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Posts posted by galahad

  1. In The Bottle

    Very salty aquatic


    On Application

    Cold, salty, bitter


    Dry Down

    Kind of perfumey but still with the deep, cold brininess. Most of these aquatics I find to be sharp and difficult to wear. I will have to try this in the summer and see where it goes.


    Rating (0-5)


  2. In The Bottle

    Tea (yay tea) and moss


    On Application

    Tea with quite strong ginger and some aromatic herbs. What I thought intially smelled like Shanghai has become more potent.


    Dry Down

    The grass and the mosses add an earthy "liveness" to this. The tea stays strong on the initial drydown. Not exactly fresh, more freshness with a deeper earthy undertone. I like very much, especially when it tones down.


    Rating (0-5)


  3. In The Bottle

    Whoa, that's musky! This is the first scent with heliotrope where I can really smell it but it is fleeting.


    On Application

    Musk and anise!?


    Dry Down

    The peach peaks out about 5 minutes into the drydown to sweeten and soften the mix. What started of scarily strong musk for me softens down pleasantly. Still getting an anise vibe, which is fine for me. I think I like it but on the fence.


    Rating (0-5)


  4. In The Bottle

    Aromatic herbs and slightly resinous


    On Application

    Pleasantly herbal and slightly sweet.


    Dry Down

    Much lighter and airier than I expected. Definitely a soft forest scent. Don't really know what to make of it. This one has me stumped so may have to revisit.


    Rating (0-5)


  5. In The Bottle

    Slightly fruity and earthy


    On Application

    Very pepperminty on application and then the earthy vetiver kicks in adding some interest for me. Quite light though.


    Dry Down

    Still very, very soft and faint and minty. I am going to let this age a bit and try again.


    Rating (0-5)


  6. In The Bottle

    Fresh coconut. Faint in the imp.


    On Application

    Faintly sweet and buttery with a faint coconut scent.


    Dry Down

    As above. Doesn't really do anything and is so faint I can barely smell it.


    Rating (0-5)


  7. In The Bottle

    Really gentle rose. His might be a rose that works on me!


    On Application

    Dusty, candyish rose. Lovely!


    Dry Down

    The musk is beautiful and blends nicely with the rose and the spices, taking the edge off the floral note. This is definitely a masculine rose scent. I am totally in love with this one. Who would have thought that a rose scent would make it into my top 10?


    Rating (0-5)


  8. In The Bottle

    Definitely not melon in the imp but I do get the chili and the juniper/gin


    On Application



    Dry Down

    Holy cow. This gets hot and spicy a minute or two into the drydown. Almost a woody/cinnamon aspect to it. 5 minutes into the drydown the tobacco emerges, rounding out the scent. This is really unusual. Further testing is required bt so far, kind of like it.


    Rating (0-5)


  9. In The Bottle

    Lemony cypress. Quite soft and crisp


    On Application

    A quick blast of cypress and then the flowers amp up.


    Dry Down

    Initially, the combination of cypress and the flowers is unsettling, but then the moss starts to tone everything down and ground the blend. 5 minutes or so into the drydown, this becomes a bit more aquatic in feel and the flowers become sharper and sweeter. This is going in my "not sure" pile for the moment and I will try again. Could benefit from aging.


    Rating (0-5)


  10. In The Bottle

    Tangy citrus/grapefruity


    On Application

    Bitter citrus. Wonderful


    Dry Down

    I love grapefruit (along with black pepper, clary sage, yarrow and chamomile oils) but this is even better! The Yuzu is delicious. The tea is playing it's part by giving a depth to this blend. There is very little sweetness to this, which is quite refreshing. Mandarin (Mikan) tends to be sweet, very pale and ephemeral as an oil and it gets lost in this blend. This goes straight into my top 5! :P


    Rating (0-5)


  11. In The Bottle

    Difficult to get much out of the imp. A soft green smell, slighly rank


    On Application

    Coniferous, probably cypress, as it is quite soft (unlike pine)


    Dry Down

    The florals emerge softly as the oil warms, but the flowers smell like they are past their prime, starting to fade, over-ripe and starting to decay. This really is very, very soft and faint - ghostly - but not cold. The overall feel is warm and comforting. I like this but it might be a bit soft for general wear.


    Rating (0-5)


  12. In The Bottle

    Dry soil with something very acidic in the background


    On Application

    Very dry, powdery soil. Thin


    Dry Down

    Dry and thin, but with a sweetness and perfumey quality. Strange. Methylated spirits/weird acetone, kind of. And most strange of all, I actually like it.


