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Everything posted by olympia301

  1. olympia301


    I got this as a frimp and didn't know what to make of it...at first. Xiuhtecuhtli is something you should NOT dismiss out of turn. Give it a real chance to win your heart, and you may be sacrificed to the gods of good smellies. This one really reminds me of Black Opal without the camphor note in it (which is not my favorite part of Black Opal which I do love a great deal however). Xiu. is excellent. Very zesty, almost mineral or mineral with no almost to it. I think there is yuzu in here without any qualms at all about it's being here. It has a big throw, is strong and clean but at the same time very sexy. I call it unisex and it would do on a man as well as a woman. !This is good and powerful stuff, amigos!
  2. olympia301

    The Death of Autumn

    This one was my favorite from the whole BPAL Halloween series so far. It reminds me of acorns and tree bark, leaves as they have fallen to the forest floor and marching through all this with your friends on the way to an autunm picnic. It has a green, a mineral, and a smoky part to it. I think it's very sophisticated, not perfumy or foody, and not an exact picture of fall but the essence of fall as seen through a beautiful woman's skin. I really thing this one is great.
  3. olympia301

    Dia de los Muertos

    Very floral on me, with jasmine coming out a lot. It isn't 100% jasmine, not by any means, but one me it's close. I am sad that I am such a J-Magnet here.
  4. olympia301

    Event Horizon

    Beautiful deep rich opium and incense. It is a medium throw blend and very pretty indeed. I would recommend that it be worn in a scent locket because it will go away surprisingly quickly on my skin, so you would want it to linger and so you would want to wear it in a scent locket!
  5. Incantation. You can smell that one under water!
  6. olympia301


    Open, that is the word that comes to mind with Bat Woman. Lavender has really not been allowed to overpower the intro to BatWoman and all of it is so well blended that it is impossible to tell one note from another. This one is perfectly balanced, almost too perfectly balanced. It is such a "united front" that there is no one component which is poking out behind the others and commanding attention. Bat Woman is really pretty and worth the effort to obtain it.
  7. olympia301


    I didn't go ga-ga over the description of this one and got it sort of by accident as I signed up for a decant circle...boy am I glad I did. This is a nice blend...veeeeery nice indeed. Very musky almost citrus but not quite. Clean and veering toward woods even a bit cedar-like but not wholly masculine. Anyone could wear it. It is unique and if it reminds me of anything at all, I might be tempted to say Buck Moon but I don't think I am accurate. However the high crystalline quality of it makes me say it is a keeper.
  8. Boomslang and Bliss are great, Velvet is sandalwoody beauty chocolate, Tezcatlepoca (spelled wrong but it starts with TEZ if you want to look it up) is beautiful Mexican chocolate... Whatever you choose, try it out in a scent locket. I really think you are fighting the nature of chocolate scents if you want them to last. By their nature they are fleeting and lovely top notes. They are indeed going to disappear when they dry. You need a nice big scent locket to hang around your neck and let the chocolate scents let loose their prettiness throughout the day. Boomslang is something which just gets prettier and prettier with age. I would highly suggest you buy yourself two bottles of it, one to use now while it's raw and one to love later while it ages.
  9. olympia301

    Agnes Nutter

    Real real nice. I get a lot of vetiver out of the blend, and some smokey too. The smoke is small at first but it sure heats up the room within 5 minutes. Great concoction, that the link between smoke and vetiver was made so smooth and lovely. Real nice. Did I say that already?
  10. olympia301


    This one the the most red musk of the dusty and deep variety I have ever smelled. If you love teh smut, you will adore War. I can smell ginger in here but I pick up red musk to the limit for the most part.
  11. olympia301


    This is a beautiful use of lavender so that it performs it's smoothing and cooling magic and does not take center stage. I love a musk thing going in the background, too. This one is real typy and real good. I love it.
  12. olympia301

    The Knave of Hearts

    Beautifully rose and butter pastry wring in this scent, with the whiff of black currents slightly hard in the background to give the creamy/buttery part something to play off. Mmmm. I smelled this at a local meet and sniff and I think I am going to need a bucket full of it. Knave of Hearts is a winner in my book.
  13. olympia301

    The Gibbous Moon

    I just love this one. It is very refreshing and just in time for the Dog Days of summer, which is when we will need it. There is indeed cucumber, not one of my favorite notes but...when used with a deft hand it is dynamite. That is how Beth uses cucumber in The Gibbous Moon, she leaves the coolness of it and burns off the pickle-ness of it. It almost veers into violet (maybe the orris talking) but not quite. There is a floral aspect to it but not the ham-handed Flah-ral sort of "can't be bothered" approach, this is a wonderful addition to the whole and absolutely fitting. I am so glad I ordered this one and was afraid I would not like it, wrong. If you were scared to try it, don't be, this one is a charmer. If it fades too fast for you, wear it in your scent locket. Cool, pale and pretty.
  14. olympia301

    What's the best coconut blend?

