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Posts posted by Geminirubyshoes

  1. I love the artwork on the bottle! so perfect.

    Here again, the red musk is a winner for me. Red Musk, the rose, iris and vanilla are what I smell when I wear this. A little goes a long way for sure, The Grindhouse Madam is fully in charge and don't you forget it! This has aged wonderfully since I recieved it for Christmas in 2008. It smells a little powdery in the bottle but never on me. Hooray!

  2. The description of this was just too good for me to pass up. My bottle is a little over a year old now and has mellowed out considerably. Yet everytime I open it, all I think of is cheddar popcorn :think: it must be the myrhh, which I always think smells kind of weird no matter what it's in.

    On my skin its soft vanilla amber, so fortunately the cheddar popcorn thing never materialises (not sure if this is the right spelling or not). Inez is a beauty for sure and she rents a space in the box with Agrat, The Grindhouse and The Illustrated Woman :)

  3. Pickled Imp is devilishy sexy. The vanilla and clove mix to make a creamy, smoky scent with the cinnamon just kicking it up a notch. I don't ever smell the pine sap, but I'm sure its in there somewhere. This is my go to scent when I am unhappy because it's comforting and makes me feel much better about myself :D Mega Mega Mega hearts for Pickled Imp!

  4. Gelt

    Being the supreme foody-lover that I am, Gelt is totally a dream come true. Dry, dusty cocoa powder with amber? Hellz yes! anytime dust and chocolate can be obtained I'm all for it. This could be gold coins stored away in a secret wall chamber with a layer of dust over it, which may sound gross to some but fantastic to me!

    I slathered this all over my arms last night and think I was transported to magical Candyland. It really is a chocolate scent that does not have the milky aspect to it that most other chocolate smells I have tried has. Yum, Yum, Yum! I need to try to not use this whole bottle in a matter of weeks becuase I want to always have it,

  5. oh RAWR! this is sooooooo good! THIS is what sugar plum fairies would smell like! perhaps quince and plum are of the same persuaion, I have never known prunes to smell this good. Spicy sweet fruit vapors emaniting from a pie just removed out of the oven...thats what this smells like on my wrists. I'm so happy right now!

  6. I have crazy love for the Madame Moriarty. This is actually one of the Bpal's I own that gets me the most compliments when I go out. It must be the carnival sorcery that Beth put into here LOL. Red musk, you and I are such good friends sometimes and this is one of those times. It's mega-incensy, a little sharp from the patchouli I think but it somehow works. It just works. I don't know what else to say. I'm willing to bet this is one of the most hyped (and well deserving of such) Black Phoenix's yet because so many people love it. I bought it based on reading these reviews actually so well done commrads!

  7. This makes me want to cry everytime I smell it, so I have only worn it once. It is so true to the concept that I almost can't bear to wear it as it makes me remember how devastated I was when my previous dog had to be put down. Warm, soft furry musk with sunlight and grass. It didnt stay on very long when I wore it but that's ok. I love it regardless, even if it does evoke some painful memories for me, I can tell it was made with pure love and care :angel:

  8. Pink coco-nutty incense!!! this is truly yummy and reminds me of my childhood. My little ponies, books on tape, Jem Dolls and crayons...that is where my brain goes when I wear this. It is a magical perfume indeed. Lilith looks adorable as a Fortune Teller! it will be amazing when she gets older and has a scent for every stage of her life thus far, I can't think of anything cooler than that. :clap: Beth!

  9. Soooo loved this when I first tried it via Gingiemay! so much so that I obtained a bottle and have been waffling over wearing it ever since. All I can smell is blueberries in there! it is getting a little muskier over time so I will have to chance it soon and take the plunge with a slather. I expect it will still work for me, I just really don't want it to be all blueberry. Where my raspberries at?!?! I will update this again in the coming months and tell what I really think.

  10. WTF?!?!? how can I not have done a review for this! INCONCIEVABLE!

    This was my birthday moon so that made me have to get it even more than the fact that it is strawberry!

    Originally when I first got my bottle it was the truest strawberry I have ever smelled in a product. Wild and fresh strawberry with the green grass and a little bit of the sap.....OMG so good! I really slathered this about during the summer and I still have almost a whole bottle left.

    Now when I open it to smell its the reverse! all green grass and sap with a hint of the strawberry. I'm not sure what its like on now as I havent worn it in awhile (I like to preserve this for summertime) but I'm sure its still delicious.

  11. I've had this since it came out last year and now when I open the bottle it smells kind of like sour chocolate. When I do wear it (which is rare) its all white chocolate marshmallow, there is no coconut to speak of. It does make me feel warm and fuzzy though when I use it. I don't tend to use it much because the throw is SUPER STRONG and can be a little much for my co-workers. But it's the only one of my chocolates from last valentines day that I can't bear to part with so I'll keep it.

  12. This is freakin' fabulous. A seaweed smell I can wear besides anything with the word Cthulu in it makes me happy. The mint is subtle but the honey, DAMN! for some reason anything with honey sticks to me for hours upon hours. I am going to have this bottle forever because one drop lasts all day on me. Definately something you have to commit to. However, even if it didn't smell good on me I would keep it anyway just for the label ;)

  13. I wanted to love Crimson Christmas on my skin but all I get is gas station bathroom air freshner smell!!! nooooo!!!! Oh well you can't win 'em all.

