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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by cupide430

  1. cupide430

    The Lovers

    The Lovers Mildly sweet at first like some sort of hard candy with a floral edge to it. As it dried down it went to a sort of chemically anise phase. There must be something with my skin chemistry as this was a really odd twist for this to take. After a while of drydown, it is a light sweet scent with a soft slightly creamy edge.
  2. cupide430

    The Emperor

    The Emperor My skin just ate this one up. It smelled like soft powdery soap when I sniffed the imp wand. A bit like Dove soap or Oil of Olay soap. Some generic light soap. There was a touch of mint to this at first. Once I applied it, I could barely smell it at all and had to practically rub my nose on my arm to get any scent from this. It is still a light soapy scent, not much else.
  3. cupide430


    Strength Wet and green. Sorta smelled like some sort of generic green soap at first-- like Zest or something. Had a lime-y tinge at first and then went into a very wet green stage, sorta reminiscent of cut flower stems with a depth to it like the initial stages of Roadhouse (that boozy sort of green scent). After a while a touch of fruityness joins the green.
  4. cupide430


    Judgement Earthy Dragon's Blood. I'm getting the sweet resin of Dragon's Blood with the barest hint of cherry to it plus a strong helping of something very earthy. This is a very deep scent. It is fairly heavy too. The Dragon's Blood sweetens up the patchouli a touch, but overall this is very earthy.
  5. cupide430


    Justice Violets and a warm tea note. The tea note is slightly woodsy and the violet note seems to vary in intensity during drydown-- it is light at the beginning, then the tea note is strong, then the violet dominates completely with just a hint of tea. Not the worst violet blend on me, but violetty blends don't usually work for me so this won't be a keeper.
  6. cupide430

    Tzadikim Nistarim

    Tzadikim Nistarim Lightly sweet tropical fruit with a hint of a musky edge. There's a little something too heavy about this. I'm not sure where I'm getting the tropical fruit from. A little sweet and a little creamy. Overall, ok.
  7. cupide430

    Serpent's Kiss

    Serpent's Kiss Fairly strong vetivert at first. After a while, an almost violetty sweet spicy scent. Interesting, but so not for me.
  8. cupide430


    Namaste This smells like Pledge. Furniture polish and lemon. Must be the lemongrass. Oh boy. Totally pledge-y to me.
  9. cupide430


    Wicked Oh yes, that's jasmine there. That sorta deep sweetish jasmine. With just a hint of something deeper behind it that I imagine is the myrrh plus a gentle tinge of rose. This is surprisingly nice for a jasmine + rose blend as they're both floral notes that often go wonky on me in bpal blends. Overall, a very deep floral.
  10. cupide430


    I was hoping for more lily from this as I am a lily-lover but all I'm getting is woods and aquatics. There's a slight hint of fruitiness that could be the lily but overall this is a sort of deep mossy wet wood on me.
  11. cupide430


    Deep dark and heavy at first. A big initial hit of vetiver followed by a deep sweet fruity fig. Very dark fig with a hint of a creamy edge. There's a touch of spice here too.
  12. cupide430


    Yep, that's violet. And hey, there's the rose. But the shocker for me is that they're playing nicely together on my skin. The violet isn't that weird sickly sweet scent and the rose isn't that bizarre chemical bitter scent that I seem to get from rose. Wow, could I write a more negative sounding positive review? This is actually quite good on me and I'm a major violet-ater! The violet somehow adds a bit of freshness to the rose. All in all quite lovely and 100% better on me than I thought it would be after reading the notes.
  13. cupide430


    Smoky and deep with an earthy note at first that smells fresh and damp. The earthy note fades away quite quickly leaving deep warm incense notes. This is a bit sharp and a touch spicy. Definitely something I'd recommend to those who like deep rich dark notes like this, but not exactly for springtime flower loving me.
  14. cupide430


    I ordered this because I was intrigued by all the banana-y reviews and I do like some of the banana-y Lush products. This definitely starts off as a hot warm banana scent with a heavy deep tropical note underneath it. There's a headiness to that tropical scent. As it dries the banana note fades off leaving a the tropical note which lightens up a little bit and isn't as heady as it dries. Leaving a hint of fruitness and a deep perfume note.
  15. cupide430

    Machu Picchu

    Fresh and wet and green with a hint of fruitiness and some florals. There is a slightly sharp green note. There's a definite tropical bent to the floral in this and just a hint of fruit.
  16. cupide430


    This was very sharp lavender with a hint of weird heady floral on me at first. As it dried a bit of sweetness has come out along with a hint of an almost violet-y floral. It definitely is redeeming itself in drydown as the beginning notes of this were just too much (too brash, too sharp, too lavender) on me. The drydown is definitely bearable though this isn't quite the blend for me.
  17. cupide430


    A quick flash of rich citrus at the beginning, this moves quickly to a deep masculine herbal scent. This is very much an herbal lavender on me with something deeper behind it. Definitely too masculine for me. I can see this being worn by a very well dressed, somewhat conservative and traditional man.
  18. cupide430

    Santa Muerte

    Sharp bitter floral. I think this mostly chrysanthemum with a hint of rose. The rose that doesn't quite work on me. There's something lovely hiding under the bitter notes, I wish that the gentle floral bit came out more strongly.
  19. cupide430


    Such a lovely light almost boozy fruity scent with a hint of floral. The fruity-ness of this is so gentle and light, I can't describe what kind of fruit it is at all. Just a hint of sweetness from it. This seems like it would be excellent for the early days of summer.
  20. cupide430

    Santo Domingo

    There's a sort of greenish wet smelling note at first. As it dries, I get an almost bug spray note over a powdery floral. The powdery bit is nice enough, but the bug spray overtone doesn't quite work for me.
  21. cupide430


    Smooth deep earthy chocolate. At first more chocolate and then as it dries, more earthy. This is a very rich chocolate scent that isn't sweet at all and isn't very foody either. A very unusual blend. Not sure it is for me, but I'm happy to have tried it.
  22. cupide430


    I'm having one of those weeks where I keep trying things I never thought I'd like and find I'm pleasantly surprised. This is another one of those blends. Black patchouli is almost never my thing and I don't always fare well with Ylang Ylang or Neroli but when I smelled this in the imp I was very eager to put it on. There was just something a bit intoxicating about this. Just an amazing and unusual floral on me. After a while the Ylang Ylang starts to come out strong which throws the whole blend a bit off for me. Definitely a candidate for further testing as I'm surprisingly enamored of this right now.
  23. cupide430


    Sharp and yellow-y green. This has a strong pine sol like overtone to me. It is very brash and quite strong (or perhaps I overapplied...). It is very masculine. As it dries some of the sharpness wears off but the dominant note is a cologney sort of pine.
  24. cupide430

    Black Hellebore

    This is a medium strength floral with a touch of a boozy fruity edge. After it dries for a while, I get a gentle rose every now and then from this. It is fading a bit quickly, but it is nice.
  25. cupide430


    Sweet and powdery at first. A very mild powdery honeyed almond. As it dries the almond fades out and a light dusty floral moves in. So far this is my favorite of the Sephiroth. There's something really lovely and comforting about this scent.