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Posts posted by galahad

  1. In The Bottle

    Definitely lavender and pennyroyal. Minty


    On Application

    Strong pennyroyal, but it can't completely overpower the lavender


    Dry Down

    For something so simple and recognizable, I love this. Sharp, it is. Warm, fresh and soothing. A simple blend so doesn't have the complexities of alot of the others. Doesn't last long, as expected but I am going to keep the imp around.


    Rating (0-5)


  2. In The Bottle

    Rosey amber.


    On Application

    Strong tea rose


    Dry Down

    I normally abhor rose scent but I have been pleasantly surprised by some of the lab rose blends. This initially turnd me off but as it dries down the other elements make this a dusty, rich, but not piercingly high, rose scent. The moss gives and earthiness and the sandalwood it's woodiness. I like it. Will keep the imp.


    Rating (0-5)


  3. In The Bottle

    Piney but not in your face pine. Soft and cool


    On Application

    This really is surprisingly nice. Pine scents don't rock my world but so far this does.


    Dry Down

    This stays fresh and cool for ages. Slightly sweet, slightly smokey and has quite a bit of throw. The next morning I could still smell this but it had softened down to a leathery, woody goodness.


    Rating (0-5)


  4. In The Bottle

    Musky and almost vanillary with a gin like background. Looking forward to putting this on


    On Application

    Musk and birch. Lovely. Sweet and woody


    Dry Down

    Becomes drier and spicer as it warms. So different. There is a lemony note which keeps this lighter than a straight musky resin. Awesome


    Rating (0-5)


  5. In The Bottle

    Vetiver and cedar.


    On Application

    Strong vetiver and patchouli, smokey and dark.


    Dry Down

    Very dark and resinous. A touch of cinnamon pokes through initially to lightnen this up (strange to think of cinnamon as the lighter note!). It takes about half an hour for this to pass through it's scary, dark stage to reach a dry patchouli. Will try ageing.


    Rating (0-5)


  6. In The Bottle

    Musk and a touch of amber


    On Application

    Sweet and dry


    Dry Down

    Fairly linear drydown. This is quite basic musk and amber and doesn't have the X-factor for me to consider for a bottle.


    Rating (0-5)


  7. In The Bottle

    Just a touch of jasmine. Very faint


    On Application

    Dirty jasmine with a touch of rose.


    Dry Down

    The tonka emerges to muddy the scent even more. Even the dreaded rose is beaten down by the jasmine. Not me. :P


    Rating (0-5)


  8. In The Bottle

    Cool and slightly bitter aquatic


    On Application

    Does feel dark and deep.


    Dry Down

    Aquatics can often turn sharply floral on me but this is holding as a salty, deep aquatic. One of the best aquatics I have tried so far.


    Rating (0-5)


  9. In The Bottle

    Surprisingly soft spicey sandalwood


    On Application

    Really faint musk and spice


    Dry Down

    Gets more robust as it warms but isn't overpowering. Really surprising. Exotic, warm and hard to quantify. Nice.


    Rating (0-5)


  10. In The Bottle

    Smells like bubblegum


    On Application

    Bubblegum and wine


    Dry Down

    I really like this one so far. It's sweetish and fruity but mature as well. The berries really start to show their best after about a couple of minutes into the drydown. The wine is a little more subtle. This gets sweeter as it warms and becomes very similar to Eat Me for me (but a little less cakey). Nice


    Rating (0-5)


  11. In The Bottle

    Soft floral


    On Application

    A floral vinegar!


    Dry Down

    Luckily the vinegar note I initially got is gone. Really, really soft and gentle. The stems and leaves of the flowers are included in this blend to give a green liveness but it is sombre as well, or maybe reflective. I thinks it's great but not a wearer for me.


