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Posts posted by girlmadasbirds

  1. mmm.. honey and musk! i don't smell much of the ylang ylang, but there is something (i guess it's the labdanum) making it smell kind of strange. as long as the honey note stays strong, i'll hang on the imp... otherwise, it's off to the swaps.

  2. this is really pretty! i love stargazer lilies and this doesn't disappoint. the musk and amber keep it from being floral overkill and the aloe and linen give a nice "clean" fresh smell. definitely a keeper.

  3. i'm definitely smelling the liquor, orange, and berry... kind of reminds me of Grand Guignol. if there were less liquor and more patchouli, this would be wonderful..but as it is on me, i don't care for it.

  4. The depths of despair, a dark Ecclesiatical triumph: the incense of the Inquisition.

    strong incense... it smells like Cathedral, sandalwood, and cedar. the cedar gets a little overpowering at times, but after a while, it mellows out.
    i think this would be a great room scent.

  5. the tea, blackcurrant, and musk are giving this a very fresh scent... i really like it! it's a bit cologne-ish, but that's fading as it dries down. i think this would smell wonderful on a guy, but it's nice on me too. :P

  6. my first thought: now that's an unusual one!


    it smells of dust and teakwood with the cypress almost hidden. something about it is putting me off... i'm guessing it's the orchid.

    i'm a big fan of dirt scents, so i'll keep it around and see how it ages.

  7. wow... there's so many notes hitting me all at once! the carnation seems strongest, but i can also smell the incense, amber, rose, and sandalwood. i don't smell the honey, but it does have an overall sweet scent.

    i'm happy to have a decant, but a bottle would have been too much for me.

  8. i really thought i was going to like Smut after seeing all the comparisons to both Snake Oil and Snake Charmer (two of my favorite scents).

    but... it's not working for me at all. i don't smell any resemblance to the above-mentioned scents. :/

    it's nauseatingly sweet with a fruity scent and something that's like burnt plastic.
