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BPAL Madness!


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About mouses

  • Rank
    casual sniffer
  • Birthday 10/16/1983


  • Location
    pacific northwest

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  • AIM
    kitchen bees
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  • Favorite Scents
    jack, o, port au prince, jailbait, midnight, march hare. peach, sweet sandalwood, vanilla, and rich creamy foody scents.

Profile Information

  • Interests
    gardening, going on adventures!, rasputina, veganism, knitting, blooming cherry trees.
  • Mood


  • Astrological Info
    i am a very typical libra.
  1. mouses


    Ultraviolet In the bottle: All I thought was, WHOA. This is a potent blend of mint and eucalyptus. The flowers are very subdued but work well-- they seem to tie it all together. Wet: Very minty-- it's got that cool sting of spearmint gum. If it weren't for the violet and neroli it might be a little too minty/astringent. 15 minutes dry: It's lost a little of that minty bite-- the floral notes are starting to peek out more. It's also grown (very slightly) musky. 40 minutes and beyond dry: Wow! On me it completely loses its mintiness. The flowers have taken over! It's really powdery and sweet and pale.. reminds me of violet-scented soap. Those first 20 minutes were really intense, but the light, wispy results were worth it.
  2. mouses

    Fire of Love

    Fire of Love In the bottle: strong, heady. Very musky and patchouli-ish, which unfortunately doesn't work well on me. I was afraid this scent would be too intense. Wet: sharp and pretty powerful. The patchouli note is slightly resiny. I noticed a bit of a smoky undertone, possibly sandalwood, as well. 15 minutes dry: the sandalwood's really started to take over. It's smoky, sticky, resiny. Patchouli's gotten much mellower. 40 minutes and beyond dry: very deep and sultry. It reminds me of Tombstone, actually. The patchouli is much, much mellower, almost completely gone; the sandalwood's pretty much all I can pick up on at this point. I was pleasantly surprised by how smoky and almost-sweet this scent turned out. It's a teeny bit too masculine on me, but I think it will work nicely on my boyfriend (who's a fan of Tombstone, as well).