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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by cyphersushi

  1. cyphersushi

    Anne Bonny

    This was one of the scents I fell for just reading the description. So it had to be the first I tried... here goes my BPAL virginity! In the imp: It smells like standing on the deck of a wooden ship with a gentle wind blowing past. I never knew perfume could smell like this... Wet on the wrist: Lots of wood here.... pleasant wood absolutley. A bit later: There is that wiff of fresh air again... I don't know what note it is? Patcholi maybe? Dry: More incence now but still woody. It is a rather strong scent and I am happy I only put on a little. It smells real nice though. Stayingpower: I went swimming and I could smell the scent the whole time in the pool, even after showering I could detect it. Extra: A funny thing is that almost all the incense went away in the water but the woodyness stayed. I reapplied after showering and this time it seems to stay more woody. Maybe it has something to do with the chlorine resdue on my skin, or the fact that I used a diffrent shower gel... Something changed that is for sure, to the better in my opinion.