    Elegba. I really like that one.
  15. olympia301

    Heavy BPAL scents

    Mmmm-Saturnalia is my big vote. Very vetiver very violet and...: Lex Talionis Eat Me Snake Oil Vixen (Red Musk but...) Ravenous (Earth Orange) Voodoo Hunger (with sexah narcissus) That is just a partial list. I think your friend will not be disappointed in the patchouli and vetiver numbers, as well as the vetiver and red musk numbers and...well, you get the picture. I think BPAL is an excellent excellent place for the vetiver lover.
  16. olympia301


    I was lucky enough to get a sniff out of the bottle when I went to a Show and Smell with Moonarcana and ForSpecialPlate in the 'hood. I loved this one. It was all fizzy ginger ale to me. Much prettier than the inmate herself. I could not detect any ketchup in this one whatsoever!
  17. olympia301

    Pink Moon 2007

    I was in love with Pink Moon 2005. I loved the uber sugar and small pink phlox in it and that it turned into pink pink cotton candy on me. This one is much more grown up, I think, with a really big dose of carnation and some serious perfume to it. I like it and I think the bottle art was excellent. Nice Pink Moon!
  18. olympia301

    Milk Moon 2007

    A fertile scent, generous, life-affirming, and swelling with a sense of triumph, warmth, and abundance: sweet milk, golden honey, fig fruit, pomegranate, dates, and white grape.[/i] I get a highly toned milk scent from this one in the bottle. I also see a bit of fruit in the mix here. There seems to be a cassia like item in here as well, and I guess I am the only one who thinks that. This one is real different from 2005 when there was a lime and Oblatala-like element to it. I think this one is real good, but I was wanting a reprise of the 2005. Get your mind in one place and... But if I had not smelled the 2005 then I would favor this one I am sure.
  19. olympia301

    Gemini 2007

    I am a Gemini. I don't like lavender as a general rule, too sharp and dry for me. So, of course, I cannot leave anything the Lab does alone...and being the solipsistic slob I am, I had to order some to see if it was meeeeee. Right? Well, I didn't know quite what to make of it at first. That is a good sign, that means it's interesting. It is a lavender blend but that unexpected sweetness of the orchid really puts those two opposites at a pretty point. I do like Gemini a great deal. I think it should be up there with my other orchid happies. If you got it, you won't be sorry. If you are interested in it, I would go for it.
  20. RAvenous. Absolutely the best orange evah.
  21. olympia301

    Mad Sweeney

    Wow. I was not expecting this! At first I got a nose hair singing alcohol smell. Wew! Don't smoke and uncork this one, you'll be sorry. It smells like real alcohol/volatile. Then, when it gets on your skin it does start to smell like whiskey but (like whiskey) it does not retain that smell for long it turns into very pure and chuchy incense! Real nice and long lasting. This is incense with the smoke still swirling around in it. Mmmm. One of the most true of burning incense smells ever. I love this one. Well well done, very creative, appealing and lovely and unexpected.
  22. olympia301


    My absolute favorite from the Snake Pit! The description does not do it justice, nor do the list of elements in it because they all combine to form something much more beautiful than the parts being flung in a pot and stirred up! I didn't recognize this as a floral in the first place, it was so well blended. There is a kinship to Snake Oil but you can't pin it down with your nose. I don't have it, I just sniffed it yesterday but it is so very beautiful. I was and am smitten, and I never thought I would say that about a floral.
  23. olympia301


    Snake Oil, Eat Me, sugar and tobacco all together and pumping out the really good scent here. Very foody but very sticky resin done perfectly well. I love this one and it is a shame that it is just a tease. I would love to buy it as a Premium Blend if that were Possible. Since it's not possible, I will just dream of it while I put on Eat Me and enjoy that one. The icon is about a TV program from the 1750's called Wild Kingdom. The host, Marlin Perkins (lower right) came across an anaconda in south America. His "friend" Jim Fowler (upper left) got hold of it to show it off to the camera, and the snake started to wrap itself around Jim Fowler and was going to have him for lunch. All the time, Perkins was talking away about the habits of the anaconda, "bla bla bla...isn't that right, Jim?". Poor old Fowler; finally part of the camera crew had to drop their equipment and come to the aid of the half eaten Naturalist. Much fun was made of that episode.
  24. I'm voting Boomslang. I love the cocoa and it does oddly morph into a minty range which lifts it up before that goes away and you get a pure Snake Oil thing with accoutrements. I am perishing to try King Cobra.Mmmm that sounds great.