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Everything posted by slugbait

  1. slugbait


    Midnight is dark, beautiful and mysterious. It's floral yet it smells like there is a bit of incense in there. I can't really pick out what flowers they are. This what I was hoping Nemesis would be. I can't stop smelling my wrist when I wear this. It morphs into an elusive floral, just when you think you might be able to define what the floral notes are, it smells incense-y. The throw is really nice, it isn't overwhelming. I'm in love!
  2. slugbait


    This smells like bitter black tea with a smidgen of mint. On my skin it loses the mint and smells like used tea bags. It doesn't last very long, but while it does it is pretty strong. Completely dry it is barely noticible. It is watered down tea and the florals are non-exsistant. Bummer. Into the swap pile
  3. slugbait


    Straight out of the imp this smelled like extremely juicy yet musty fruit to me. On my skin, the mustiness fades, and I'm left with potent ripe fruit. This smells like melons. This last a long time on me, and is pretty strong. After reading the description, I hardly noticed the patchouli (unless that's what the inital mustiness was from), and this doesn't smell floral to me at all. I might try this out again before I decide to keep or swap it.
  4. slugbait


    The honey must have amped itself on me because that is all I can smell when I wear this. It kind of reminds me of Kali, just not as complex. It does have a mustiness to this from the moment I opened it even after it dries. It is reminding me of mushrooms. This isn't working out in me at all. Into the swap pile she goes.
  5. slugbait


    An imp from Essay 28. Thank you! In the imp this smells herbal and sharp. On my skin it starts out very green, but as it dries, it turns floral. Very aggresive white floral. It gives me the feeling of humidity on a hot summer night. Dry, this takes on a douche fragrance, and it smells too strong on me. I don't think I will wear this.
  6. slugbait

    Blood Amber

    Wow, this is so red in the imp! It does look a little bloody. I know what amber smells like, even though I've never personally worn it. I've never smelled dragon's blood, so I was excited to try this one out. The imp smells very incensy and musky to me. It smells floral and a bit sweet. On my skin this still smells how it did in the bottle. As it dries, it gets warmer and richer smelling. It's floral, and reminds me of the musks in Venom and Scherazade. It smells nice, but something I wouldn't wear. Both imps went off to new homes.
  7. slugbait

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    Got a decant from a lovely forumite. Thank you! In the imp this smells like a summery fruit salad, withthe fruits being extremely ripe. I think I smell kiwi and a bit of melon. On my skin the fruit tones down a bit, and it smells a little peppery. It smells yummy! As this dries, the peony and musks begin to emerge. Then it fades into a sweet yet subtle peony. Very lovely! I'm so glad I got to try this out. I will probably go Mi-Go bottle hunting.
  8. slugbait


    The first time I wore Anubis, this smelled like warm resins and a bit herbal, and dried into the most comforting fragrance. This smells similiar to Ahathoor to me. The second time I wore this it turned into bubblegum instantly and then turned powdery. I think I am having some wierd chemistry issues as of late, so I will be trying this out again.
  9. slugbait

    Gingerbread Poppet

    Right out of the imp this smells just like gingerbread. On my skin, well, this turns a bit funky. It smells like gingerbread and this weird dirty root smell. My fiance thinks it smells like Thai food, but I think that maybe the ginger is amping up on me and doing nasty stuff with my chemistry. Afer this dries it goes back to smelling like gingerbread. Weird. I think I am going to test this again before I come up with a final verdict...
  10. slugbait


    I purchased a bottle of this for my sister, but was able to obtain an imp for myself.Midway is my cotton candy Holy Grail. I used to wear a cotton candy body spray that i loved; it smelled just like pink burnt sugar. But after awhile it took on a plasticy type smell and I haven't worn it since then. Midway smells like the real deal, plus the funnel cakes and caramel. It smells just like Bruster's Cotton Candy Explosion Ice Cream. And it doesn't turn into plastic on me. Yah! I'm really wishing I could have gotten a bottle of this for myself before it was over.
  11. slugbait


