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Blog Comments posted by dawndie

  1. What a good metaphor for the mess this weekend: a scummy pond. I commented in Macha's blog previously -- I bet the spate of postings (that's another good word: spate!) there were probably 4 people posting over and over and agreeing wholeheartedly with each other.


    The INXS song was "Need You Tonight" -- Try not to hate! Love your mate!


    I knew who Ron Jeremy was, but I haven't seen him in a porn either. My sister and her husband met him, funny enough -- Fayard Nicholas was a tap dancer from the 1920s on, really famous and they went to see him at a signing somewhere. So my sister and her husband are talking to him for a minute, and who should come up to shake his hand was Ron Jeremy! He was a big fan too and went to meet him. My sis said he was polite and very nice to talk to.

  2. Hooray New Appliances! :wub2:


    You do know about the Picking Up the Cat trick, don't you? You have to grab them right at the shoulderblades, at the nape of the neck where it's really fleshy. Like when the mama cat carries the kittens around. I was told there's a nerve there that when clomped like that calms them so they hang limp and you can get them in the carrier. I don't tote the cats around the house like that on a daily basis, but once we get them cornered you just do a reach-and-grab, and carry them to the carrier, lower them in and you're done. No bloodshed!

  3. I'm sending good-luck vibes! I hope you get good news.


    We've done the cross-country move a couple of times, once from Southern California to Ohio (where DH is from) and then to Texas for DH's job. The first move I was excited about because I already liked the area when we visited. The second move I wasn't happy about at first, because I really liked my job, but I ended up finding something better here. I haven't regretted either big move.


    I think you have the right attitude already, in that a different area like Seattle appeals to you. If this becomes more of a possibility, read about the different neighborhoods online or buy a travel guide. I liked the Marmac guide we bought for Dallas, because it had lots of info for new residents as well as touristy stuff.

  4. Puppies! *mwah*


    While we have 2 grumpy cats, I resent being called a "cat person." There may very well be people who just like cats and not dogs, and the other way around, but I like all pets. Dogs are cool -- and I was bitten by a friend's dog in 5th grade, needed a few stitches in my arm, and still like dogs.


    Happy Mother's Day counts for pet owners too!

  5. *deep breath* *deep breath*


    Moving is very stressful. We moved several times, cross-country for a few (California to Ohio, then Ohio to Texas). I still have "moving dreams."


    Please don't view this as The State Of Our Marriage or Our Happiness Is On The Line. It sounds like both you and Mister have a bunch of extenuating circumstances, which are all conspiring to make you miserable.


    I'm babbling, but feel free to vent as much as you want here. ;)

  6. Ugh, don't get me started on men's feet. Here in Texas you'll see guys in flip-flops 90% of the year, or those ugly hiking sandals -- here's a tip: unless you're actually hiking, don't wear those! But most guys are oblivious as to how their feet actually look. How many guys think, "I need a pedicure!" before putting on their flip-flops? Lots of women think this, because they're more conscientious of what people will see.


    I see these ugly feet schlupping around a store or a restaurant, and I just think, "Yuck! I don't want to see your skanky feet! And now I'm supposed to eat?"

  7. Aw, thanks you guys! *mwah* I really do miss spending time on the forum. But dialing up and waiting for alsdlfjsldkf-ing pages to upload is trying my patience.


    We've had Earthlink for almost 10 years and have been pleased with the service, but this latest snafu has really put a bumblebee up my butt. I hate to be all "If I don't get proper service I shall take my business elsewhere! Hmph!" but it's been 4 full days of waiting and I need DSL for work. In fact, I'm on hold right now! ;) *grr*

  8. I forgot to post a congrats in the previous thread, so now I say Congrats! Was this the house that you posted pics somewhere before? I can't remember where as my brain is mush.


    Home ownership can be frustrating and draining (financially and otherwise) but when I can't sleep at night I lie in bed and feel safe in OUR house that we don't ever have to leave if we don't want to.


    I am in favor of following along with "Snarks' Old House" too.

  9. Oh, you had ones in there I forgot: Concrete Blond and B-52's! I saw the B-52's in 1988 on the Cosmic Thing tour. *aging myself*


    You sound the same as us -- we don't beat each other down with our favorites and don't give each other a hard time like, "You're listening to that?!?" I do call DH a music snob sometimes, though :P

  10. Cats rule, dogs drool :P


    Seriously, I've had a couple of cats growing up, and so has DH, where they seriously thought they weren't just dogs, they were people. My cat George liked to go for car rides -- he would sit on your lap in the passenger seat and put his feet up on the dashboard. Tiger (DH's cat) ran the neighborhood; even Moose next door (Lab mix) was scared of him.
