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Everything posted by dreadeddragon

  1. dreadeddragon


    In the bottle: This is exactly salty ocean breeze. It reminds me of a Body Shop room oil I had once, very refreshing. First on: It's very strong and slightly cologne-y smelling, but it's still that room oil scent, perfect for such hot humid weather. Drydown: The cologne-y scent is still there, unfortunately. It's exactly the same though, it doesn't change at all. Overall: I think if it had lost that cologne scent I would have loved it as a room oil, but it's a bit too much for me and I'll probably just sit on it. To a new home it goes!
  2. dreadeddragon


    Wistful and vulnerable: lotus, water blossom ivy, stargazer lily and white rose. In the bottle: A very feminine Ophelia. All lotus & rose. First on: It's a very heady floral, but a nice belnd under that. If it calms down it might be nice. After an hour: Another cloying floral. I'm just not meant to wear rose, lotus or jasmine I think. Overall: A very sophisticated scent that is watery and sad in a way like Ophelia. I wish it contained more of her passion or insanity.
  3. dreadeddragon

    The Lion

    In the bottle: God, I know this smell! I can't place it though, I hate that. I can definitely pick out the amber and spices, and maybe something a bit tart? First on: What is this scent? It reminds me of being a kid somehow. Some sort of candy. Fun Dip maybe? I like it. After an hour: The candy scent is in the background now, and the spiced amber is up front with some dry grassy scent. Overall: I really like it. It very much described a lion rolling about in the sun.
  4. dreadeddragon


    In the bottle: It smells like a nice floral boquet that's rotted or gone sour. Something's not quite right here. First on: It's very prominant and very citrus floral. It feels like it'll go sour on me like most rose blends, which sucks. I can pick out the rose & the jasmine behind the sour though, so time will tell. After an hour: The sour is gone and it's just a very cloying floral blend. It's actually very pretty, but not for me. It reminds me of dried potpourri petals. Overall: Very pretty in an old Victorian way. Not for me.
  5. dreadeddragon


    In the bottle: Citrus, cedar, and something earthy First on: That is either one pungent musk or there's civet in this, because I stink. Behind the rotten stench that is either musk or civet (I'll be able to tell later on) there's a general woodsy scent to it. After an hour: I haven't been able to smell myself reeking yet, so I think it's musk. Either that or it's a very calm civet, because musk usually doesn't go quite so rotten on me. It's pure spoilt milk. Overall: Yuck
  6. dreadeddragon

    Black Opal

    In the bottle: Soft powdery vanilla First on: Vanilla, maybe a hint of almond, and musk. After an hour: I think this might be the first vanilla scent I actually like. It's pretty much exactly the same. Overall: It would be perfect on a breezy day around 75 degrees. Too bad we don't have those in LA. I'll keep the imp, but I doubt I'd get a bottle.
  7. dreadeddragon

    Val Sans Retour

    In the bottle: Citrus and a hint of pine. I got an empty as a freebie from a swap, there was barely enough for a test. First on: Definitely something in the mint family, but not the menthol mint. Maybe just plain mint leaves? There's a sweetness to the citrus as well. After an hour: It's so faint I can barely smell it, but it's the reminants of a nice woodsy citrus. Overall: Maybe if I had been able to really test it I would like it better, but it didn't even last an hour on me. Still, I'm glad I got to try it.
  8. dreadeddragon


    In the bottle: Green life savers. First on: I smell eycalyptus and body odor. This is unpleasant. There's a flower in there somewhere, but I can't place it. Drydown: Still mint & body odor. Gross. Overall: Ew.
  9. dreadeddragon


    In the bottle: Smokey and leathery, but there's something else I can't identify, some sort of alcohol. First on: Leather mostly, with tobacco and still that alcohol smell. Maybe it's the musk playing a trick on me. So far the tobacco hasn't gone all sour on me, and the ambergris hasn't turned, so this might be a first! Drydown: The tobacco is definitely sour, and the ambergris is faint but did go through a rather stinky phase. It's a good thing I'm not insanely partial to smelling like leather, or I'd be sad. Overall: Not horrible, but not for me.
  10. dreadeddragon


