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Everything posted by slugbait

  1. slugbait

    The Raven

    Pure violet is all I can smell at first. After this settles down a bit, I pick up on subtle notes of iris and something a little deeper. Sandalwood? Musk? I'm having a hard time discerning notes. This gets darker after a little bit of wear, and the violet is still pretty strong. It is still very sweet, but it is perfumey and making me feel a little nauseas. I can’t pull this one off, and so I’m going to swap this.
  2. slugbait


    Got this from enigmae. Definitely not what I was expecting, but I am so glad I gave this one a shot. Thank you! As soon as I open the imp, I get almonds followed by pine. The boy immediately liked it so he took the imp and slathered some on. It smells somewhat like almond cereal, being pricked with pine. As this dries it smells a bit sweet, sharp and dark. It gets faintly spicy and warms up. It has a masculine feel to it, but a girl could wear this as well. Wow. This is a very unique and complex blend, I’ve never smelled anything like it. I love how it smells on Jon and I think I will be getting more just so I can smell it on him.
  3. slugbait


    Upon opening the imp, the boy took one sniff and said, “It smells like a vegetable.” “A vegetable?” “Yeah, a vegetable. It smells like asparagus. It smells like canned asparagus.” After that remark, I smelled it, and it does in fact, smell like asparagus I’m a bit scared to try this… On my skin, this smells like a toned down Niflheim. So far so good. Wet, it is sharp and airy with a bit of earth, but as it dries it reaches the eye of the storm where is calms down. This smells exactly how the air smells while there is a rainstorm in the summer. I likey! Dry, it gets slightly powdery, and lasted about five hours. I’m so glad this didn’t turn into canned asparagus on me. I'll be holding on to the imp.
  4. slugbait


    All flash and glam: white wine, heliotrope, d'Anjou pear, and lotus. A freebie from the lab. I am so bummed out this got discontinued, for this is one pear blend that I really enjoy. I tried pear body sprays and perfumes before, and they all turned into the scent of stale beer. Luckily, Glitter did not. In the imp this smells like candy. Wet, Glitter is a very ripe juicy pear with a delicate floral background. It is sweet, but not cloying, sparkly and light. The name suits it! As it dries, it gently wafts off my skin throughout the day, lasting about five hours before reapplication. I gave the imp to one of my employees that loved what I was wearing and it better have enabled her, dang it. I wanted to get a bottle of this eventually. Had I known that this would have been discontinued, I would have been selfish and I wouldn’t have given my imp away.
  5. slugbait


    Got this little imp in a swap with zenvodunista. After reading everyones glowing reviews, I said “Ooow… I want to try that one!” When I opened the imp, I get a whiff of musk that was similar to Satyr, then followed by a slightly powdery note. A little bit of spiceness slips through, and is a bit perfumey. Drying down, it smells similar to Othello, the light muskiness bit, but on me this smells like something else. It gets a bit wonky on me. The only thing that comes to mind is old lady douche. Yeah, weird, but I’m not liking the association. I bet this would smell fantastic on someone with the right body chemistry. Unfortunately, mine just doesn’t jive with it.
  6. slugbait


    A freebie from the lab. I was a little skeptical about this because I saw it has rose in it. Rose and I don't always get along... In the imp this smells of sweet violets. I recognized the violets from Lush’s Daddy O shampoo. In fact, this is very similar to it (without the fishy smell ). While drying, the violets mellow out a little bit, and after 2 hours I can smell a little bit of rose. Nice! Marie is very feminine, floral and fresh. This is one of my favorite violet perfumes. I don’t wear this all the time, but a nice change when I want something different.
  7. slugbait


    When I opened the imp, I got blasted with vetivert. Eek! While wet, this smells like vetivert, but smokier and sharp. As it dries, it still has a very sharp note to it that I can not for the life of me pin down. It is slighly green. Brimstone remains strong for several hours after application, but it is not overpowering or bad. This reminds me of the smell of burnt pine logs that got rained on. I like Brimstone, it is very similar to Umbra and Malediction. Since I already have Umbra and lurve it, this is off to swaps.
  8. slugbait


