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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by slugbait

  1. slugbait


    Got this in a swap with Essay 28. Thank you! First sniff this smells like chocolate punctuated with bright juicy cherries. I'm impressed! On my skin this warms up and smells like chocolate with gooey cherries. While drying down this gets a sharp citrus note and smells like lemons and chocolate. The cherries vanish. Oh no! I waited it out a little bit, and that note disappeared, and the cherry returns. Its all chocolate covered cherries from here. It smells a bit creamy. It wafts off of me and its giving me chocolate cravings... Mmm-mmm good! I definitely want a BIG bottle of this!
  2. slugbait


    A freebie from the lab. Thank you! I was a bit skeptical after reading the description – geranium and I don’t get along very well. Out of the imp I can identify the chamomile right away, it smells a bit sharp. On my skin it smells a bit like green apples (how chamomile smells to me), then fades into violets. I can smell just the tiniest iota of rose lurking beneath this. Interesting. I don’t smell any geranium, which is a good thing. Sniffing closely this does remind me of the smell of leaves in the fall- after they have fallen to the ground and start to decompose, giving off a sweet aroma. How I love fall! After this dries, I can smell mostly violet and rose - think superlight Marie. This is a very light, pretty scent. But I don’t think I will be keeping it.
  3. slugbait

    The Coiled Serpent

    Thank you, voodoobaby, for the opportunity to give this a whirl! Straight out of the imp this smells like sweet earthy patchouli. For some reason I was expecting this to be spicier. On my skin, this smells a little bit woodier (if that is a word? hee hee...) and I smell black pepper. This is earthy, sweet, and spicy, and lighter than what I thought it would be. It is very beautiful none the less. Unlike other blends with patchouli, this one fades fairly quickly on me. It lasted about 1 1/2 hours before it lost momentum. I would like to wear this while practicing yoga, I'm hoping that it will help me keep focused .
  4. slugbait


    I got this in a swap with Gwen. Thank you! I can smell the rosemary as soon as I open this; a bit medicinal/herbal. On my skin this turns citrusy, like lemons; it smells like a newly opened box of Fruit Loops. Drying down I can smell a little bit of rose and orange blossom mingling with the citrus notes. I keep getting whiffs of this throughout the day; it’s very uplifting. I didn’t expect to like this, but I am pleasantly surprised.
  5. slugbait


    This smells like juicy, ripe fruit when I opened the imp. Not really sure what kind of fruit, but it is fruity! Smells a bit like melon, papaya and pear, or something exotic. It smells just a little bit musky. Wet, still very fruity as it dries, the muskiness is gone. The floral begins to emerge and meshes nicely with the fruity notes. Fades into a light, sweet floral scent. I'm guessing it is the mimosa. When dry, this disappears almost entirely within an hour. Only when I sniff up close do I detect it. I wish this would last longer on me.
  6. slugbait

    The blown-out candle smell...

    Perversion smells a bit like that to me - like burnt out vanilla candles.
  7. slugbait


    I got this in a swap with Shanti. This smells somewhat like Delirium to me. Like when I open it, it smells like roses that are starting to rot. In Delirium I thought it was the apple, but I am beginning to think that the rose is the real culprit. The rose is doing the same rotting thing to me in Eve, as well. Wet, this still has the rotting rose smell to me. It smells a bit citrusy, and I don't get any honey or apple blossom. As this dries, the rose rot smell dissipates and this smells powdery and like bathroom cleaner on me. Dry, smells powdery. Oh well.
  8. slugbait


    An imp from the wonderful modesty_blaise. Thank you! I feel bad saying this being that I got this as a gift, but oh my! I don't want to put it on me! At first sniff this smells like the breath of someone who heavily chain smokes and was having a few cold ones... and spilled it all over themselves as well. Thinking that maybe I was having a wierd sense of smell day, I tried again a few days later. Nope. Drunken chain smoker breath. Ugh. Sadly, I can't bring myself to test this, so I am going to pass this one along as well.
  9. slugbait

    The Red Queen

    Deep mahogany and rich, velvety woods lacquered with sweet, black-red cherries and currant. An imp I recieved from Shanti. Thank you! When I opened this, I can smell the lightest bit of cherries and peanuts. I think that is supposed to smell like woods, but it smells like roasted peanut shells to me. While wet on my skin, still smells like peanuts. If I sniff really hard I can smell a trace amount of cherry, then it is gone! When this dries, it turns into baby powder. It morphs no more. I'm glad I got to try this, but it's really not my thing.
  10. slugbait


