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Everything posted by cupide430

  1. cupide430


    Psyche Light lavender at first with something else behind it that is very warm smelling but difficult to pick out. The florals start coming out in a sort of sharp way that reminds me of the florals in Hymn. Maybe that's the frankincense. And I can definitely smell the rose, unfortunately this isn't the rose that works on me. A sweet, almost fruity floral is coming out as this dries down.
  2. cupide430


    Dorian Light, sweet tea with an almost burnt sugar note. I can see why everyone loves this. It's sweet without being too sweet. As it dries the tea note comes out more, but it still remains lovely and sweet. The tea and the sugar notes seem to be trading places, back and forth, as the sugar note is at the forefront again. I'll have to try this one out for everyday wear. I'm not completely in love with it yet, but I do like it quite a bit.
  3. cupide430


    Shadow Deep dank patchouli. Smells wet and earth and dark. There's something else in this, it's very deep and earthy but with a faint note of citrus-- I think it's lime. *reads description* Nope, that must be the lemon verbena. As it dries, the citrus note gets stronger and a woodsy note comes out as well. The patchouli is all but gone, leaving the woodsy notes and citrus notes which are very well blended together. After a while, the citrus note fades off as well, leaving the woodsy note.
  4. cupide430


    Kyoto Warm sweet cherry. Maybe some almond as well. It's getting less foody sweet as it dries and picking up a more powdery tone. I think it is the sandalwood coming out. The cherry is completely gone, leaving sandalwood and the star anise is really coming out. The anise is getting stronger and stronger.
  5. cupide430


    Dublin The scent of misty forests, damp alder leaf, and the gentlest touch of white rose. Warm sweet pine forest on me. It smells just like the Origins Into the Woods candle that I love dearly. Warm sweet pine. It would be a great fall/winter scent and I think it would make an especially delicious house scent. This scent screams cuddle up with me on a cold night. It is a bit masculine in tone for me and I can't exactly see using it for everyday wear, but I'm definitely keeping this one around. The throw on this is incredible. It is so strong. I keep getting whiffs of it everytime I move my arm.
  6. cupide430

    Juke Joint

    Juke Joint Mint and tobacco? This smells better than I remember it smelling (I sniffed someone's bottle at the NYC bpal meet up). Its light and fresh, like very minty tea-- emphasis on the mint part. I keep waiting for this to turn on me, but it isn't. It is getting ever so slightly stale as it dries, but it isn't as bad as I thought it would be by a long shot. The mint is fading out and what I imagine to be a tobacco scent is coming up. The scent on a whole is fading fairly quickly. Surprisingly inoffensive, but not something I'd wear.
  7. cupide430


    Haunted Fairly light scent. Smells like some Lush ballistic. Hmm, the notes say Amber and Black Musk. This smells so familiar and yet I just can't place it. It is much much lighter than I would have anticipated after reading the notes. It's a little bit sweet, but not in a foody way. I'm tempted to go sniff every ballistic I have to figure out this scent, but I'm still not sure I'd figure it out. This scent would be nice for when its just turning into fall. It is light, powdery and warm.
  8. cupide430


    Eternal Sweet and soapy. It has that strange "brown sugar celery" scent that I get sometimes from certain florals. Must be the gardenia. This doesn't change much from vial to application, to drydown. This fades very quickly, its been less than 2 hours and it is most definitely gone.
  9. cupide430


    Kitsune Tsuki Sweet and light. Mostly sugar with a touch of berry. Turns into a soapy ozone scent, but remains sweet. The sweet must be the Asian plum and the soapy ozone is definitely orchid. That's how they work on my skin. After a while, a melon note seems to be coming out. This is light and fruity and most reminds me of something from BBW. It smells fruity sweet like jello and is reminding me a lot of Lush's Sweetie Pie Jelly.
  10. cupide430


    Danube Watery floral hidden under EVIL GRAPEFRUIT RIND. There's a heavy dark grapefruit cloud which obscures what would otherwise be a lovely watery floral that smells like it is lily based. Oh I want to like this so much but the grapefruit is just killing me. Oh yes! The grapefruit is fading away. It's still there but getting less and less strong as it dries. Oh this could be such a pretty floral without the grapefruit. The grapefruit is 90% gone now. And this is a nice light, watery lily based floral with an almost cucumber note. Grapefruit is GONE! It took at least 15 minutes for the nasty grapefruit to fade away, I'm not sure if that's something I could overcome in order for me to wear this scent regularly. It is a lovely light scent, grapefruit not withstanding.
  11. cupide430


    Nyarlathotep Citrussy commercial like Szepasszony, but with a warm spicy note joining the citrus. This is a light spicy citrus blend that is a bit commercial smelling and would probably be great on a man.
  12. cupide430


    Florence Woodsy and earthy with just a touch of fruity sweetness. I'm getting something like patchouli overlayed with fruit. It's a fairly gentle scent but quite earthy. I just looked at the description, it must be the amber that is smelling like patchouli to me. Its getting sweeter as it dries but remaining earthy. As it settles into long drydown, a powdery note begins to come out.
  13. cupide430


