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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by dawndie

  1. Glad you didn't slide or get smushed!


    I don't know where you live, but we've had unusually icy weather here in Texas, the worst since we moved here. I woke up Wednesday morning to icy sheets instead of roads (Tuesday night they were predicting we'd see "maybe a flurry" :lol:) but I drove to work anyway. I saw nary a treated road on the entire drive in, even through downtown. I'm in an Altima :eek:


    Texas is totally deluded in that when they do "treat" the roads and bridges, they use sand instead of ice melt or salt, presumably to save money. Um, sand doesn't melt ice :lol: I didn't realize Ohio was so advanced because they use all sorts of ice-melting technology to keep the roads safe. Then people here are shocked at the accident rate! Shocked!

  2. dawndie, admit it. You got the miniature Tomorrowland stuff not for any nostalgic future kitsch kick, but because you want to have a room set up with tiny things where you can feel like a GIANT!!! (We just finished off a gift basket at work that included these tiny pears that made us feel like viscious vegetarian Amazons.)

    RAAAARRRR!!! *stomp stomp* :lol:


    Oh, and I don't think Cordia's story about the Ark of the Covenant Water was there when I posted :think: I thought the Ark was full of sand when Indiana Jones found it? You might want to ask Melody about that :D

  3. I am just relieved when something is released, limited or otherwise, that I don't *need* or desire, so I don't obsess over buying it. Not that they aren't cute, but that's something that the cats would start trying to get at and claw and chew within, oh, 3 minutes? :hug:


    But to each his own: this is from the person who just ordered a set of Tomorrowland miniatures off disneyshopping.com, because I wanted my very own teeny Autopia car and Omnimover and House of the Future and Peoplemover :blush:

  4. Thanks babe! :hug: I'll feel more like celebrating when I start getting paychecks rolling in.


    What's the cliche, "better the devil you know than the devil you don't?" That's kind of how I feel -- while I'm not looking forward to the bureaucracy and hassle of a large law firm (200 attorneys), I know the drill already :blush:

  5. Our OMG PANIC cold snap happened a few nights ago. One poor "live, investigative" reporter had to stand out in what had to be the station's parking lot and keep track of a cup of water she had poured on the ground. :P

    :D I bet that was riveting television!


    One of our big freeway interchanges is called the High-Five, which is 5 layers of on-ramps and off-ramps stacked on top of each other. One station had a guy and camera outside reporting from the High-Five, I guess hoping for an ICY PLUNGE OF DEATH!!

  6. Yeah, I'd report her to the mods -- it's been 2 weeks since her last communication and her assurance that it was going to be sent that day.


    And I don't think reporting her is being bitchy -- from what I understand, the mods will make sure she's not able to swap on the forums until this problem is resolved. You're not demanding she be banned or anything.

  7. I love reprodepot.com fabrics too -- I buy them, and then don't want to cut them up, I like them so much :P


    And the reupholstering 'tweren't nothing. I can barely sew in a straight line, with the help of pins to guide me along. It's like baking, not an exact science.


    I heard a decorator/designer talking today, he said if a thing in your house isn't important and doesn't mean anything important, it shouldn't be there. So put everything out there! :D

  8. I'm agreeing -- we have a few Fleetwood Mac albums/CDs, but for the Lindsey Buckingham songs. She's OK singing in the background, but her voice has seriously gotten more weird and glottal over the years.


    BUT! On my list of people I want to be, if I had the superpower of time travel and possession, is her in the '70s -- Cocaine! California rock star! Sleeping with all your bandmates! :P

  9. We got XM radio about 1-1/2 years ago and I really enjoy it. DH had it installed in his car and they gave us a free portable one that he hooked up for my office. I preset all the alternative channels (which are named Lucy, Fred and Ethel, har!) and the decades ones, '40s through now. Plus jazz, bluegrass, alt-country -- it must be 90% music. I love flipping through them all; you never know what will be playing, plus no commercials! :)


    OK, body hair check: I haven't shaved my pits since the summer :thumbsup: It actually doesn't bother me one way or the other and DH doesn't care (at least no Sasquatch jokes yet). Plus you're right, it comes in pretty thin anyway.

  10. Oopsie! :thumbsup: I'm trying to talk myself out of ordering it later this month, i.e. "What if it smells nice because it's aged?" The imp is over 2 years old at this point, but I wrote down "BPAL incense that doesn't morph" when I first tried it.


    OK, I'll order a bottle if I start working by the end of the month before it goes away :)

  11. I never had an Opus doll, but we have a boatload of Far Side and Calvin and Hobbes anthologies, plus the Bloom County collection called "Billy and the Boingers Bootleg" -- Bill the Cat's punk band. It came with a little record, that 20 years later I have never removed and played. Ack!


    DH was on some rant last night, and I laughed that he came from a long proud line of Angry Irish Democrats. He remembered his grandmother saying, "I wouldn't vote for a Republican dogcatcher!"

  12. I'm so happy Puddin' Tom is fitting in. Yay for happy animal family! We have two old and crabby cats who wouldn't tolerate anyone else; they run and hide when someone knocks on the door, let alone sets foot inside. I like to hear about blended families.


    I really like your postings, actually -- and they're much better than Carrie Bradshaw's. Those would always revolve around some cliche or bad pun, like "to pee or not to pee?" Ugh.

  13. PQ is already reviewed! :) I've tried to immediately review all the bottles I get instead of procrastinating and then forgetting.


    Boss Lady said that I can leave Lappy on Friday and she swears her husband will do the data transfer that weekend and I could pick it up right after. *whew!*
