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Posts posted by Geminirubyshoes

  1. I swapped for this and I love it! this is very different from stuff that I normally wear but I am trying to branch onto other areas of smellies.


    In the bottle its spicy and herbaly. Kind of medicinal herbal without that ACK! factor. Smells a little minty too.


    On I get mint, some greenery and a hint of sweetness. Where GC Cthulu is like cool clean Irish Spring soap on me, this is soft and fresh. Velvety indeed!

    I never get the wasabi. I was kinda of hoping I would just to see what it would smell like on my skin.

    Velvet Cthulu and I are friends.

  2. Nooooo!! I wanted this to be yummy on me and instead it smells like funky, stale peppermint candy :( bleh. Gonna have to swap this. I'm so sad! I so rarely get BPALS that don't work on me that this makes it that much more dissapointing. Oh well, you can't win them


  3. I was surprised how much I ended up liking Hand of Glory! who knew saltpeter could smell so scrumptious....ok really all joking aside....

    I get no leather at all. It's sweet and spicy beeswax that stays on for hours and hours. I think the nutmeg and sandalwood mixed together give it a semi-mustiness as well.

    It's a beautiful scent.

  4. Having recieved my bottle of Gingerbread Poppet '07 in the mail today, I slathered this on because I have been highly anticipating this one!

    Yeaaah, this is HELLA good!!!! It's like Butter Rum Cookie (sans the rum) and Pickled Imp smashed into each other, which of course is impossible since GP came before those two, but still....

    After awhile it becomes a soft spice that stays close to the skin. I'm going to use this in my scent locket constantly this winter.

    If you like spicy and a twinge of foody, seek this out!

  5. I had to google what Cubeb is and its a kind of pepper. Which would explain the spicyness that mixes in with the lemony-est lemon I have yet to smell in any bpal. It was almost too much for me to wear but then after 15 minutes or so it turned it straight up sweet honey. Intense honey. I even put Black Temple Burlesque Troop over it and can still only smell the honey. That was hours ago too.

    Crib Girls is interesting. I wonder what it will smell like in a couple months after it's mellowed a bit...

  6. This is soft and lovely. It's comparable to The Rose in the Marchen series, but without the greenery of the leaves and stems. The word velvety definately applies to Peacock Queen. I love the label art too!

  7. So stoked to finally have a bottle if this.

    In the bottle: warm, wafting magnolia peach waves...

    Wet: the magnolia of my dreams! Damn! These are magnolias with a purpose. This puts any other crap perfume that tries to emulate magnolia (yeah I'm talking about you bath and body works) to utter shame. The throw is so strong but it's awsome.

    Dry (about an hour later) just a faint touch of magnolia with musky peach being prominent.

    This is really a masterpiece in my opinion. Definately a smell worthy of New Orleans :)

    When George's Grandmamma was told
    That George had been as good as gold,
    She promised in the afternoon
    To buy him an Immense BALLOON.
    And so she did; but when it came,
    It got into the candle flame,
    And being of a dangerous sort
    Exploded with a loud report!
    The lights went out! The windows broke!
    The room was filled with reeking smoke.
    And in the darkness shrieks and yells
    Were mingled with electric bells,
    And falling masonry and groans,
    And crunching, as of broken bones,
    And dreadful shrieks, when, worst of all,
    The house itself began to fall!
    It tottered, shuddering to and fro,
    Then crashed into the street below-
    Which happened to be Savile Row.
    When help arrived, among the dead
    Were Cousin Mary, Little Fred,
    The Footmen (both of them), the Groom,
    The man that cleaned the Billiard-Room,
    The Chaplain, and the Still-Room Maid.
    And I am dreadfully afraid
    That Monsieur Champignon, the Chef,
    Will now be permanently deaf-
    And both his aides are much the same;
    While George, who was in part to blame,
    Received, you will regret to hear,
    A nasty lump behind the ear.
    The moral is that little boys
    Should not be given dangerous toys.

    The aftermath: dirt-smeared cocoa, with a Spanish moss, coconut, tobacco absolute, charred wooden beams, and blistered resins.

    First?!?!? this has never happened to me before!

