicine my mom would give me when I was a kid. I would run from her, cry, and refuse to take it. I feel the same way about this. Swap pile!
  7. slugbait


    The alcohol note was really strong at first- made my nose hurt. The initial note had a cheese curl smell, but that dissipated after a few seconds. The pomegranate is so tart it is almost bitter and the alcohol gives it bite. The alcohol eventually fades and it smells lightly fruity, like a wine cooler. This is nice but not something I would wear all the time. I added my imp to some unscented lotion and it seemed to lack the bitterness the straight oil had.
  8. slugbait


    I used to be infatuated by green tea scents when I was in high school. I would wear The Healing Gardens Green Tea spray and I love Elizabeth Arden’s Green Tea perfume. Then I wore it to work one day and a coworker insisted that they smelled Raid bug spray. It was me. How embarrassing! Phantasm definitely smells of green tea with a wedge of lemon on my skin. It seems really sharp at first, with underlying notes of jasmine. I didn’t notice the jasmine until the dry down, it’s barely there. This is a pretty fragrance, and though I still love green tea scents, I’m just worried that others will perceive this as bug spray. Hopefully this will smell lovely on someone else.
  9. slugbait

    Mad Hatter

    I had a pennyroyal plant in front of the house a few years ago. Every morning when I went outside I could smell the mintiness wafting in the air. It is different from peppermint, spearmint and catnip. It was really lovely. I bought Mad Hatter for my fiancé, but I sampled a little bit from his imp. In the imp, this smelled just like my plant that I had. On him, it smelled like tasty after dinner mints, with a bit of musk. He smelled really yummy. On me, well, mint hates me, so it turned into cat pee. Yikes. Had to wash it off. My fiancé liked this one, but not as much as Dorian or Jolly Roger, so I probably won’t be getting a bottle.
  10. slugbait


    Alice is spicy, creamy and floral, with the ability to smell almost edible, all in the same bottle. It starts out smelling like cinnamon candies, the kind used to decorate cookies. As it dries down, the creaminess comes out and mixes with carnations spice and starts to sweeten up. This reminds me of Panera Bread's Iced Chai Tea Latte, which I love, love, LOVE! There is an added honey note that blend beautifully with this. Dry, some of the spiciness fades, but a light floral are left behind. This lasted 8+ hours on me. I gave my imp to one of my employees who became enamored by it, but I will definitely be ordering a big bottle of this for myself.
  11. slugbait


    A freebie from the Lab. In the imp, it smells of the perfume bottles that my grandmother has on her vanity. On my skin it turns into: baby wipes and maple syrup. Is there geranium in this? Hmmm. I’m guessing its the myrrh turning into maple syrup, but I could be wrong. After drying down it still smells like baby wipes but not maple syrup, but the same sweet smell of when my radiator on my car was leaking fluid. Not something I want to smells like. Hopefully this will smell wonderful on someone else, but I really can’t wear this one. Sorry! Into the swap pile.
  12. slugbait


    This is so beautiful! It smells clean, airy, with a slightly fruity top note. I don’t smell the white flowers until the dry down. Even then, Szepasszony is absolutely stunning. This is a white smell. It’s delicate but strong at the same time, if that makes any sense. This reminds me of the soapy clean smell of my great grandmother’s house. Which is good thing, I’ve always had pleasant memories there. I don't get any cold vibes from this, more like hanging laundry out on a sunny day feel. This is what I want my laundry to smell like. It would make a great room fragrance, linen spray, etc. I gave my sister the imp who fell in love with it at first whiff. Looks like another oil I will have to order in multiples
  13. slugbait


    Even though I hate rose geranium with the passion of a 1,000 angsty Goths, I still tried this blend. Who knows- maybe I wouldn’t notice the geranium and all the other notes would cancel it out. Wishful thinking on my part, eh? On for not even a second and I had to take it off. The rose geranium turns into baby wipes and I am not liking it. Mandarin and black currant sounded so good, but the geranium showed its evil face and wrecked the party. A definite swap.
  14. slugbait


    I thought this one sounded so lovely. I really like neroli and ylang-ylang, so I thought I was going to like this. But, alas. For some odd reason, Loralei didn’t smell like anything to me. I thought that maybe my nose was going into scent overload, so I tried the whole ‘sniff some coffee beans’ spiel. Still, nothing. Usually ylang-ylang seems so potent to me, but I couldn't even detect it. I think it may be from the sandalwood, which I could never smell anything when trying the EO. I think my nose is a bit messed up… Since I like my scents to have more ‘Oomph’, I gave this one to my sister who liked it.
  15. slugbait


    This blend is absolutely drool inducing. It goes from cherry and black licorice to the almond cookies that always get thrown into our take-out orders from the Chinese restaurant. Yum. In the bottle Kabuki smells predominantly of maraschino cherries. As soon as I put this on my skin, it burns a little. After a few seconds the burning stops, anise wants to play, a they mingle together to become one. Once on my skin, the red musk also comes out, blend with the cherry and anise giving this a almond cookie feel. It then mellows out and becomes rich, warm, and very sexy. Hee hee. Sexy cookies. This is a wonderful blend. I haven’t let the minor burning sensation hinder me from buying a 5 ml. bottle.
  16. slugbait


    After putting this on, it was sharp lemon note. It smelled as if the tea was trying to get through, but it never made it because the lemon would smack it back down. Then it died. Completely. Lasted a whopping 5 minutes. My skin ate it entirely. The leather never even made a debut. How odd. This smelled nothing like the description. I blame my chemistry for this one. I really wanted a good tea scent Into the swap pile you go!
  17. slugbait


