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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Thorne

  1. This was sharply scented chamomile and herbs when wet, but thankfully mellowed quickly into a warm, spice-spiked blend. I can pick out the frankincense pretty strongly, but there's other stuff in there too, something sweeter - clove, I think, and maybe some cinnamon. It didn't last as long as I thought it would on my skin, either.


    It's a very exotic, heated scent - like the hot sand in the desert just after the sun sets.


    I agree with those who said it has a very ritual feel. I am uncomfortable wearing this as a perfume only.

  2. This is a bright, clear fruit scent. It's warm and juicy and sweet without ever smelling artificial. Tenochtitlan stays very close to my skin, with barely any throw - I have to move my wrist within a few inches of my nose to smell it, but I kind of like that. It makes it feel intimate and special - only people I allow to smell this on me will.


    This doesn't last overlong (5-6 hours, maybe), and doesn't have a huge punch of scent to it, but I really like it, and I'm glad I tried it.

  3. Oh baby, this is some good stuff. I don't know why I waited so long to try it, but now that I have, I never want to be without it. Sweet vanilla, a hint of sassafrass, and wafts of sun-warmed, slightly dusty cedar - this could have been made just for me. Total love.

  4. This reminded me of Pink Moon's less intense baby sister. At first, it smelled of a slightly plasticy strawberry scent. Not quite real strawberries, not quite fakey strawberry "flavor."


    As it dried, it mellowed into a soft, girly pink kind of smell, all sweet sweet flowers and a little bit of sugared fruit with the lunar oils blending in. Very nice.


    All in all this is so similar to Pink Moon that I can't see using it much...until I run out of Pink Moon, and then I bet I will use it up. :P

  5. In the bottle, this smelled exactly like fresh delicious honey - for about 5 seconds, and then I got smacked in the face with my nemesis, jasmine. Oh, how jasmine hates me and wants to ruin all my fun. It overpowers everything else in every blend I've ever tried it in.


    But still, this might be different, so I tried it on....yep, that there is some jasmine. Jasmine jasminejasminejasmine! It's not gross, but it is overwhelmingly floral and intense, and not what I'm looking for in something called Honey Moon. Maybe if it was Jasmine Moon...


    Anyway, after an hour or three, the jasmine decides to calm down a bit and the scent settles into a very sweet, pleasant faint honey and lunar oils. It's nice, but not to die for. I want to try it a couple more times before I give up on it completely, but if it remains so strongly jasmine, it can't live at my house. :P

  6. From the Roadhouse review thread:


    The description makes it sound weedy, nasty; not a 'perfume' per se, but something to make you smell like you've been working all day and are going to go home to your thirteen kids and your pickup with the piss-smelling mattress in the back.

    (Sorry, I live around hicks, and they only make me detest them more with each passing day.)

    From your descriptions, though, it sounds like something I'd truly like to try!


    My only concern, however, is that I'm allergic to a vast majority of the pollen-producing plant life out there. Dandelions I'm not sure of, but I know I'm allergic to hay, and someone mentioned that they could smell it in a note.


    I'm not too worried about a skin reaction, but would anyone know I'd have an allergic reaction (stuffy nose, watery eyes, swelling throat, etc.) from smelling this stuff? Would plant/pollen residue in the perfume oil cause an allergic reaction?

    :P Sorry to be so picky.

    I have allergies to pretty much everything that grows, including weeds, grasses, trees, pollens...and I just tried Roadhouse and had no allergic reaction to it. Wasn't crazy about smelling like stale cigs and booze, but no sneezing or watery eyes or anything.

  7. Wet in the imp and on the skin, I really like this fragrance. It's fresh, clean, light greenery. Sweetly weedy, if that makes any sense.


    Once it dried, though...ugh. Stale tobacco and beer. Smells exactly like them, and is kind of amazing, but so not what I want to smell like. I had to wash it off.


    It was an interesting scent experience, but not one I want to repeat.

  8. (Very well done BTW Harlequin!)


    This may be the dumbest questions I have ever asked... I'm preparing to take the trout for them. On my bottles, the label was upside down from what Harley has posted above... having a rudimentary knowledge of anatomy, when I decanted my roll on, I peeled the label off one bottle and applied it the other way - i.e., like above, which looks "correct" to me.


