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Posts posted by cupide430

  1. My first impression, is that rootbeer and bandaids? Mostly rootbeer with a slight plasticky note in the background. Very different on the skin than in the imp. It was much stronger and almost antiseptic smelling. On the skin it smells a lot less medicinal. This is going from rootbeer and bandaids to rootbeer and powder.

  2. At first a sort of cologne-y floral. Very cool in tone and quite strong. As it dries it is lightening up and smells less cologney and more floral. This sorta reminds me of scent strips in magazines, that sort of flat floral perfume-y cologne scent. Ultimately, this seems like a very summery floral to me. It is fairly light and just has a twilight on a warm night feel to me.

  3. And you fresh floral folks like Cupide will like this I think. It also has good staying power.


    I love that April name-checked me in her review. And for that, I was very excited to try Dreamland. Unfortunately it didn't work on me quite as well as I hoped. It was an almost air-freshenery strong floral at first. A lot of Tuberose. As it dries, it does calm down a bit and loses the air freshener vibe. What I'm left is Amsterdam with an extra shot or two of something stronger and more heady. I do appreciate this blend, but it isn't quite my flavor of floral. I've found a lot of the DiMV florals to have a similar headiness and sweetness that just doesn't work for me.

  4. Sweet, fresh, and soapy at first. Almost violet-y on me at first. The soapy-violet-y bit goes away fairly quickly and what is left is a very sweet floral. It is quite fresh and quite strong. It has pretty good staying power, so far. This would make a good fresh spring scent.

  5. Something wacky is going on here with my decant. I definitely thought this would be totally anti-me as it contains notes that usually don't work for me but tried it anyway in the interest of science. :D I did get sharp strong vetiver at first from this but it very quickly dried into a sweet smoky scent that almost has a light gardenia overtone without the headiness of gardenia. This is surprisingly wearable for me considering my reaction when I first read the notes (which was something to the effect of :P)

  6. As much as I want to love a perfume called Alone, this one is pretty close to Val-bane. This is very strong vetiver with patchouli on me at first. Cardamom is coming out and slowly beating back the vetiver to reveal a bit of sandalwood.

  7. I have some psycho half imp of this that just keeps depositing more oil on my fingertips than on my arm, with that digression over, on to the reviewing. It is a bit sharp with a very fruity overtone to the floral. As it dries, it fades FAST. I've applied this twice in less than 20 minutes and I can barely smell this at all. What I can smell smells a bit like a light soft floral fabric softener.

  8. A bit earthy and quite strong in the imp. Once it hits my skin it becomes a sort of round almost fruity tinged floral. It is all night-blooming jasmine, heady and strong. It gets a bit lighter and a touch powdery as it dries, I think that might be the lily coming out.

  9. Sharp camphory eualyptus with a light cinnamon tinge behind it. The oil itself is a bright red, brighter than any other I've seen before. On the skin it is more sharp eucalyptus than cinnamon at first. As it dries it becomes warmer and spicier.

  10. Super strong vetiver mixed with a bit of an almost manure-y scent, similar to the scent I get from Oneiroi, but not as strong. This is mostly vetiver for a while but at some point it dries down to a very nice floral that is a bit powdery in tone. It fades pretty quickly though.

  11. This started out with sharpness and smelled plasticky and a bit acrid. As it dries, it is turning into a lovely light floral with a delightful sweetness. Almost honeyed (but not cloying) and quite gentle and springy. Sometimes, when I sniff my arm, I still get the flat acrid notes with a plasticky undertone. There's also something very powdery going on here. A lot of different things are happening at once, making it hard to really "read" this scent. After searching for ylang ylang blends, I can now pick this out as a component of Eve.

  12. Phantom


    I tried Phantom and Lust tonight and wondered why they smelled similar... looking at the notes, they share musk, myrrh, and ylang ylang as components. Phantom is sweeter and more powdery than Lust by a longshot. There's a hint of some sort of plasticky bandaid note in the background with a sweet powdery rosy floral on top. This is a better rose for me than most, but the bandaid note would keep it from being a real keeper for me.

  13. Jazz Funeral

    This is a complete surprise to me. Earthy and ozoney at the same time. Very fresh and a bit green smelling with a very deep note underneath. There's almost a fruity floral aspect here-- alongside the ozone-y notes. This works on me far better than I thought it would. It still might be a bit mossy for me, but a great scent experience.

  14. Lust

    Warm and very deep. This is very heavy and quite strong on me. I can't pick out any of the notes specifically but this is very deep and red to me in tone. I'm getting something strong and earthy from this, which I think might be the patchouli and something sweeter that smells almost like dragon's blood. Plus there's a hint of some sort of flat plasticky note in the background, that is almost bandaid like.

  15. Lurid

    *Swoon* Sweet, sweet berry with a teensy hint of herbal to keep it from being cloying. This has a very much sex kitten cotton candy vibe on me. No lavender, no ozone. Some white musk and lots of delicious berry. Often I get the currant = cat pee, but not here! YAY! Oh this is the fruity scent for me. It actually reminds me a lot of Philosophy's Falling in Love (it took me HOURS to figure this out!). There's something about this that is just so incredibly sexy. I'm not exactly sure it is work appropriate due to its sexy nature (and this is the first thing I've worn to work where I've said that... then again I almost never wear any of the sexier sounding perfumes... but I digress). Big bottle here we come. I'm going to slather this one like there's no tomorrow. Yum! :P

  16. There's a warm fruity edge to this floral. It smells very apple-y sweet to me with just the barest hint of floral. This smells very familiar to me, like another blend that I can't recall. It has a very fall/harvest-y edge to it, which doesn't quite fit in with the preconceived notions I had of Freesia. As it dries down further the apple-y note goes away and it fades into a light sort of tropically tinged floral.

  17. This is a sharp citrus with a bitter edge. Very much like orange rind/pith but also with a sort of plasticy bandaid note in the background. I can definitely pick this out as a component from Santa Eularia des Riu. After a while this dries into a flat chalky slightly plastic scent.

  18. The City in the Sea


    This smells almost exactly like Bed of Nails at first. It is a fresh, ozoney scent with a sort of citrussy undertone. Very masculine cologne-y. This has a touch of depth to it that Bed of Nails didn't have. Not particularly violet-y on me (and violets are usually very strong on me).

  19. The Haunted Palace


    Sweet and a bit juicy. A candy, sticky sweet. Almost grape-y. It has a deeper almost musky undertone but this is overall very sweet with a warmth to it. There's just the tiniest hint of spice here. It reminds me a bit of Madrid and some of the other sweet winey scents though this doesn't have wine listed as an ingredient.

  20. Spirits of the Dead


    Super strong delicious fresh tea at the beginning. Mouthwateringly yummy tea. It quickly faded into a pledge-y artificial lemony tea scent. As it dried a sweet fresh floral came out. It was quite brash at first with the strong tea notes, and now it is very very light.

  21. This has a very strong earthy green component on me. Almost a bit mossy even. I'm not getting much pumpkin, just the earthy note. And it is quite strong as well. As I continue to sniff my arm, I'm getting a bit of a warm sweet note behind the earthy note that must be the pumpkin coming out a bit.