    RAZZLES! First it’s candy, then it’s gum! I loved these candies when I was a kid, so this blend is somewhat nostalgic to me. This is very sharp and juicy in the imp, but dry on my skin it turns into the fruity and slightly powdery goodness of Razzles. Oh boy, I’m salivating! The raspberry and blood orange make this sweet, and the neroli keeps the blend from going too sweet and gives it a slight green bitter note. Can almost smell sour while wet. This lasts about 3-5 hours on me. This is a definite big bottle for me.
  18. slugbait


    Venom is an extreme shape shifter on me. I was hoping this would smell like Lush’s Sex Bomb, like I read in a thread before. The first time I put this on, it was so sharp I had to wash it off right away. I gave it to my fiancé because he liked the name, being a huge Spiderman fan and he loves Venom. This also smelled good on him. A few weeks passed by and my BPAL stash was running low, so I raided his stash to find something to wear. I rediscovered Venom. *TMI Alert!!!* My period just happened to start that day, so when I swiped it across my wrists, it smelled glorious! While still wet I got faint berries with a touch of lime and clean musk. As it dried down, it turned into a beautiful, mysterious floral. Yet it does come across as "Be-yotch!" Oh my gosh. Why didn’t I love this before? I can’t keep wrists away from my face. So for a few days it smells great.. No old lady here. *TMI Alert!!!* After my period is over, this changes again. A few days afterward, I slather some on. It smells pretty while wet, but the dry down is totally different. I kept getting whiffs of something very peculiar. It smells like… scented panty liners. Ugh! What is that?! *Looks both ways to find source* Smells wrists- that’s me! That’s Venom! Oh no! I’m debating whether or not I want a bottle of this, being that it only smells good on me on certain days. I’ll keep my imp around for the time being. ETA - I didn't see feline.by.design's review before I posted mine and this made me laugh: It's good to know I'm not the only one that had BPAL turn into fem-hygiene products.
  19. slugbait


    Ivory soap when in the imp. While wet on my skin, still smells like soap. On the dry down, smells somewhat like soap with an incense undertone. Ugh! Maybe I have wonky chemistry going on. I was hoping for something a little more complex. Sigh. Nemesis isn’t working out for me. Into the swap pile.
  20. slugbait


    In the imp, this is very strong leather and musk, slightly sweet, spicy and dark. After putting it on, the leather and spiciness overwhelmed me and I couldn’t stop sneezing. It just wasn’t me and I had to wash it off. On the other hand, my fiancé wore this and it smells lovely on him, like when we walk past Wilson’s Leather store at the mall. He really enjoys this so it’s not a total loss.
  21. slugbait


    Peace is so light I have to really concentrate to smell anything. Smells slightly evergreen at first then switched to faint herbal lavender. There are some citrus notes in there as well. This is light and pretty. I don’t think I would wear this, it is not strong enough for my liking. Off to swaps. Sookster was kind enough to give this imp a good home. Thanks!
  22. slugbait

    Centzon Totochtin

    After reading the description for this, I wanted to try it right away. I LOVE dark chocolate, especially the 70% cocoa kind. Yum. I loved the wine note in Wanda, so I thought I would love this for sure. The imp smells like wine with a slight tinge of something sweet, which I am assuming is the chocolate. After swiping this on my wrists, I can still smell the wine, and something that smells a bit… dirty. I think I am picking up vetivert and it’s making my stomach churn. But I tell myself, “that’s just the chocolate.” Yeah. For some reason, this is reminding me of carob covered raisins. I’m still getting that underlying vetivert and I’m realizing that me and the Four Hundred divine rabbits just can’t hang out. Off to the swap pile.
  23. slugbait


    Another freebie from the lab. One I wouldn’t have picked on my own, but welcome just the same. I’m really digging Nifleim. It is clean, but dark at the same time. I can smell the vetivert in it, but it doesn’t bitchslap me like it does in the other blends. There is a weedy note; like dandelion. It blends perfectly with the dark tones of vetivert. It smells like laying out on the lawn full of dandelions early in the morning after it has just been cut, with a bit of dirt from trying to pull out weeds. As this dries down more, it gets a little more floral, cool feeling like fog creeping in. I’m totally loving this. I want to slather it all over myself. This would smell fantastic on a boy. I’m definitely getting a bottle of this.
  24. slugbait


    A freebie from the Lab; one I have been wanting to try but never got around to. Oh how do I love this blend! This reminds me of Calvin Klein’s CK One but more complex. Where CK One seemed somewhat flat and got soapy on me, Neo-Tokyo has the same clean feel but well rounded. This would smell great on a guy. This starts out with an airy greenish note while wet. As it dries, it feels masculine, with a touch of citrus. Yuzu, maybe? This is very unisex. Completely dry it still has the green airiness but with light florals underneath. This lasts about six hours on me. I really love this. Thank you Beth & the Lab! This will be joining my big bottle list!
  25. slugbait


    I smeared this all over my fiancé before he went to work and he smelled of an extremely potent Lush Soak and Float shampoo bar. He wasn’t too happy with me. I don’t get leather out of this one, just pure undiluted vetivert. Smelling the imp and comparing it with my bottle of vetivert EO, there does not seem to be much of a difference. Not that I don’t like vetivert; it smells lovely in certain blends. But in this it just slaps you in the face. Whew! I thought maybe once I put this on, it might change a bit. Nope. I had to wash Iago off. Even after scrubbing, it latched on to me and my clothes. The shirt I had been wearing when sampling Iago still smelled like it after going through the wash. This has some definite staying power.