    So, what do your Ace of Hearts bottles look like? Are the veins and arteries coming out of the top or the bottom? Am I missing some significant symbolism dealing with an upside down human heart?  :P

    My Ace had the veins and arteries coming out the top like Harlequin's pic. Maybe yours just got applied upside down?

  9. Imp is the more muscular big brother of Fae. It's very similiar in some ways - peachy and musky and yummy, but it packs a lot more punch. It has more...deviousness, if that makes any sense. Fae is the sweet innocent, but Imp has been around the block a time or two...and had a good time doing it.


    This was mostly peach and deep musk on me, but the amber gave it a more depth and warmth. The patchouli added a little slithery sexiness, and it's just an all-around fun and delicious scent, in my opinion.

  10. This is so delicious. I can tell as soon as the weather relents a little and cools off some, I'll be wearing a lot of this blend.


    In the imp, Baghdad smelled sweet, almost like honey to me. Once on the skin, the honey scent vanishes and instantly becomes something strong and almost metallic - I think it might be a combination of the amber and musk on me. The saffron is present here too, with that incomparable saffron flavor only it possesses.


    After it dries and warms, it becomes very woody - the sandalwood, for sure, but it also has a bit of cedar, I think. Not cut cedar, but still living cedar trees, in my opinion. This is a lovely, evocative scent of spices and wood, of something old and treasured and kept. I need a big bottle of this one, for sure.

  11. A warm, soft, sexual blend. Sweet and alluring. Used to entice new lovers and add an aura of temptation and carnal sin to your environment.

    Uh oh. In the imp, this is the bright red of dragon's blood. I don't do well with super strong dragon's blood scents. Ok, let's try it...yep, dragon's blood. Lots of dragon's blood. It smells like stright up dragon's blood to me on the skin, and for a looooong time afterwards. After a lengthy drydown, there does seem to be a hint of some sort of flower...lilac, maybe? I'm no good with floral scents. There's a tiny hint of warm spice too, but it's mostly dragon's blood on me.

    As for the voodoo properties, I'm all alone in my house right now, so I can't attest to them. :P

  12. Oh. My. God. Just....oh my god. This is my new favorite scent, hands down.


    In the imp, this is fresh, bright green leaves. Literally smells like sniffing a tree with new growth on it. Amazing.


    The second it hits my skin, it's warm, sweet toasted coconut. Not fresh coconut, not coconut like any other blend I've smelled, but toasted coconut. Did I already say amazing? The honeyed almond milk is a lush, rich layer that weaves in and out of the coconut and soft sandalwood.


    After wearing it a while, the fig comes out, but it's not like BPAL's other figgy scents, which tend to be very strong. Don't get me wrong, I love the other figgy blends, some of my favorite things! But this is a new fig, a new fruit in this brand new garden of wood and honey and milk.


    I'm so glad my next order has a 5 ml of this in it.

  13. In the bottle, this was all cocoa. Like Scylla said, it smelled exactly like Bliss to me too. On the skin, the cocoa scent lingers for maybe a half hour, then shifts to a much sweeter, creamier white chocolate scent. Delicious!


    There's something fruity lurking around in there too, the tangerine, I think. It's not a sharp citrus at all, but a soft haze of juicy scent. I think it's the current playing with the mandarin and tangerine.


    I can't pull my wrist away from my nose. I'm getting a little whiff of the white tea underneath faintly, also, grounding the scent and making it more complex. This is quite a changeable blend, strong and unusual, with a lot of throw and a wonderful tumble of scents coming out over time. Big love for this one.


    And look how cute the bottle is! Fuzzy webcam pic of 13!

  14. Extremely strong floral. Very cold white flowers was the impression I got before I ran to wash it off - strong florals make me feel like I'm choking in a cloud of perfume. I'm sure this is a fantastic scent for floral lovers, but my imp is going to find a new home.

  15. This starts out as a strong tea with lemon and honey on me. Which is nice, but I already have Dorian for that kind of smell. Oh well, let's see how it is after a few hours.


    OK, after a while, the tea and lemon scent fades entirely, and this become a Super Fig scent! Yay! It's all sweet, strong fig with a little bite of spicy ginger lurking in the background. Delicious. It's like Dorian and Nemesis had a spunky little baby, and it was The Apothecary. I might need a big bottle of this one.

  16. Sweet apples and a little hint of spice. This is very pretty while wet, but after drying on my skin, it turns into a kind of country potpourri smell, which...is not a good thing in my book. Ick.