    Rating (0-5)

    3. 5 for the artfulness!

  13. In The Bottle

    Predominantly ginger with a little pepper and honey


    On Application

    The tea really emerges on application as well as the clean linen


    Dry Down

    That pepper is lovely. It pokes it's head up every now and then to suprise. Absolutely incredible - constantly changing. One moment there is tea, then the ginger is forefront, then a kick of pepper, then milky ginger/honey/vanilla then tea again. Dizzying. However, underneath it all, always, is the linen. A masterpiece and a must have. :P


    Rating (0-5)


  14. In The Bottle

    Sharp and fruity


    On Application

    I really get the tea on first application, which is great as I seem to be having difficulty getting ANY tea in the tea blends so far.


    Dry Down

    Sweetens as it warms. This is not too fruity with the fig and the patchouli keeping it grounded and slightly earthy - almost becomes a bit peppery towrds the end of the drydown. This is really unusual and absolutely wonderful. Love, love, love! :P


    Rating (0-5)


  15. In The Bottle

    I don't get alot of anything in the imp, just a soft waft of vanilla


    On Application

    Wow. A nice melding of amber and sandalwood with the vanilla giving a smokey roundness.


    Dry Down

    This is my first experience with white sandalwood, I think, and it is DRY and really lovely. Such a shame I don't detect the sweet pea as I love how they smell. Started off as almost masculine and becomes sweet and girly. Still, I like very much and may consider a bottle.


    Rating (0-5)


  16. In The Bottle

    A coolish scent from the imp - cypress, leather


    On Application

    The pimento and pepper at the forefront makes for a spicey scent which catches at the back of the throat. Nice!


    Dry Down

    A brief stage of leather and musk amping up and then this starts to smell like quite strong cinnamon. This gets really dry and almost woody-spicey as it dries down, smelling more like a wooden chest that has been storing spice then the spices themselves. Love it


    Rating (0-5)


  17. In The Bottle

    Fresh, not quite ripe honeydew


    On Application

    Honeydew with something bitter behind it. Very refreshing


    Dry Down

    Sweetens and deepens with the bitter edge fading as it warms, almost as if the melon is ripening. Very nice.


    Rating (0-5)


  18. In The Bottle

    Light cherry (thankfully) and vanilla with an undertone of amber.


    On Application

    Very different when first applied. Amber first then the cherry with less sweetness than I expected


    Dry Down

    Really quite surprisingly light. The cherry dies down after about 5 minutes, but it is still there, and the strawberry wafts up softly. 10 Minutes in and the cherry reappears a bit stronger. I am really liking this one considering the cherry/almond notes do horrible things on my skin.


    Rating (0-5)


  19. In The Bottle

    Veeery herbal bay, rosemary and pine.


    On Application

    Deep and aromatically rich. Resinous


    Dry Down

    Sharp and austere. I like the herbalness and resinous quality of this - it smells wild - but not something I would wear.


    Rating (0-5)


  20. Jazz Funeral. I am not a floral guy but this is still my stand out favourite and so unlike anything I have tried so far. Just stunning and seems to be doing some intersting things with aging.


    Namaste is kind of interesting as well for me. Starts off lemony incense and goes all lemon sherbert on me.


    I also agree with someones else's vote for Black Annis. Vicious, violet and fantastic.

  21. In The Bottle

    Sweet and deep, with some green notes in there


    On Application

    I really get apple (maybe unripe apples) with some sweet florals. Unusual


    Dry Down

    Pretty much as above. There is a real green sappiness to this scent which balances out the white florals. The apple is till discernable 5 minutes into the drydown. From there it goes all sweet and powdery which is actually quite nice but so not me.


    Rating (0-5)


  22. In The Bottle

    Frimp. Very floral. I'm scared :D


    On Application

    As above


    Dry Down

    Not unpleasant if florals are your bag. Would actually be not too bad if there was a strong earth note to this, like Jazz Funeral, but this isn't going near my skin again. :P


    Rating (0-5)


  23. In The Bottle

    All I can smell in the bottle is butterscotch, not too buttery


    On Application

    Almond and honey. Actually quite nice but strong


    Dry Down

    The almond starts to take a back seat soon into the drydown leaving the honey and allowing the buttercream and a touch of the hazelnut through. My initial trepidation about the buttercream seems to be unfounded as it hasn't turned rancid on me at this stage. While there are stages I like in this scent it is not something I would wear.


    Rating (0-5)