    In the bottle: It smells like a butterscotch hard candy. With a bit of liquor. First on: I feel like caramelized sugar. This smells like a cross between Sugar Skull and Trick or Treat so far. Very buttery and sugary, I don't think this is for me. Drydown: Exactly the same. I've never had a foody scent change on me. Overall: Definitely for someone other than myself.
  11. dreadeddragon


    In the bottle: Holy dirty hippy batman! That's a lot of sage! It sort of smells like dirt. First on: It's so potent I can smell the small amount I put on without lifting my arm. After a while the cedar really comes out and the sage dies off (yay!) leaving a very outdoorsy woodsy scent. I could picture a lumberjack smelling like this. Drydown: Mostly now cedar and bay. It's a less exotic version of Old Kathmandu. Overall: I'd like this scent for some incense, but not for a perfume on a guy or a girl unfortunately.
  12. dreadeddragon


    In the bottle: Fruity and bubble gummy. Not my style, but we'll see. First on: The amaretto and the wine blend together with the current in the background. It's very subtle, and might be too sweet for me, but I like it so far. If the amaretto sweetness calms down a bit I might really like it. Drydown: The wine and currant are definately the most prominant, but the amaretto is still very sweet. There's almost a hint of coconut to it as well. Overall: I'll use the imp, but wouldn't get a full bottle.
  13. dreadeddragon

    The Star

    In the bottle: Bitter orange, strong lime, and a hint of something else. First on: This totally reminds me of Leo! Yay, something I can wear if I run out of Leo!IT's mostly lime, but with a slight hint of sweet or floral underneath it. Drydown: This has now gone almost all lime. And a bit of coconut. It's still enough like Leo to wear if you love the discontinued zodiac blend, but it's not identical. Very very citrusy. Overall: I had expected something a little....more..... from the Star. I don't know why, I guess I just expected a scent that would capture everything you could want. It's miraculously 2 dimentional for that, although I do really like the scent.
  14. dreadeddragon

    The Tower

    In the bottle: Cinnamon & dragon's blood mostly. First on: Now I can smell the vetiver. It's not a blend I would have thought to work, but it does nicely. Drydown: It hasn't changed at all. The dragon's blood cinnamon combo gives off a red hots vibe to it, and when combined with the vetiver it darkens and gives a more serious note to it. I like it a lot, it's vaguely similar to Serpent's Kiss. Overall: Gorgeous representation of the Tower. The chaos of the cinnamon with the power of the dragon's blood and the seriousness of the vetiver perfectly describes the path the Tower usually takes.
  15. dreadeddragon

    The Devil

    In the bottle: This is Death but with a hint of mint First on: Yup. It's the same vetiver patchouli but with a mint, I think it's pennyroyal. And musk. And if there's civet in it, I will start to stink in a few seconds. Drydown: Of course the water is turned off in my building right now, because I smell like a cross between cat piss and spoilt milk. Honestly, I stink so bad that it's hard to tell what the other test spots I had going smell like. Overall: The Devil always made me think of indulgences. This makes me think of vomit.
  16. dreadeddragon


    In the bottle: Green florals. It's like getting a boquet of mixed flowers. First on: I can pick out a bit of rose, and what I think is dandelion and daisy with greenry added. It's very light & refreshing. Drydown: It's a powdery floral now, still very green. It's very fresh and calming, like a bouquet in a country window. Overall: I think it captures the essence of Temperance fairly well. It's blending the different scents until a calm freshness is reached. Smelling this just makes one much more relaxed and calm.
  17. dreadeddragon


    In the bottle: Vetiver, patchouli, and other dark earthy scents. First on: It smells very much like Sloth, but with a citrus in it as well. Drydown: It hasn't morphed very much, though the citrus is a bit harder to detect. There's a bit of woods and moss as well. Overall: This perfectly describes the card. The earthy scents capture the death of something beautifully, while the latter scents spring up out of the former ones, when you had no idea they were there. Perfect.
  18. dreadeddragon

    The Hanged Man

    In the bottle: Berries, coconut, and a bit of mint. First on: Bubble gum lotus and sickly sweet. There's also somehing herbal below it that doesn't sit well with me. Drydown: I just get a hint of the berries leftwith a bit of the coconut underneath. It's mostly faded away. There's still something fighting the berry scent though. Overall: There's a bunch of scents around and they're all forming together, which does represent the Hanged Man, but I don't necessarily get the uncertainty of the card from this.
  19. dreadeddragon