  17. Urd

    Patchouli and incense. Mostly patchouli. I didn't get anything else, but I like patchouli and incense, so I might save this for fall and winter, when I'm more likely to wear heavier scents.

  18. Hello Moxie! I got this in a swap from Joseybird, and it's awesome. Sweet spicy gingery citrus fabulosity. There's also a little bit of a honey or amber or clove note in it for me, something sweet and naturally yummy.


    This makes me feel like Superwoman when I wear it. I not only smell great, I can leap tall buildings in a single bound! Total love! The only thing that could improve it is if it lasted longer - after a few hours, it faded considerably on me.

  19. I swapped Joseybird for an imp of this, and I was in dire need of it today, after a day from hell at work.


    In the imp, and wet on the skin, this is straight up olive oil on me. I was kind of disappointed. It was nice, but bland, olive oil and a tiny hint of spice.


    After an hour or two, this really morphed into something else. It's green and metallic - almost exactly what I expect Bed of Nails to smell like, in fact. I actually get that "metal in my mouth" feeling from sniffing this. But I like that feeling, so it's a good thing. It's a very clean scent to me, a little bit of spice and salt, with some resiny woody tones.


    As far as being effective, after a day in which I handled hundreds of dollars in cash (which is not a normal part of my job, and made me feel totally stressed), making plans for over a hundred english-as-a second-language students to ride out a hurricane in another city, and the terror attacks in London, I really, really needed something calming and grounding. This was a good choice for me. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to relax enough to sleep tonight, but I'm feeling a lot more peaceful and settled than I was before I applied Succor, so I'm thinking it will be ok.

  20. This is the only BPAL I have ever had to scrub off my arm. Ack. So so so strong and floral and heavy and overwhelming. After reading the other reviews, I have to wonder if my imp was mislabelded, because it was nothing like orange blossom, or neroli, or ylang ylang, all of which I know the scent of.


    I only put on a tiny bit, but I couldn't even pick out individual notes, because my brain was screaming "Get it OFF! Get it OFF!" Even after scrubbing, I could smell it lingering, and had to use another scent to calm myself.

  21. The scent of Irish coffee, dusty tomes and polished oakwood halls.

    In the bottle this is yummy caramel coffee, so much so that I actually held it up for a moment and thought about tasting it (I didn't!). On the skin, it doesn't change much - it's rich sweet coffee, with a tiny hint of dust in the drydown. Sadly, it made my wrist ITCH something fierce, so I probably won't be able to keep it, but I'm glad I got to try it out.

  22. After going on a spree with my Chaos Theory blends and the Ace of Hearts, I showered and put the King of Clubs on one arm, and the Queen on the other.


    In the bottle, the Queen is sharp myrrh. Yikes! Then I could smell the red current and something like fruits soaked in alcohol. I was scared, but I soldiered on. The Queen rewarded my faithfulness by becoming a spicy sweet dream of a perfume, blending in absoultely magically with the King on my other wrist.


    After an hour or two, the sharp spices faded out and the soft incense note appeared. Faint hints of the pomegranate and vanilla warmed the scent. It started to feel like my own smell, only better, more grounded and confident. I think that being an Air girl (Gemini sun, Libra Moon), this really balanced me, which I hadn't expected. This is a keeper, for sure.


    Like I said in the review for the King, this is a perfect match of scents. I plan on wearing both the King and Queen, together and seperately. The Queen could also be worn by a man who likes a little sweetness in his scent.

  23. After going on a spree with my Chaos Theory blends and the Ace of Hearts, I showered and put the King of Clubs on one arm, and the Queen on the other.


    OK, this is just sinfully delicious. Like Macha and UltraViolet said, this would be utterly fantastic on a man. But I love it and plan to wear the hell out of it, man or no man.


    In the bottle, it's sweet and spicy, with a sharp twist of the bitter almond. On my skin, it becomes Sin mixed with fig. Oh yes, so yummy. The amber comes out to play after an hour or so, and blends seamlessly with the tobacco note with just a hint of the leather underneath.


    This is a strong, subtle, calm scent, and it matches the Queen so beautifully. This is really a perfect pair of scents, to wear together yourself, seperately, or as an actual couple with your partner (male or female, as I found both scents to be fairly gender neutral).