    Rating (0-5)


  12. In The Bottle

    Cool and breezy (!) and slighlty sweet floral


    On Application

    Dry, sweet floral. Still has the cool sensation


    Dry Down

    Floral and herby. No blackberry notes at this stage. Waaay to sharp floral for me. It's pretty but doesn't have enough depth and i the kind of floral that gives me a headache.


    Rating (0-5)


  13. In The Bottle

    Rum, ahoy! A little bit of cocoa in the background


    On Application

    Rich cocoa and wine


    Dry Down

    Dark, dark molasses in the initial stages of the drydown, almost tar-like, and then beer/wine and cocoa - a little unsettling. Sweetens up a bit as it warms so that it almost smells like my father's pipe tobacco (tobacco, rum and vanilla). This is all winey and beautiful after 10 minutes or so which makes me like this so much more. Keeping the imp.


    Rating (0-5)


  14. In The Bottle

    Tea and light musk


    On Application

    Bergamot (nice and strong bergamot) and tea (ie. Earl Grey Tea) with musk


    Dry Down

    Oh this is fabulous and suprising since it was so faint in the bottle. The best tea scent to date for me. After a nice long tea period, the vanilla starts to warm and round out this scent. This is a very masculine scent. This has rocketed to number one on my favourites. :P I would like to try layering this with De Sade.


    Rating (0-5)


  15. In The Bottle

    Rum and wood


    On Application

    Spicey rum


    Dry Down

    The wood emerges to blend with the rum as it warms up. Ust when I was starting to think this would be a heavy spicey blend the salty air cools things down and I can detect the prostitute's perfume wafting. Surprising! I like.


    Rating (0-5)


  16. In The Bottle

    Buttery sweetness


    On Application

    Buttery cinnamon cakes and honey


    Dry Down

    My initial alarm at te butteryness seems to be unfounded (buttery notes turn rancid on me). No wine but love the sweet spicey cake scent. Eat me without the currant.


    Rating (0-5)


  17. In The Bottle

    Ooooh! Icy and smooth floral with a spicey kick


    On Application

    Green stems, fresh COLD air. Awesome!


    Dry Down

    I can't express how wonderful this is, but I'll try anyway! I'm not sure how the lab get the icy air note but it is masterful. I don't get much earthiness but it is there somewhere and the flowers are subdued. The incense is not overpowering. This is one of the lab scents that chokes me up with it's beauty. :P


    Rating (0-5)


  18. In The Bottle

    Faint tobacco with a touch of rum


    On Application

    Cinnamon(!), coconut and tobacco.


    Dry Down

    This so so not what I expected. Really really spicey cinnmon and clove with a faint underpinning of coconut. WTF? I will have to come back to this and see if anything changes. :P


    Rating (0-5)


  19. In The Bottle

    Honey, moderate rose and a touch of orange.


    On Application

    Orange first off and then rose joins in quickly


    Dry Down

    I can smell each of the individual notes on this initially and, suprisingly, they seem to play well together. Sadly, it doesn't take long for the rose to bully the others into submission. :P


    Rating (0-5)


  20. In The Bottle

    Spicey and slightly floral


    On Application

    I can pick out all of the notes. I love Arabian musk!


    Dry Down

    Rich and musky. Almost cherry-like as it warms (cherry is the kiss of death for any blend for me). I want to pull out the plum in this amd replace it with a touch of vanilla. He notes sounded good but don;t work for me.


    Rating (0-5)


  21. In The Bottle

    I get jasmine first off and some ginger and tobacco in the background


    On Application

    Opium and balsam. A very sweet, herbiness


    Dry Down

    I really get the hay scent coming through the opium and resinous notes and then the jasmine and lily amp up big time. This is too disjointed for me.


    Rating (0-5)


  22. In The Bottle

    Vanilla and cedar. Soft and sweet.


    On Application

    Very dry and dusty vanilla and woods


    Dry Down

    Wow. The dry cedar, the sweet vanilla and a cool, almost-minty note in the background make for a beautiful blend. This will be a favourite once I experience more of it.


    Rating (0-5)