    In the bottle: Bergamot or orange with a slight soapy twinge. First on: I smell like men's soap. Generic men's soap. LIke Old Spice or something. I can't pick out any notes, but I know that I smell clean! Drydown: Still sort of a masculine soap smell. It's nice, and I bet it would smell great on a hot guy right out of he shower, but definitely not for me. Overall: I'm not sure how this relates to justice, other than that it's a cleansing sort of scent while being very present in it's form.
  20. dreadeddragon

    The Wheel of Fortune

    In the bottle: Light citrus, some sort of tree or mint (maybe juniper), and a medicinal scent in the background. First on: It's gone mostly woodsy on me, but not in the typical way. It's a very light wood with a hint of something just a touch spicy, and that touch of mint as well. Drydown: This is Dia de los Muertos '05 but without the tobacco, which was he main reason I didn't like it. Berries, sweetness, and a hint of smoke. Not at all what I was smelling earlier. Overall: It changed to much in the span of an hour that it is the absolute perfect wheel of fortune scent. I had absolutely no clue this is what it would end up like based on my first impressions. Yet somehow it let me off right where the scent worked for me. Kudos to Beth, I think this is the most accurate tarot blend I've tried so far.
  21. dreadeddragon

    The Hermit

    In the bottle: Pineapple? Banana? It's definitely a sweet fruity blend with a hint of saltiness. First on: Spice cake! It's a blend of spices with that freshly baking cake sweetness. Drydown: I can't even smell it anymore, though I can tell that I'm wearing somehting in that general viscinity. Still sweet, no more spice or salt. Overall: At first, I thought it was perfect. Smart, isolated, and reclusive yet being strong. Then it faded so quickly that I just don't feel it's right for the card. Or maybe my skin chemistry just sucks with it.
  22. dreadeddragon


    In the bottle: Green leafy goodness. Like roses, but the whole plant, not jsut the flower. First on: I still get the greenness in general, but I agree it's definitely a dandelion scent. It's almost like fresh cut grass. Drydown: I still get the green feel, but I can definitely feel the amber as well, and it's a resinous amber, not a powdery one. Overall: This is a quiet strength. Not a scent that would describe strength to me at all, but onw that inspires it when I smell my arm. This would be something to wear if you have a dificult situation to deal with and need some strength to call on.
  23. dreadeddragon

    The Chariot

    In the bottle: Anise and lotus. It's like bubble gum licorice. Wierd. First on: The same as above but with a bit of toned down sweetness. Maybe some vanilla in there? Drydown: Still the same as above. I generally hate licorice so this one is definitely not for me, though the anise is much less powerful than it could be. Overall: I definitely feel like there's 2 completely different directions to go here, but they both seem to work together somehow instead of fighting with each other. Totally the chariot.
  24. dreadeddragon

    The Lovers

    In the botle: Citrus, ylang ylang, a touch of cinnamon and maybe some carnation? First on: Lemon! With some florals in the background, but mostly jsut lemon. Drydown: THe lemon is barely there, the cinnamon is gone, and I'm left with ylang ylang, carnation, and maybe some jasmine or lotus. Overall: I thought I rembered more cinnamon in this. It's a lovely blend, but to me it embodies love, when the lovers card was always knows to me as passion in general. Pasion and love are two totally different things, this blend is gorgeous but doesn't seem to fit the card in my interpretation of it.
  25. dreadeddragon

    The Hierophant

    In the bottle: I would love this as a room scent! It's spicy but not strong or invasive, definitely clove & frankincense with some woods. I love it! First on: Wow, my skin turned all red! It only does that with Inferno, but with this I couldn't even smell a huge ton of cinnamon in it at first. It's jsut about all I can smell now though. Cinnamon, clove, and that powdery smell that's either frankincense, vanilla, or amber. Drydown: I think the tarot oils in general hate me because out of 6 tonight, this is the 4th that I can't even smell anymore, which is a shame because I was ready to get a big bottle. I still get a whiff of smoke and spice, but it's barely there. Overall: Once again, Beth does it with the perfect match. The heirophant is bold and powerful, yet reserved and pious.