    This is my first LE I spilled. Right out of the bottle my intital impression is berries. But this isn't overly fruity, it has some flowers in this as well. On my skin the berries and florals mix together very nicely. This is very pink, happy and girly smelling. Very pleasant but not overpowering. ON clothing this lasts forever and has pretty good throw.
  12. slugbait


    Straight out of the bottle this smells like cough syrup. It kind of grossed me out at first, but gave tis a try anyway. On my clothes, this smells exactly the same as it does in the bottle.On my skin this turns into powdery carnations. This reminds me a bit of LUSH's Potion and Santa Monica bath ballistic, but a lot lighter. It's slightly musky but I don't get any berries. I like this scent, but it isn't one I would wear everyday; I would have to be in the mood for it. I'm hanging onto what is left in my bottle, though.
  13. slugbait

    Kuang Shi

    This smelled almost identical to Akuma to me, in the aspect of being tart and fruity. Initially this has a bit of a pine scent, like mangoes have. But as this dries, the scent isn't as sweet and seems to be a bit drier. I think the sandalwood blends nicely in this, it usually smells like pencil shavings on my skin. I barely noticed the musk in it. Dry, this is light and airy. Overall, I really like this blend and I think I will be keping my imp.
  14. slugbait


    Kunstkammer smells just like Squishy Fish! Not Swedish Fish, SQUISHY FISH. It smells very juicy and red. I only get a trace of black pepper, but it doesn't last long. It smells like tangy red gummy candies while it lasted. The overall scent doesn't hold up very long on me, only sticking around for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Even though this is nice, I don't think I will be searching for a bottle.
  15. slugbait

    The Hanging Gardens

    An imp I got from modesty_blaise. Thanks, hon! In the imp this smells very fruity. I get bits of pear, fig and gardenia. As this dries, this reminds me of Republic of Teas Mango Ceylon. This has a lot of throw, but it is really pleasant. Wearing this I can envision myself in a lush, tropical garden with fruiting trees and fragrant flowers. HG last a long time on me. My younger brother loves the smell of this in the oil burner. This is a definate keeper.
  16. slugbait


    A freebie form the lab. Wee! In the imp this smells like a juicy citrus blend. It has somewhat of a bubblegum/candy quality to it. On my skin it is fruity, then dissapears. Thenit turns into powder. I smell a light trace of jasmine, but this went mostly powder. Drats!
  17. slugbait

    Where does the art on the website come from?

    The labels are amazing! I loved the little ferris wheel on Midway - it was so darn cute! I didn't want to hand it over to my sister when she came to claim it Beautiful work, Macha!
  18. slugbait

    Honey Moon

    Honey Moon contains five different honeys, ranging from pale and sweet to deep and heady, with hints of jasmine, white gardenia, Hawaiian white ginger and thyme. An imp I got from sarahj. Thank you ! This is the third lunacy oil that I have tried so far. Out of the imp this smells floral and a bit sweet. It smells fainlty like overripe fruit. Wet, the overripe fruit is gone and and the florals start to amp up a bit. There is a slight sharp green smell in the background. As this dries, it smells like it is going to turn into powder but then it suprises me; this smells just like honey! The florals get pushed to the back and powder is gone. Oooh, I love this already! Dry this smells like sweet clover honey with a light floral background. I can smell this all day and I am so in love! I'm really wishing I could have gotten a bottle of this when it was available.
  19. slugbait


    I got this imp for my sister and she let me try it out. Right out of the imp this smells nutty and syrupy, with a light trace of almonds. Its really heavy. On my skin it starts out strong, and the almond fades. It then turns into nutty maple syrup. As it completely dries, it goes slightly powdery. Ew, no. I hope my sister enjoys it.
  20. slugbait