    I recieved this decant from the lovely Shanti. Thank you! At first sniff this smells very buttery. Not what I was expecting, but ok. On my skin this is buttery, then the butter dissappears, and I smell peaches and light pumpkin mingling with baking spices. Reminds me a bit of pumpkin gobs. Mmm. Good stuff! As this dries, the peach becomes more prounounced, and it highlighted with the warm spices. Smells like a cross of the Ginger Peach/Pumpkin Spice fragrance line at Pier 1 imports. Which isn't a bad thing at all, they both smell fantastic! Jack has very good saying power, I could smell it all day. I applied this early in the morning (6 am) and I could still smell it when I went out for dinner later in evening. I would definately purchase a bottle of this.
  11. slugbait


    Got this in a swap with Gwen. Thank you! This smells like a chocolatey biscuit, but without the sweetness. On my skin still smells like rich cocoa, and as it dries, I can smell warm leather. Oh this is so good! Not overly powerful, this hangs close to my skin. Tezcatlipoca last about 3 hours on me, but I have no problem with reapplying. Overall, this is a keeper.
  12. slugbait


    Got this imp in a swap from lissamc. While in the imp, this smells like lavender and like lissamc stated, like candy. I'm not picking up on any spices. Drying down, this goes totally sweet on me. I think my skin amps up lotus majorly. Dry, this smells like super sweet lavender. I still don't smell any spices. Reminds me of when I was younger, I cut cattails near my friends creek and they released a sickening sweet smell. Its making me feel a little naseous. *sigh* I guess this isn't going to work for me.
  13. slugbait

    The Dormouse

    I got this imp in a swap with lissamc. Thanks! In the imp this smells like sharp green tea with other notes swirling about. I'm not so sure about this... On my skin while wet this smells like it is going to turn into soap. After letting this dry this turns into a gorgeous fruity tea fragrance. This is so light and lovely! I'm not picking up any florals (at least I don't think I am) but it smells a bit like peaches or something. I love this! I made a co-worker sniff this (And she isn't big on perfumes) and she said, "i really do like that! Mmm!" I can't keep my wrist away from my nose. So this has become an instant favorite. I love you, Dormouse!
  14. slugbait

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I think I was in denial before, but I think I am allergic to Whitechapel. Everytime I put it on I start to sneeze and its like I have hay fever for 2 hours. Then the symptons stop for the rest of the day. I am so upset because I adore this scent. It is the only one that makes me sneeze and makes my eyes water. I wonder what could be triggering such a reaction? Kabuki and Shub Niggurath are two oils that made my skin burn, but it wasn't anything major. Just a little stinging for a few minutes then I am all good...
  15. slugbait

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    Imp from cookie. Thank you! Sweet jasmine in imp. On skin this goes super sweet and I can smell jasmine, and strong ylang ylang. As it dries, gets syrupy sweet, a bit fruity like bananas. My skin seems to amplify this a lot. Reminds me of a perfume my mom gave me when I was younger; I think it was Love’s Jasmine perfume. This lasts a long time and is very potent; I feel as if I can be smelled in the next room. SwoB lasted well over 18 hours on me. This is sweet and pretty, but something that really isn’t me.
  16. slugbait


    I got this imp from the lovely elevanthousand. Thank you, dear! I forgot about the components of this blend and thought my nose was severely out of whack when I smelled chocolate. Then I read the description. Hey, it is in there! Straight out of the imp this smells like fruity chocolate. Very sweet. Gradually gets sweeter on my skin, Slightly smoky. I can smell the sweet honey and wine as this dries. I think of deep purple fruits when I smell this. Mmm. The sweetness reminds me a bit Queen Mab. I applied this early in the morning and lasted into the late hours of the afternoon. A very beautiful and complex blend. I’ll hang on to my imp
  17. slugbait

    Van Van

    A freebie from the lab. I think they knew I needed this . Slight almond/citrus/herbal. Very light and powdery smelling. Reminds me of Voodoo without the pine note. Completely dry, this turns into baby powder. I can’t say it amplified my positive personal power, but I’m glad I got to try it out. Up for swaps you go!
  18. slugbait


    After opening the imp up, I immediately think of liquid berry potpurri. On skin, this smells like blackberries that were picked during a cool evening. Doesn’t smell sweet or super fruity. Very clean and refreshing. Completely dry it smells a bit soapy. It is the sophisticated counterpart to all the sugar shocked berry fragrances out there. This one hangs close to my skin and doesn’t really waft a lot. Bewitched lasted a good 12 hours on me. Also smells lovely layered with Akuma. I might purchase a few more imps before I commit to a bottle.
  19. slugbait


    Notorious for its properties for protection against werewolves and curing lycanthropy, this nefarious plant also has a fine history of use as a virulent poison. Clasically, Medea employed it in her many works of vengeance. This concoction of ours has none of the lethal qualities, but still personifies all of the herb's dark history beautifully. Herbal in imp. Pine needle and some other herbs... Slightly camphoric and mellow. Drying down starts to smell a bit smoky, I think I detect vetivert. Dry this almost completely fades except for a smidgen of smoke. Smells of a distant camp fire smoldering in a pine forest. Nice, but definitely would like this more on a boy. This will go to my fiancé for some testing...
  20. slugbait


