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Everything posted by genhex29

  1. genhex29

    Fledgling Raptor Moon

    upon opening the bottle, i was struck by the softness of this fragrance in spite of the generally spicy first impression. i got mostly the clove and patchouli, but it wasn't at all in-your-face potent. a dab on the wrists and inner elbow, and it blossomed into a very warm, soft, almost comforting fragrance. wow. i mean, this is beautiful. i didn't get the vanilla so much, but there was a <i>very</i> subtle sweetness to this on the skin. i think the sweet did more to tone down some of the spice than to make the fragrance noticeably vanilla-y. it's funny, though, how this one smells just a little bit sweeter and more musky on the inside of my elbow, while the spices take the stage on my wrists. after about 45 min to an hour, it stepped back a lot. this didn't have a lot of throw to begin with for me, but it became a noseontheskin smell pretty quickly. the clove tends to be front and center, but there's definitely some patchouli and warm woods as well. while i love this on myself, i can't help but think it would be teh sexy on a guy. damn. i need a guy on which to experiment! this was all straight out of the package from the mail, so i'm going to re-visit and see what exactly we have here after it recovers from the cross-country trip. so far, though, i am extremely glad i went for this one. this one's truly bottled art.
  2. genhex29

    Velvet Nudie

    This is the only velvet of which I managed to get a full bottle, and I am thrilled with it. Like most others, I've found it's an extremely soft scent. You'll never be accused of overdoing it with this one! On initial application, I get mostly the sugarcane with the softest hint of floral/musk and a ghost of natural (as in non-household cleaner) lemon. After about a half hour, the lemon comes forward a bit, but it never fully takes over. My general impression of it is perfectly balanced soft skin musk and lemon sugar. It's not at all a foodie sort of scent. It's definitely a 'perfume-y' fragrance--clean, light, sweet, and extremely feminine. I would bathe in this if I could--it's heavenly! I like this one when I know I'm going to be up close and personal with someone.
  3. genhex29


    i forgot to put any fragrance on today. omg! good thing my deodorant smells nice. i would hate to come across as unscented! have started back at school, and i am stressin'! have taken to using fiery wall of protection as a result of extreme negativity at work--i have a bad feeling about my lead person. i swear, she schedules us specifically to make things difficult for me. maybe it's just paranoia, but i'm taking precautions. am also looking for new employment! i guess going back to school and taking statistics and speech at the same time isn't quite challenging enough. *sigh* my next purchase is likely going to be something to go along with fwop, probably clarity, determination, or concentration. i'll take any help i can get where school is concerned. heck, if i had the loot, i'd get all three! in addition to school, i've been seeing someone. we met in april, and for the first time that i've actually believed it, i fell pretty hard. this should be great, right? there's always a caveat. he's going through a divorce. well, sitting in the middle of being legally separated and not sure if he wants to proceed would better explain the situation. his wife dumped him for another guy with whom she'd been cheating, apparently, and then they (the wife and the asshole) moved to peru. yes. south america. from wisconsin. that's just messed up, isn't it? so, they left in february, and naturally, when he and i started to see we felt something for one another, she starts e mailing him. she and her boyfriend broke up (shocking!), and now she's thinking of her husband and misses him. well, duh. she's in a foreign country with no close friends and no family whatsoever. the man she moved there for has dumped her. so instead of putting on her big girl panties and dealing with it, she's jerking around the man she trashed in the first place. she wants to get laid. so i'm pretty torn, here, to put it mildly. i really like him, but he's in no position to be getting serious right now. he's still hurting very much, and her stunts have left him very confused. i can't help him. i can't make it better. all i do is compound the situation by getting emotionally involved. and i have a test in stats on wednesday and a speech to present tuesday. i must be irretrievably mad.