    In the imp, this smells like vetiver. As it dries, I can smell some patchouli peeking out. It gives this an earthy kind of sweetness, if that makes sense. Unlike Brimstone, which is very similar to Malediction but a lot sharper, this is warmer and not as powerful. It fades very nicely and it doesn’t assault your nostrils. On me, this isn’t very smoky. Hmm. It isn’t as complex as Umbra, but still a good, low key vetivert blend.
  9. slugbait


    Another imp from my fiancé. I can smell vetivert, with a slightly sweet patchouli background delicately intertwined with cedar. Vetivert is the dominant note, but it seems gentle and more relaxed than the other vetiver oils. The cinnamon is slightly noticable, giving Umbra a subtle spiciness. It isn't smoky as Iago and Brimstone. As this dries, the vetivert mixes with the patchouli and cedar giving this a dark, earthy feel. It makes me feel grounded, calm and serene. Yes! A vetivert blend that works on me!
  10. slugbait

    Sudha Segara

    Got this imp from cookie. Thank you! Smells like an angry lemon at first, but I realized this is ginger. Similar to B & B W’s Orange Ginger aromatherapy line. This isn’t fierce ginger that stings your nostrils, this is mellow, calm subdued ginger on skin. After drying, I don’t get any milk notes with this one, maybe a slight sweet honey. Something about this reminds me of white tea with ginger, and it is really lovely. It fades pretty fast, like 15 minutes after application. I bet this would make a great burner scent, it is very uplifting. I don’t know if I wuld buy a bottle of this, but I’m holding on to the imp.
  11. slugbait


    At first this smells like orange blossom with a bit of spice and some greenness. I can detect a smidgen of mint. Immediately fiancé decided he didn’t like it and washed it off. I wish he would let it on long enough to dry! Gees. Anyway, I put some on my wrists and I get the same notes as he did, with a bit of pine. It’s not bad, though. As this dries it gets warmer and the orange blossom gently fades away revealing notes of clove and cumin laced with tobacco. Completely dry this is warm, complex and masculine. I can smell faded tobacco and musk, and I love this stage. I would love to smell this on a guy. Unfortunately this is too masculine for myself, and my fiancé doesn’t care for it. Either my brothers are getting this one or it’s up for swaps.
  12. slugbait


    In the imp it smells like orange cream savers. On skin it turns into nail polish remover. Huh? Wait awhile, and I swear I can smell vetivert. What is going on? I know I may have vetiver-phobia, but it has to be in here. Maybe I’m mistaking the black narcissus for vetiver… I’ll try this again later. Let’s give this a second try. Still smells of orange candies in the imp. On my skin it has a slightly bitter note while wet, but as it dries, it takes on a creamy orange scent. I like this better. But after awhile I smell the vetiver again turning this into a creamsicle dropped in dirt. I wouldn’t mind it so much if it didn’t make my stomach turn. After washing this off, I smell vetiver clinging to my skin. Darn it. I really wanted this to work out.
  13. slugbait


    Got this from cookie. Thanks! In the imp this smells like bubblegum. My younger brother sniffed it and he said it smelled like bubblegum to him, as well… Wet this still smells a bit fruity. As this dries, this turns into nail polish remover. NO! I let this sit longer but still smells of nail polish remover with Bitrex. I take a closer sniff to see if I can distinguish some other notes, but they are struggling. I can smell a tiny bit of rose, but everything else is mixing to take on that sharp, pungent smell of nail polish remover. I really wish that I got the outdoorsy smell some people are getting. A little longer, it begins to give me a headache and I 'm forced to scrub this off. Bummer.
  14. slugbait