    This smells like green tea right out of the imp; a bit tart while wet. Drying down, carnation adds a tiny bit of spiciness while the rose softens it out. This almost smells citrusy. Very delicate, feminine and yet tangy. It gently wafts off skin when I move around. I like this a lot. While this doesn’t have a whole lot of throw, it does smell rather lovely and defiantly merits frequent application. A keeper for sure.
  21. slugbait


    In the imp this is VERY masculine, and I can detect some citrus blended with lavender and some musk. It smells familiar, but I can't place what it is that Villain reminds me of. I can't bring myself to wear this, it definately is not unisex. Off to the boy it goes! Fortunately, he loves this and it smells great on him. Very clean, but still has an element that seems reminiscent of aftershave or deodorant. I like this on him a lot. This is definately a scent that would get a guy noticed. A few days ago, my 16 yr. old brother walked by me, and I could have sworn he had used fiance's Villain. Me: *sniff-sniff* What are you wearing? *sniff-sniff* Bro: Uh, Axe? Me: Oh, are you sure it isn't Jon's stuff? Bro: No Jess, it's just Axe Kilo. So that's what it reminded me of, Axe Kilo. An evil, better version of it, complete with being tackled by girls in a supermarket. Heh heh. My fiance is now a proud owner of a 5 ml bottle of Villain. w00t!
  22. slugbait


    I wanted to try this one out, not really thinking about the note similarity to another company’s product I’m not fond of. Oh well. Here goes… Instantly turns into Lush’s Amandopono, which I detest. Lemon and rose together just do no smell good on me; my chemistry turns it into bathroom cleaner. The apple note goes completely rotten, making my stomach turn. Eek! I am forced to wash this one off. Off to the swap pile you go!
  23. slugbait


    This smells very harsh in the bottle at first. It initially reminds me of men’s aftershave. Definitely smells like the ocean and has a salty tang. Very green, oceanic, and masculine. Saying that this blend is strong is a complete understatement; my nostrils hurt after one whiff. This goes soapy on me once it dries. Actually reminds me of how my aunt’s bathroom smells. Evil soapy smell. It fades almost instantly after it turns to soap. I can only smell it when I sniff close up to my skin. On my fiancé it smells fantastic; I can almost envision dark murky water unpunctuated by the sun’s rays, while Cthulhu squeezes his “gelatinous green immensity through the black doorway” where he once slept. Very nice! I’m glad I had the chance to try this, but it is for the Boy so off it goes to his oil box.
  24. slugbait


    To me, this would go into the same category as Niflheim (strong! with icy floral) and Hurricane (medium with summer rain smell), with Yog Sothoth being the lightest of the three. It is airy, but dark, and does smell somewhat like dryer sheets. Dryer sheets of doom! Heh. It has a subtle hint of vetivert with a fruity top note lurking about. This does portray emptiness very well. It gets a little soapy on me, but has a masculine/men's aftershave feel on the boy. The smell stays the same from the wet stage to the dry down to completely dry. This is nice, but very similiar to some catalog scents I already love. It’s good to know that once this is gone, I have Niflheim and Hurricane as back ups. My fiancé happily claimed Yoggy.
  25. slugbait


    I’ve been eagerly awaiting my SiA order after reading all the raves of Shub Niggurath. I’m happy to say it does not disappoint! In the bottle had the tantalizing aroma of gingersnaps, but without the sweetness of molasses. This smells drinkable. I made a few other people sniff this and they thought it smelled like cinnamon rolls, the pleasant smell of baking, Christmas-time, and of course, gingersnaps. First day wearing: This starts out smelling like fresh ground ginger. After applying my skin felt sensitized, but the burning sensation went away after a few minutes. As it dries, I pick up on some incense overtones, while the ginger still has some kick. Dry, it still has spiciness that warms up and is so lovely. I feel like a walking gingersnap. This makes me very hungry! I was SO craving gingersnap cookies after wearing I had to buy a bag. Shub Niggurath smells just how they taste. Second day wearing: Still smells spicy, but after an hour, I can smell musk. The ginger starts to fade and it reminds me a little of Satyr and scary enough, the musk in Czernobog. Is there even any musk listed in this? Hopefully it won’t ruin this blend and turn to into poop. After waiting it out, it doesn’t turn into Czernobog’s spicy poop twin. It has a sweet muskiness similar to Satyr, not as bold, though. This could be the super sexy feminine counterpart to Satyr (Satyr = smells like clean spicy/sweet goats; Shub Niggurath = The Black Goat of the Woods – a coincidence?), or it would probably smell good layered together. Hmm. I just might try that on the boy... Overall, I'm loving my bottle of Shub Niggurath. I'm enjoying the different stages it goes through. I’m really wishing I would have purchased several bottles.