    I do however love this for the concept of it and eventually will get around to diffusing it to see what happens to it then. Hopefully NOT gas station bathroom air freshner smell!

  14. I actually tried really hard to not like this purely because everyone around me has it and wears it constantly but I eventually caved and got my own bottle because its just that damn good.

    I get TONS of compliments when I wear this and often put it in my scent locket, that way the ginger and the apricot have a chance to make their presence known. When its on my skin its all tonka creaminess. Its an all around warm, rich and inviting scent. There is nothing sinister about this at all.

  15. Hands down on the sexiest smells I have worn. Bottle worthy, swoon worthy, everything worthy! smoky and sweet like the scent of creme brule being burnt, you know when they hold the flame thingy over it and stuff? ok that's a bad description but its so good I can't think straight.

  16. I love Snow, Glass, Apples so much.....

    Originally I was given a decant of this by Ravenfeathers and I treasured that tiny thing like it was a million dollars in a vial. But now I was lucky enough to swap with aother awsome forumite for a whole bottle and now I treasure that like its The One Ring.

    In the bottle, its cool melon and tangy apple. I love that this totally smells like granny smith apples and you can tell thats what it is. Those are the only kind of apples I like to eat so only fitting that I should wear them :)

    On my skin it's cold, yes actually cold! green apple slices! white musk! yumyumyumyum sooooooo fricken good. Other words kind of fail me to desrcibe this. Amazing label and the blue bottle makes it seem so much more precious than others (don't worry little amber bottles I still adore you!). I am going to rock this in the summer alot. Probably while watching True Blood :twisted:

  17. This was one of the first bottles I ever bought once we got Bpal at the store. I wore it a couple of times, but I have been ignoring it for a while since I have started building my collection. Yesterday I pulled it out of the box and put some on just to see if it still smelled awsome and OMG Dorian aged is :thud: strong, sweet, sexy musk with vanilla and some lavender underneath. Throw like woah ( hahaha) and it stays on for a while, even though I keep slathering just so I can bury my head in my arms. This is the second day in a row I have worn it and I think I am going to be a Dorian kick for awhile. I made a list of black phoenix smells for my friend who makes the coffee drinks at the cafe in our store and when he was reading it he was like "I really like how this paper smells" LOL! Dorian FTW.

  18. I thought I had already done a review for this, but apparently not!

    I was not obsessively into BPAL the first time this came around so I am doing this review for the 2009 version.

    In bottle: smells like clean linens/freshly washed laundry.

    Wet: clean laundry mixed with slightly musky vanilla.

    Dry: This is very pretty. The vanilla is primarily what I smell although the cognac makes an appearance here and there which isnt bad. I reapply this often as the throw is not as strong as what I usually like but in any event, I am very glad I got some of the precious Black Lace!

  19. Look at us east coasters go with the first reviews! :)

    Immediately opening the bottle I get salty chocolate, like the kind you can buy in bars now. It's got a touch of musky-smokey incense going on as well. When slathered all over my arms, it's that same sea smell that Jolly Roger has mixed in with all the other stuff described above. Damn this is good!!! It can even smell a little lemony after a bit but all in all I am so glad I jumped on this.

    Totally gonna age my other bottle to see what happens.

    Also this would smell AMAZING on a guy :)

  20. Damn, these Burlesque chicks don't fuck around :lol:

    Honestly, I was unsure when I smelled this in the bottle if I would like it or not. The oil is super thick, almost like motor oil. This kind of freaked me out and I abstained from putting it on for a couple weeks.

    Then one day as I was getting ready for work and putting on my Resurrection tshirt, I felt it necessary to bust out the Troupe.

    This stuff is amazing. It is the muskiest of muskiest musks. With chocolate. Dark ass chocolate. I felt like I could rule the work with this on. And no customers gave me a hard time all day, which never happens. This is one to be treasured thats for sure. Initiate yourself into the Black Temple, you will not regret it!

  21. Hmmmm...musky apple peaches at first. I do catch whiffs of the tuberose as it dried down. Smells sweet and light on my wrists but heady on the inside of my arms.

    This has the potential to smell like shampoo but it doesn't go that route on me. Flora is a very mixed bag. It reminds me of visiting my aunts and uncles in south Carolina. It's a warm summer wind with traces of fruits and flowers in the air...I like it the way it is now and I'm sure I will like it even more when it ages.

  22. "Its the Pancake Breakfast Ron. We do it every Sunday".


    In my treasured decant, it smells like pure maple syrup and fresh Denny's pancakes.

    I have yet to really slather this about but the tiny drop on put on my hand now smells like pancake vapors wafting off the plate and syrup with a slight tinge of berry. This is not overly foody on me (I wouldnt care if it was cause I love ultra foody) but it still smells like the hangover cure breakfast of my past, present and future B)


    And it makes me think of Anchorman. Hence the quote above.
