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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by dawndie

  1. How funny, that we were just talking about souvenir plates, and then we walked into this lady's house and they were EVERYWHERE! DH was suggesting hanging them above the kitchen cupboards, and I said, "but, but, I can't see them way up there!" :eek: I think I may have swayed him into doing a collage on the wall like you're doing.


    I'm thinking Michaels for the plate hangers, and I'll see if they have teeny hangers. But super glue might work -- you could get a little metal bracket (like a ">") and glue it onto the back, big enough for a nail head.

  2. I read all your blog postings, but with a title like that, I had to read this one! :eek: Just the partial sentence, "Ella was tending to Mugzy's cornhole when he audibly pooted one" made my evening. Ha!


    I don't know about where you are, but where DH is from they have a weird local phenomenon called "Cornhole" -- it's a yard game you play with boards with holes cut out, and you have to stand pretty far away (15-20 feet?) and chuck beanbags into the holes (except the bags are normally filled with unpopped popcorn, hence the name). If you get a bag in the hole you yell "CORN!" It's hysterical.

  3. You sound really diligent with your bottle sales by checking out the potential buyers. But ultimately, what can you do? Can you refuse to sell to someone if you're afraid they'll imp-out-and-resell?


    Plus I like your justification: if someone buys, the money goes back to the Lab, plus more money for your "normal" orders, so it's like the Lab gets twice as much! :eek:

  4. I'm sorry you and The Mister have to go through this ;) Been there, done that, with both sides of the family. No matter how much "advance notice" there is, it's still hard to deal with and you'll be a welcome, stable support to those who need it Back East.


    On a lighter note, please post any wacky recipes from Grandma! My sis put together a recipe book after Grandma passed away and there are some hilarious ones, including Bologna Cake. Yes, you layer bologna like a cake with mayonnaise, and cover with crushed potato chips. People sure ate weird in the '50s :lol:

  5. I was like you with Snake Oil at first -- that was one of the first imps I ordered, and it was almost *too much* (musk & spice) so I put it in my imps-to-keep pile. It's still there, and after a year and a half it's the consistency of maple syrup in the imp. I guess that's the "aging."


    But I've been thinking about Snake Oil lately, after getting bottles of Hellion and Morocco and really digging those. I should get a bottle to fully appreciate.

  6. Maybe that's the magic of the BPAL: that one day you'll try something and it'll be "yuck" or "ew" or "meh," but the next day it'll be "ooh!" or "yum!" or "hmm." That sentence needed more quotation marks :lol:


    The longing for the image in the song lyrics reminds me of a scene in "Bull Durham," when Susan Sarandon's trying to seduce Tim Robbins and is dressed all fabulous and asks, "Don't I look nice?" He says she looks "cute" and she gets indignant: "Cute?!? Baby ducks are cute! I want to be exotic and mysterious!" We all want to be exotic and mysterious too.

  7. Ooh! The moonflower looks beeyootiful. And is that a French manicure? :lol: It looks great! ;)


    I thought about taking pictures of a few plants yesterday because of your blog! It's been so hot and dry, but we have a couple of silverado sage bushes in front (very popular here) and they'll independently decide to bloom every couple of months with these really cute teeny purple flowers. Anyway, the big bush was blooming yesterday, but then they're gone and I'm sad.

  8. DH and I have a saying: "Everything comes back to Seinfeld." Name some weird personality quirk or awkward social situation, and "Seinfeld" probably addressed it.


    On the show there was a competing comedian named Banyan (spelling?) who worshipped Jerry and wanted to be like him. This woman sounds like that -- she mimics what others say because she wants to be liked, like you and the others are liked.


    Doesn't explain the food-smacking though, eww. No one likes food spraying everywhere

  9. Never underestimate the tunnel vision that some people will have ;) It seems like a few people who don't have much discretionary income (or claim not to, but find the funds for concerts, clothes, etc.) would rather focus the blame on someone else.


    At one point someone complained that the update posting early was a "bait and switch." :lol: Honey, you don't know the meaning of the phrase if you think such a magnificent, exciting update was done solely for the purpose of screwing a few whiners out of $2.50.


    OK, I feel better. Now back to reading these great descriptions and planning an order! ;)

  10. I know how you feel -- in a society where women are often defined by their uteri, if you decide not to have kids the first question is almost always "Why not?" It's your personal decision, just like your job.


    I guess it boils down to finding your own path -- if you are fulfilled in your marriage, your job, or your home, you most certainly are not a "slacker."

  11. :lol: You have a good memory! Reverend Jim was my favorite. The one bit I could remember was when Alex took Jim to take his driver's test. He's standing at the little counter taking the test and gets stuck, so tries to get Alex to help him:


    Jim: "Psst! What do you do at a yellow light?"

    Alex: "Slow down"

    Jim: "Whaaat dooo yooou dooo at a yellllllow liiiight?"

    Alex: "Slow Down!"

    Jim: "Whaaaaaaat dooooooo ... " etc.