    An imp I received in a swap with isyche. Thanks! Usually, mint hates me and turns itself into cat pee. With Envy, I barely notice it. In the imp I can smell the lime mingling with lavender with the faintest breath of mint. This smells really fresh and crisp. I’m liking it so far. As it dries, it gets more herbal and a bit floral. The overall effect was similar to smell of gardenias. Dry, the notes seem to shift and smell like herbs. Envy is very refreshing and a green sent. The mint wasn't even a problem with this blend. A definate keeper! I think I will be adding bottle of this to my next order.
  15. slugbait


    At first sniff this had a bitter, musky, leathery smell to me. It is a dark brown color in the vial. Something smelled similar to cat pee or road kill… It was very hard to distinguish. I put a dab on my fiancé’s skin and waited. Wow. Deep, musky and a bit of spice with underlying sweetness. One sniff of this on him makes me want to hump him. Makes a prude like myself think very bad thoughts. Hee-hee… This blend enhances the body’s natural odor in a good way, it makes the wearer exude sexiness. It must enhance or imitate the person’s pheromones that make them extremely desirable. It screams "Do me now!" Um, yeah. One thing about Satyr is that too much is a not a good thing. Satyr is very potent, so apply lightly. Bathing in it will have you wondering if the cat peed on your clothes instead of in the litter box. Other than that, Satyr is very erotic and alluring.
  16. slugbait

    Dana O'Shee

    Got in a swap with Bain. Thanks! As stated in many of the reviews, this smells exactly like the divine Lush Snowcake soap! Beth, you rock! Oh thank goodness! I just used my last little sliver of Snowcake soap and I thought I would go insane waiting for the Christmas season to get here. But Dana O’Shee will save my sanity. In the imp, it smells like almond marzipan with a light cherry note. Wet on skin, this could Snowcake’s twin. It loses the slight cherry note and turns into the smell of oatmeal sweetened with honey. Lovely. After about 2 hours, this fades almost entirely on me. I applied to my clothes in hopes that it lasts longer. It does! I will join the ranks of those rabidly obsessed with Dana O’Shee/Snowcake and will be buying mass quantities of this oil!
  17. slugbait

    Miskatonic University

    From the lovely lysithea Thank you so much! This is one of the SiA scents I wanted to get but my fiancé said, "Ew, I hate the smell of coffee!" and ordered Shub-Niggurath instead. I should have went with my gut and got this one, too. In the imp this smells just like Almond Rocca coffee syrup. Yum! Totally amazing. On my skin it gets nuttier, and reminds me of hazelnut coffee. I want to lick this. After a few minutes, the dusty book smell emerges and mingles with the sweet coffee scent. The scent fades only a little on me, and it smells delicious! I would love to wear this on outings to Borders and Barnes & Noble, or curling up with a good book at home. Miskatonic U. lasted until I washed it off. It has great staying power. It also smells great with Villainess’ Mudslide soap. Coffee-nutty goodness. Mmm. I really wish I would have bought a bottle. I will be hording every last drop of my imp. ETA: My younger brother was going through my oil box and came across this imp. He liked it so much he asked me if he could have it. He had me turn it into a spray so he could wear it. My fiance, the coffee hater, even likes it! Go figure...
  18. slugbait

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    I was hoping for more of a cotton candy type scent, but this does turn into Juicy Fruit chewing gum. Not what I expected, but it’s still nice. In the imp it smells like gum, but with more pronounced pineapple notes. Not super acidic pineapple, sugar coated pineapple backed by vanilla. This stays pretty much the same from the wet stage to the dry stage. I like this, but it’s not one of my favorites. This is more of an oil I would have to be in the mood for it. I did use this in my oil burner when I needed an uplifting, cheerful scent. My room smelled like candy for several days. It did make me smile while it lasted. ETA: My 4 year old cousin loved this; I made a little tub of lotion scented with ACJM. She calls it her `Princess Perfume' Also, after letting the imp sit for awhile, it loses the bublegum scent and smells more like marshmallows. Very nice! I think I want a few more imps of this.
  19. slugbait


