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Posts posted by Renny

  1. I love Eos!


    The buttercup and honeysuckle are the strongest on me. It reminds me of springtime, especially because I have alot of childhood spring memories concerning honeysuckle bushes that grew near my house.


    I had to get my hands on an imp of this for religious purposes, but now I may just buy a bottle of it :P

  2. According to legend, the birthplace of King Arthur. The scent of a castle's great hall in the midst of joyous feasting. Spicy mulled wine flowing through the musky heat, warm leather and bright clash of armor, the damp branches of Cornish hawthorn, blackthorn, juniper, English elm and bayberry, and the magical tingle of dragon's blood resin.

    In the bottle - Very sweet... almost berrylike, with some spices thrown in

    On me - Warm and spicy, much like cinnamon. But there's some kind of musk in the background too. It smells great, makes me think of sitting by a warm hearth.

  3. The raw, untamable power of chaos. Rosewood, amber, red musk and a dribble of red sandalwood.

    I don't find it exclusively masculine at all. Would be great on either sex.

    It smells dark, fresh, woody, spicy, and musky. A great scent :P

  4. In the bottle - Yuck! Very sharp bitter, bad smelling.


    On me - Hrm... it died down a bit, turned into softer patchouli. I can't smell much else other than the patchouli though. Its alright... haven't decided whether I'll keep it or not.

  5. In the bottle - Smells exactly like apple pie to me


    On me - The apple pie smell remains, but a deeper scent comes out... something warm and spicy, but also sweet. It's a warm fruit pie. Smells nice, nice free imp from the lab, but I don't think it's something I would order a bottle of.

  6. This was a free one, and I'm sad to say I don't like it.


    In the bottle - It smells EXACTLY like the foaming Lemongrass soap in the bathrooms at my college.


    On me -The lemongrass soap smell is still there, but it turns into more of a lemongrass musk on me.


    I like this scent, and that lemongrass soap, but with that musky part added in I just can't stand smelling it all day. This one's going up for sale.

  7. I love Magus. I got it expecting it to be somewhat like Arcana, but they are quite different. Arcana has more of an otherworldy scent, while Magus is quite sharp and earthy. It smells of woods, herbs, and spices. Great one imo!

  8. This one was a free imp. Its one of those that didn't turn horrible when it met my skin :P



    Well... what can I say about it... it smells like licorice, and also fresh and minty. It smells *sort of* like toothpaste or mouthwash. Also some wooden scents in the background. It smells very lethal... I've never smelled or tasted real Absinthe, but this oil smells like it would be very intoxicating.


    Smells good, nothing I would order a 5ml of, but it's a wild scent.

  9. In the bottle - I can definitely smell the lemon, and it smells like it also has wood smells in there.


    On me - The rose really comes out on me, and it kind of blends in with the lemon to make one awesome scent. The apple is very faint if there at all.


    I love Delirium! Was alot darker than I thought it would be, but in a good way :P

  10. In the bottle - This smelled very much like Bewitched when it was in the bottle, just without the berryness.


    On me - It smelled good at first, but it started to die down quickly. It turned into something very warm and subtle, kind of like cinnamon. I love cinnamon and Hamadryad is a nice scent, but there's something I don't like about it that I can't quite put my finger on. Haven't decided on whether or not I'm keeping it.

  11. In the bottle- When I smelled this for the first time, I immediately thought of gumdrops and licorice. I don't know why, but I did!


    On me- The white musk comes out strong, it's a very white scent... but sweet too, like white flowers or vanilla. A touch of fruit too.


    Fae is one of my absolute favorite scents...I don't quite know what I like about it, it's just so awesome. My imp ran out and I'm awaiting my 5ml ><

  12. Just got Yggdrasil tonight, and I love it!



    The description fits it well. It smells very herbal, leafy, and almost flowery. I also detect watery notes back there.


    It's truly a great scent, compliments and honors the World Tree.

  13. Wolfsbane is probably very different than you'd expect it to be. I got it in my first order and it smelled nothing like I thought it would. It's VERY sharp, very herbal/woody scent. Kind of dark too. I can't really describe it any better than that... heh

  14. I absolutely love Bewitched. It's one of those scents that doesn't change much for me, smells pretty much the same on me as it does in the bottle. But it's also one of those that doesn't last through the day. The berries are very strong, but there's a huge undertone of green, woody scents. A hint of green tea is thrown in there too. It makes me think of woodland magic.

  15. In the bottle- It smells like nasty, cheap cologne to me.


    On me- The bottle scent turned into something much, much different once I put it on. It gives me chills... which I love because in this sense it really lives up to its name. I smell some flowers, and pure water. Someone mentioned smelling leather, and I thought I caught a leathery smelling scent too. But generally it's very cold, chilly, and watery. Great scent :P

  16. In the bottle- Gasp! Smells like old lady perfume. I can pick up the green scents, but it reminds me of rotted flowers.


    On me- Someone said something about it strongly working for a few minutes, then dying down. That's what mine did. It smelled great on me for awhile, the moss and aquatic tones really came out... but after awhile it turned back into old lady perfume! It has great hints of the moss, green swamp, and aquatic scents, but something about it gives me this old lady vibe.


    I'll be selling or swapping it.
