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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by dawndie

  1. No problem! I'll definitely keep an eye out for that lunch box. A Quest!


    DH found the listing for the 2nd one online, so maybe your paper would do that too. I don't have to talk DH into going to estate sales as he likes checking out the old houses -- what condition they're in, the neighborhood and price, etc. We're not looking to move, just nosy :)

  2. Yes, circe_blue, that was one of the clueless mothers. I did laugh when the financial advisor made her go into her daughter's room and count bras :) She had like 26 nice bras from Victoria's Secret. The mom just yelled, "You have 26 bras! You have two boobies!"


    About a year and a half ago I had my credit card number stolen and used at a trendy jean store. What really floored me was someone paid $160 for a pair of jeans. I felt like adding that to my affidavit to the credit card company: "And I would never pay $160 for a pair of jeans! My wedding dress was $100!"

  3. OK, so here's a glimpse into how my mind works; I apologize in advance. Hang onto those hats and glasses!


    You say Smut E. Coyote, and I think of an old Warner Bros. cartoon that Tex Avery did, one that hasn't been shown on regular TV in years, called "Red Hot Riding Hood." It was basically a burlesque show in cartoon form (1940s) with this cute chickie singing a song and all the guys in the audience turn into wolves, slobbering and hooting and hollering. A classic shot that's been duped over and over (including Who Framed Roger Rabbit) is a wolf watching the show, and his eyes project out of his head, and he says "AROOOOOGA!!!"


    So there's my suggestion: AROOOOOGA!


    I know, I'm no help at all :)

  4. I have a mental image of darkity as Ms. Magoo, talking to lampposts and hatracks :P Mine's pretty fuzzy for far-away things (is that nearsighted?).


    Boss Lady got lasik a few years ago and it didn't really work out. From what it sounds, one eye is a bit better but another is the same. So she needs glasses anyway! Why bother?


    Anyway, grilled food and sangria sound yummy. When do we eat?

  5. Yes, I inhaled, but don't tell anyone :P At least with my poor non-smoking technique, I inhaled as best as I could. It's not anything I'm dying to try again, but I do want a pipe, or one of those hookahs that everyone sits around.


    I wish I had a big house and could do different rooms in themes -- one would totally be the Opium Den, with fabric on the walls, pillows on the floor and everyone could lounge.

  6. These recipes sound great! I love drinking and, um, eating too :P


    Rachael Ray is a favorite cooking host of mine -- I like her travel shows too, because she's always really enthusiastic about where she's visiting, without being cheerleader-y and irritating. Plus she has great catchphrases -- a guy friend of mine really likes her (he watches 30-Minute Meals with his 10-year-old daughter, who tells him "you should marry her!") and I'll bust out the "YUMM-O!!" every once in a while to crack him up.

  7. Your friend is insightful -- you're cynical because you're romantic, if that makes sense :pics: You can appreciate the ideal, but when that inevitably falls short you have to buffett yourself with cynicism. Hmm, that sounds like me too, except throw "occasionally pissy" in the mix :)


    I picture you sitting amongst your menagerie, like Snow White in the woods, with dogs at your feet and a bird on your shoulder and a cat in your lap.

  8. I'm so sorry this is happening. Why are weddings so stressful? They're supposed to be fun, dammit!


    Just try to stay focused on why you're going through all this: to become married to the wonderful man you found. :boogie: We got married in Vegas at the Paris hotel, and had a little reception afterwards with cake and hors d'oeuvres ("horse dovers" as we fancy folk say). Mom asked me later if I noticed the cake was crooked! It wasn't on tiers, but 2-3 layers stacked on top of each other and was tipping over a bit, and I never even noticed. So there's the importance of the cake at our wedding.


    One other thing: black frosting, while it looks cool on a cake, is a bad idea at a reception, because it stains everyone's lips and teeth and the pictures come out real ghoulish-looking. Unless that's the look you're going for :shhh:

  9. I prefer reading everyone's blogs to little posts too. I would start to post too-long responses in a thread, then get dismayed that I'm boring everyone else to tears and would delete it :boogie: So I much prefer to ramble on in my blog; if people think it's entertaining, great! If not, who cares? It's entertaining to me.


    That was a bit off-topic -- I do agree with you about the forums too. I don't think it's age necessarily, but there is a level of maturity that comes from people who are out of school and have been working in the "real world" for a while. I'm not claiming to be mature :shhh: but there's a certain entitlement mentality of some who are still in school, like that's their "job" and they deserve a certain lifestyle on top of going to school or living at home.
