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Blog Comments posted by dawndie

  1. I hadn't ordered a Lunacy in so long, I had to go back to find when I ordered the last ones: Beaver Moon (October) and Fruit Moon (July). A while ago I decided most of the "lunar oils" tend to smell like soap eventually and hadn't ordered anything since these -- but these weren't even traditional Lunacies. So we'll see about the Hungry Ghosties.


    Ah yes, the reappearing frimps. Mine are Marie (which unfortunately gives me a headache) and Hymn. The Lab did its magic though, as I initially thought Hymn was so-so, and it was sent to me enough times I decided I did in fact like it and should order a bottle ;)

  2. Ugh, that's frustrating. It really doesn't seem like you're in a position to keep the cat with your 2 puppies. You're a kind-hearted person to want to take care of Puddy, and wanting to get him/her to a vet.


    If you're ready, try picking Puddy up by the back of the neck -- darkity referred to it as like a Vulcan grip, right above the shoulder blades. It's like when the mom cat carries the kittens around, there's a nerve that literally relaxes the cat when pinched, and you can lower him/her into a carrier easily.

  3. I'm sorry you're going through this. I found (when DH was out of work for 6-1/2 months AND 3 months after we bought our house) that where there's a will, there's a way. We managed to never fall behind on the important expenses, and slashed away at the unimportant ones. You'll be amazed and impressed at how you deal when it comes right down to it.

  4. I've been wracking my brain trying to remember what the "arghblarghs" are.. and am coming up with nil. But I do have a great, fuming, sexy MentalAndy stomping around in my head now, arms akimbo, hair all slicked back-yet-becoming-disheveled, going: "ARGHBLARGH! ARGHBLARGH!" :lol:

    Somewhere you had posted a comment about your inner Wookie, "raughaughaugh!" and that was MentalAndy's interpretation. :D


    My MentalAndy tells me I need cookies.

  5. I don't know what the deal is with Brad Pitt -- he's too jawey. There, I made up a word to describe him. Something about his giant square head is disconcerting.


    I loved Andy Garcia in Ocean's 11. He was a great seething villain. But what does he yell in the control room after he's been robbed? It's like, "and get me those ARGHBLARGHS!!" I've seen that part 20 times and I still don't know what in tarnation he's hollerin' fer.

  6. Ooh, I want to see pictures of your office!


    The Marx Brothers box set sounds great too. I was seriously considering the Astaire/Rogers box set at 35% off at a store closing sale -- I should head back and see if it's still there, maybe at 50% off? :P What emo kid with scraggly hair is going to want that?


    I read your Groucho quote out loud as DH walked by, and he cracked up.

  7. I've read a bunch of books & bios of her, and you're right -- regardless of whichever theory surrounding her death, accidental or no, she wasn't "happy" most of the time. She wanted kids, but had miscarriages. She wanted to be a serious actress, but the studios were only interested in dumb blonde roles. She wanted true love, but went through marriages and affairs like water.

  8. Yeah, I probably should have said something then. But I didn't have proof of anything, and I believe the way it works is if a credit card company suspects fraud it will charge back the merchant -- basically "we're not paying you for those goods that were charged because of fraud, so tough." If so, the clothing store had to eat that amount and would hopefully do some internal investigating of their own.


    Anyway, it pays to read your credit card statements!

  9. But my favorite all time love movie is "Tampopo" because I have a huge food=love thing going on. And Tampopo is such a celebration of food, life, and love.

    Have you seen Like Water for Chocolate? Lots of magical realism food = love in that one.


    I'm torn between "happy ending" love stories and "love is death" love stories. Happy Ending ones involve lots of great writing, witty repartee and quotable lines, like When Harry Met Sally and Moonstruck and Bull Durham (which is a great baseball movie too).


    Love is Death ones are when I'm in a dark foul drunken mood, and Bram Stoker's Dracula is the best. I love brooding Gary Oldman :P

  10. I'm sorry to beat everyone down with my babbling -- it was more thinking out loud :D DH has really been itching, as we've gone in May or June the last several years. But we're trying to talk ourselves out of it as we've had some house repairs that we're still paying off.


    BUT we've gotten email deals from a few hotels, for $60/night during the week on the Strip. It would be irresponsible if we didn't take advantage of a sale, right?

  11. Just wait 'til sandal season when she'll probably not only have a French pedicure, but will probably have crusty bits of food that she's dropped on her toes. :D

    :lol: valentina's nightmare!


    At my last job one desk was next to an older lady with an obsession with food. One large desk drawer was full of food -- and not sticks of carrots either. She would hide food in a file, then disappear for half an hour in the bathroom. Plus sometimes her lunch wouldn't "agree" with her, and it wouldn't be a quiet afternoon :D


    We're all animals -- but some more than others.

  12. Why yes, spanishviolet, it's the Mavericks! You're in the same boat? :D Do you get to listen to the Ben & Skin 2-hour post-game extravaganza too?


    It would be cool if the Mavs won the whole thing, I guess, but I don't have a vested interest. If only to show that here in Dallas not all of us are scheming on our lanai on Southfork Ranch drinking highballs in our 10-gallon hats.

  13. I often wondered what cats are thinking in their walnut-size brains. Thanks for the transcript! :D Poor babies.


    I had to laugh at the several "hiding places" Xena created. My cat Shadow is the King of "Oh Sure, I Can Fit in There!" It usually becomes a place his head/shoulders can fit, but his butt & tail are out for all to see. He's been clingy tonight and has shoved his way next to me in the big squishy chair as we speak.

  14. Yeah, like Mr. Spock! ;) It sounds like one cat of yours is cooperative -- both of our cats act like they're being condemned, but me doing "the thing with the thing" (DH's term, he won't try to pick them up like that) seems to cut down on their "torture."


    Hey cats, how about getting a job and working for a living? Yeah, I thought so :ack:
