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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Jupita

  1. Jupita

    Two, Five & Seven

    <div class="bpal" style="background-color:transparent; border: 1px dotted #000033; color: #000099; padding: 5px; width: 90%; align:center;margin:0 auto 0 auto"><i><!-- bpal scent start -->A huge bouquet of squished rose petals: Bulgarian rose, Somalian rose, Turkish rose, Damascus rose, red and white rose, tea rose, wine rose, shrub roses, rose, rose, rose… …and just an itty bitty bit of green grass.<!-- bpal scent end --></i></div> "Rose, rose, rose..." LIES! Let's start by saying, that this is by far the biggest disapointment of my order. I love rose scents... I actually love it so much, I can stay hours under the rain, smelling roses... And I love all rose scents, pink roses, orange, roses, white roses, red roses... So, when I ordered Two, Five and Seven, I expected something nice, that... hum... smelled of ROSES! In the imp - sweets. Wet - sweets with a tiny bit of dark red rose on the back ground. Like a bouquet of red, fake, roses, lying on a tea tray, litteraly covered in sweets. Dry - Somebody threw the sweets and the roses in the trash, and stuck your head in it too. Fake plastic, candy peaches and a hint of fake rose. Disgusting... I'm sorry, but this makes me gag, specially the plastic thing! --- So time has past, and I make another try at this... My love for rose has to win over the sweets, right? In the imp - still sweets. Wet- Gosh, I start smelling actual roses somewhere there, under it all... It's actually becoming rosier and rosier... is this going to work, I don't know... but I really hope so. This smells like I hoped it would smell a year ago... of roses, and grass, and a summer evening lying in the sun, in a rose garden... I think I'm in love... Apparently, the oil just had to age... a year... for me to be able to smell what I wanted.. It wafts from my wrists to my nose as I type... OMG, LOVE!
  2. Jupita

    The Temptation

    This was a freebie, but I kind of like it... It's in the same vein than The Zieba Tree, at least in the wet stage... I guess it must be the peach blossom... But then, it becomes softer... the peach blossom calms down a tad, and the other florals comme out to play. They are rather soft, and creamy... Pastel coloured... This smells like one of those frou-frou skirts women wore in the 19th century in France... It's kind of inocent at the first, like saying, I'm not a harlot... and then, if you sniff a little more, it says... "but, if you are nice enough to me, I can take you places you've never been".. I really like this scent, even if after the peachy note fades, I can hardly pintpoint any other notes... But it's a nice, soft floral... not heavy at all... I think I kind of like it more, than The Zieba Tree, that was somewhat sweeter... Bottle worthy, very wearable in summer... May order a bottle next spring... or for wearing when I go to bed...
  3. Jupita

    High John the Conqueror

    This, was one of the first oils to get on my list of imps... and never leave it (dispite me re-writing that list at least 100 times over 2 years, before finally ordering). In the imp, thia is a rather sweet floral... so when I sniffed it, I went "owww, ouch, ugh!" But let's face it, one must be brave... besides, I really liked the voodoo properties that they say it has... so, I decided to try it out anyway... On me, this is sweet at first, but then... after a few seconds, it's pure, fresh linden blossoms... And it's wonderfull. I feel like walking in a magical parc, surounded by birds singing and buterflies, flying by... I love this oil... really. As far as voodoo goes, I haven't seen much difference... but it's ok. It's worth it anyway.
  4. Oh yes - wool robes! He may wear leather boots, but the robes (and the way they would hold the scent of the lab) would be so much of it. (the leather is just in my dreams) (omg, did I say that out loud?) Heeeeeee! Juni, I'm glad you showed up in this thread, because I was about to point you in this direction otherwise. Hmm, I wouldn't have thought of Aziraphale for Severus, but now I realize that I might have overlooked it in favor of "darker" scents. (Winter of Our Discontent definitely makes me think of him.) But the wood, dust and books are very him... layer it with a red wine scent, and that sounds like Spinner's End, doesn't it? And yeah, I think leather scents are more for Lucius than Severus. He's a wool sort of guy. So maybe he smells like the perfect schoolmaster scent, Ichabod Crane: Dusty black wool, tea with cream, black pepper, muguet, and beeswax candle drippings. It even has the candle wax and tea! That sounds nice indeed... even if I'm not a fan of muguet... Is it a LE? I just see Umbridge as more of a candy type... evil-sickly-pungent candy...
  5. Jupita

    Peach, Peach Blossom, Apricot, Nectarines

    Titania, smells like peach skin to me. Peach skin, on a sunny and hot day.
  6. The description of Aziraphale, really makes me think of Severus.. I mean, seriously - Ethereal musk, blonde woods, and dusty Bible accord? Maybe layer it with something putrid and toxic to make it more potion-laby... but all in all, it's really very much like him for me... (Sorry, but I don't really see Severus as the leathery type - aside from his boots. I see him more of a wooly type - wool, parchment and potions).
  7. Jupita


    A gentlemen's blend, possessed of dignity, charm and refinement, but in truth masking a corrupted, hideous, soulless core. White musk, lime, lilac and citron. I was so excited about this one, when ordering... So happy when sniffing the imp, which was pure lime. So happy when first applying, and when the lilac came out to play and braid the hair of the citron... And then, puff, evil-evil-evil white musk came out, and ate them all... There is nothing left on my skin, but sweet white musk.... It's not that I hate white musk, I kind of like it - in winter! But I hopped it'd be a nice summer scent... so disapointed.
  8. Jupita


    If you ask me why I ordered Belladonna, I'll just blush at first... and then, still blushing, blurp - because of William Petersen, or if I'm totally honest, because of Gil Grissom... I had this dream, while thinking of what to order, of myself, walking in the woods, on a small path, talking with Grissom, when suddenly, he fell to his knees behind me, and started sniffing my inner tights, telling he smells Belladonna... I didn't hesitate... even knowing I probably won't like it... At first, its very strong, poisonous, green... like crushed stems of a highly toxic plant... Then, it starts becoming softer, still green, still toxic, but a little less harsh on my nose... I can smell the pine in the beck, it makes this scent colder than it could be... a little less intoxicating... I don't like it... it's deffinitly not me. But I'll see if I can wear it in a few months time, in winter... ETA - Ok, I should have waited a few hours before writing the review... it morphs, and becomes a beautifull soft floral, somewhat like Datura blooms (Thorn-Apple). This explains something about my dream... in it, I saw dried thorn-apples on the sides of the path we were walking on...
  9. Jupita

    Villainess and BPAL

    I think that Glasgow is quite similar, with the blackberry and the greenery of the heather. although it doesn't have the florals of Neisthai. Thanks, I'll try that together... I have Glasgow, even if it was kinda soft compared to the strong tea note in Neisthai..
  10. Well, I see I'm not the only one, to actually fantasize about Snape... Any ideas for... hmm... clean-Snape-after-hot-shower? I mean, sure, he's ment to be the greasy git from the dungeons, but, even he has to take showers from time to time, cleaning charms can only do that much)
  11. Aldercy, you are an evil person...)))) Now, I want HALF of those at least... I guess next time I make an order, I'll have to indulge in a Snape - Imp Pack... Snapes, six pack... ah... ok, I shut up. The Black Tower, Severin, Les Infortunes de la Vertu are sure going to be in there.. probably the Apothercary too...
  12. Jupita


    Venerable and solemn: the scent of incense smoke wafting through an ancient church. A true ecclesiatical blend of pure resins. I would definitly bath in Cathedral... It's the perfect scent for a gloomy evening, when it rains outside, and you've had a rough day... because it brings back the peacefull feeling of sitting back in your favourite curch, and hearing the orgue play.. to feel the holly feeling of angels pulling you higher and out of your body... And it doesn't matter what is your religion, or what God you worship.. because they all mingle together... and you just burst in pure, untouched, beautifull beatitude. From the 34 imps I recieved from the lab, this is deffinitly the only one, I think I'm desperatly in love with. Editted on the 21st july 2009 - I can't stop falling deeper and deeper in love with this scent. It's so simple, pure incese blend... and yet, so complex... It sticks close to the skin, and every time I huff my writs, I feel bursts of hapiness inside.
  13. Jupita

    Wolf's Heart

    Well, I don't know what I expected from this one... but deffinetly not what I got. Now that I do know what dragon blood is, I can say that Wolf's Heart starts pure dragon blood on me. And just like in Dragon"s Claw, it starts turning pungently, sickly floral and gives me a head ache at the beggining... Now, a few hours later, when the dragon blood has settled sligtly in the back, I start to see the diffirences with Dragon Claw. Where DC, was sligtly sour from the sandalwood, this keeps sligtly floral sweet... there is also some resins, maybe myrrh... it was specially strong in between stages, but my skin seems to have killed it pretty fast... it stills leaves a sligt spicey edge to the whole blend. I can't say I don't like it, it's nice... but I think I'll wear this one for voodoo properties only... it's not really my cup of tea. P.S. - actually, layered with Body Shop's Cherry Body Butter, this is very very nice. A year later, this has become my "go to bed" scent... I love wearing it when I go to sleep, it soothes me and makes me feel comforted...
  14. I'm sorry to hijack this thread, but, any suggestions for the Snape fangirl I am?
  15. Jupita


    Prunella is lovely... She's pure, sweet and soft, like a veil on your weding day.... like the sheets on your honey moon. She's a clean, beautifull lady, that wraps her arms around you, and her skin is so soft and white, you almost think it's alabaster. She rings at your door, and when you oppen, all you can see, is her beautifull purple dress and the lovely cake she's holding in her hands, while saying "Welcome to the neighbourhood, my name is Prunella and I live next door"... And you let her in, because she's so gorgeous and that cake looks delicious... but, as soon as she enters your house and puts the cake on the table, it gets forgoten, for she drops her dress in front of you, and you see her in her naked glory... She's lush, wonderfull... she smells of flowers, white, beautifull flowers... and you are lost to her... You forget about everything.... and just stare at her beauty, inhaling her scent... Yes, indeed, Prunella is lovely... a lovely, almost unoticeable sweet and softly floral, scent...
  16. Jupita

    Slippery Poppy Tincture

    I was really expecting to love it, because of the notes in it. Poppy, Acai berry and Honey... what can go wrong with that? Well, I can't say it goes bad... actually, it's a nice, sweet, honey blend, that I find to be probably lovely for late autumn. It starts with the red fizz of berries, I guess the fizziness commes from the poppy, that I can hardly smell... it almost has a hint of strawberry popsicle to me. Then, the berry starts desapearing and the honey comes to the front. He's lovely, and it's deffinetly a he. This honey isn't feminine at all, it's deep yellow honey, with just a sligtly floral edge... This scent is strong, and has a long staying power on me... at least, the honey does. I can't say it's a bad scent, I like it... but I'm not ordering a bottle of this... too darn sweet for my taste.
  17. Jupita

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    Slippery Poppy Tincture smells very much like sweet golden honey on me. White Rabbit, on the other hand, smells like sugar, sligtly wet sugar. No honey what'sover.
  18. Jupita


    Let's make a little introduction, to explain how I feel about Florence. Florence is the city, that has always teased my bisexual side... if Paris is my perfect male lover, then Florence is my perfect female one. It's a beautifull city of past times, that looks and shines like a golden orb. Another thing is amber. I'm not fond of amber, of it's sweet scent, that makes my head go swaying and turning, and my feet go tumbling down some stairs... So, we can say, that I ordered Florence for the name only... but, no, I also love irises, berries and I had high hopes for the spices too. In the imp, it's lovely, sweet but berrish and sligtly spicy... but as soon as it hits my skin, it starts becoming sweeter and sweeter... My skin seems to amp amber like crazy... to be in a passionate relationship with it... It actually feels like bondage... like very soft bondage. Like being tied by golden ropes to a bed with golden silk linen... and.... and... well, you do get the picture, right? On the drydown, its pure, honey like, powdery amber. I can't say I hate it... because for once, it's a lovely amber... But, I'm sort fo disapointed, that I don't smell any berries, nor spices, nor iris... On me, this is almost single note amber. Beautifull amber. But just that.
  19. Jupita


    Imp - Haribo Banana Candies. Wet - Still banana candies. It's kind of gross, because not only do I hate bananas in real, but I hate banana candies even more. After a few moments, the bananas fade. They disapear totally, leaving a strong, heady floral scent. It's sweet, very very sweet, very tropical, but without the greenery of the tropics... so, it smells kind of fake. Dry - Moonflower and Rose, Sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G First comes love, then comes marriage, Then commes Hi'iaka in a baby's carriage! Really, it's a nice scent, that I don't really see myself wearing much. It's way too sweet and over my head, even though the hawaian rose is actually delectable. I just reminds me of my grand-mothers house, somehow, her room has always smelled like this. I know that she always weared Dolce Vita from Dior, so, it might be similar to that perfume, even though, I'm not sure of that. I'm too young and careless for this scent.
  20. Jupita


    Nocnitsa.... Ночнитса... This was a freebie from the Lab, an unexpected one... Despite being russian, I didn't order any oils inspired by my heritage - was too afraid to be disapointed, since none of them had notes that I usually care for... Yet, this just... Let's see... It's a very early morning, and you are walking in the woods, all alone... the sun has just started to go up, and coloured everything this deep forest blue. The birds have started to sing... each telling it's own sweet story. And sudenly, far away, you see a red light... you think it's a person, and you run to it... faster, and faster... and it gets, brighter, and brigter... Before you know it, you step out of the woods, and you see the sun, go over the hills in front of you, a red halo around it, colouring everything a beautifull shade of peach... Everything around you, scents the air... the fir trees behind you, the berries, moss and grass at your feet. It's summer, it's morning, it's beautifull and warm... On me, this scent, has nothing to do, with the dark character it was named after... it's bright, happy, green and warm. It's a beautifull scent, and totally bottle worthy. On my bf, on the other hand, it was a deep, sexy fir tree scent. Very manly, very chilly and cold.
  21. Jupita

    Dragon's Claw

    Smooth, polished and lethally sharp: dragon’s blood resin and three sandalwoods. So... here we go. I've never smelled Dragon Blood before, so, I didn't know what to expect. I do love sandalwood, so I really hoped I would like it. When I opened the imp to sniff this, my first reaction was disapointment. It smelled very harsh, pungently floral. Like some cheap drak floral perfume. I closed the imp and left it for later. But, since, I've always thought that it's best to do the worst first, I decided to come back to it right away. This is not one to be slathered, oh no. This one, is to be dabed to the pulse points in such a tiny amount, you're not even sure it's there. The wet stage, was sharp florals... it screamed at me and yelled, beging atention, and almost knocked me inconscious. No sandalwood whatsover, if we ignore the sharp edge this had. I was already thinking to wash it off, since it was giving me the awfullest head ache, when it started mellowing. The flowers (gues it must be the dragon blood), finally, decided to step back, and let the sandalwood come out to play. Sandalwood, spicy, hot, sunny sandalwood. It's not overpowering, and I sincerelly can guess that I amp dragon blood, because it's still very much present on my skin, even 5 hours after aplication. Yet, now, it's a sharp, sexy, woodsy floral... that's saying - "wear me to a the Opera Garnier, I want to see Boris Godunov..." I know I won't be wearing this very often. It's a scent that doesn't go well with my everyday life. This scent, demands a black velvet dress, heels so high you get the vertigo, and a man to eat you at the end of the evening... This is a scent you wear out, to feel like a black princess... Something Bellatrix Lestrange probably would have worn before going gaga in Azkaban. It's perfumey and heady, and sharp and strong... and just plain beautifull. I'll keep my imp, for that night special night... when I want to be that woman.
  22. Jupita

    The Knave of Hearts

    Ok, this is my very first review... I'm slightly anxious. Let's say, first of all, that I'm not a foody girl. I'm a floral girl, a citrus girl, that's sure... but foody scents, usually, are just too sweet for me. I ordered Knave of Hearts because I thought, that I needed to try at least one foody scent from BPAL, and since, I love roses and like berries... this sounded just right. I don't know why, but on oppening my order, this was the one that jumped to me in the first place... so I opened the imps, that splashed sligtly over my t-shirt... and I nearly gaged! WHAT's IT ABOUT BURNED SUGAR?! Gosh! I closed it and almost thought of throwing it away, and burning the t-shirt that renched of burned sugar and gazoil. It was horrible. Instead, I put it away, where it wouldn't contaminate anything, changed, took a shower, and came back to my imps... Later on, I decided, that I was braver than that... and besides, scents morph on skin... So I put a tiny bit on my wrist, and POOF it started bringing the tart scent of currant to the front... It was actually kind of nice, with a slight burn sugar scent on the back, but I could smell myself without gaging. I even smelled the roses, very far away on the background. Then, in a moment, the currants died and the burnt sugary caramel, mixed with burned cookies of doom started comming to the front. Don't get me wrong, I like the scent of cookies, seriously, I even have a body butter with that smell... But this, this smelled like rancind, burned, cookies! I decided to give it some time, hoping for the currants or roses to show back again... but they didn't, and an hour later, when I thought I might die, my bf told me to go wash my hands, because they stink. I did just that, but the burned scent kept stalking me, no matter how hard I washed my hands... So sorry, but this is definitly not for me... it's, just, gross. My bf discribed this scent, on me like this - 10 cm layer of bakery + thick layer of butter + thin layer of black currants + 20 cm of burned caramel sugar + butter + 10 cm of bakery, all thrown on a pile of roses and crushing them so hard, that they just burned and desapeared.
  23. Jupita

    Villainess and BPAL

    Still nothing that smells like Neisthai?
  24. I can't comment on the others, but you don't have to worry about either of these being cloying (well, unless your skin does something odd to them, there's always that ). Boomslang is a nice cocoa, but it's not over-sweet, and not super foody. My only problem with it is that I have very light skin, and the oil is super thick and dark, and it stains my skin a bit. :/ It's still one of my all time favorites, however. King Cobra is pretty awesome too, though. It's like.. an extra incensey snake oil. Uhh.. buffed up snake oil? It's a harder one to describe, heh. Well, this is really annoying... Maybe I should hunt down some decants before ordering... cause now I want both, and it's hard to decide which is the worthiest... Even if I'm highly tempted by Boomslang, since I already have resiny pefumes, but none that smells like cocoa.
  25. I've been tempted to order a bottle from the snake pit, but can probably afford only one... The ones that tempt me are: Australian Copperhead - for the acai berry, I like tart scents. Boomslang - aside from the HP reference, I just like chocolaty scents, when they aren't sickly sweet. Cottonmouth - it just sounds nice, I like florals and besides, cottonmouth are gorgeous snakes. King Cobra - I like frankinsence, usually at least... besides, King Cobra is kind of the queen of snakes. Boomslang and King Cobra seem to seduce me more than the rest, but still, I'm not sure... I'm afraid of something cloying sweet or that will give me a headache... Any recs?