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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by dawndie

  1. I've never jumped in a decant circle, and that seems like a good way to try a bunch of the huge LE updates without buying every bottle. And Beth's little sidenote is what probably convinced me to retry 13 :)


    Thanks for the encouragement too! Boss Lady said that this coming week will probably be it for me. But I'll be calling the old job on Monday to let them know and hopefully they'll bite. Things should get interesting! :)

  2. I haven't *actually* checked openings at my old job, but I'm hoping if I call a couple of the attorneys I worked for, they'll want me back :) I have nothing against my old job, they treated the peons (i.e. the non-attorneys) really great and I would be happy to return.


    I never participated in an Inquisition, so this is exciting! It seems very popular, and can't wait to see what I get.

  3. FWIW, don't depend on insurance for a repair that isn't drop-dead important that you fix -- in other words, the car won't run without the repair. Next, it depends on your deductible whether you'll pay or insurance will pay. If your deductible is $500, the $70 just goes towards your deductible, so you'll pay the $70 and it will show as a "claim" on your insurance. Does that make sense? :)


    In conclusion: if it was my car and I wanted the windshield fixed, I would pay for it myself and keep the lower insurance rate. Just recently we had to pay over $400 to get a DEAD RAT out of DH's car, but since our deductible was $500 we would have to pay the $400 anyway.

  4. Darkity, I totally understand the fear -- there may be a fine line between collection and obsession, but there's no escaping the parents :) My parents left a set of pinochle cards with us, so we'd always have a set to use when they visit.


    Carwoman, please don't worry about "hoarding" your glassmaking supplies -- those are for your later creations! I wish I was more creative; I gotta hit the sewing machine and get some stuff made. I'm a slacker :)

  5. As usual, valentina says it better than I do: you'll always be your mom's daughter, and she may still see you as a six-year-old with gum in her hair (like me!) or a surly 15-year-old (also me!) and not as an independent *grown* woman.


    Personally, moving out at 20 and moving across the country at 24 was the best thing for the relationship with my parents -- it made seeing them and talking to them more special.

  6. I'm a little late to the discussion, but I swear when I was reading your post I was thinking, "Dang, she has more things happen to her in one day than I do all week!" It does sound like a Linklater movie! :twisted:


    I'm sure you project a strong energy which attracts people who don't have that energy -- and no, you're not expected to be Miss Ray of Fucking Sunshine every minute. Like in "Poltergeist" when the lost souls are attracted to Carol Anne's life force: "It's very strong, it gives off its own illumination." Yes, I can quote that entire movie.

  7. Yeah, I understand the quasi-anti-foody stance. That's why I don't buy pure foody products like Philosophy -- those are way too realistic-smelling and would only leave me craving sweets after the shower.


    But the BPAL blends are more ... mature? Sophisticated? Drunken boozy? They don't end up like food on me. For example, Sugar Skull sounded way too sweet, but I love it, it's like alcoholic hard candy.

  8. Ugh, I know how it is with finances. Even if I could order all these bottles now, I would feel so guilty and dread the inevitable credit card statement, the ulcer wouldn't be worth it. :eek: Hopefully there will be bottles and decants floating around for the ones we can't buy right now.
