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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Tigrrrlily

  1. I love that you're the only Leo I know who ADMITS to the champagne taste/beer budget. <3

    Welcome aboard!

  2. Aw.. I feel for you- I get terribly shy around people and usually my kid shames me by talking with everyONE! Hope you get your bottle of Reindeer- its wonderful!

  3. aww... thank you!

  4. Dia de los Muertos costumes: gorgeous!!

  5. Did you write the piece on your signature? Its lovely.

  6. Happy Birthday!!! And many moooore...!

  7. Happy Yule and Winter Solstice and Christmas my fellow addicts! <3

  8. Here I am! I loved your costume!

  9. Hey its me, Melissa! ^_^

  10. I got hit on by a blind guy the other day. I figured it was the BPAL

  11. I smell like smut and sticky love....

  12. I think its more "great minds think alike!"

  13. Im still LOLing at my deep dark secret. You are too funny

  14. is forcing herself to be hopeful

  15. is posting a lot lately on the disgustingly cute love thread. She would like to apologize. :)

  16. Isnt Floating Brain just the best??? I wish I had an extra but by the time I got to DD to get more, they were out. T_T

  17. Thank you for your input. I get a little always/never about things occasionally and need a some perspective sometimes... I'll keep it in mind.

  18. Thats a great question in the "what is..." thread!! omgsh. What would YOU do?

  19. Thats funny that you associated that with hamster- my hamster is a crazed cannibal killer. ;)

  20. Wait- do I work with you?? I actually do that with the popcorn! hahahahah

  21. Was that your little girl with the "hugs" at Black Market? Shes so cute!

  22. Welcome aboard, Lavender! *hugs*

  23. Wow, I love the way you review perfumes. looking forward to reading your book!

  24. You do realize you write the best f-ing reviews ever, right?