    Well I was sure that I would love this and I do!
    In the bottle: sharp cocoa mixed with smokey wood
    Wet: Patchoulish mixed with dirt. This is a dirt note like the dirt in Banana Peel in a Graveyard, heavy deep soil.
    Dry: Moss covered chocolate that has been smushed into the dirt. The smokeyness is faint. The throw is medium.
    I do not detect the coconut whatsoever. But this is great because usually my skin eats up dirt notes and I cant smell them after 10 minutes or so. I deem this as a good one to put in my scent locket and will probably be able to smell more when the rest of me is slathered with Comforting Plush Companion (see other review) :)

  9. So warm and soft, just like the stuffed animals this is named after.

    In the bottle it is sweet but not overpoweringly so. The honey is the dominant note sniffed in the bottle. Then when I apply the oil, it smells very similar to what Bilquis smells like on me: musky honey almond, yet there is the spicy fruit mixed in that is the sugar plums. Dry its all musky vanilla with the plummyness, no more honey. This definately going to be one of those oils that is sought after as the months progress from everyone that missed out on the Inquisition for various reasons. Soooo yummy!

  10. I was gifted this by Gingiemay and I am eternally grateful.

    I have been on the hunt for this for awhile now and she gave me an imp of it.

    Midnight Kiss is everything I thought it would be. It's musky, sexy, dark and chocolatey. I think my eyes rolled around a bit when I first sniffed it. I can smell the wine note but only a tiny bit when I first put it on.

    It's gorgeous and I am going to go through the imp fast. The search for a bottle will continue.


    Update: bottle obtained thanks to Ishtar :) smells even better straight out if the bottle!

  11. The label art on the bottle is adorable!

    Sniffing the sprayer, I get the leather mixed with some sort of cool, fresh note.

    Sprayed it's crisp, snowey pine and leather. My nose can't detect dirt but to me this is what I think Narnia smelled like when Lucy came out of the wardrobe into it for the first time. It lingers all over my house and I can't wait till this mixes in with the smell of our Christmas tree we are getting tomorrow.

  12. When I first got this bottle over the summer it was all vanilla and molasses.

    Now that some months have passed, it has mellowed and is now the warmest combo of dirt, vanilla and molasses. I really can't pick out the patchouli, perhaps that is what is giving it the dirt edge.

    Lawn Gnome reminds me of playing in my mom's garden when i was a kid, happily shoving my face into the dirt and inevitably eating some of it. I've got a little over half a bottle now after decanting some for a friend and I am going to try to preserve it as much as possible. Which is going to be almost impossible since this stuff is ULTIMATE slather worthy love!

  13. In honor of Twilight:New Moon coming out today and that I am going to the midnight show here, I broke out this imp.

    I was worried about the lavender because it is definately the predominant smell in the imp, but on me its pretty much all honeysuckle with a tinge of the jasmine. The word glowey is a good one for this. Its good in the scent locket too.

  14. The Yule label theme is All Krampus, All the Time. :lol: The Pink Snowballs label is also Krampus-themed; some of the Krampus'ee labels don't have red backgrounds, is all. =)


    Glad you guys like them! I had a lot of fun making the Krampus ones, and Julie did an amazing job with the Miskatonic Valley artwork!


    Krampus rules! You guys did a great job. I mega love the Krampus and Lovecraft themes this year :)


  15. Damn, I can't believe I have never done a review for this!

    Last year BRC was my first two bottle purchase I ever did. My husband gave me one for Christmas and then ordered a backup. I will never regret that as this is one of the smells that I get MAJOR compliments on and that makesme supremely happy when I wear it.

    In the bottle: cinnamon butterscotch, I smell a little bit of rum but not much.

    Wet: Spicy scotchy yums, I think the comparison to butter rum lifesavers was a good one.

    Dry: this never morphs on me, it stays the same as it did when first applied. So fabulous.

    This definately evokes childhood Christmas memories for me.

    Plus, put it in an oil diffuser and you house will smell like warm cinnamon melted butterscotch for hours. :love!:


  16. I can't believe I never did a review for this!

    I love love love peach and this is a yummy peach for sure. Sweet,creamy, like the perfect ripe peach in summer. Mixes really well with the gardenia and vanilla, I get zero neroli from this. Which isfine with me because I typically don't like neroli. It's nice to wear this in the dead of winter because it gives me hope for warmer days.

  17. I have wanted to try this for a long time, but I kept getting other bottles first instead. Recently I procured a bottle of Gluttony and yesterday was my first try with it.

    I don't smell dark chocolate in this at all, or any chocolate for that matter. What I do smell in the bottle is toffee, caramel and nuts. Same when I put it on.

    Dry it is rich and lingering. I also put this in my locket for extra effect. A co-worker told me I smelled like baked goods case :)

    I am a foody scent addict. I love Gluttony.