    White Rabbit

    Strong black tea and milk with white pepper, ginger, honey and vanilla, spilled over the crisp scent of clean linen. An imp my sister rejected and I happily adopted In the imp this smells like sharp tea. On my skin while wet, still smelled like sharp tea, but could pick out subtle ginger and a pinch of pepper. As this dried, it got creamy and could smell honey. Completely dry this got very creamy with a more pronounced honey note. The black tea was still there just kind of hanging back. This blend is very true to its description. I love it! I can see a bottle of White Rabbit coming to me in the near future
  21. slugbait

    Buck Moon

    This is my first moon ever. So I was really excited about getting this. Since I live in Pennsylvania, the Whitetail Deer state, I thought this would be a fun blend to get for my Fiance. You can't go anywhere without seeing deer, they are everywhere. My first impression of this is that it smells light and lemony. It smells somewhat grassy and with a very light musk. There is a sweetness that reminds me of hay or dried grass. Smells a little like Coyote and Scarecrow had a threesome with a lemon. It is a lot better than it sounds. On my fiance this smells fantastic! It hangs really close to the skin, goes so well with his chemistry. This is very sexy! I'm wishing I would have bought more than one bottle. I can't wait for the next moons to get here!
  22. slugbait

    Love in the Asylum

    Either roses love me or hate me. Either they smell beautiful or they say "hey, let's smell like we've been decaying in the sun for weeks!!!" So I worried about this one. The label on the bottle is really neat. It looks like an asylum room with paint peeling on the walls, sunlight filtering through the windows. A tad depressing, but I like it. It sets the mood. In the bottle, this smells like tea roses. It has a tinge of lemon in there, and tonka and tobacco beneath. Smells a little like vanilla. On my skin, smells a little sour at first, then after a few mintes this turns into a smoky honeyed-rose. Yeah! It smells great. The citrus note is still there. This lasts for about an hour, and then the delicate honey fades. I'm left with a soft rose scent that lasts the rest of the day. A definite keeper.
  23. slugbait


    Another freebie from the Lab. Wet this smells very light; I'm picking up citrus and herbal notes. It smells slightly resinous. Drying down, I smell benzoin. Still very light, but it starts to warm up and the herbs start to unfold. I'm picking up lemongrass and sage. This doesn't smell like incense, but I can still smell benzoin softly floating around in the background. I had my mother smell this and she commented that it smelled "spicy" to her. I wouldn't say spicy, it's more herbal to me. Ahathoor is a light, but bright and warm scent. Plain and simple, this is sunshine in an imp.
  24. slugbait


    A freebie from the lab. Woo hoo! You guys rock! Right out of the imp, this smells earthy like patchouli with the tiniest touch of vetivert. I can swear I can smell chocolate in this, it has the same cocoa smell like Tezcatlipoca. After reading the description, my nose is obviously on crack and I think I am smelling fig. I never smelled fig before and I think I like it It smells sweet, deep and rich. Something else smells sweet, like how black tea brewing gives off a pleasant aroma. After this dries it gets more intense. I can smell purple fruits floating over top of the figs and patchouli. The staying power is incredible, the longer it is on, it gets deeper and more complex. I put this on in the early morning and it lasted until the late evening. This is perfect. I want a bottle! My cat Priest will not leave me alone when I wear this. He will try to lick all the spots where I applied the oil and he gets a glazed look in his eye. I think he likes it, too.
  25. slugbait


    I got this to go with my fiancés bottle of Cthulhu. I liked the idea of evil grapefruit and thought that Cthulhu should have a scent in honor of his home This smells very similar to Cthulhu. I did a side by side comparison and they are very similar. R’lyeh smells fruity, but not sweet, and aquatic. There is a touch of floral in it. Cthulhu smells saltier and even more aquatic, no fruity note. Dry, this is salty-seaweed-grapefruit. It smells very masculine, very clean. Reminds me of the ocean. I think this will smell better on my fiancé so it’s going to him.