    Szepasszony Bubblegum fruity sweet with a citrussy commercial perfume edge. The bubblegum is fading out but the commercial citrus is sticking around. Its that ozoney citrus that plagued me in Storm Moon and Sea of Glass. This might be refreshing and beachy if you like that sort of stormy, ozoney citrus. Alas, Szepasszony is not for me.
  14. cupide430


    Ophelia Sweet, fruity floral with an ozone-y touch. Oh there's rose in here. And this is the bad rose. The rose that smells like hair. There's a touch of a green note, that might be the ivy. But really I'm trying to smell anything but the bad rose bit and not getting much else at all. I wish bpal rose worked on me, but it rarely does.
  15. cupide430


    Bewitched Sweet, sweet berries. No changing, no weirdness. Just sweet berries. Purple and juicy. A very sugary berry scent. I imagine folks who like Pink Sugar and are open to fruity scents will like this one. Not sure if I'd want a bottle of this as perfume, but I think I'd definitely like it as a scrub or other bath product.
  16. cupide430


    Crossroads Herbal at first. With a greenish scent that reminds me of shucking corn. Hmm. Maybe that's the mosses? I got a similar shucking corn scent recently in the Lush store when sniffing Blue Skies BBS. As it dries it sweetens and gets a bit incensy though stays mainly herbal to me. After a while, it isn't herbal at all, just sweet (in a non-foody way) and a little bit incensy.
  17. cupide430


    Eve This imp has gotten more chances than most. Now that I think of it, the past few times I've tried it, I've had my period. Maybe that's part of it. This is Eve's last chance with me and then it will be off to the swap box for her. It is actually not bad right now. I'm not getting that hairspray scent that I've been getting everytime I've tried Eve before this. Its a nice light floral that seems to have a rose-y overtone. The hairspray and other odd notes I used to get with this are gone, but the powdery floral drydown is the same. As much as I might want to like this one... I don't think I'm going to get past the other bad experiences with it. Off to swap pile.
  18. cupide430


    Kurukulla Very sweet fruit punchy at first. Must be the Lotus. It isn't bad on me, which gives me hope for things like Lotus Moon. The rose makes it smell like ozone-y fruit punch on me. And then the true bpal rose scent comes out on me. I wish I liked bpal rose. Its one of those notes that I thought I liked, but it turns out I don't. It ends up more lotus-y than rosy on me but all in all it isn't fabulous on me.
  19. cupide430


    Vice Warm, sweet chocolate with a hint of cherry and a hint of orange. As it dries the fruit note is coming out more. Now I'm getting that cherry chapstick smell that I got from Bordello. I'm not sure if there's a hint of the chocolate or if it is just that I want there to be a hint of chocolate. Not bad, but not a keeper. Next!
  20. cupide430


    Languor Light almost citrussy incense. Really light though. I put some on, could barely smell it, slathered more on and can still barely smell it. Weird. Its still fairly light but I can smell it a bit better. I can't pick out any of the notes at all. Its just warm and incensy. Now it almost smells like a lighter version of the Living Flame to me.
  21. cupide430


    Cordelia Starts off with a smoky tobacco note. Seriously, this smells like wet, smoky tobacco. *reads notes* lilac, lemon, green tea, wisteria, osmanthus, white cedar, and Chinese musk Nothing about that says wet, smoky tobacco to me. Weird. Ok the smoky tobacco note must be the cedar note. It is starting to mellow and a light floral is coming out. The green tea note is making itself known and is really the only thing I can smell other than the cedar. The green tea is actually starting to overpower the cedar. After a while a floral comes out and joins the green tea note. Its a sort of fresh but powdery floral.
  22. cupide430


    Hymn Starts out with a hard edged sharp floral that reminds me a touch of Belle Epoque. The harder edge is slowly fading off into a powdery floral. It's not really for me. Another one for the swap pile.
  23. cupide430


    Jezebel Starts off very sweet creamy orange with a honey tinge. The honey gets stronger and stronger and kicks the orange note out. It smells sorta Lush-y to me and makes me think of the kind of orange note in Whipstick and a little bit of Honey Trap. Then some weird burning hair note comes out, but fades quickly enough. The ultimate dry down on me is a sweet powdery scent. I've tried this three or so times. I tried to like it. It was one of the first imps I got. I give up, off to swaps.
  24. cupide430


    Twilight Strong lavender at first. The kind of lavender that smells off to me. Overpowering lavender which fades off quickly to a light almost ozone-y floral. I'm quite certain that this floral has jasmine. It dries down to a slightly powdery but heady floral.
  25. cupide430


    Rosalind Green and grassy. Its similar to the Hermit but without that smokiness that the Hermit has. Its got a really nice green scent that ultimately dries down to a sweet berry-ish scent. I think this would compliment Lush's new lotion called Skin Sin really well. And it seems to fade fast. I think I'm going to keep this around and try it a few more times.