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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by olympia301

  1. A beautiful melange of notes with amber (mmmmm, really good amber) and myrrh (mmmmm, really good myrrh) and honey. I thought this one was just "damned beautiful". Odd to say that the hazelnut keeps on stealing the show. Just when I am ready for it to simmer down and step aside so I can admire the amber, it continues to hold center stage. I think hazelnut is really one of the most insidious and long lasting things you can put in, well, anything (it is particularly long lived in coffees). So, I am not surprised when this one just started out with Much Hazelnut and then finished up as Much Hazelnut on me, and that was sort of too bad, because the background is exquisite. This could just be my nose picking up Hazelnut over everything else, or it could be some form of hazelnut-a-phobia on my part. The rest of it is really really pretty, and goes with the picture beautifully.

  2. Black Lace is one of the most beautiful BPAL's I have ever smelled. I do smell the cotton and a haunting vanilla which is strong and uncharacteristically long lasting (which is a good thing). The booze is there in the beginning, but it lightly fritters away. The whole thing is lashed with musk and lasts for hours as a good strong fragrance. I really love Black Lace and am glad I hunted it down and was able to buy it.

  3. Me, too. Orthodox resins, clovey and well blended. I loved the drydown on my skin. I didn't get orris either, but I don't feel so bad because that seems to be a normal reaction. I actually believe that the orris is in there but it blends with the other stuff so well, and it's not a jump out and look at me kind of fixative; but you know it's there.

  4. I am in love. This is one scent I would urge anyone who is interested in BPAL to get and try. Wow. Many thanks to ETDQ for the decant and I will be buying at least one bottle.


    I think there is a quiet citrus component with this one, and it is done with such deftness that I only get an impression of it. The vanilla is flawless, and there is a clean sort of musky part to it as well. It doesn't scream at you when you put it on, but it seems to become more noticable as time goes on. I keep on thinking "The Mouse's Long and Sad Tale" here but this is really perfect, complex but seemingly simple.


    If I were to take a trip down memory lane like Clover did, I would have to say that I fell in love with Faberge's Kiku long long long ago (it was the only truly wonderful scent Faberge ever made). Haloes reminds me of Kiku. It isn't the same, but it is somehow similar.

  5. eggnog.jpg

    I really loved this 2007 rendition of Egg Nog. Beth outdid herself this year. The nutmeg is right on, and the cream and vanilla are exquisite. I have to say that it does disappear, but that is what scent lockets are for and I am going to get me at least one full sized bottle of this Yuletide treat! Mmmmm.

  6. This is going to sound crazy but...I love London with Grog! No kidding, roses and rum and butter...it's the berries. I love London with The Lion, too. And I love London with Jack. You could make a case for these British names going well with...London. Somehow they do.


    I think London is an exceptionally versatile BPAL. It goes beautifully with so many other BPAL's and it is stunning on its own, just as a perfect perfect rose scent. It's one of my favorites, too, for exactly those reasons.



  7. This one is really really beautiful. There is something in here which reminds me of Hungry Ghost Moon (of all things) it's a beautiful green note of some sort which keeps the rest of the runaway cherry and cream and vanilla from becoming too very very. I love this one and am so glad I got at least one bottle (not to mention the shirt, too). Mmmm. A classic.


  8. Beautiful and funny (The PEARilous Parlor). I just love the complexity which is brought out in the pear in a sweet and attractive way. It has a small amount of throw and I think that is just right for such a sweet scent, if it were "loud" it would run the risk of cloying, as it is the strength of it is just perfect and it is a beautiful treat for anyone whom you would want to let into your personal space. Really good.

  9. This one reminds me of the cassia note I was getting so much of in the Chaos Theory II series. I don't really get a lot of green from The Ghastly Garden, a whiff of vanilla maybe. It's a very good one, not perfumy to me and very very BPAL-ish...I don't think you could guess that anyone else had made The Ghastly Garden, and that is a compliment.

  10. What Anna D. said. This is really well done floral perfume, but please don't think "Floral, oh no!" It is gorgeous and everything is so well blended together that the whole is really better than the sum of the parts. I do need a big bottle of this and I am very sorry this isn't a permanent part of the GC! It's that good. So if you are interested in owning something which is a wonderful LE, The Atrocious Attic is pretty amazing!

  11. I got this as a frimp and didn't know what to make of it...at first. Xiuhtecuhtli is something you should NOT dismiss out of turn. Give it a real chance to win your heart, and you may be sacrificed to the gods of good smellies. This one really reminds me of Black Opal without the camphor note in it (which is not my favorite part of Black Opal which I do love a great deal however). Xiu. is excellent. Very zesty, almost mineral or mineral with no almost to it. I think there is yuzu in here without any qualms at all about it's being here. It has a big throw, is strong and clean but at the same time very sexy. I call it unisex and it would do on a man as well as a woman. !This is good and powerful stuff, amigos!

  12. This one was my favorite from the whole BPAL Halloween series so far. It reminds me of acorns and tree bark, leaves as they have fallen to the forest floor and marching through all this with your friends on the way to an autunm picnic. It has a green, a mineral, and a smoky part to it. I think it's very sophisticated, not perfumy or foody, and not an exact picture of fall but the essence of fall as seen through a beautiful woman's skin. I really thing this one is great.

  13. Beautiful deep rich opium and incense. It is a medium throw blend and very pretty indeed. I would recommend that it be worn in a scent locket because it will go away surprisingly quickly on my skin, so you would want it to linger and so you would want to wear it in a scent locket!