    Another vetiver blend! In the imp I initially smell gardenia underscored by vetivert. While wet I can faintly smell jasmine. As this dries down, the vetivert becomes more prominent, pushing all the notes into the background, with gardenia desperately trying to work its way back up. Dry, it just smells like a dirty floral on me. I wish it would have stayed the way it smelled in the bottle. Darn it. Hopefully this will smell better on the boy.
  20. slugbait

    Queen Mab

    Another freebie from the lab. Queen Mab smells familiar but I can’t quite place what it is... Wait, this has similar notes as the commercial perfumes Ici or Ambush, but this smells more expensive. This is very beautiful and complex none the less. It has a sweet muskiness to it, somewhat like vanilla, but darker and heady. I don’t smell any jasmine or rose. It is mysterious and shadowy. I really like this. I would like to get a bottle of this eventually.
  21. slugbait


    This smells just like peppermint candy on me, buttermints, me thinks. The violet makes this super sweet and the mint just illuminates it. As it dries, the sweetness dies down, but the mint is still piercing, which might be eucalyptus. This is the first minty blend that has not turned into cat pee or something strange. Once dry, I smell mostly of violet with faint mint. It seems to be very cooling and would be nice for hot days. I’m just not crazy over this and probably wouldn’t wear it.
  22. slugbait


    The first time I tried this, the boozy notes were making this smell sour but then the tonka and tobacco crept in making it really smooth. I think it was the tonka, but it made this smell like burnt vanilla candle wax for a short period. But that passes after awhile and I’m left with a subtle sweet smoky fragrance that wafts off me. Mmm. Only when I sniff my wrists up close I get a very subtle sour smell. Like sweaty leather? I don’t know what it is, but It’s not that offensive for me to dislike the overall effect. It is reminiscent of the clove cigarette smoke, without smelling stale. Each time I wear this, I like it a little more. I think I am going to hold out before I commit to a bottle and test the imp a few more times.
  23. slugbait


    olympia301, great post! I couldn't have said it better. This is one of my big bottles! I bought an imp of this for my fiancé who didn’t care for it at all. It was love at first sniff for me. While wet, this is a luscious citrus. Dry, it is powdery lime goodness, lightly floral, with the musk doing a one-two punch. The lasting power is phenomenal, it stays until I wash it off. When wearing Whitechapel, I feel very alert and determined. This blend is vigorous and stimulating, and it keeps me focused. It is wonderfully unisex, I would love to smell this on a guy. I can’t say enough good things about Whitechapel other than it is a fantastic blend and one that I will always keep around.
  24. slugbait


    A freebie from the lab. One I wouldn’t have picked out for myself, but I’m very glad it came. In the imp this smells just like Dial soap, the original yellow bars. Right after I applied Othello, it starts out like the light clean musk part of Venom when it isn’t going bizarre and smelling of fem-hygiene products. I can’t really discern any notes from this other than it smells clean, but oddly enough not soapy. After it dries a little, it is a teensy little bit spicy, but still pleasant. After a little more drying, it gets a bit sharp and I think I can smell something floral. It doesn’t smell like rose to me, though. It seems like while this dries, it cranks up the intensity. I guess I shouldn’t have smeared it all over my arm, eh? It’s not overbearing, so it’s not a problem. I just have to remember to apply this with a light hand. Completely dry, this is warm and I can pick up on the rose. Very nice. Was this intended to be a men’s blend? Because Othello makes me feel feminine and ethereal. Would make a great everyday scent. I think this one is going to be on my Top 10 list!
  25. slugbait


    Sharp hay smell out of the imp, almost like gasoline for a few seconds. On the skin it retains it’s sharpness for awhile. As it dries, it smells like clean, sweet hay. Smells like a hay ride! It’s still going strong, but develops masculine undertones. One of the notes is very similar to Niflheim, the weedy one. Dry this still smells like sweet, clean hay, but it gets warmer. Maybe that’s the scorching wind bit. Scarecrow lasted several hours on me, I like an oil with stamina I really liked this one on me, but I think this would smell fabulous on boys as well. It would be great for autumn, strolling through the leaves and such. I want to test this on my boy and see how it fares on him.